Beispiel #1
  * store contact us
  * @return view
 public function emailus()
     //1. Get input detail
     $customer = Input::only('message', 'name', 'email');
     //2. Post contact mail
     $infos = [];
     foreach ($this->balin['info'] as $key => $value) {
         $infos[$value['type']] = $value['value'];
     $mail = new APISendMail();
     $result = $mail->contact($customer, $infos);
     if (isset($result['message'])) {
         $this->errors = $result['message'];
     $this->page_attributes->success = "Pesan Anda sudah disampaikan pada customer service kami.";
     return $this->generateRedirectRoute('');
  * function to sign up by invitation
  * @param object view
 public function post($code = "", $link = "")
     if (preg_match("/(android|avantgo|blackberry|bolt|boost|cricket|docomo|fone|hiptop|mini|mobi|palm|phone|pie|tablet|up\\.browser|up\\.link|webos|wos)/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) {
         $dob = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', Input::get('date_of_birth'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     } else {
         $dob = Carbon::createFromFormat('d-m-Y', Input::get('date_of_birth'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $data = ['id' => '', 'name' => Input::get('name'), 'email' => Input::get('email'), 'password' => Input::get('password'), 'date_of_birth' => $dob, 'gender' => Input::get('gender'), 'role' => 'customer', 'reference_code' => $code, 'invitation_link' => $link];
     if (Input::has('password')) {
         $validator = Validator::make(Input::only('password', 'password_confirmation'), ['password' => 'required|min:8|confirmed']);
         if (!$validator->passes()) {
             $this->errors = $validator->errors();
             $type = 'signup';
     Session::set('API_token', Session::get('API_token_public'));
     // API User
     $API_user = new APIUser();
     $user = $API_user->postDataSignUp($data);
     if ($user['status'] != 'success') {
         $this->errors = $user['message'];
         $type = 'signup';
     } else {
         $infos = [];
         foreach ($this->balin['info'] as $key => $value) {
             $infos[$value['type']] = $value['value'];
         $infos['action'] = route(env('ROUTE_BALIN_CLAIM_VOUCHER'), $user['data']['activation_link']);
         $mail = new APISendMail();
         $result = $mail->welcomemail($user['data'], $infos);
         if (isset($result['message'])) {
             $this->errors = $result['message'];
             $type = 'signup';
         $type = 'login';
     $this->page_attributes->success = "Terima kasih sudah mendaftar, Balin telah mengirimkan hadiah selamat datang untuk Anda melalui email Anda.";
     return $this->generateRedirectRoute('balin.get.login', ['type' => $type]);
  * function to store invitation for others
  * @param referral_code
 public function store()
     /* get for redirect route to */
     $APIUser = new APIUser();
     $whoami = $APIUser->getMeDetail(['user_id' => Session::get('whoami')['id']]);
     $invitations = [];
     $emails = explode(',', Input::get('emails'));
     $rules = ['email' => 'required|email|max:255'];
     foreach ($emails as $key => $value) {
         $invitation['email'] = trim($value);
         $validator = Validator::make($invitation, $rules);
         if (!$validator->passes()) {
             $this->errors = ['Email "' . $invitation['email'] . '" tidak sah'];
             return $this->generateRedirectRoute('my.balin.redeem.index');
         $invitations[] = $invitation['email'];
     /* array parameter to API */
     $data = ['user_id' => Session::get('whoami')['id'], 'invitations' => $emails];
     $result = $APIUser->postMeInvitation($data);
     if (isset($result['message'])) {
         $this->errors = $result['message'];
     } else {
         $infos = [];
         foreach ($this->balin['info'] as $key => $value) {
             $infos[$value['type']] = $value['value'];
         $infos['action'] = route(env('ROUTE_BALIN_INVITATION_GET'), $whoami['data']['code_referral']);
         $mail = new APISendMail();
         $result = $mail->invitation($whoami['data'], $emails, $infos);
         if (isset($result['message'])) {
             $this->errors = $result['message'];
         $this->page_attributes->success = 'Anda telah mengirimkan  ' . count($emails) . ' undangan kepada teman Anda';
     return $this->generateRedirectRoute('my.balin.redeem.index');
  * resend sale
  * @return redirect
 public function sale($id = 0, $status = '')
     $APISale = new APISale();
     $result = $APISale->getShow($id);
     if ($result['status'] != 'success') {
         $this->errors = $result['message'];
     $type = 'Email';
     $mail = new APISendMail();
     switch ($status) {
         case 'wait':
             $mail->invoice($result['data'], $this->balininfo());
             $type = 'Invoice';
         case 'paid':
             $mail->paidorder($result['data'], $this->balininfo());
             $type = 'Validasi Pembayaran';
         case 'shipping':
             $mail->shippingorder($result['data'], $this->balininfo());
             $type = 'Nota Pengiriman';
         case 'delivered':
             $mail->deliveredorder($result['data'], $this->balininfo());
             $type = 'Konfirmasi Pesanan Delivered';
         case 'canceled':
