/** * Creates a new user model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @return mixed */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new user(); if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->usr_id]); } else { return $this->render('create', ['model' => $model]); } }
public function actionDdd() { //接收到值 $user = $_POST['user']; $email = $_POST['email']; $class = $_POST['class']; $emails = new user(); $emails->user = $user; $emails->email = $email; $emails->class = $class; if ($emails->save()) { echo "<script>alert('添加成功');location.href='index.php?r=email/index'</script>"; } else { echo "<script>alert('添加失败');location.href='index.php?r=email/index'</script>"; } }
public function CheckEmailInBD($attribute) { $userObj = user::find()->where(['email' => $this->{$attribute}])->one(); if ($userObj !== null) { $this->addError($attribute, 'email all ready taken'); } }
/** * Finds the user model based on its primary key value. * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown. * @param integer $id * @return user the loaded model * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found */ protected function findModel($id) { if (($model = user::findOne($id)) !== null) { return $model; } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.'); } }
/** * Creates data provider instance with search query applied * * @param array $params * * @return ActiveDataProvider */ public function search($params) { $query = user::find(); $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]); $this->load($params); if (!$this->validate()) { // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails // $query->where('0=1'); return $dataProvider; } $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => $this->id, 'status' => $this->status, 'created_at' => $this->created_at, 'updated_at' => $this->updated_at]); $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'username', $this->username])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'auth_key', $this->auth_key])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'password_hash', $this->password_hash])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'password_reset_token', $this->password_reset_token])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'email', $this->email]); return $dataProvider; }
/** * Creates data provider instance with search query applied * * @param array $params * * @return ActiveDataProvider */ public function search($params) { $query = user::find(); $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]); $this->load($params); if (!$this->validate()) { // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails // $query->where('0=1'); return $dataProvider; } $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => $this->id, 'online' => $this->online]); $query->andFilterWhere(['or', ['like', 'first_name', $this->userFullName], ['like', 'last_name', $this->userFullName]])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'gender', $this->gender])->andFilterWhere(['and', ['>=', '((UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`bd_date`))/60/60/24/365)', $this->min_year], ['<=', '((UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`bd_date`))/60/60/24/365)', $this->max_year]])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'country', $this->country]); return $dataProvider; }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Jaden Lemmon * Date: 2/11/16 * Time: 1:02 PM */ use app\models\user; $user = new user(); if ($user->logIn($data->username, $data->password)) { echo 'success'; } else { echo 'error'; }
public function editShow($id) { return view('userEditForm', user::find($id)); }
public function actionSaveUserData($user_id, $user_login, $user_fio, $user_position, $user_address, $user_phone, $user_roles, $user_password) { $auth = yii::$app->authManager; $roles = json_decode($user_roles); $transaction = user::getDb()->beginTransaction(); $user = user::findOne($user_id); $user->name = $user_login; $user->FIO = $user_fio; $user->position = $user_position; $user->address = $user_address; $user->phone = $user_phone; if (!$user_password == '') { $hash = Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generatePasswordHash($user_password); $user->password_hash = $hash; } $auth->revokeAll($user_id); foreach ($roles as $role) { if ($auth->getRole($role)) { $oRole = $auth->getRole($role); $auth->assign($oRole, $user_id); } } if ($user->save()) { echo 'Изменения сохранены'; $transaction->commit(); //print_r($auth -> getAssignments($user_id)); } else { echo 'Изменения НЕ СОХРАНЕНЫ'; } $transaction->rollBack(); //else print_r($user -> getErrors()); }
