public function onGet() { try { $token = $this->get->token('string', array(new Filter\Length(40, 40), new Filter\Xdigit())); if ($token !== false) { $handler = $this->getHandler('AmunService\\User\\Account'); $account = $handler->getRecoverByToken($token); if ($account instanceof Account\Record) { if (!empty($account->email)) { if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $account->ip) { $security = new Security($this->registry); $pw = $security->generatePw(); $date = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $account->setStatus(Account\Record::NORMAL); $account->setPw($pw); $handler->update($account); // send mail $values = array('' => $account->name, '' => $pw, '' => $this->base->getHost(), '' => $this->page->getUrl(), '' => $date->format($this->registry['core.format_date'])); $mail = new Mail($this->registry); $mail->send('LOGIN_RECOVER_SUCCESS', $account->email, $values); $this->template->assign('success', true); } else { throw new Exception('Recover process was requested from another IP'); } } else { throw new Exception('No public email address is set for this account'); } } else { throw new Exception('Invalid token'); } } else { throw new Exception('Token not set'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->template->assign('error', $e->getMessage()); } }
public function create(RecordInterface $record) { if ($record->hasFields('status', 'name', 'email', 'url', 'title', 'description')) { $record->consumerKey = Security::generateToken(); $record->consumerSecret = Security::generateToken(); $date = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $record->date = $date->format(DateTime::SQL); $this->table->insert($record->getData()); $record->id = $this->sql->getLastInsertId(); $this->notify(RecordAbstract::INSERT, $record); return $record; } else { throw new Exception('Missing field in record'); } }
public function onPost() { try { $email = $this->post->email('string', array(new Filter\Length(3, 64), new Filter\Email())); $captcha = $this->post->captcha('string'); // check captcha if anonymous $captchaProvider = Captcha::factory($this->config['amun_captcha']); if (!$captchaProvider->verify($captcha)) { throw new Exception('Invalid captcha'); } if (!$this->validate->hasError()) { $handler = $this->getHandler('AmunService\\User\\Account'); $account = $handler->getOneByIdentity(sha1($this->config['amun_salt'] . $email), array('id', 'name', 'status', 'email'), Sql::FETCH_OBJECT); if ($account instanceof Account\Record) { if (!in_array($account->status, array(Account\Record::NORMAL, Account\Record::ADMINISTRATOR))) { throw new Exception('Account has an invalid status'); } if (!empty($account->email)) { $token = Security::generateToken(); $link = $this->page->getUrl() . '/login/resetPw?token=' . $token; $date = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); // update status $account->setStatus(Account\Record::RECOVER); $account->setToken($token); $handler->update($account); // send mail $values = array('' => $account->name, '' => $this->base->getHost(), 'recover.ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '' => $this->page->getUrl() . '/resetPw?token=' . $token, '' => $date->format($this->registry['core.format_date'])); $mail = new Mail($this->registry); $mail->send('LOGIN_RECOVER', $account->email, $values); $this->template->assign('success', true); } else { throw new Exception('No public email address is set for this account'); } } else { throw new Exception('Account does not exist'); } } else { throw new Exception($this->validate->getLastError()); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->template->assign('error', $e->getMessage()); } }
public function create(RecordInterface $record) { if ($record->hasFields('url', 'type')) { $record->globalId = $this->base->getUUID('vcshook:' . uniqid()); $record->userId = $this->user->getId(); $record->secret = Security::generateToken(40); // check whether project exists $type = TypeAbstract::factory($record->type); if (!$type->hasProject($record->url)) { throw new Exception('Project doesnt exist'); } $date = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $record->date = $date->format(DateTime::SQL); $this->table->insert($record->getData()); $record->id = $this->sql->getLastInsertId(); $this->notify(RecordAbstract::INSERT, $record); return $record; } else { throw new Exception('Missing field in record'); } }
