  * @return true
  * @author 
 public function handlingnotif()
     // Set our server key
     Veritrans_Config::$serverKey = env('VERITRANS_KEY', 'VT_KEY');
     // Uncomment for production environment
     Veritrans_Config::$isProduction = env('VERITRANS_PRODUCTION', false);
     $waiting_transaction = Sale::status('payment_process')->get();
     foreach ($waiting_transaction as $key => $value) {
         $notif = new Veritrans_Notification(['transaction_id' => $value['ref_number']]);
         $transaction = $notif->transaction_status;
         if ($transaction == 'settlement') {
             $paid_data = new \App\Models\Payment();
             $payment['transaction_id'] = $value['id'];
             $payment['method'] = $notif->payment_type;
             $payment['destination'] = 'Veritrans';
             $payment['account_name'] = $notif->masked_card;
             $payment['account_number'] = $notif->approval_code;
             $payment['ondate'] = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($notif->transaction_time)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $payment['amount'] = $notif->gross_amount;
             $paid_data = $paid_data->fill($payment);
             if (!$paid_data->save()) {
                 return false;
     return true;
  * Veritrans Credit Card
  * 1. Check Order
  * 2. Save Payment
  * @return Response
 public function veritranscc()
     if (!Input::has('order_id')) {
         return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), 'Tidak ada data order id.');
     $errors = new MessageBag();
     //1. Validate Sale Parameter
     $order = Input::only('order_id', 'gross_amount', 'payment_type', 'masked_card', 'transaction_id');
     //1a. Get original data
     $sale_data = \App\Models\Sale::findorfail($order['order_id']);
     //2. Save Payment
     $paid_data = new \App\Models\Payment();
     $payment['transaction_id'] = $sale_data['id'];
     $payment['method'] = $order['payment_type'];
     $payment['destination'] = 'Veritrans';
     $payment['account_name'] = $order['masked_card'];
     $payment['account_number'] = $order['transaction_id'];
     $payment['ondate'] = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($order['transaction_time'])->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $payment['amount'] = $order['gross_amount'];
     $paid_data = $paid_data->fill($payment);
     if (!$paid_data->save()) {
         $errors->add('Log', $paid_data->getError());
     if ($errors->count()) {
         return response()->json(new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), $errors), 404);
     $final_sale = \App\Models\Sale::id($sale_data['id'])->with(['voucher', 'transactionlogs', 'user', 'transactiondetails', 'transactiondetails.varian', 'transactiondetails.varian.product', 'paidpointlogs', 'payment', 'shipment', 'shipment.address', 'shipment.courier', 'transactionextensions', 'transactionextensions.productextension'])->first()->toArray();
     return response()->json(new JSend('success', (array) $final_sale), 200);
Beispiel #3
 function countByAgentAndDateGroupByDate($agentId, $fromSql = null, $toSql = null)
     $r = Sale::where('user_id', $agentId)->where('sale_status_id', Config::get('constants.sale_status.sale'));
     if ($fromSql && $toSql) {
         $r->where('date_sold', '>=', $fromSql)->where('date_sold', '<=', $toSql);
     return $r->groupBy('date_sold')->select(['date_sold', DB::raw("count(*) as salesCount")])->orderBy('date_sold')->lists('salesCount', 'date_sold')->toArray();
Beispiel #4
  * Display the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function show($id)
     $sales = Sale::wherePaymentId($id)->with(['product' => function ($query) {
     $payment = Payment::whereId($id)->with('place')->first();
     return view('client.paymentinfo', compact(['sales', 'payment']));
Beispiel #5
 public function show($uid, $pid)
     return \App\Models\Sale::query()->with(['product' => function ($q) {
         $q->select('id', 'title');
     }, 'seller' => function ($q) {
         $q->select('id', 'username');
     }])->where('buyer_id', '=', $uid)->find($pid);
 public function getDetail()
     //$id = \Input::get('id');
     $input = \Input::all();
     if ($input['type'] == 'sale') {
         $detail = Sale::find($input['id']);
     } else {
         $detail = Purchase::find($input['id']);
     return \Response::json($detail);
 public function editSale()
