  * creates the unit training task based on the submitted POST request.
  * @param Request $request
  * @param $city_id
  * @param $slot_num
  * @param $building_id
  * @return $this|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
 public function getTrainUnit($city_id, $slot_num, $building_id, $type)
     $city = City::find($city_id);
     if (!$this->validateOwner($city)) {
         return redirect('/home')->withErrors('Nem a te városod');
     if ($building = $this->buildingCompleted($building_id)) {
         // check if the building is completed
         // check if there any pending tasks and complete the finished ones
         if ($building->workers > 0) {
             // check if there's at least one worker in the building
             if ($building->type == 5) {
                 // check if the type of the building is 'barrack'
                 $lack_resource = $city->hasEnoughResources(Army::$unit_prices[$city->nation][$type]);
                 if (empty($lack_resource)) {
                     // check if the city has enough resources to train the unit
                     if ($city->human_resources->population > 0) {
                         // check if the city has enough population (i.e. at least 1)
                         $city->human_resources->population -= 1;
                         // if everything is set, remove one from the population of the city and save the new population
                         // remove the amount of resources needed by the training of the unit
                         TaskController::createTask($building, $type + 10, Army::$unit_times[$city->nation][$type]);
                         // create the task
                         return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}");
                     return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}")->withErrors(['not_enough_population' => 'Nincs elég népesség']);
                 $messages = [];
                 $resources = ['stone' => 'kő', 'lumber' => 'fa', 'food' => 'élelmiszer', 'iron' => 'vas'];
                 foreach ($lack_resource as $key => $value) {
                     $messages["not_enough_{$key}"] = "Még {$value} {$resources[$key]} hiányzik";
                 return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}")->withErrors($messages);
             return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}")->withErrors(['not_a_forum' => 'Az épület nem tud munkást képezni']);
         return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}")->withErrors(['not_enough_worker' => 'Az épületben nem dolgozik munkás']);
     return redirect("/city/{$city_id}");
  * creates the path and task based on the request sent from the map
  * @param Request $request
  * @return $this
 public function postMoveArmy(Request $request)
     $path = $request->input('path');
     $army_id = $request->input('army');
     $army = Army::where('id', $army_id)->first();
     if (!$army->general) {
         return false;
     if (Auth::user()->id != $army->user_id) {
         return redirect('/home')->withErrors('Nem a te sereged');
     // calculate the speed of the army.
     // it is the speed of the slowest unit (i.e. the bigger number in speed table)
     $units = [1 => intval($army->unit1), 2 => intval($army->unit2), 3 => intval($army->unit3), 4 => intval($army->unit4), 5 => intval($army->unit5), 6 => intval($army->unit6), 7 => intval($army->unit7)];
     $speed = [];
     foreach ($units as $key => $value) {
         if ($value > 0) {
             $speed[] = Army::$unit_speeds[$army->user->nation][$key];
     $speed = max($speed);
     $path_id = DB::table('paths')->max('path_id') + 1;
     $time = 0;
     $finished = Carbon::now();
     $l = sizeof($path);
     for ($i = 1; $i < $l; $i++) {
         $hex = Grid::where("x", $path[$i]['x'])->where('y', $path[$i]['y'])->select('id', 'type')->first();
         $time += Grid::$price[intval($hex->type)] * $speed;
         $path_hex = Path::create(['path_id' => $path_id, 'hex_id' => $hex->id, 'started_at' => $finished]);
         $finished = Carbon::now()->addSeconds($time);
         $path_hex->finished_at = $finished;
     $task = TaskController::createTask($army, 20, $time);
     $task->path_id = $path_id;
     $army->task_id = $task->id;
     $army->path_id = $path_id;
     return $army->id;
  * @param $city_id
  * @param $slot_num
 public function getMakeGeneral($city_id, $slot_num, $building_id)
     //        TaskController::checkTasks();
     $city = City::where('id', $city_id)->first();
     if ($city->army() && $city->army()->general) {
         return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}")->withErrors(['already_has_general' => 'Már van egy tábornok a városban. Egyszerre csak egy lehet egy városban']);
     if (!$this->validateOwner($city)) {
         return redirect('/home')->withErrors('Nem a te városod');
     if ($building = $this->buildingCompleted($building_id)) {
         if ($building->task->where('building_id', $building->id)->first()) {
             return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}")->withErrors(['already_training' => 'Az épület használatban van']);
         if ($building->workers > 0) {
             if ($building->type == 7) {
                 $lack_resource = $city->hasEnoughResources(HumanResource::$general_price[$city->nation]);
                 if (empty($lack_resource)) {
                     if ($city->human_resources->population > 0) {
                         $city->human_resources->population -= 1;
                         TaskController::createTask($building, 3, HumanResource::$general_time[$city->nation]);
                         return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}");
                     return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}")->withErrors(['not_enough_population' => 'Nincs elég népesség']);
                 } else {
                     $messages = [];
                     $resources = ['stone' => 'kő', 'lumber' => 'fa', 'food' => 'élelmiszer', 'iron' => 'vas'];
                     foreach ($lack_resource as $key => $value) {
                         $messages["not_enough_{$key}"] = "Még {$value} {$resources[$key]} hiányzik";
                     return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}")->withErrors($messages);
             return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}")->withErrors(['not_a_forum' => 'Az épület nem tud tábornokot képezni']);
         return redirect("/city/{$city_id}/slot/{$slot_num}/building/{$building_id}")->withErrors(['not_enough_worker' => 'Az épületben nem dolgozik munkás']);
     return redirect("/city/{$city_id}");