public function testRequest() { // discover endpoints $yadis = new Yadis($this->http); $xrds = $yadis->discover(new Url($this->config['psx_url'])); // get oauth request uri $requestUri = null; foreach ($xrds->getService() as $service) { if (in_array('', $service->getType())) { $requestUri = $service->getUri(); break; } } $this->assertEquals(true, !empty($requestUri), 'Could not find in xrds'); // get request token $response = $this->oauth->requestToken(new Url($requestUri), $this->consumerKey, $this->consumerSecret); $this->assertEquals(true, strlen($response->getToken()) > 4, $this->http->getResponse()); $this->assertEquals(true, strlen($response->getTokenSecret()) > 4, $this->http->getResponse()); $token = $response->getToken(); $tokenSecret = $response->getTokenSecret(); // since we can not login and approve the request we do this manually in // the table $verifier = Security::generateToken(32); $con = new Condition(array('token', '=', $token)); $this->sql->update($this->registry['table.oauth_request'], array('userId' => 1, 'status' => Oauth\Record::APPROVED, 'verifier' => $verifier), $con); // get oauth access uri $accessUri = null; foreach ($xrds->getService() as $service) { if (in_array('', $service->getType())) { $accessUri = $service->getUri(); break; } } $this->assertEquals(true, !empty($accessUri), 'Could not find in xrds'); // get access token $response = $this->oauth->accessToken(new Url($accessUri), $this->consumerKey, $this->consumerSecret, $token, $tokenSecret, $verifier); $this->assertEquals(true, strlen($response->getToken()) > 4, $this->http->getResponse()); $this->assertEquals(true, strlen($response->getTokenSecret()) > 4, $this->http->getResponse()); }
private function handleOauthExt() { $consumerKey = isset($this->oauth['consumer']) ? $this->oauth['consumer'] : null; $row = $this->getHandler('AmunService\\Openid')->getOneByConsumerKey($consumerKey); if (!empty($row)) { $token = Security::generateToken(40); $verifier = Security::generateToken(32); $date = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $this->getSql()->insert($this->registry['table.oauth_request'], array('apiId' => $row['id'], 'userId' => $this->user->getId(), 'status' => Oauth\Record::APPROVED, 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'nonce' => Security::generateToken(16), 'callback' => 'oob', 'token' => $token, 'tokenSecret' => '', 'verifier' => $verifier, 'timestamp' => time(), 'expire' => 'PT30M', 'date' => $date->format(DateTime::SQL))); // insert access $this->getSql()->replace($this->registry['table.oauth_access'], array('apiId' => $row['id'], 'userId' => $this->user->getId(), 'allowed' => 1, 'date' => $date->format(DateTime::SQL))); // return params $params = array(); $params['openid.ns.oauth'] = Extension\Oauth::NS; $params['openid.oauth.request_token'] = $token; $params['openid.oauth.verifier'] = $verifier; return $params; } else { throw new Exception('Invalid consumer'); } }
protected function getResponse(Provider\Consumer $consumer, Provider\Request $request) { if ($this->nonce == $request->getNonce()) { throw new Exception('Nonce hasnt changed'); } if ($this->verifier != $request->getVerifier()) { throw new Exception('Invalid verifier'); } // the access token can be used six month $expire = 'P6M'; // generate a new access token $token = Security::generateToken(); $tokenSecret = Security::generateToken(); $date = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $con = new Condition(array('id', '=', $this->requestId)); $this->sql->update($this->registry['table.oauth_request'], array('status' => Oauth\Record::ACCESS, 'token' => $token, 'tokenSecret' => $tokenSecret, 'expire' => $expire, 'date' => $date->format(DateTime::SQL)), $con); $response = new Provider\Response(); $response->setToken($token); $response->setTokenSecret($tokenSecret); return $response; }
public function handle($identity, $password) { $result = ldap_search($this->res, '', 'uid=' . $identity); $entries = ldap_get_entries($this->res, $result); $count = isset($entries['count']) ? $entries['count'] : 0; if ($count == 1) { $acc = $entries[0]; $mail = isset($acc['mail'][0]) ? $acc['mail'][0] : null; $name = isset($acc['givenname'][0]) ? $acc['givenname'][0] : null; $pw = isset($acc['userpassword'][0]) ? $acc['userpassword'][0] : null; if (empty($mail)) { throw new Exception('Mail not set'); } if (empty($name)) { throw new Exception('Given name not set'); } if (empty($pw)) { throw new Exception('User password not set'); } if ($this->comparePassword($pw, $password) === true) { $identity = $mail; $con = new Condition(array('identity', '=', sha1($this->config['amun_salt'] . $identity))); $userId = $this->hm->getTable('AmunService\\User\\Account')->getField('id', $con); if (empty($userId)) { // user doesnt exist so register a new user check whether // registration is enabled if (!