     $input = \Input::all();
     $sale = Sale::find($input['id']);
     $sale->product_id = $input['productId'];
     $sale->date = $input['date'];
     $sale->quantity = $input['quantity'];
     $sale->total_price = $input['totalPrice'];
     $sale->unit_price = $input['unit_price'];
     return \Response::json($sale);
Beispiel #8
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     //truncate tables:
     \DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;');
     $tablesToReset = ['users', 'password_resets', 'products', 'sales', 'favourites', 'categories', 'product_categories'];
     foreach ($tablesToReset as $table) {
     \DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;');
     // categories:
     foreach ($this->categories as $category) {
         DB::table('categories')->insert(['name' => $category]);
     // users:
     $users = factory(App\Models\User::class, 8)->create();
     // products:
     $products = collect();
     for ($i = 1; $i < 40; $i++) {
         $seller = $users->random();
         $product = factory(App\Models\Product::class)->create(['seller_id' => $seller->id]);
         // product categories:
         $total = count($this->categories);
         $middleTop = ceil($total / 2);
         $product->categories()->sync([rand(1, $middleTop - 1), rand($middleTop, $total)]);
     // sales:
     $sales = collect();
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($products) * 2; $i++) {
         $product = $products->random();
         $buyer = collect($users)->forget($product->seller_id)->random();
         $sale = \App\Models\Sale::create(['buyer_id' => $buyer->id, 'seller_id' => $product->seller_id, 'product_id' => $product->id, 'price' => $price = $product->price, 'quantity' => $quantity = 1, 'total' => $price * $quantity, 'created_at' => $created_at = $faker->dateTimeBetween($product->created_at, 'now'), 'updated_at' => $created_at]);
     // favourites:
     $favourites = collect();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $favourites = [];
         $productsSelected = $products->random(rand(3, 5));
         foreach ($productsSelected as $product) {
             $favourites[$product->id] = ['created_at' => $faker->dateTimeBetween($product->created_at, 'now')];
Beispiel #9
  * Creates data provider instance with search query applied
  * @param array $params
  * @return ActiveDataProvider
 public function search($params)
     $query = Sale::find();
     // add conditions that should always apply here
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]);
     if (!$this->validate()) {
         // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails
         // $query->where('0=1');
         return $dataProvider;
     // grid filtering conditions
     $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => $this->id, 'product_id' => $this->product_id, 'day' => $this->day]);
     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'description', $this->description]);
     return $dataProvider;
Beispiel #10
  * Creates data provider instance with search query applied
  * @param array $params
  * @return ActiveDataProvider
 public function search($params)
     $query = Sale::find();
     // add conditions that should always apply here
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query, 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 10], 'sort' => ['defaultOrder' => ['updated_at' => SORT_DESC]]]);
     if (!$this->validate()) {
         // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails
         // $query->where('0=1');
         return $dataProvider;
     // grid filtering conditions
     $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => $this->id, 'date' => $this->date, 'total' => $this->total, 'created_at' => $this->created_at, 'created_by' => $this->created_by, 'updated_at' => $this->updated_at, 'updated_by' => $this->updated_by]);
     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'code', $this->code])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'customer', $this->customer]);
     return $dataProvider;
 function process($saleId, $statusId)
     $response = new ResponseEntity();
     try {
         DB::transaction(function () use(&$response, $saleId, $statusId) {
             $sale = Sale::find($saleId);
             if ($sale) {
                 $sp = new SaleProcessed();
                 $sp->qc_user_id = 1;
                 $sp->sale_status_id = $statusId;
