public function store(Request $request) { $keys = 'name,fid,logo_aid'; $data = $this->autoValidate($request, '', $keys); Brand::create($data); return $this->success('', url('admin/brand')); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $brand = Brand::create(['name' => 'Opel', 'code' => '']); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Corsa', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Vectra', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Insignia', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Astra', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Mondeo', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); $brand = Brand::create(['name' => 'Audi', 'code' => '']); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'A1', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'A2', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'A3', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'A4', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'A5', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'TT', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'A6', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'A7', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'A8', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); $brand = Brand::create(['name' => 'Renault', 'code' => '']); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Clio', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Espace', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Kangoo', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Megane', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Laguna', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Modus', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Fluence', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); BrandModel::create(['name' => 'Captur', 'code' => '', 'brand_id' => $brand->id]); $brand = Brand::create(['name' => 'Fiat', 'code' => '']); $brand = Brand::create(['name' => 'BMW', 'code' => '']); $brand = Brand::create(['name' => 'Seat', 'code' => '']); }
public function add(Request $request) { // $this->validate($request, ['brand_name' => 'required']); $new_brand = ['brand_name' => $request->brand_name]; $brand = Brand::create($new_brand); return response()->json($brand); }
public function store(Request $request) { $keys = 'name,logo_aid'; $data = $this->autoValidate($request, '', $keys); $data += ['fid' => $this->factory->getKey()]; Brand::create($data); return $this->success('', url('factory/brand')); }
public function store(BrandFormRequest $request) { $page = 'partials.admin-addBrand'; $users = User::all(); $brand_name = $request->input('brand_name'); $brand_type = $request->input('brand_type'); Brand::create(['brand_name' => $brand_name, 'brand_type' => $brand_type]); return redirect()->route('admin.brandManagement'); }
public function store(BrandRequest $request) { $image_name = $request->input('name') . Carbon::now()->timestamp . "_" . $request->file('image')->getClientOriginalName(); $request->file('image')->move(public_path() . '/images/brands/', $image_name); $data = $request->all(); $data['image'] = $image_name; Brand::create($data); return redirect(url('brands')); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { DB::table('brands')->delete(); Brand::create(array('brand_name' => 'iPhone')); Brand::create(array('brand_name' => 'SamSung')); Brand::create(array('brand_name' => 'Sony')); Brand::create(array('brand_name' => 'Oppo')); Brand::create(array('brand_name' => 'Nokia')); }
public function store(BrandFormRequest $request) { $page = 'partials.admin-addBrand'; $users = User::all(); $brand_name = $request->input('brand_name'); // Nhận các giá trị từ trang thêm sản phẩm $brand_type = $request->input('brand_type'); // sử dụng lớp BrandFormRequest để kiểm tra các thông tin //Thêm mới sản phẩm vào bảng brands Brand::create(['brand_name' => $brand_name, 'brand_type' => $brand_type]); return redirect()->route('admin.brandManagement'); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['name' => 'required|max:255']); $input = $request->all(); $input['branch_id'] = Auth::user()->branch_id; $input['company_id'] = Auth::user()->company_id; $input['user_id'] = Auth::user()->id; $input['account_year_id'] = session('account'); Brand::create($input); flash()->success('Brand Created Successfully !'); return redirect('brand'); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['nama_brand' => 'required|max:200', 'image' => 'required|mimes:jpeg,bmp,png']); $data['nama_brand'] = $request->nama_brand; if ($request->hasFile('image')) { $data['logo_brand'] = $this->savePhoto($request->file('image')); } if (Brand::create($data)) { \Flash::success('Brand Berhasil Disimpan'); } else { \Flash::info('Brand Gagal Disimpan'); } return redirect('admin/brand'); }