$this->registry['login.registration_enabled']) { throw new Exception('Registration is disabled'); } // normalize name $name = $this->normalizeName($name); // create user account $security = new Security($this->registry); $handler = $this->hm->getHandler('AmunService\\User\\Account', $this->user); $account = $handler->getRecord(); $account->setGroupId($this->registry['core.default_user_group']); $account->setStatus(Account\Record::NORMAL); $account->setIdentity($identity); $account->setName($name); $account->setPw($security->generatePw()); $account = $handler->create($account); $userId = $account->id; // if the id is not set the account was probably added to // the approval table if (!empty($userId)) { $this->setUserId($userId); } else { throw new Exception('Could not create account'); } } else { $this->setUserId($userId); } return true; } else { throw new InvalidPasswordException('Invalid password'); } } }
private function allowAccess($token, $callback, $insertAccess = true) { // insert or update access if ($insertAccess) { $now = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $this->getSql()->replace($this->registry['table.oauth_access'], array('apiId' => $this->apiId, 'userId' => $this->user->getId(), 'allowed' => 1, 'date' => $now->format(DateTime::SQL))); $accessId = $this->getSql()->getLastInsertId(); // insert rights $this->insertAppRights($accessId); } // approve token $verifier = Security::generateToken(32); $con = new Condition(array('token', '=', $token)); $this->getSql()->update($this->registry['table.oauth_request'], array('userId' => $this->user->getId(), 'status' => Oauth\Record::APPROVED, 'verifier' => $verifier), $con); // redirect if callback available if ($callback != 'oob') { $url = new Url($callback); $url->addParam('oauth_token', $token); $url->addParam('oauth_verifier', $verifier); header('Location: ' . strval($url)); exit; } else { $this->template->assign('verifier', $verifier); } }
public function callback() { // initialize openid $openid = new \PSX\OpenId($this->http, $this->config['psx_url'], $this->store); if ($openid->verify() === true) { $identity = $openid->getIdentifier(); if (!empty($identity)) { // check whether user is already registered $data = $openid->getData(); $con = new Condition(array('identity', '=', sha1($this->config['amun_salt'] . $openid->getIdentifier()))); $userId = $this->hm->getTable('AmunService\\User\\Account')->getField('id', $con); if (empty($userId)) { // user doesnt exist so register a new user check whether // registration is enabled if (!$this->registry['login.registration_enabled']) { throw new Exception('Registration is disabled'); } // get data for account $acc = $this->getAccountData($data); if (empty($acc)) { throw new Exception('No user informations provided'); } if (empty($acc['name'])) { throw new Exception('No username provided'); } $name = $this->normalizeName($acc['name']); // create user account $security = new Security($this->registry); $handler = $this->hm->getHandler('AmunService\\User\\Account', $this->user); $account = $handler->getRecord(); $account->setGroupId($this->registry['core.default_user_group']); $account->setStatus(Account\Record::NORMAL); $account->setIdentity($identity); $account->setName($name); $account->setPw($security->generatePw()); $account->setGender($acc['gender']); $account->setTimezone($acc['timezone']); $account = $handler->create($account); $userId = $account->id; // if the id is not set the account was probably added to // the approval table if (!empty($userId)) { $this->setUserId($userId); } else { throw new Exception('Could not create account'); } } else { $this->setUserId($userId); } // redirect header('Location: ' . $this->config['psx_url']); exit; } else { throw new Exception('Invalid identity'); } } else { throw new Exception('Authentication failed'); } }