                 $sp->user_id = $sale->user_id;
                 $sp->product_id = $sale->product_id;
                 $sp->customer_id = $sale->customer_id;
                 $sp->date_sold = $sale->date_sold;
                 $sp->order_number = $sale->order_number;
                 $sp->ninety_days = $sale->ninety_days;
                 $sp->remarks = $sale->remarks;
                 $sp->entered_datetime = $sale->created_at;
                 $ok = $sp->save();
                 if ($ok) {
                     $deleted = Sale::destroy($saleId);
                     if ($deleted) {
                         $response->setMessages(['Sale successfully processed!']);
                     } else {
                         $response->setMessages(['Failed to process sale!']);
                 } else {
                     $response->setMessages(['Failed to process sale!']);
             } else {
                 $response->setMessages(['Sale not available']);
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $response->setMessages(['Exception: ' . $ex->getMessage()]);
     return $response;
Beispiel #12
 public function index()
     $now = new \DateTime('now');
     $month = $now->format('m');
     $c = Purchase::get();
     $c1 = Physicalsale::get();
     $var = array($month);
     $spname = "salesreport";
     $c2 = Info::callinfo($var, $spname);
     $var1 = array($month - 1);
     $spname1 = "salesreportp";
     $c3 = Info::callinfo($var1, $spname1);
     $spname2 = "todaysales";
     $c4 = Combo::callcombo($spname2);
     $spname3 = "todaycash";
     $c5 = Combo::callcombo($spname3);
     $spname4 = "todaybankcollection";
     $c6 = Combo::callcombo($spname4);
     $spname5 = "todaycashcollection";
     $c7 = Combo::callcombo($spname5);
     $spname6 = "todaycontracollection";
     $c8 = Combo::callcombo($spname6);
     $spbkash = "todaybkashcollection";
     $bkash = Combo::callcombo($spbkash);
     $spsap = "todaysapcollection";
     $sap = Combo::callcombo($spsap);
     $spkcs = "todaykcscollection";
     $kcs = Combo::callcombo($spkcs);
     $spmbank = "todaymbankcollection";
     $mbank = Combo::callcombo($spmbank);
     // print_r($c4);
     $sales_info = Sale::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(5)->get();
     $purchase_info = Purchase::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(5)->get();
     $bankaccount_info = Bankaccount::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(5)->get();
     return view('home', compact('c', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'sales_info', 'purchase_info', 'bankaccount_info', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6', 'c7', 'c8', 'bkash', 'sap', 'kcs', 'mbank'));
Beispiel #13
  * observe payment event saving
  * 1. check haven't been paid
  * 2. recalculate shipping_cost
  * 3. act, accept or refuse
  * @param $model
  * @return bool
 public function saving($model)
     $errors = new MessageBag();
     if ($model->package == '') {
         $model->package = 'regular';
     //1. check haven't been paid
     if ($model->sale()->count() && !in_array($model->sale->status, ['na', 'cart', 'wait']) && isset($model->getDirty()['address_id'])) {
         $errors->add('Shipment', 'Tidak dapat mengubah destinasi pengiriman.');
     //2. recalculate shipping_cost
     if ($model->address()->count()) {
         $shippingcost = ShippingCost::courierid($model->courier_id)->postalcode($model->address->zipcode)->first();
         if ($shippingcost && $model->sale()->count() && $model->sale->transactiondetails()->count()) {
             $shipping_cost = $model->CountShippingCost($model->sale->transactiondetails, $shippingcost['cost']);
             $sale = Sale::findorfail($model->transaction_id);
             $sale->fill(['shipping_cost' => $shipping_cost]);
             if (!$sale->save()) {
                 $errors->add('Shipment', $sale->getError());
         } else {
             $errors->add('Shipment', 'Tidak ada kurir ke tempat anda (Silahkan periksa kembali kode pos anda).');
     } elseif ($model->sale()->count()) {
         $sale = Sale::findorfail($model->transaction_id);
         $sale->fill(['shipping_cost' => 0]);
         if (!$sale->save()) {
             $errors->add('Shipment', $sale->getError());
     if ($errors->count()) {
         $model['errors'] = $errors;
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #14
