Beispiel #1
 public function run()
     DB::statement('TRUNCATE TABLE t_px_pjzb CASCADE');
     Pjzb::create(array('xh' => '一', 'mc' => '学习态度', 'px' => 1));
     Pjzb::create(array('xh' => '二', 'mc' => '学习过程', 'px' => 2));
     Pjzb::create(array('xh' => '三', 'mc' => '学习效果', 'px' => 3));
Beispiel #2
 public function run()
     DB::statement('TRUNCATE TABLE t_px_pjbz CASCADE');
     $pjzb = Pjzb::where('mc', '=', '学习态度')->first();
     $pjbz = new Pjbz();
     $pjbz->fill(array('xh' => '1', 'mc' => '尊师重教,遵守大学生行为规范', 'fz' => 10, 'px' => 1));
     $pjzb = Pjzb::where('mc', '=', '学习态度')->first();
     $pjbz = new Pjbz();
     $pjbz->fill(array('xh' => '2', 'mc' => '课堂纪律好,无迟到、早退及旷课现象', 'fz' => 10, 'px' => 2));
     $pjzb = Pjzb::where('mc', '=', '学习态度')->first();
     $pjbz = new Pjbz();
     $pjbz->fill(array('xh' => '3', 'mc' => '学习目的明确,态度端正,积极参与教学活动', 'fz' => 10, 'px' => 3));
     $pjzb = Pjzb::where('mc', '=', '学习过程')->first();
     $pjbz = new Pjbz();
     $pjbz->fill(array('xh' => '4', 'mc' => '认真听课,勤记笔记,主动提问,积极答问', 'fz' => 10, 'px' => 4));
     $pjzb = Pjzb::where('mc', '=', '学习过程')->first();
     $pjbz = new Pjbz();
     $pjbz->fill(array('xh' => '5', 'mc' => '能认真组织与课程相关的学习活动与创新实践', 'fz' => 10, 'px' => 5));
     $pjzb = Pjzb::where('mc', '=', '学习过程')->first();
     $pjbz = new Pjbz();
     $pjbz->fill(array('xh' => '6', 'mc' => '作业完成情况好,无抄袭等现象', 'fz' => 10, 'px' => 6));
     $pjzb = Pjzb::where('mc', '=', '学习过程')->first();
     $pjbz = new Pjbz();
     $pjbz->fill(array('xh' => '7', 'mc' => '能根据教师指导,认真查阅读课程参考文献与资料', 'fz' => 10, 'px' => 7));
     $pjzb = Pjzb::where('mc', '=', '学习效果')->first();
     $pjbz = new Pjbz();
     $pjbz->fill(array('xh' => '8', 'mc' => '整体学习成绩优良,学习效果好', 'fz' => 10, 'px' => 8));
     $pjzb = Pjzb::where('mc', '=', '学习效果')->first();
     $pjbz = new Pjbz();
     $pjbz->fill(array('xh' => '9', 'mc' => '能熟练掌握本门课程的基本理论与技能', 'fz' => 10, 'px' => 9));
     $pjzb = Pjzb::where('mc', '=', '学习效果')->first();
     $pjbz = new Pjbz();
     $pjbz->fill(array('xh' => '10', 'mc' => '能较好地运用所学到的知识分析和解决问题', 'fz' => 10, 'px' => 10));
Beispiel #3
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * @param int     $id
  * @return Response
 public function getEdit($id)
     $pjbz = Pjbz::find($id);
     $pjzbs = Pjzb::orderBy('mc', 'asc')->get();
     return view('pjbz/edit', ['title' => '编辑评价标准', 'pjbz' => $pjbz, 'pjzbs' => $pjzbs]);
Beispiel #4
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param int     $id
  * @return Response
 public function deleteDelete($id)
     $pjzb = Pjzb::find($id);
     if (is_null($pjzb)) {
         return back()->withErrors('没有找到评价指标');
     } elseif ($pjzb->delete()) {
         return redirect('pjzb/list')->with('status', '评价指标删除成功');
     } else {
         return back()->withErrors('评价指标删除失败');