/** * Is called if an user has made a friendship request on an remote website. * The website makes a call to the api/user/friend/relation inorder to * inform us that the friendship request was made. We make an webfinger * request to the host and check whether the user actually exists. If the * user exists on the remote website we create the friend as remote user * in our user account table and create a relation to this user. * * @param RecordInterface $record * @return boolean */ protected function handleRequest(RecordInterface $record) { $sql = <<<SQL SELECT \t`host`.`id` AS `hostId`, \t`host`.`name` AS `hostName`, \t`host`.`template` AS `hostTemplate` FROM \t{$this->registry['table.core_host']} `host` WHERE \t`host`.`name` = ? SQL; $row = $this->sql->getRow($sql, array($record->host)); if (!empty($row)) { // request profile url $email = $record->name . '@' . $row['hostName']; $profile = $this->getAcctProfile($email, $row['hostTemplate']); $identity = OpenId::normalizeIdentifier($profile['url']); // create remote user if not exists $con = new Condition(array('identity', '=', sha1($this->config['amun_salt'] . $identity))); $friendId = $this->sql->select($this->registry['table.user_account'], array('id'), $con, Sql::SELECT_FIELD); if (empty($friendId)) { $security = new Security($this->registry); $handler = $this->hm->getHandler('AmunService\\User\\Account', $this->user); $account = $handler->getRecord(); $account->globalId = $profile['id']; $account->setGroupId($this->registry['core.default_user_group']); $account->setHostId($row['hostId']); $account->setStatus(Account\Record::REMOTE); $account->setIdentity($identity); $account->setName($profile['name']); $account->setPw($security->generatePw()); $account = $handler->create($account); $friendId = $account->id; } // create relation $friend = $this->hm->getTable('AmunService\\User\\Friend')->getRecord(); $friend->friendId = $friendId; return $this->create($friend); } else { throw new Exception('Invalid host'); } }
public function callback() { // get access token $token = $this->session->get('oauth_login_token'); $tokenSecret = $this->session->get('oauth_login_token_secret'); $verifier = isset($_GET['oauth_verifier']) ? $_GET['oauth_verifier'] : null; if (empty($token) || empty($tokenSecret)) { throw new Exception('Token not set'); } $response = $this->oauth->accessToken(new Url(self::ACCESS_TOKEN), self::CONSUMER_KEY, self::CONSUMER_SECRET, $token, $tokenSecret, $verifier, 'HMAC-SHA1'); $token = $response->getToken(); $tokenSecret = $response->getTokenSecret(); // check access token if (empty($token) || empty($tokenSecret)) { throw new Exception('Could not request access token'); } // request user informations $url = new Url(self::VERIFY_ACCOUNT); $header = array('Authorization' => $this->oauth->getAuthorizationHeader($url, self::CONSUMER_KEY, self::CONSUMER_SECRET, $token, $tokenSecret, $method = 'HMAC-SHA1')); $request = new GetRequest($url, $header); $response = $this->http->request($request); if ($response->getCode() == 200) { $acc = Json::decode($response->getBody()); if (empty($acc)) { throw new Exception('No user informations provided'); } if (empty($acc['screen_name'])) { throw new Exception('No username provided'); } $identity = $acc['screen_name'] . ''; $con = new Condition(array('identity', '=', sha1($this->config['amun_salt'] . $identity))); $userId = $this->hm->getTable('AmunService\\User\\Account')->getField('id', $con); if (empty($userId)) { // user doesnt exist so register a new user check whether // registration is enabled if (!$this->registry['login.registration_enabled']) { throw new Exception('Registration is disabled'); } // normalize name $name = $this->normalizeName($acc['screen_name']); // create user account $security = new Security($this->registry); $handler = $this->hm->getHandler('AmunService\\User\\Account', $this->user); $account = $handler->getRecord(); $account->setGroupId($this->registry['core.default_user_group']); $account->setStatus(Account\Record::NORMAL); $account->setIdentity($identity); $account->setName($name); $account->setPw($security->generatePw()); $account->profileUrl = '' . $acc['screen_name']; $account->thumbnailUrl = isset($acc['profile_image_url']) ? $acc['profile_image_url'] : null; $account = $handler->create($account); $userId = $account->id; // if the id is not set the account was probably added to // the approval table if (!empty($userId)) { $this->setUserId($userId); } else { throw new Exception('Could not create account'); } } else { $this->setUserId($userId); } // redirect header('Location: ' . $this->config['psx_url']); exit; } else { throw new Exception('Authentication failed'); } }