 public function setVerified($saleId)
     $response = new ResponseEntity();
     try {
         $sale = Sale::find($saleId);
         if ($sale) {
             $sale->verified = 1;
             $response->setMessage('Sale successfully verified!');
         } else {
             $response->setMessage('Sale not available');
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $response->setMessages(['Exception: ' . $ex->getMessage()]);
     return $response;
Beispiel #15
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getSale()
     return $this->hasOne(Sale::className(), ['id' => 'sale_id']);
  * observe transaction log event saved
  * 1. Check if transaction is sale
  * 2. act, accept or refuse
  * @param $model
  * @return bool
 public function saved($model)
     $errors = new MessageBag();
     //A. Check if transaction is sale
     if ($model->sale()->count()) {
          * Switch scheme
          * 1. current status = cart, save audit abandoned
          * 2. current status = wait, credit point, if full-paid-points,  change status to paid
          * 3. current status = paid, add quota and point for upline, then save audit payment
          * 4. current status = shipping, save audit shipping
          * 5. current status = delivered, save audit delivered
          * 6. current status = canceled, revert point paid, save audit canceled
         switch ($model->status) {
             case 'cart':
                 $prev_sale = \App\Models\Sale::notid($model->sale_id)->userid($model->sale->user_id)->status('cart')->first();
                 if ($prev_sale) {
                     $result = $model->ChangeStatus($prev_sale, 'abandoned');
             case 'wait':
                 $result = $model->CreditPoint($model->sale);
                 if (!$result && count($model['errors'])) {
                     return false;
                 if ($result == 0) {
                     $result = $model->ChangeStatus($model->sale, 'paid', 'Full Point', ' + 1 second ');
             case 'paid':
                 $result = $model->AddQuotaForUpline($model->sale);
                 if (!$result) {
                     return false;
                 $result = $model->AddPointForUpline($model->sale);
             case 'shipping':
             case 'delivered':
             case 'canceled':
                 $result = $model->RevertPoint($model->sale);
         if (isset($result) && !$result) {
             return false;
     if ($errors->count()) {
         $model['errors'] = $errors;
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #17
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getSales()
     return $this->hasMany(Sale::className(), ['product_id' => 'id']);
  * Display store customer order
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     if (!Input::has('order')) {
         return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), 'Tidak ada data order.');
     $errors = new MessageBag();
     $order = Input::get('order');
     $user_id = Request::route()[2]['user_id'];
     $order = Input::get('order');
     if (is_null($order['id'])) {
         $is_new = true;
     } else {
         $is_new = false;
     if (isset($order['voucher_code'])) {
         //a. check if voucher code is voucher
         $voucher = \App\Models\Voucher::code($order['voucher_code'])->type(['free_shipping_cost', 'debit_point'])->first();
         if (!$voucher) {
             //b. check if voucher is referral
             $voucher_data = \App\Models\Referral::code($order['voucher_code'])->first();
             if (!$voucher_data) {
                 $voucher_data = \App\Models\Voucher::code($order['voucher_code'])->type('promo_referral')->ondate('now')->first();
             if (!$voucher_data) {
                 return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), ['Voucher tidak valid.']);
             } elseif ($voucher_data->quota <= 0) {
                 $errors->add('Redeem', 'Quota referral sudah habis.');
             } else {
                 $store = \App\Models\StoreSetting::type('voucher_point_expired')->Ondate('now')->first();
                 if ($store) {
                     $expired_at = new Carbon($store->value);
                 } else {
                     $expired_at = new Carbon('+ 3 months');
                 //if validator passed, save voucher
                 if ($voucher_data['type'] == 'referral') {
                     $reference_id = $voucher_data['user_id'];
