public function loadUserByUsername($username)
     $identityCheck = UserCommands::checkIdentity($username, '', $this->website);
     if (!$identityCheck->usernameExists) {
         throw new UsernameNotFoundException(sprintf('Username "%s" does not exist.', $username));
     $user = new UserModelWithPassword();
     if (!$identityCheck->usernameExistsOnThisSite and $user->role != SystemRoles::SYSTEM_ADMIN) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException(sprintf('Username "%s" not available on "%s". Use "Create an Account".', $username, $this->website->domain));
     $roles = array('ROLE_' . $user->role);
     if ($user->siteRole and $user->siteRole->offsetExists($this->website->domain) and $user->siteRole[$this->website->domain] !== SiteRoles::NONE) {
         $roles[] = 'ROLE_SITE_' . $user->siteRole[$this->website->domain];
     return new User($user->username, $user->password, $roles, $user->active, true, true, true);
  * @param string $validationKey
  * @param array $params
  * @param Website $website
 public static function updateFromRegistration($validationKey, $params, $website)
     $user = new \Api\Model\UserModelWithPassword();
     if ($user->readByProperty('validationKey', $validationKey)) {
         if ($user->validate()) {
             $params['id'] = $user->id->asString();
             JsonDecoder::decode($user, $params);
             $user->role = SystemRoles::USER;
             $user->siteRole[$website->domain] = $website->userDefaultSiteRole;
             $user->active = true;
             return $user->write();
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("Sorry, your registration link has expired.");
  * Register a new user
  * @param array $params
  * @param string $captcha_info
  * @param Website $website
  * @param DeliveryInterface $delivery
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return string $userId
 public static function register($params, $captcha_info, $website, DeliveryInterface $delivery = null)
     if (strtolower($captcha_info['code']) != strtolower($params['captcha'])) {
         return false;
         // captcha does not match
     $user = new UserModel();
     JsonDecoder::decode($user, $params);
     UserCommands::assertUniqueIdentity($user, $params['username'], $params['email'], $website);
     $user->active = false;
     $user->role = SystemRoles::USER;
     $user->siteRole[$website->domain] = $website->userDefaultSiteRole;
     if (!$user->emailPending) {
         if (!$user->email) {
             throw new \Exception("Error: no email set for user signup.");
         $user->emailPending = $user->email;
         $user->email = '';
     $userId = $user->write();
     // Write the password
     $userPassword = new UserModelWithPassword($userId);
     // if website has a default project then add them to that project
     $project = ProjectModel::getDefaultProject($website);
     if ($project) {
         $project->addUser($user->id->asString(), ProjectRoles::CONTRIBUTOR);
     Communicate::sendSignup($user, $website, $delivery);
     return $userId;