  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @param type Languages $language
  * @param type Template $template
  * @return type Response
 public function create(Languages $language, Template $template)
     try {
         $templates = $template->get();
         $languages = $language->get();
         return view('themes.default1.admin.helpdesk.emails.template.create', compact('languages', 'templates'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return view('404');
  * get the form for Email setting page
  * @param type Email $email
  * @param type Template $template
  * @param type Emails $email1
  * @return type Response
 public function getemail(Email $email, Template $template, Emails $email1)
     try {
         /* fetch the values of email from Email table */
         $emails = $email->whereId('1')->first();
         /* Fetch the values from Template table */
         $templates = $template->get();
         /* Fetch the values from Emails table */
         $emails1 = $email1->get();
         /* Direct to Email Settings Page */
         return view('themes.default1.admin.helpdesk.settings.email', compact('emails', 'templates', 'emails1'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return view('404');
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * @param type int $id
  * @param type User $user
  * @param type Group_assign_department $group_assign_department
  * @param type Template $template
  * @param type Teams $team
  * @param type Department $department
  * @param type Sla_plan $sla
  * @param type Emails $email
  * @param type Groups $group
  * @return type Response
 public function edit($id, User $user, Group_assign_department $group_assign_department, Template $template, Teams $team, Department $department, Sla_plan $sla, Emails $email, Groups $group)
     try {
         $slas = $sla->get();
         $user = $user->where('role', 'agent')->get();
         $emails = $email->get();
         $templates = $template->get();
         $departments = $department->whereId($id)->first();
         $groups = $group->lists('id', 'name');
         $assign = $group_assign_department->where('department_id', $id)->lists('group_id');
         return view('themes.default1.admin.helpdesk.agent.departments.edit', compact('assign', 'team', 'templates', 'departments', 'slas', 'user', 'emails', 'groups'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return view('404');