                     $reference_type = 'App\\Models\\User';
                 } else {
                     $reference_id = $voucher_data['id'];
                     $reference_type = 'App\\Models\\Voucher';
                 $point = ['user_id' => $user_id, 'reference_id' => $reference_id, 'reference_type' => $reference_type, 'expired_at' => $expired_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')];
                 $point_data = new \App\Models\PointLog();
                 if (!$point_data->save()) {
                     $errors->add('Redeem', $point_data->getError());
         } else {
             $order['voucher_id'] = $voucher['id'];
     if (isset($order['voucher_id']) && $order['voucher_id'] == 0) {
         $order['voucher_id'] = '';
     $order_rules = ['voucher_id' => 'exists:tmp_vouchers,id'];
     //1a. Get original data
     $order_data = \App\Models\Sale::findornew($order['id']);
     //1b. Validate Basic Order Parameter
     $validator = Validator::make($order, $order_rules);
     if (!$validator->passes() && !$errors->count()) {
         $errors->add('Sale', $validator->errors());
     } elseif (!$errors->count()) {
         //if validator passed, save order
         $order_data = $order_data->fill(['user_id' => $user_id, 'voucher_id' => isset($order['voucher_id']) ? $order['voucher_id'] : '0']);
         if (!$order_data->save()) {
             $errors->add('Sale', $order_data->getError());
     //2. Validate Order Detail Parameter
     if (!$errors->count() && isset($order['transactiondetails']) && is_array($order['transactiondetails'])) {
         $detail_current_ids = [];
         foreach ($order['transactiondetails'] as $key => $value) {
             if (!$errors->count() && isset($value['quantity']) && $value['quantity'] > 0) {
                 $detail_data = \App\Models\TransactionDetail::findornew($value['id']);
                 $detail_rules = ['transaction_id' => 'exists:transactions,id|' . ($is_new ? '' : 'in:' . $order_data['id']), 'varian_id' => 'required|exists:varians,id', 'quantity' => 'required|numeric', 'price' => 'required|numeric', 'discount' => 'numeric'];
                 $validator = Validator::make($value, $detail_rules);
                 //if there was detail and validator false
                 if (!$validator->passes()) {
                     $errors->add('Detail', $validator->errors());
                 } else {
                     $check_prev_trans = \App\Models\TransactionDetail::transactionid($order_data['id'])->varianid($value['varian_id'])->first();
                     if ($check_prev_trans) {
                         $detail_data = $check_prev_trans;
                     $value['transaction_id'] = $order_data['id'];
                     $detail_data = $detail_data->fill($value);
                     if (!$detail_data->save()) {
                         $errors->add('Detail', $detail_data->getError());
                     } else {
                         $detail_current_ids[] = $detail_data['id'];
         //if there was no error, check if there were things need to be delete
         if (!$errors->count()) {
             $details = \App\Models\TransactionDetail::transactionid($order['id'])->get(['id'])->toArray();
             $detail_should_be_ids = [];
             foreach ($details as $key => $value) {
                 $detail_should_be_ids[] = $value['id'];
             $difference_detail_ids = array_diff($detail_should_be_ids, $detail_current_ids);
             if ($difference_detail_ids) {
                 foreach ($difference_detail_ids as $key => $value) {
                     $detail_data = \App\Models\TransactionDetail::find($value);
                     if (!$detail_data->delete()) {
                         $errors->add('Detail', $detail_data->getError());
     //3. Validate Order Detail Parameter
     if (!$errors->count() && isset($order['transactionextensions']) && is_array($order['transactionextensions'])) {
         $extend_current_ids = [];
         foreach ($order['transactionextensions'] as $key => $value) {
             if (!$errors->count()) {
                 $extend_data = \App\Models\TransactionExtension::findornew($value['id']);
                 $extend_rules = ['transaction_id' => 'exists:transactions,id|' . ($is_new ? '' : 'in:' . $order_data['id']), 'product_extension_id' => 'required|exists:product_extensions,id', 'price' => 'required|numeric'];
