  * Serve nginx site configuration file as html
  * @param string $filename Name of the nginx site file (without path).
  * @return void
 public function file($filename)
     $content = CakeboxUtility::getFileContent("/etc/nginx/sites-available/{$filename}");
     if (!$content) {
         throw new NotFoundException();
     $this->set(['content' => $content, '_serialize' => ['content']]);
Beispiel #2
  * Install a software package from the Ubuntu Package archive.
  * @param string $package Name of package to install  as used by `apt-get install`.
  * @return void
 public function add($package)
     $this->logStart("Please wait... installing apt package {$package}");
     if (CakeboxUtility::packageInstalled($package)) {
         $this->exitBashWarning("* Skipping: package already installed");
     if (!$this->Execute->installPackage($package)) {
         $this->exitBashError('Error installing package.');
     $this->exitBashSuccess("Package installed successfully.");
Beispiel #3
  * Remove/drop a database and related test-database.
  * @param string $database Name of main database.
  * @return void
 public function remove($database)
     $this->logStart("Dropping databases {$database} and test_{$database}");
     if (!CakeboxUtility::databaseExists($database)) {
         $this->exitBashWarning("* Skipping: database does not exist.");
     if (CakeboxUtility::dropDatabase($database) == false) {
         $this->exitBashError("Error dropping databases");
     $this->exitBashSuccess("Databases dropped successfully");
Beispiel #4
  * Box-fix: composer update globally installed cakephp-codesniffer
  * by updating version in composer.json (if needed) and then running
  * composer update.
  * @return boolean True on success
 protected function _updateCakephpCodeSniffer()
     $this->logInfo('Updating CakePHP Code Sniffer');
     // update package version in composer.json to 2.*
     $path = '/opt/composer-libraries/cakephp_codesniffer';
     $requiredVersion = '2.*';
     $result = CakeboxUtility::updateConfigFile("{$path}/composer.json", ['2.*@dev' => '2.*'], true);
     // composer update CakePHP Coding Standard
     $this->logInfo('* Composer updating');
     $command = "composer update --no-dev --working-dir {$path}";
     if (!$this->Execute->shell($command, 'root')) {
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #5
  * Turn cakebox-console debug mode on/off by replacing value in app.php.
  * @param string $mode String containing either 'on' or 'off'
  * @return boolean True on success
 public function debug($mode)
     $appConfig = '/cakebox/console/config/app.php';
     // enable debug mode
     if ($mode === 'on') {
         $this->out("Enabling Cakebox debug mode");
         if (!CakeboxUtility::updateConfigFile($appConfig, ["'debug' => false" => "'debug' => true"])) {
             $this->exitBashError("Error enabling Cakebox debug mode.");
         $this->exitBashSuccess("Command completed successfully");
         return true;
     // disable debug mode
     $this->out("Disabling Cakebox debug mode");
     if (!CakeboxUtility::updateConfigFile($appConfig, ["'debug' => true" => "'debug' => false"])) {
         $this->exitBashError("Error disabling Cakebox debug mode.");
     $this->exitBashSuccess("Command completed successfully");
     return true;
  * Convenience function to update all required CakePHP2 configuration files.
  * @param string $appdir Full path to the application directory (APP).
  * @param string $url FQDN used to expose the application.
  * @return boolean True if the file was updated successfully
 public function updateCake2Configuration($appdir, $url)
     # Update salt/cipher in core.php
     $this->_log("Updating core.php");
     $coreFile = $appdir . DS . "app" . DS . "Config" . DS . "core.php";
     $res = CakeboxUtility::updateConfigFile($coreFile, [$this->Info->frameworkMeta['cakephp2']['salt'] => CakeboxUtility::getSaltCipher($coreFile), $this->Info->frameworkMeta['cakephp2']['cipher'] => CakeboxUtility::getSaltCipher($coreFile)]);
     if (!$res) {
         $this->_error("Error updating core file");
         return false;
     // create database.php
     $dbFileSource = $appdir . DS . "app" . DS . "Config" . DS . "database.php.default";
     $dbFileTarget = $appdir . DS . "app" . DS . "Config" . DS . "database.php";
     if (!file_exists($dbFileTarget)) {
         copy($dbFileSource, $dbFileTarget);
         $this->_log("Created database file `{$dbFileTarget}`");
     # update database.php
     $this->_log("Updating database.php");
     $database = CakeboxUtility::normalizeDatabaseName($url);
     $result = CakeboxUtility::updateConfigFile($dbFileTarget, ['test_database_name' => 'test_' . $database, 'database_name' => $database, 'user' => 'cakebox', "'password' => 'password'" => "'password' => 'secret'"]);
     if (!$result) {
         $this->_error("Error updating database file");
         return false;
     # Enable debugkit in bootstrap.php
     $this->_log("Enabling DebugKit");
     $bootstrapFile = $appdir . DS . "app" . DS . "Config" . DS . "bootstrap.php";
     $fh = new File($bootstrapFile);
     return true;
  * Set permissions on writebale directories for known frameworks.