             $mail->cancelorder($result['data'], $this->balininfo());
             $type = 'Konfirmasi Pembatalan Pesanan';
         case 'abandoned':
             $mail->abandoned($result['data'], $this->balininfo());
             $type = 'Email Pengingat';
             $this->errors = 'Status tidak valid';
     $this->page_attributes->success = $type . " sudah di kirim ";
     $from = Input::get('from');
     if ($from != null) {
         return Redirect::to($from)->with('msg', 'Email pengingat berhasil dikirim.')->with('msg-type', 'success');
     return $this->generateRedirectRoute('', ['id' => $id]);
Beispiel #5
  * function to resend activation mail
  * @return redirect
 public function activation()
     //1. Get Me
     $APIUser = new APIUser();
     $whoami = $APIUser->getMeDetail(['user_id' => Session::get('whoami')['id']]);
     //2. Whoami
     if (!$whoami['data']['is_active'] && $whoami['data']['activation_link'] != '') {
         $infos = [];
         foreach ($this->balin['info'] as $key => $value) {
             $infos[$value['type']] = $value['value'];
         $infos['action'] = route(env('ROUTE_BALIN_CLAIM_VOUCHER'), $whoami['data']['activation_link']);
         $mail = new APISendMail();
         $result = $mail->welcomemail($whoami['data'], $infos);
         if (isset($result['message'])) {
             $this->errors = $result['message'];
     } else {
         $this->errors = 'Akun anda sudah di aktivasi.';
     $this->page_attributes->success = "Email aktivasi sudah dikirim.";
     return $this->generateRedirectRoute('my.balin.profile');
  * Store a payment notes
  * 1. Check transaction
  * 2. Check input
  * 3. Store Payment
  * 4. Check response
  * 5. Generate view
  * @param id
  * @return object view
 public function store($id = null)
     //1. Check transaction
     if (Input::has('transaction_id')) {
         $saleid = Input::get('transaction_id');
     } else {
     $APISale = new APISale();
     $prev_sale = $APISale->getShow($saleid);
     if ($prev_sale['status'] != 'success') {
         $this->errors = $prev_sale['message'];
         return $this->generateRedirectRoute('');
     $sale = $prev_sale['data'];
     //2. Check input
     $inputPayment = Input::only('method', 'destination', 'account_name', 'account_number');
     $inputPayment['id'] = '';
     $inputPayment['amount'] = $sale['bills'];
     $inputPayment['ondate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(Input::get('ondate')));
     $sale['payment'] = $inputPayment;
     $sale['status'] = 'paid';
     //3. Store Payment
     $result = $APISale->postData($sale);
     //4. Check response
     if ($result['status'] != 'success') {
         $this->errors = $result['message'];
     } else {
         $mail = new APISendMail();
         $mail->paidorder($result['data'], $this->balininfo());
     //5. Generate view
     $this->page_attributes->success = ['title' => 'Pesanan sudah divalidasi. ', 'action' => route('', ['id' => $saleid]), 'actionTitle' => 'Klik disini untuk melihat Invoice barang.'];
     return $this->generateRedirectRoute('admin.dashboard', ['tab' => 'toko']);
  * function to resend invoice only order status 'wait'
 public function resend_invoice($id = null)
     //1. Get order detail
     $APIUser = new APIUser();
     $order = $APIUser->getMeOrderDetail(['user_id' => Session::get('whoami')['id'], 'order_id' => $id]);
     //2. Check order
     if ($order['status'] != 'success') {
         $this->errors = $order['message'];
     } else {
         $infos = [];
         foreach ($this->balin['info'] as $key => $value) {
             $infos[$value['type']] = $value['value'];
         $mail = new APISendMail();
         $result = $mail->invoice($order['data'], $infos);
         // if (isset($result['message']))
         // {
         // 	$this->errors					= $result['message'];
         // }
     $this->page_attributes->success = "Resend invoice terkirim.";
     return $this->generateRedirectRoute('my.balin.profile');
  * Store a delivered order
  * 1. Check transaction
  * 2. Check input
  * 3. Store transaction
  * 4. Check response
  * 5. Generate view
  * @param id
  * @return object view
 public function store($id = null)
     //1. Check transaction
     if (Input::has('transaction_id')) {
         $saleid = Input::get('transaction_id');
     } else {
     $APISale = new APISale();
     $prev_sale = $APISale->getShow($saleid);
     if ($prev_sale['status'] != 'success') {
         $this->errors = $prev_sale['message'];
         return $this->generateRedirectRoute('shop.shipping.create');
     $sale = $prev_sale['data'];
     //2. Check input
     $sale['status'] = 'delivered';
     $sale['notes'] = 'Diterima Oleh ' . Input::get('notes');
     //3. Store Transction
     $result = $APISale->postData($sale);
     //4. Check response
     if ($result['status'] != 'success') {
         $this->errors = $result['message'];
     } else {
         $mail = new APISendMail();
         $mail->deliveredorder($result['data'], $this->balininfo());
     //5. Generate view
     $this->page_attributes->success = ['title' => 'Pesanan sudah diterima pembeli. ', 'action' => route('', ['id' => $saleid]), 'actionTitle' => 'Klik disini untuk melihat Invoice barang.'];
     return $this->generateRedirectRoute('admin.dashboard', ['tab' => 'toko']);