  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $csv = Reader::createFromPath(storage_path('app/csv/allied_awards.csv'));
     // This will read the CSV as set of data into the listed array keys
     $awardsData = $csv->fetchAssoc(['awardType', 'isAllied', 'key', 'label', 'description', 'awardedTo', 'awardedBy', 'frequency', 'pri', 'awardReason', 'stat', 'country', 'branch', 'imageUrl'], function ($row) {
          * manipulate the incoming data as it is read. This is turn it into
          * a set of data which can be immediately added to our awards table
          * Note that the CSV reader is REALLY weird. The order in which you do
          * things in this function actually matters in the returned array.
         $drow = [];
         $key = snake_case(strtolower(trim($row[1])));
         switch ($key) {
             case 'aerialgunnerwings':
             case 'chiefgunnersmatebadge':
             case 'combatriflemanbadge':
             case 'expertmarksmanbadge':
             case 'fafacewingsbomber':
             case 'fafacewingsfighter':
             case 'fafnavalaviatorwings':
             case 'fafpilotwings':
             case 'fieldgunnerybadge':
             case 'flakscreenbadge':
             case 'guncrewbadge':
             case 'gunnersmatebadge':
             case 'paratroopwings':
             case 'rafbomberacewings':
             case 'rafnavalaviatorwings':
             case 'rafpilotwings':
             case 'seawolfbadge':
             case 'sharpshooterbadge':
             case 'tailgunnergoldwings':
             case 'tankdestroyerbadge':
             case 'tankhunterbadge':
             case 'transportpilotwings':
                 $drow['awardType'] = 'badge';
             case 'elitecommandoaward':
                 $drow['awardType'] = 'medal';
                 $drow['awardType'] = 'ribbon';
         $drow['isAllied'] = true;
         $drow['key'] = $key;
         $drow['label'] = trim($row[1]);
         $drow['description'] = trim($row[3]);
         $drow['awardedTo'] = strtolower(trim($row[4]));
         $drow['awardedBy'] = strtolower(trim($row[5]));
         $drow['frequency'] = strtolower(trim($row[6]));
         $drow['pri'] = trim($row[7]);
         $drow['awardReason'] = strtolower(trim($row[8]));
         $drow['stat'] = strtolower(trim($row[9])) == 'y';
         $drow['country'] = strtolower(trim($row[10]));
         $drow['branch'] = strtolower(trim($row[11]));
         $drow['imageUrl'] = trim($row[2]);
         return $drow;
     $client = new Client();
     foreach ($awardsData as $item) {
         // Takes the url of the image
         $path_parts = pathinfo($item['imageUrl']);
         // download the image and store it locally
         $local_path = storage_path('app\\img') . '\\' . $item['key'] . '.' . strtolower($path_parts['extension']);
         if (!file_exists($local_path)) {
             try {
                 $client->get($item['imageUrl'], ['save_to' => $local_path]);
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 // A problem with getting the image from the remote server
                 Log::error(sprintf('Unable to download %s to %s: %s', $item['imageUrl'], $local_path, $ex->getMessage()));
         // Make sure it doesn't try to the save the image to the database
         // Save the award to the database