                 $validator = Validator::make($value, $extend_rules);
                 //if there was extend and validator false
                 if (!$validator->passes()) {
                     $errors->add('Extend', $validator->errors());
                 } else {
                     $check_prev_trans = \App\Models\TransactionExtension::transactionid($order_data['id'])->productextensionid($value['product_extension_id'])->first();
                     if ($check_prev_trans) {
                         $extend_data = $check_prev_trans;
                     $value['transaction_id'] = $order_data['id'];
                     $extend_data = $extend_data->fill($value);
                     if (!$extend_data->save()) {
                         $errors->add('Extend', $extend_data->getError());
                     } else {
                         $extend_current_ids[] = $extend_data['id'];
         //if there was no error, check if there were things need to be delete
         if (!$errors->count()) {
             $extends = \App\Models\TransactionExtension::transactionid($order['id'])->get(['id'])->toArray();
             $extend_should_be_ids = [];
             foreach ($extends as $key => $value) {
                 $extend_should_be_ids[] = $value['id'];
             $difference_extend_ids = array_diff($extend_should_be_ids, $extend_current_ids);
             if ($difference_extend_ids) {
                 foreach ($difference_extend_ids as $key => $value) {
                     $extend_data = \App\Models\TransactionExtension::find($value);
                     if (!$extend_data->delete()) {
                         $errors->add('Extend', $extend_data->getError());
     //4. Check if need to save address
     if (!$errors->count() && isset($order['shipment']['address'])) {
         $address_data = \App\Models\Address::findornew($order['shipment']['address']['id']);
         $address_rules = ['owner_id' => 'exists:users,id|' . ($is_new ? '' : 'in:' . $user_id), 'owner_type' => $is_new ? '' : 'in:App\\Models\\Customer', 'phone' => 'required|max:255', 'address' => 'required', 'zipcode' => 'required|max:255'];
         $validator = Validator::make($order['shipment']['address'], $address_rules);
         //4a. save address
         //if there was address and validator false
         if (!$validator->passes()) {
             $errors->add('Sale', $validator->errors());
         } else {
             //if validator passed, save address
             $order['shipment']['address']['owner_id'] = $user_id;
             $order['shipment']['address']['owner_type'] = 'App\\Models\\Customer';
             $address_data = $address_data->fill($order['shipment']['address']);
             if (!$address_data->save()) {
                 $errors->add('Sale', $address_data->getError());
     //4b. save shipment
     if (!$errors->count() && isset($order['shipment'])) {
         if ($order_data->shipment()->count()) {
             $shipment_data = \App\Models\Shipment::findorfail($order_data->shipment->id);
         } else {
             $shipment_data = \App\Models\Shipment::findornew($order['shipment']['id']);
         $shipment_rules = ['courier_id' => 'required|exists:couriers,id', 'receiver_name' => 'required|max:255'];
         $validator = Validator::make($order['shipment'], $shipment_rules);
         //4c. save shipment
         //if there was shipment and validator false
         if (!$validator->passes()) {
             $errors->add('Sale', $validator->errors());
         } else {
             //if validator passed, save shipment
             $order['shipment']['transaction_id'] = $order['id'];
             if (isset($address_data['id'])) {
                 $order['shipment']['address_id'] = $address_data['id'];
             $shipment_data = $shipment_data->fill($order['shipment']);
             if (!$shipment_data->save()) {
                 $errors->add('Sale', $shipment_data->getError());
     //5. update status
     if (!$errors->count() && isset($order['status']) && $order_data['status'] != $order['status']) {
         //3a. check cart price and product current  price
         if ($order['status'] == 'wait') {
             foreach ($order_data['transactiondetails'] as $key => $value) {
                 $discount = $value['varian']['product']['promo_price'] == 0 ? 0 : $value['varian']['product']['price'] - $value['varian']['product']['promo_price'];
