  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index(Request $request)
     if ($request->has('months')) {
         $months = $request['months'];
         session(["bill_months" => $months]);
     } else {
         if ($request->session()->has('bill_months')) {
             $months = $request->session()->get('bill_months');
         } else {
             $months = Carbon::now()->firstOfMonth();
     $bills = BillList::with('company')->whereMonths($months)->get();
     $sum = BillList::with('company')->whereMonths($months)->sum('fee');
     return view('bills.index')->with('bills', $bills)->with('sum', $sum)->with('month', $months);
 public function billUpload(Request $request)
     if ($request->hasFile('billfile')) {
         $company_id = $request->get('company_id');
         $date = Carbon::now()->format("Y_m_d");
         $path = base_path() . "/up/" . "BILL/" . $date . "/";
         $ext = $request->file('billfile')->getClientOriginalExtension();
         $extmine = $request->file('billfile')->getClientMimeType();
         $exts = collect(['application/vnd.ms-excel', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet']);
         if ($exts->contains($extmine)) {
             $request->file('billfile')->move($path, Carbon::now()->timestamp . "." . $ext);
             $filename = $path . Carbon::now()->timestamp . "." . $ext;
             /* Import Excel file*/
             Excel::load($filename, function ($reader) use($company_id) {
                 $rule = ['phone' => 'required|unique_with:bill_lists,months'];
                 $sheetsCount = $reader->getSheetCount();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $sheetsCount; $i++) {
                     $sheets = $reader->getSheet($i)->toArray();
                     $sheetCount = count($sheets);
                     for ($j = 1; $j < $sheetCount; $j++) {
                         $data['supplier'] = trim($sheets[$j][3]);
                         if ($data['supplier'] === '电信') {
                             $data['phone'] = $sheets[$j][0];
                             $data['fee'] = $sheets[$j][2];
                             $data['company_id'] = $company_id;
                             $data['name'] = $sheets[$j][11];
                             $data['months'] = explode(':', $sheets[$j][4])[0];
                         $validator = \Validator::make($data, $rule);
                         if ($validator->fails()) {
                         } else {
         } else {
             return back()->with('message', '文件格式不对');
     return back();