public function renderDefault()
     $currentDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // povolene akce s aktualnim datem platnosti serazene od nejnovejsi
     $this->template->sales = $this->sale->where("enable != 0 AND ((start IS NULL AND end IS NULL) OR (start < '{$currentDate}' AND end > '{$currentDate}') OR (start IS NULL AND end > '{$currentDate}') OR (start < '{$currentDate}' AND end IS NULL))")->order('created DESC');
     $this->template->goodsRecommended = $this->goods->where('recommended != 0')->order('id DESC')->limit(6);
     $this->template->text = "";
     foreach ($this->article->where(['menu' => self::SALE_PAGE_MENU])->limit(1) as $a) {
         if (strip_tags($a->text)) {
             $this->template->text = $a->text;
 public function renderDefault()
     $this->template->goodsRecommended = $this->goods->where('recommended != 0')->order('id DESC')->limit(12);
 public function renderFilter($categoryId = null, $manufacturerId = null)
     $this->template->goodsRecommended = array();
     $this->template->goodsOther = array();
     $this->template->selectedCategoryId = $categoryId;
     $this->template->selectedSubcategoryId = $categoryId;
     $this->template->selectedManufacturerId = $manufacturerId;
     if ($categoryId && $manufacturerId) {
         $category = $this->category->createSelectionInstance()->get($categoryId);
         $manufacturer = $this->manufacturer->get($manufacturerId);
         if (!$category || !$manufacturer) {
             $this->flashMessage('Kategorie nebo výrobce nebyl nalezen.', 'warning');
         } else {
             $parentCategory = $category->parent ? $this->category->createSelectionInstance()->get($category->parent) : null;
             $this->template->filterName = ($parentCategory ? $parentCategory->name . ' - ' : '') . $category->name . " od " . $manufacturer->name;
             $this->template->og = ['title' => $this->template->filterName . ' -', 'description' => strip_tags($category->description)];
             $in = $category . ',';
             $subcategories = $category->related('category.parent');
             foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
                 $in .= $subcategory . ',';
             $in = rtrim($in, ',');
             $sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM category_goods cg\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN goods g ON cg.`goods_id` =\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN category c ON cg.`category_id` =\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE cg.`category_id` IN ({$in}) AND g.`manufacturer_id` = {$manufacturerId} AND g.recommended = ";
             $this->template->goodsRecommended = $this->good->createSelectionInstance()->where('id', $this->database->getConnection()->query($sql . "1 GROUP BY id")->fetchPairs());
             $this->template->goodsOther = $this->good->createSelectionInstance()->where('id', $this->database->getConnection()->query($sql . "0 GROUP BY id")->fetchPairs());
             if ($category->parent) {
                 $this->template->selectedCategoryId = $category->parent;
                 $this->template->selectedSubCategoryId = $categoryId;
             } else {
                 $this->template->selectedCategoryId = $categoryId;
     } elseif ($categoryId) {
         $category = $this->category->createSelectionInstance()->get($categoryId);
         if (!$category) {
             $this->flashMessage('Kategorie nebyla nalezena.', 'warning');
         } else {
             $parentCategory = $category->parent ? $this->category->createSelectionInstance()->get($category->parent) : null;
             $this->template->filterName = ($parentCategory ? $parentCategory->name . ' - ' : '') . $category->name;
             $this->template->og = ['title' => $this->template->filterName . ' -', 'description' => strip_tags($category->description)];
             $in = $category . ',';
             $subcategories = $category->related('category.parent');
             foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
                 $in .= $subcategory . ',';
             $in = rtrim($in, ',');
             $sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM category_goods cg\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN goods g ON cg.`goods_id` =\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN category c ON cg.`category_id` =\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE cg.`category_id` IN ({$in}) AND g.recommended = ";
             $this->template->goodsRecommended = $this->good->createSelectionInstance()->where('id', $this->database->getConnection()->query($sql . "1 GROUP BY id")->fetchPairs());
             $this->template->goodsOther = $this->good->createSelectionInstance()->where('id', $this->database->getConnection()->query($sql . "0 GROUP BY id")->fetchPairs());
             if ($category->parent) {
                 $this->template->selectedCategoryId = $category->parent;
                 $this->template->selectedSubCategoryId = $categoryId;
             } else {
                 $this->template->selectedCategoryId = $categoryId;
     } elseif ($manufacturerId) {
         $manufacturer = $this->manufacturer->get($manufacturerId);
         if (!$manufacturer) {
             $this->flashMessage('Výrobce nebyl nalezen.', 'warning');
         } else {
             $this->template->filterName = $manufacturer->name;
             $this->template->goodsRecommended = $this->good->where('manufacturer_id = ? AND recommended != 0', $manufacturerId)->order('id DESC');
             $this->template->goodsOther = $this->good->createSelectionInstance()->where('manufacturer_id = ? AND recommended = 0', $manufacturerId)->order('id DESC');
             $this->template->selectedManufacturer = $manufacturerId;
             $this->template->og = ['title' => $this->template->filterName . ' -', 'description' => strip_tags($manufacturer->description)];
     } else {
Beispiel #4
 public function index(Request $request)
     $start = $request->input('start', 0);
     $length = $request->input('length', 5);
     $draw = $request->input('draw', 1);
     $show_putaway = $request->input('show_putaway', 0);
     $category_id = $request->input('category_id');