                 if ($value['price'] != $value['varian']['product']['price'] || $value['discount'] != $discount) {
                     $errors->add('Price', 'Harga item ' . $value['varian']['product']['name'] . ' telah berubah sejak ' . $value['varian']['product']['price_start'] . '. Silahkan update keranjang Anda.');
             foreach ($order_data['transactionextensions'] as $key => $value) {
                 if ($value['price'] != $value['productextension']['price']) {
                     $errors->add('Price', 'Biaya ' . $value['productextension']['name'] . ' telah berubah sejak ' . $value['productextension']['updated_at'] . '. Silahkan update keranjang Anda.');
                 if (!$value['productextension']['is_active']) {
                     $errors->add('Active', $value['productextension']['name'] . ' telah di non aktif kan sejak ' . $value['productextension']['updated_at'] . '. Silahkan update keranjang Anda.');
         if (!$errors->count()) {
             $log_data = new \App\Models\TransactionLog();
             $log_data = $log_data->fill(['status' => $order['status'], 'transaction_id' => $order_data['id']]);
             if (!$log_data->save()) {
                 $errors->add('Log', $log_data->getError());
     if ($errors->count()) {
         return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), $errors);
     $final_order = \App\Models\Sale::userid($user_id)->id($order_data['id'])->status(['cart', 'wait', 'payment_process', 'canceled', 'paid', 'shipping', 'packed', 'delivered'])->with(['payment', 'orderlogs', 'transactiondetails', 'transactiondetails.varian', 'transactiondetails.varian.product', 'shipment', 'shipment.courier', 'shipment.address', 'voucher', 'user', 'transactionextensions', 'transactionextensions.productextension'])->first()->toArray();
     return new JSend('success', (array) $final_order);
Beispiel #19
  * Store a sale
  * 1. Save Sale
  * 2. Save Payment or shipment
  * 3. Save Transaction Log
  * @return Response
 public function status()
     if (!Input::has('sale')) {
         return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), 'Tidak ada data sale.');
     $errors = new MessageBag();
     //1. Validate Sale Parameter
     $sale = Input::get('sale');
     if (is_null($sale['id'])) {
         return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), 'Tidak ada data sale.');
     } else {
         $is_new = false;
     //1a. Get original data
     $sale_data = \App\Models\Sale::findorfail($sale['id']);
     //1b. Check if there were statuses differences
     if ($sale_data['status'] == $sale['status']) {
         $errors->add('Sale', 'Tidak ada perubahan status.');
     //2. Check if status = paid
     if (!$errors->count() && in_array($sale['status'], ['paid'])) {
         if (!isset($sale['payment']) || is_null($sale['payment'])) {
             $errors->add('Sale', 'Tidak ada data pembayaran.');
         } else {
             $paid_data = \App\Models\Payment::findornew($sale['payment']['id']);
             $payment_rule = ['transaction_id' => 'exists:transactions,id|' . (!$paid_data ? '' : 'in:' . $sale_data['id']), 'method' => 'required|max:255', 'destination' => 'required|max:255', 'account_name' => 'required|max:255', 'account_number' => 'required|max:255', 'ondate' => 'required|date_format:"Y-m-d H:i:s"', 'amount' => 'required|numeric|in:' . $sale_data['bills']];
             $validator = Validator::make($sale['payment'], $payment_rule);
             //if there was log and validator false
             if (!$validator->passes()) {
                 $errors->add('Log', $validator->errors());
             } else {
                 $sale['payment']['transaction_id'] = $sale['id'];
                 $paid_data = $paid_data->fill($sale['payment']);
                 if (!$paid_data->save()) {
                     $errors->add('Log', $paid_data->getError());
     //2. Check if status = shipping
     if (!$errors->count() && in_array($sale['status'], ['shipping'])) {
         if (is_null($sale['shipment']['receipt_number'])) {
             $errors->add('Sale', 'Tidak ada nomor resi.');
         } else {
             $shipping_data = \App\Models\Shipment::id($sale['shipment']['id'])->first();
             if ($shipping_data) {
                 $shipment_rule = ['receipt_number' => 'required|max:255'];
                 $validator = Validator::make($sale['shipment'], $shipment_rule);