/** * @param \nodge\eauth\ServiceBase $service * @return User * @throws ErrorException */ public static function findByEAuth($service) { if (!$service->getIsAuthenticated()) { throw new ErrorException('EAuth user should be authenticated before creating identity.'); } $service_id = $service->getServiceName() . '-' . $service->getId(); // find user auth $user_auth = AuthRecords::find()->where(["id" => $service_id])->one(); // make new auth record and create user if (!isset($user_auth->user_id)) { $attributes = $service->getAttributes(); $nameFromService = isset($attributes['name']) ? $attributes['name'] : null; // add user $model = new User(); $model->username = $nameFromService ? $nameFromService : $service_id; $model->auth_key = md5($service_id); // set default pass for direct account access $password = $model->generatePass(); $model->password_hash = Yii::$app->security->generatePasswordHash($password); $model->save(); $user_id = $model->id; // add auth $new_auth = new AuthRecords(); $new_auth->id = $service_id; $new_auth->user_id = $user_id; $new_auth->attributes = serialize($service->getAttributes()); $new_auth->save(); } else { $user_id = $user_auth->user_id; } return user::findIdentity($user_id); }
<?php echo DatePicker::widget(['name' => 'tickets_date', 'value' => date('Y-m-d'), 'language' => 'ru', 'dateFormat' => 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'id' => 'tickets_date', 'class' => 'form-control']); ?>       <input id = "autoupdate_checkbox" type="checkbox" onClick = "autoupdate()"> Обновлять ежеминутно <br> <div class="panel-group" id = "tickets"> </div> </div> <div class = "col-md-3 main"> <strong><span id = 'add_device_legend' style = 'display: block; float: left'>Блокнот       <span id = "saved_sign" style = "display : none; color : green">Сохранено</span><span id = "not_saved_sign" style = "display : none; color : red;">Не сохранено</span></span></strong> <br> <textarea class = "form-control" id = "note" rows = "20" onInput = "save_note($(this).val())"><?php $user = user::findOne(Yii::$app->user->id); echo $user->note; ?> </textarea> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <strong><span id = 'add_device_legend' style = 'display: block; float: left'>Картриджи</span></strong>     <?php echo DatePicker::widget(['name' => 'cart_out_date', 'value' => date('Y-m-d'), 'language' => 'ru', 'dateFormat' => 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'id' => 'cart_out_date']); ?> <br> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <table style = "width : 100%"> <tr>
public function actionGetNote() { $user = user::findOne(Yii::$app->user->id); return $user->note; }
public function actionGetDevicesJson($room_id, $set_id = 11, $is_history) { if ($is_history === 'true') { $is_history = true; } else { $is_history = false; } $ggg = array(); $cond_array = array(); $ggg['devices'] = array(); // справочник типов устройств $types = deviceType::find(['id', 'value'])->all(); foreach ($types as $type) { $types_array[] = ['id' => $type['id'], 'value' => $type['value']]; } $ggg['device_types'] = $types_array; // справочник состояний $conditions = conditions::find()->all(); foreach ($conditions as $condition) { $cond_array[$condition['id']] = $condition['value']; } $ggg['conditions'] = $cond_array; // справочник партий $consignments = consignment::find()->all(); $consignments_array = []; foreach ($consignments as $consignment) { $consignments_array[$consignment['id']] = $consignment['name']; } $ggg['consignments'] = $consignments_array; // адрес комплекта $addr_set = sets::findOne($set_id); //$addr_dep = department::findOne($addr_set ->department_id); //$addr_build = building::findOne($addr_set -> building_id); //$addr_room = room::findOne($addr_set -> room_id); $addr_room = room::findOne($addr_set->room_id); $addr_build = building::findOne($addr_room->building_id); $addr_dep = department::findOne($addr_build->department_id); $ggg['area'] = array("department" => $addr_dep->value, "building" => $addr_build->value, "room" => $addr_room->value, "set" => $addr_set->name); // устройства // актуальные или из истории if ($is_history) { //$history_sets = sets::find($set_id) -> asArray() -> all(); //$history_sets = ArrayHelper::getColumn($history_sets, 'id'); //$history_sets = array_unique($history_sets); //$devices_in_history = deviceHistory::find( ['set_id' => $history_sets] ) -> asArray() -> all(); $devices_in_history = deviceHistory::find()->where(['set_id' => $set_id, 'room_id' => $room_id])->all(); foreach ($devices_in_history as $device_in_history) { $device = device::findOne($device_in_history->device_id); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //$dev_add_usr = user::find(['id' => $device -> add_username_id])-> one(); if (user::findOne($device_in_history->user_id)) { $dev_add_usr = user::findOne($device_in_history->user_id); $dev_add_user_name = $dev_add_usr->name; } else { $dev_add_user_name = 'Неизвестно'; } //print_r($dev_add_usr); $dev_model = model::findOne($device->model_id); //print_r($dev_model); $dev_type = deviceType::findOne($dev_model->type_id); $dev_mark = trademarks::findOne($dev_model->mark_id); array_push($ggg['devices'], array("add_date" => $device_in_history->date, "add_user" => $dev_add_user_name, "device_id" => $device_in_history->id, "device_model" => $dev_model->value, "device_type" => $dev_type->value, "device_trademark" => $dev_mark->value, "device_inv_no" => $device->inv_no, "device_ser_no" => $device->serial_no, "device_condition_id" => $device->condition_id, "device_consignment_id" => $device->consignment_id, "device_comment" => $device->comment)); // если тип устройства - системный блок. $sys_unit = sysUnitSpec::find(['device_id' => $device->id])->one(); $set_have_sys_unit = 0; if ($dev_type->id == 3) { if ($set_have_sys_unit == 0) { $ggg['sys_unit_spec'] = array(); $ggg['sys_unit_po'] = array(); } $set_have_sys_unit = 1; array_push($ggg['sys_unit_spec'], array("device_id" => $device->id, "cpu_id" => $sys_unit->cpu_id, "ram" => $sys_unit->RAM, "hdd" => $sys_unit->HDD)); $sys_unit_po = po::find(['device_id' => $device->id])->one(); array_push($ggg['sys_unit_po'], array("device_id" => $device->id, "type_id" => $sys_unit_po->type_id, "name_id" => $sys_unit_po->name_id, "licensed" => $sys_unit_po->licensed)); } if ($set_have_sys_unit) { // справочник процессоров $cpus = cpu::findAll(['active' => '1']); foreach ($cpus as $cpu) { $cpu_ref_array[$cpu['id']] = $cpu['name']; } $ggg['cpu'] = $cpu_ref_array; // справочник операционок $po_os = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '1']); foreach ($po_os as $po) { $po_os_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_os'] = $po_os_ref_array; // справочник офисных пакетов $po_office = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '2']); foreach ($po_office as $po) { $po_office_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_office'] = $po_office_ref_array; // справочник антивирусов $po_antivirus = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '3']); foreach ($po_antivirus as $po) { $po_antivirus_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_antivirus'] = $po_antivirus_ref_array; // справочник Специального ПО $po_special = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '4']); foreach ($po_special as $po) { $po_special_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_special'] = $po_special_ref_array; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } //$set_devices = device::findAll(['id' => ArrayHelper::getColumn($devices_in_history, 'device_id')]); } else { $set_devices = device::findAll(['set_id' => $set_id, 'active' => true]); foreach ($set_devices as $device) { //$dev_add_usr = user::find(['id' => $device -> add_username_id])-> one(); if ($dev_add_usr = user::findOne($device->add_username_id)) { $dev_add_user_name = $dev_add_usr->name; } else { $dev_add_user_name = 'Неизвестно'; } //print_r($dev_add_usr); $dev_model = model::findOne($device->model_id); //print_r($dev_model); $dev_type = deviceType::findOne($dev_model->type_id); $dev_mark = trademarks::findOne($dev_model->mark_id); array_push($ggg['devices'], array("add_date" => $device->add_date, "add_user" => $dev_add_user_name, "device_id" => $device->id, "device_model" => $dev_model->value, "device_type" => $dev_type->value, "device_trademark" => $dev_mark->value, "device_inv_no" => $device->inv_no, "device_ser_no" => $device->serial_no, "device_condition_id" => $device->condition_id, "device_consignment_id" => $device->consignment_id, "device_comment" => $device->comment)); // если тип устройства - системный блок. $sys_unit = sysUnitSpec::find(['device_id' => $device->id])->one(); $set_have_sys_unit = 0; if ($dev_type->id == 3) { if ($set_have_sys_unit == 0) { $ggg['sys_unit_spec'] = array(); $ggg['sys_unit_po'] = array(); } $set_have_sys_unit = 1; array_push($ggg['sys_unit_spec'], array("device_id" => $device->id, "cpu_id" => $sys_unit->cpu_id, "ram" => $sys_unit->RAM, "hdd" => $sys_unit->HDD)); $sys_unit_po = po::find(['device_id' => $device->id])->one(); array_push($ggg['sys_unit_po'], array("device_id" => $device->id, "type_id" => $sys_unit_po->type_id, "name_id" => $sys_unit_po->name_id, "licensed" => $sys_unit_po->licensed)); } if ($set_have_sys_unit) { // справочник процессоров $cpus = cpu::findAll(['active' => '1']); foreach ($cpus as $cpu) { $cpu_ref_array[$cpu['id']] = $cpu['name']; } $ggg['cpu'] = $cpu_ref_array; // справочник операционок $po_os = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '1']); foreach ($po_os as $po) { $po_os_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_os'] = $po_os_ref_array; // справочник офисных пакетов $po_office = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '2']); foreach ($po_office as $po) { $po_office_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_office'] = $po_office_ref_array; // справочник антивирусов $po_antivirus = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '3']); foreach ($po_antivirus as $po) { $po_antivirus_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_antivirus'] = $po_antivirus_ref_array; // справочник Специального ПО $po_special = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '4']); foreach ($po_special as $po) { $po_special_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_special'] = $po_special_ref_array; } } } echo json_encode($ggg); }