  * @return boolean True if permissions were skipped OR set succesfully
  * @throws Cake\Core\Exception\Exception
 public function setPermissions()
     Log::debug("Updating directory permissions");
     # Skip if no framework was detected
     if (!isset($this->options['framework_short'])) {
         Log::debug("* Skipping: unsupported/empty framework");
         return true;
     # Skip if the framework does not use writable directories
     if (!isset($this->Info->frameworkMeta[$this->options['framework_short']]['writable_dirs'])) {
         Log::debug("* Skipping: framework does not use writeable directories");
         return true;
     # Set permissions
     Log::debug("* Applying " . $this->options['framework_short'] . " folder permissions");
     foreach ($this->Info->frameworkMeta[$this->options['framework_short']]['writable_dirs'] as $directory) {
         if (!CakeboxUtility::setFolderPermissions($this->options['path'] . DS . $directory)) {
             throw new Exception("Error setting permissions.");
     return true;
Beispiel #8
  * Get the common framework name used by an application by concatenating it's
  * framework name and major version (e.g. cakephp2, cakephp3, laravel4)
  * @param string $appdir Full path to the application's root directory.
  * @return array|bool Single dimensional array with key/value pair collections, false on fails
 public function getFrameworkCommonName($appdir)
     $framework = $this->getFrameworkName($appdir);
     $majorVersion = CakeboxUtility::getMajorVersion($this->getFrameworkVersion($appdir));
     return $framework . $majorVersion;
  * Install and configure a PHP framework application using Nginx and MySQL.
  * @param string $url Fully Qualified Domain Name used to expose the site.
  * @return void
 public function add($url)
     if ($this->params['repair']) {
         $this->logStart("Repairing application http://{$url}");
     } else {
         $this->logStart("Creating application http://{$url}");
     if ($url == 'default') {
         $this->exitBashError("Cannot use 'default' as <url> as this would overwrite the default Cakebox site.");
     # Feed the installer with all required information
     $installer = new CakeboxFrameworkInstaller();
     $this->out('Configuring installer');
     if (!$installer->setup(array_merge(['url' => $url], $this->params))) {
         $this->exitBashError('Error setting up installer.');
     # Check: custom applications require the --webroot option to prevent
     # generating an invalid Nginx vhost preventing Nginx reload and thus
     # breaking yaml-provisioning
     if ($installer->option('framework_short') === 'custom' && !isset($this->params['webroot'])) {
         $this->exitBashError('Error: custom applications require the --webroot parameter');
     # Only method-detect if target dir is available once (present and/or empty)
     $targetDirAvailable = CakeboxUtility::dirAvailable($installer->option('path'));
     # Check: stop provisioning if the target directory is not
     # available/empty AND and we are not in --repair mode
     if (!$targetDirAvailable && !$this->params['repair']) {
         $this->exitBashError('Error: target directory ' . $installer->option('path') . ' contains data');
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Create installation directory if needed
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     $dirHasData = false;
     $this->out('Creating installation directory');
     if (!$targetDirAvailable) {
         $dirHasData = true;
         $this->out('* Skipping: target directory contains data');
     if ($targetDirAvailable && is_dir($installer->option('path'))) {
         $this->out('* Skipping: directory already created');
     if (!$targetDirAvailable && !$dirHasData) {
         if (!$this->Execute->mkVagrantDir($installer->option('path'))) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error creating target directory ' . $installer->option('path'));
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Install sources if needed
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     if (!$dirHasData) {
         $this->out(Inflector::camelize($installer->option('installation_method')) . ' installing ' . $installer->option('framework_human') . ' application sources');
         if (!$installer->installSources()) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error installing application sources.');
     if (!$dirHasData && $installer->option('installation_method') !== 'composer') {
         if (file_exists($installer->option('path') . DS . 'composer.json')) {
             $this->logInfo('Composer installing detected composer.json');
             if (!$this->Execute->composerInstall($installer->option('path'))) {
                 $this->exitBashError('Error Composer installing detected composer.json.');
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Create Nginx virtual host if needed
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     $this->out('Creating virtual host');
     if ($this->params['hhvm']) {
         $vhostType = 'HHVM';