     if ($category_id != null) {
         if ($show_putaway == 0) {
             $goods = Goods::where('is_putaway', 1);
             $goods = $goods->where('category_id', $category_id);
         } else {
             $goods = Goods::where('category_id', $category_id);
         $count = $goods->count();
         $goods->skip($start)->take($length)->orderBy('id', 'desc');
     } else {
         if ($show_putaway == 0) {
             $goods = Goods::where('is_putaway', 1);
             $count = $goods->count();
             $goods = $goods->skip($start)->take($length)->orderBy('id', 'desc');
         } else {
             $goods = Goods::orderBy('', 'desc');
             $keywords = $request->input('key_words');
             if ($keywords != null && $keywords != '') {
                 $goods = $goods->where('', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%')->orWhere('goods.goods_description', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%');
             $baoyou = $request->input('baoyou');
             if ($baoyou != 0) {
                 $goods = $goods->join('free_post_goods', 'free_post_goods.goods_id', '=', '');
             $baopin = $request->input('baopin');
             if ($baopin != 0) {
                 $goods = $goods->join('conversion_goods', 'conversion_goods.goods_id', '=', '');
             $guanlian = $request->input('guanlian');
             if ($guanlian != 0) {
                 $goods = $goods->join('theme_goods', 'theme_goods.goods_id', '=', '');
             $fenlei = $request->input('fenlei');
             if ($fenlei != -1) {
                 $goods = $goods->join('activity_classification_goods', 'activity_classification_goods.goods_id', '=', '')->where('activity_classification_goods.activity_classification_id', '=', $fenlei);
             $presell = $request->input('presell');
             if ($presell != 0) {
                 $goods = $goods->where('goods.is_presell', '=', 1);
             $goods = $goods->select('goods.*');
             $count = $goods->count();
             $goods = $goods->skip($start)->take($length);
     $goods = $goods->get();
     $arrGoodsList = [];
     foreach ($goods as $g) {
         $arrGoods['id'] = $g->id;
         $arrGoods['name'] = $g->name;
         $arrGoods['price'] = $g->price;
         $arrGoods['original_price'] = $g->original_price;
         $arrGoods['use_coupon'] = $g->use_coupon;
         $arrGoods['coupon_amount'] = $g->coupon_amount;
         $arrGoods['express_way'] = $g->express_way;
         $arrGoods['express_fee'] = $g->express_fee;
         $arrGoods['returned_goods'] = $g->returned_goods;
         $arrGoods['is_putaway'] = $g->is_putaway;
         $arrGoodsList[] = $arrGoods;
     echo json_encode(array("draw" => intval($draw), "recordsTotal" => intval($count), "recordsFiltered" => intval($count), "data" => $arrGoodsList));
Beispiel #5
  * @SWG\Api(
  *   path="/search",
  *   description="搜索(新20160216)",
  *   @SWG\Operation(
  *     method="GET", summary="获得搜索列表", notes="获得搜索列表",
  *     type="array",
  *     @SWG\ResponseMessage(code=0, message="成功"),
  *     @SWG\Parameter(
  *         name="user_id",
  *         description="用户id",
  *         paramType="query",
  *         required=false,
  *         allowMultiple=false,
  *         type="integer",
  *         defaultValue=-1
  *     ),@SWG\Parameter(
  *         name="device_token",
  *         description="设备号",
  *         paramType="query",
  *         required=true,
  *         allowMultiple=false,
  *         type="integer"
  *     ),@SWG\Parameter(
  *         name="type",
  *         description="搜索类型,0:商品,1:主题",
  *         paramType="query",
  *         required=false,
  *         allowMultiple=false,
  *         type="integer",
  *         defaultValue=0
  *     ),@SWG\Parameter(
  *         name="keywords",
  *         description="搜索关键字",
  *         paramType="query",
  *         required=true,
  *         allowMultiple=false,
  *         type="string"
  *     ),
  *     @SWG\Parameter(
  *         name="PageNum",
  *         description="分页开始位置",
  *         paramType="query",
  *         required=false,
  *         allowMultiple=false,
  *         type="integer",
  *         defaultValue=1
  *     ),@SWG\Parameter(
  *         name="PerPage",
  *         description="取得长度",
  *         paramType="query",
  *         required=false,
  *         allowMultiple=false,
  *         type="integer",
  *         defaultValue=10
  *     )
  *   )
  * )
 public function index(Request $request)
     $start = $request->input('PageNum', 0);
     $length = $request->input('PerPage', 10);
     $type = $request->input('type', 0);
     //0--->商品 1--->主题
     $keywords = $request->input('keywords', '');
     $user_id = $request->input('user_id', -1);
     $device_token = $request->input('device_token');
     $response = new BaseResponse();
     $start = ($start - 1) * $length;
     if ($type == 0) {
         $goods = Goods::where('name', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%')->orWhere('goods_description', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%');
         $total = $goods->count();
         $goods = $goods->skip($start)->take($length)->orderBy('id', 'desc');
         $rows = $goods->get()->toArray();
     } else {
         $themes = Themes::where('title', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%')->orWhere('subhead', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%')->orWhere('themes_description', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%');
         $total = $themes->count();
         $themes = $themes->skip($start)->take($length)->orderBy('id', 'desc');
         $rows = $themes->get()->toArray();
     foreach ($rows as &$v) {
         $v['has_collection'] = 0;
         if ($user_id != -1 && $user_id != 0) {
             $collection = Collection::where('user_id', $user_id)->where('type', $type)->where('id', $v['id'])->first();
             if ($collection != null) {
                 $v['has_collection'] = 1;
     $searchRecords = new SearchRecords();
     $searchRecords->user_id = $user_id;
     $searchRecords->device_token = $device_token;
     $searchRecords->keywords = $keywords;
     $response->rows = $rows;
     $response->total = $total;
     return $response->toJson();