public function actionGetDevicesJson($consignment_id = 0, $search_str = '') { $search_str = trim($search_str); $ggg = array(); $cond_array = array(); $ggg['devices'] = array(); // справочник типов устройств $types = deviceType::find(['id', 'value'])->all(); foreach ($types as $type) { $types_array[] = ['id' => $type['id'], 'value' => $type['value']]; } $ggg['device_types'] = $types_array; // справочник состояний $conditions = conditions::find()->all(); foreach ($conditions as $condition) { $cond_array[$condition['id']] = $condition['value']; } $ggg['conditions'] = $cond_array; // справочник партий $consignments = consignment::find()->all(); $consignments_array = []; foreach ($consignments as $consignment) { $consignments_array[$consignment['id']] = $consignment['name']; } $ggg['consignments'] = $consignments_array; // устройства if ($consignment_id == 0) { $set_devices = device::find()->filterWhere(['like', 'inv_no', $search_str])->all(); } else { $set_devices = device::findAll(['consignment_id' => $consignment_id]); } foreach ($set_devices as $device) { //$dev_add_usr = user::find(['id' => $device -> add_username_id])-> one(); $dev_add_usr = user::findOne($device->add_username_id); if ($dev_add_usr) { $dev_add_usr_name = $dev_add_usr->name; } else { $dev_add_usr_name = ''; } //print_r($dev_add_usr); $dev_model = model::findOne($device->model_id); //print_r($dev_model); $dev_type = deviceType::findOne($dev_model->type_id); $dev_mark = trademarks::findOne($dev_model->mark_id); // адрес устройства $dev_set_id = $device->set_id; $addr_set = sets::findOne($dev_set_id); $addr_room = room::findOne($addr_set->room_id); $addr_build = building::findOne($addr_room->building_id); $addr_dep = department::findOne($addr_build->department_id); $dev_addr_str = $addr_dep->value . ' -> ' . $addr_build->value . ' -> ' . $addr_room->value . ' -> ' . $addr_set->name; array_push($ggg['devices'], array("add_date" => $device->add_date, "add_user" => $dev_add_usr_name, "device_id" => $device->id, "device_model" => $dev_model->value, "device_type" => $dev_type->value, "device_trademark" => $dev_mark->value, "device_inv_no" => $device->inv_no, "device_ser_no" => $device->serial_no, "device_condition_id" => $device->condition_id, "device_consignment_id" => $device->consignment_id, "device_comment" => $device->comment, "device_address" => $dev_addr_str)); // если тип устройства - системный блок. $sys_unit = sysUnitSpec::find(['device_id' => $device->id])->one(); $set_have_sys_unit = 0; if ($dev_type->id == 3) { if ($set_have_sys_unit == 0) { $ggg['sys_unit_spec'] = array(); $ggg['sys_unit_po'] = array(); } $set_have_sys_unit = 1; array_push($ggg['sys_unit_spec'], array("device_id" => $device->id, "cpu_id" => $sys_unit->cpu_id, "ram" => $sys_unit->RAM, "hdd" => $sys_unit->HDD)); $sys_unit_po = po::find(['device_id' => $device->id])->one(); array_push($ggg['sys_unit_po'], array("device_id" => $device->id, "type_id" => $sys_unit_po->type_id, "name_id" => $sys_unit_po->name_id, "licensed" => $sys_unit_po->licensed)); } if ($set_have_sys_unit) { // справочник процессоров $cpus = cpu::findAll(['active' => '1']); foreach ($cpus as $cpu) { $cpu_ref_array[$cpu['id']] = $cpu['name']; } $ggg['cpu'] = $cpu_ref_array; // справочник операционок $po_os = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '1']); foreach ($po_os as $po) { $po_os_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_os'] = $po_os_ref_array; // справочник офисных пакетов $po_office = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '2']); foreach ($po_office as $po) { $po_office_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_office'] = $po_office_ref_array; // справочник антивирусов $po_antivirus = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '3']); foreach ($po_antivirus as $po) { $po_antivirus_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_antivirus'] = $po_antivirus_ref_array; // справочник Специального ПО $po_special = po_name::findAll(['active' => '1', 'po_type_id' => '4']); foreach ($po_special as $po) { $po_special_ref_array[$po['id']] = $po['po_name']; } $ggg['po_special'] = $po_special_ref_array; } } echo json_encode($ggg); }
public function rules() { return [[['login', 'pass', 'email'], 'required', 'message' => 'Please choose this field'], [['login', 'pass', 'email', 'authKey'], 'string', 'max' => 255], ['login', 'unique', 'targetClass' => user::className(), 'message' => 'this login already exist.'], ['email', 'email'], ['email', 'unique', 'targetClass' => user::className(), 'message' => 'this email already exist.']]; }