     } else {
         $vhostType = 'PHP-FPM';
     // remove existing (assumed orphaned) vhost when not in --repair mode
     if (CakeboxUtility::vhostAvailable($url) && !$this->params['repair']) {
         $this->out('* Removing existing (assumed orphaned) virtual host');
         if (!$this->Execute->removeVhost($url)) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error removing virtual host');
     $vhostAvailable = CakeboxUtility::vhostAvailable($url);
     $vhostEnabled = CakeboxUtility::vhostEnabled($url);
     if ($vhostAvailable && $vhostEnabled) {
         $this->out("* Skipping: {$vhostType} virtual host already up and running");
     if ($vhostAvailable && !$vhostEnabled) {
         $this->out('* Skipping: configuration file already exists');
     if (!$vhostAvailable) {
         if (!$this->Execute->addVhost($url, $installer->option('webroot'), ['force' => true, 'hhvm' => $this->params['hhvm']])) {
             $this->exitBashError("Error creating {$vhostType} virtual host");
         $this->out("* Successfully created {$vhostType} virtual host");
     // recheck symlink since it could have been created above
     if (!CakeboxUtility::vhostEnabled($url)) {
         $this->out('* Enabling virtual host');
         if (!$this->Execute->enableVhost($url)) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error creating symbolic link');
         if (!$this->Execute->reloadNginx()) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error reloading Nginx');
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Create databases if needed
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     $this->out('Creating databases');
     $mainDatabase = $installer->option('database');
     $testDatabase = $this->Info->databaseMeta['test_prefix'] . $installer->option('database');
     // remove existing (assumed orphaned) databases when not in --repair mode
     if (CakeboxUtility::databaseExists($mainDatabase) && !$this->params['repair']) {
         $this->out('* Removing existing (assumed orphaned) databases');
         if (!CakeboxUtility::dropDatabase($mainDatabase)) {
             $this->exitBashError("Error dropping main database {$mainDatabase}");
         if (!CakeboxUtility::dropDatabase($testDatabase)) {
             $this->exitBashError("Error dropping test database {$testDatabase}");
     if (CakeboxUtility::databaseExists($mainDatabase)) {
         $this->out('* Skipping: main database already exists');
     } else {
         if (!CakeboxUtility::createDatabase($mainDatabase, 'cakebox', 'secret', true)) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error creating main database');
         } else {
             $this->out('* Successfully created main database');
     if (CakeboxUtility::databaseExists($testDatabase)) {
         $this->out('* Skipping: test database already exists');
     } else {
         if (!CakeboxUtility::createDatabase($testDatabase, 'cakebox', 'secret', true)) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error creating test database');
         } else {
             $this->out('* Successfully created test database');
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Configure permissions (for supported frameworks only)
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     $this->out('Configuring permissions');
     if (!$installer->setPermissions()) {
         $this->exitBashError('Error setting permissions');
     # ------------------------------------------------------
     # Only update config files when not in --repair mode
     # ------------------------------------------------------
     $this->out('Updating configuration files');
     if ($this->params['repair']) {
         $this->out('* Skipping: configuration files are not updated in --repair mode');
     } else {
         if (!$installer->updateConfigs()) {
             $this->exitBashError('Error updating configuration file(s)');
     # ------------------------------------------------------
     # Provide user with feedback
     # ------------------------------------------------------
     if ($this->params['repair']) {
         $this->out('Application repaired using:');
     } else {
         $this->out('Application created using:');
     $options = $installer->options();
     foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
         $this->out("  {$key} => {$value}");
     if (isset($this->params['source'])) {
         $this->out("Please note:");
         $this->out("  => Configuration files are not automatically updated for user specified applications.");
         $this->out("  => Make sure to manually update your database credentials, plugins, etc.");
     $this->out("\nRemember to update your hosts file with: <info>" . $this->Info->getVmIpAddress() . " http://{$url}</info>\n");
     $this->exitBashSuccess('Installation completed successfully');
  * Return LICENSE.TXT as json
  * @return void
 public function license()
     $this->set(['fileContent' => CakeboxUtility::getFileContent('/cakebox/console/LICENSE.txt'), '_serialize' => ['fileContent']]);