                 //if there was log and validator false
                 if (!$validator->passes()) {
                     $errors->add('Log', $validator->errors());
                 } else {
                     $sale['shipment']['transaction_id'] = $sale['id'];
                     $shipping_data = $shipping_data->fill($sale['shipment']);
                     if (!$shipping_data->save()) {
                         $errors->add('Log', $shipping_data->getError());
             } else {
                 $errors->add('Log', 'Shipment tidak valid.');
     //3. Check if status = others
     if (!$errors->count() && !in_array($sale['status'], ['paid', 'shipping'])) {
         $log_rules = ['transaction_id' => 'exists:transactions,id|' . ($is_new ? '' : 'in:' . $sale_data['id']), 'status' => 'required|max:255|in:cart,wait,payment_process,paid,packed,shipping,delivered,canceled,abandoned'];
         $validator = Validator::make($sale, $log_rules);
         //if there was log and validator false
         if (!$validator->passes()) {
             $errors->add('Log', $validator->errors());
         } else {
             $log_data = new \App\Models\TransactionLog();
             $log_data = $log_data->fill(['status' => $sale['status'], 'transaction_id' => $sale_data['id'], 'notes' => isset($sale['notes']) ? $sale['notes'] : '']);
             if (!$log_data->save()) {
                 $errors->add('Log', $log_data->getError());
     if ($errors->count()) {
         return new JSend('error', (array) Input::all(), $errors);
     $final_sale = \App\Models\Sale::id($sale_data['id'])->with(['voucher', 'transactionlogs', 'user', 'transactiondetails', 'transactiondetails.varian', 'transactiondetails.varian.product', 'paidpointlogs', 'payment', 'shipment', 'shipment.address', 'shipment.courier', 'transactionextensions', 'transactionextensions.productextension'])->first()->toArray();
     return new JSend('success', (array) $final_sale);
Beispiel #20
  * Finds the Sale model based on its primary key value.
  * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return Sale the loaded model
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found
 protected function findModel($id)
     if (($model = Sale::findOne($id)) !== null) {
         return $model;
     } else {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');
Beispiel #21
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $item['sales'] = Sale::all();
     return view('sales.index', $item);
Beispiel #22
  * generate unique number
  * @param model of sale
  * @return unique_number
 public function generateUniqueNumber($sale)
     if (!is_null($sale['unique_number'])) {
         $i = 0;
         $amount = true;
         while ($amount) {
             $prev_number = Sale::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->status('wait')->first();
             $limit = StoreSetting::type('limit_unique_number')->ondate('now')->first();
             if ($prev_number['unique_number'] < $limit['value']) {
                 $unique_number = $i + $prev_number['unique_number'] + 1;
             } else {
                 $unique_number = $i + 1;
             $amount = Sale::amount($sale->amount - $unique_number)->status('wait')->notid($sale->id)->first();
             $i = $i + 1;
         return $unique_number;
     } else {
         return $sale['unique_number'];
 public function download_csv_sales(Request $request, $id)
     if ($request->ajax()) {
         $search_value = $request->input('search_value');
         if ($search_value == NULL) {
             $download_csv_data = Factoryitem::sales($id);
             $item = Item::find($id);
             return response()->json(array('download_csv_data' => $download_csv_data, 'item' => $item));
         } else {
             $download_csv_data = Factoryitem::where('itemsid', $id)->where(function ($query) use($search_value) {
                 $query->where('slno', 'like', '%' . $search_value . '%')->orWhere('created_at', 'like', '%' . $search_value . '%');
             })->where('sale_product', 1)->get();
             if ($download_csv_data->count() > 0) {
                 foreach ($download_csv_data as $csv_data) {
                     $sale = Sale::find($csv_data->salesid);
                     $csv_data->invoice_no = $sale->name;
             $item = Item::find($id);
             return response()->json(array('download_csv_data' => $download_csv_data, 'item' => $item));