/** * Store a newly created Cruiseline. * * @param Request $request * @param Cruiseline $brand * @return mixed */ public function store(CreateBrand $request) { $brand = Brand::create($request->all()); if ($request->hasFile('logo')) { if ($request->file('logo')->isValid()) { $logo = $request->file('logo'); $moveLogo = $logo->move(public_path() . '/uploads', $filename = time() . '-' . $logo->getClientOriginalName()); $brand->logo = $filename; } else { return redirect()->back()->withInput(); } $brand->save(); } return redirect('home/brands'); }
public function handleAction(Request $request) { $action = $request->input('_action'); if ($action == 'addCategory') { $this->validate($request, ['name' => 'unique:categories']); Category::create($request->all()); return response(['status' => 'success']); } else { if ($action == 'addBrand') { $this->validate($request, ['name' => 'unique:brands']); Brand::create($request->all()); return response(['status' => 'success']); } else { return response(['status' => 'error']); } } }
public function store() { $input = Input::all(); $file = Input::file('image'); $rules = array('image' => 'required|image', 'title' => 'required'); $niceNames = array('image' => 'brand image', 'title' => 'Title'); $validator = Validator::make($input, $rules); $validator->setAttributeNames($niceNames); if ($validator->fails()) { return Response::json(['success' => false, 'errors' => $validator->getMessageBag()->toArray()]); } else { $destinationPath = 'uploads/brands/'; $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName(); Input::file('image')->move($destinationPath, $filename); $create = Brand::create(['show' => 0, 'title' => Input::get('title')]); //when create a user, it will attach a member role $Brand = Brand::find($create->id); $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, ".")); $newFileName = basename($filename, $ext) . "_" . $Brand->id . "_" . date("Ymdhis") . $ext; rename($destinationPath . $filename, $destinationPath . $newFileName); Brand::where('id', $Brand->id)->update(['image_path' => $destinationPath . $newFileName]); return Response::json(['success' => true, 'message' => 'A Brand has been created!', 'file' => asset($destinationPath . $filename)]); } }
public function run() { DB::table('brands')->delete(); Brand::create(array('post_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Comedy Central')); Brand::create(array('post_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Netflix')); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { // Copy distributable storage folder if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { shell_exec('xcopy /H /E /Y ' . public_path('storage.dist') . ' ' . public_path('storage')); } else { shell_exec('cp -R ' . public_path('storage.dist') . ' ' . public_path('storage')); } Model::unguard(); // $this->call(UserTableSeeder::class); if (!DB::table('users')->count()) { User::create(['name' => 'Admin', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => Hash::make('admin'), 'twitter_id' => '', 'facebook_id' => '', 'gplus_id' => '', 'avatar' => '']); } if (!DB::table('roles')->count()) { Role::create(['name' => 'Admin', 'content_permission' => 'NONE']); Role::create(['name' => 'Backoffice User', 'content_permission' => 'ROLE']); Role::create(['name' => 'Registered', 'content_permission' => 'NONE']); } if (!DB::table('role_user')->count()) { DB::table('role_user')->insert([['role_id' => 1, 'user_id' => 1]]); } if (!DB::table('permissions')->count()) { Permission::create(['label' => 'Backoffice', 'http' => 'GET', 'route' => 'admin']); Permission::create(['label' => 'Pages List', 'http' => 'GET', 'route' => 'admin/pages/list']); Permission::create(['label' => 'Users List', 'http' => 'GET', 'route' => 'admin/users/list']); Permission::create(['label' => 'Roles List', 'http' => 'GET', 'route' => 'admin/roles/list']); Permission::create(['label' => 'Permissions List', 'http' => 'GET', 'route' => 'admin/permissions/list']); Permission::create(['label' => 'Site Brand', 'http' => 'GET', 'route' => 'admin/brands/list']); Permission::create(['label' => 'Delete Content', 'http' => 'GET', 'route' => 'admin/contents/delete']); Permission::create(['label' => 'Change Content Ownership', 'http' => 'GET', 'route' => 'admin/contents/ownership']); } if (!DB::table('permission_role')->count()) { DB::table('permission_role')->insert([['role_id' => 3, 'permission_id' => 1, 'access' => 'DENY'], ['role_id' => 2, 'permission_id' => 2, 'access' => 'DENY'], ['role_id' => 2, 'permission_id' => 3, 'access' => 'DENY'], ['role_id' => 2, 'permission_id' => 4, 'access' => 'DENY'], ['role_id' => 2, 'permission_id' => 5, 'access' => 'DENY'], ['role_id' => 2, 'permission_id' => 6, 'access' => 'DENY'], ['role_id' => 2, 'permission_id' => 7, 'access' => 'DENY'], ['role_id' => 2, 'permission_id' => 8, 'access' => 'DENY']]); } if (!DB::table('brands')->count()) { Brand::create(['name' => 'Brand', 'slogan' => 'Brand slogan...', 'description' => 'Brand description', 'keywords' => 'keyword', 'author' => 'author', 'logo' => 'picture.png', 'active' => 1, 'css' => '', 'config' => '']); } if (!DB::table('contents')->count()) { Content::create(['user_id' => 1, 'lang' => 'en', 'title' => 'Demo', 'seo_slug' => 'demo', 'seo_title' => 'Demo', 'seo_description' => 'Demo', 'seo_keywords' => 'demo', 'seo_author' => 'admin', 'seo_image' => 'picture.png', 'content' => '<p>Content...<br></p>', 'publish_start' => '2015-07-01', 'role_permission' => 'NONE']); } if (!DB::table('events')->count()) { Event::create(['content_id' => 1, 'start' => '2015-07-1', 'end' => '2015-07-2']); } if (!DB::table('locations')->count()) { Location::create(['content_id' => 1, 'address' => 'Lisbon, Portugal', 'lat' => '38.7222524', 'lon' => '-9.139336599999979', 'zoom' => 5]); } if (!DB::table('pages')->count()) { Page::create(['name' => 'demo_notfound', 'route' => 'page/notfound', 'active' => 1]); Page::create(['name' => 'demo_home', 'route' => 'demo/home', 'active' => 1]); Page::create(['name' => 'demo_content', 'route' => '{slug}', 'active' => 1]); Page::create(['name' => 'demo_events', 'route' => 'demo/events', 'active' => 1]); Page::create(['name' => 'demo_map', 'route' => 'demo/map', 'active' => 1]); Page::create(['name' => 'demo_webgis', 'route' => '/', 'active' => 1]); } if (!DB::table('projections')->count()) { Projection::create(['srid' => '3857', 'proj4_params' => '+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs', 'extent' => '-20026376.39 -20048966.10 20026376.39 20048966.10']); } if (!DB::table('layers')->count()) { $content = new Content(); $content->user_id = 1; $content->lang = 'en'; $content->title = 'Open Street Map'; $content->seo_slug = 'open-street-map'; $content->role_permission = 'NONE'; $content->save(); Layer::create(['user_id' => 1, 'content_id' => $content->id, 'projection_id' => 3857, 'type' => 'osm']); $content = new Content(); $content->user_id = 1; $content->lang = 'en'; $content->title = 'Markers'; $content->seo_slug = 'markers'; $content->role_permission = 'NONE'; $content->save(); Layer::create(['user_id' => 1, 'content_id' => $content->id, 'projection_id' => 3857, 'type' => 'geojson', 'geojson_geomtype' => 'Point', 'geojson_attributes' => 'label', 'geojson_features' => '{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-851576.57182518,4456806.642252369]},"properties":{"label":"Tavira"}}],"crs":{"type":"name","properties":{"name":"EPSG:3857"}}}', 'feature_info_template' => '<p>{{ item.label }}</p>', 'search' => 'label', 'ol_style_static_icon' => 'ol_style_static_icon.png', 'ol_style_static_fill_color' => '', 'ol_style_static_stroke_color' => '', 'ol_style_static_stroke_width' => '']); Layer::find(2)->saveGeoJSONFile(); } if (!DB::table('maps')->count()) { $content = new Content(); $content->user_id = 1; $content->lang = 'en'; $content->title = 'Map1'; $content->seo_slug = 'map1'; $content->role_permission = 'NONE'; $content->publish_start = '2015-07-01'; $content->save(); Map::create(['user_id' => 1, 'content_id' => $content->id, 'projection_id' => 3857, 'center' => '0 0', 'zoom' => 2]); // Add OSM layer $mapitem = new Layeritem(); $mapitem->map_id = 1; $mapitem->layer_id = 1; $mapitem->parent_id = 0; $mapitem->visible = 1; $mapitem->baselayer = 1; $mapitem->displayorder = 1; $mapitem->save(); // Add markers layer $mapitem = new Layeritem(); $mapitem->map_id = 1; $mapitem->layer_id = 2; $mapitem->parent_id = 0; $mapitem->visible = 1; $mapitem->baselayer = 0; $mapitem->displayorder = 1; $mapitem->save(); } Model::reguard(); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(BrandRequest $request, Brand $brand) { $brand->create($request->all()); flash('Brand has been added'); return Redirect::back(); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function store(Request $request) { $this->brands->create($request->only('name')); return \Redirect::route('admin.brands.index')->withMessage(trans('brand.brands-controller-successfully_created')); }
private function generateBrandSeed($name) { $brand = ['name' => $name]; Brand::create($brand); }
public function upload(Request $request) { Brand::create(['logo' => $this->UploadAndNameImage($request), 'visible' => false]); }
public function postCreate() { // create new brand in DB Brand::create(Input::all()); return Redirect::route('brands')->with('success', 'New Brand Added'); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $data = ['name' => $request->get('name')]; Brand::create($data); return redirect()->route('brand.index'); }