public function callback() { $code = new AuthorizationCode($this->http, new Url(self::ACCESS_TOKEN)); $code->setClientPassword(self::CLIENT_ID, self::CLIENT_SECRET, AuthorizationCode::AUTH_POST); $accessToken = $code->getAccessToken($this->pageUrl . '/callback/facebook'); // request user informations $url = new Url(self::VERIFY_ACCOUNT); $header = array('Authorization' => $this->oauth->getAuthorizationHeader($accessToken)); $request = new GetRequest($url, $header); $response = $this->http->request($request); if ($response->getCode() == 200) { $acc = Json::decode($response->getBody()); if (empty($acc)) { throw new Exception('No user informations provided'); } if (empty($acc['id'])) { throw new Exception('No user id provided'); } $identity = $acc['id']; $con = new Condition(array('identity', '=', sha1($this->config['amun_salt'] . $identity))); $userId = $this->hm->getTable('AmunService\\User\\Account')->getField('id', $con); if (empty($userId)) { // user doesnt exist so register a new user check whether // registration is enabled if (!$this->registry['login.registration_enabled']) { throw new Exception('Registration is disabled'); } if (empty($acc['username'])) { throw new Exception('No username provided'); } $name = $this->normalizeName($acc['username']); // create user account $security = new Security($this->registry); $handler = $this->hm->getHandler('AmunService\\User\\Account', $this->user); $account = $handler->getRecord(); $account->setGroupId($this->registry['core.default_user_group']); $account->setStatus(Account\Record::NORMAL); $account->setIdentity($identity); $account->setName($name); $account->setPw($security->generatePw()); $account->profileUrl = isset($acc['link']) ? $acc['link'] : null; $account->thumbnailUrl = '' . $identity . '/picture'; $account = $handler->create($account); $userId = $account->id; // if the id is not set the account was probably added to // the approval table if (!empty($userId)) { $this->setUserId($userId); } else { throw new Exception('Could not create account'); } } else { $this->setUserId($userId); } // redirect header('Location: ' . $this->config['psx_url']); exit; } else { throw new Exception('Authentication failed'); } }
protected function insertUser() { $count = $this->sql->count($this->registry['table.user_account']); if ($count == 0) { $this->logger->info('Create users'); $security = new Security($this->registry); $handler = new UserAccount\Handler($this->container); $validate = $this->container->get('validate'); // get name, pw and email $this->name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : null; $this->pw = isset($_POST['pw']) ? $_POST['pw'] : null; $this->email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : null; $io = $this->container->get('io'); if ($io instanceof IOInterface) { if (empty($this->name)) { $this->name = $this->untilValid(function () use($io, $handler, $validate) { $name = $io->ask('Username: '******'Password: '******'Email: '); $validate->clearError(); $handler->getRecord()->setEmail($email); return $email; }); } } // admin user $record = $handler->getRecord(); $record->setGroupId(1); $record->setStatus(UserAccount\Record::ADMINISTRATOR); $record->setIdentity($this->email); $record->setName($this->name); $record->setPw($this->pw); $record->setEmail($this->email); $record->setTimezone('UTC'); $handler->create($record); $this->logger->info('> Created administrator user'); // anonymous user $record = $handler->getRecord(); $record->setGroupId(3); $record->setStatus(UserAccount\Record::ANONYMOUS); $record->setIdentity('*****@*****.**'); $record->setName('Anonymous'); $record->setPw($security->generatePw()); $record->setTimezone('UTC'); $record = $handler->create($record); // set anonymous_user $con = new Condition(array('name', '=', 'core.anonymous_user')); $this->sql->update($this->registry['table.core_registry'], array('value' => $record->id), $con); $this->logger->info('> Created anonymous user'); } }
public function create(RecordInterface $record) { if ($record->hasFields('groupId', 'status', 'identity', 'name', 'pw')) { // check whether identity exists $con = new Condition(); $con->add('identity', '=', $record->identity); if ($this->table->count($con) > 0) { throw new Exception('Identity already exists'); } // check whether name and hostid exists $con = new Condition(); $con->add('hostId', '=', !empty($record->hostId) ? $record->hostId : 0); $con->add('name', '=', $record->name); if ($this->table->count($con) > 0) { throw new Exception('Identity already exists'); } // default values if (!isset($record->countryId)) { $record->setCountryId(1); } if (!isset($record->timezone)) { $record->setTimezone('UTC'); } $date = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $record->token = Security::generateToken(); $record->ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''; $record->lastSeen = $date->format(DateTime::SQL); $record->updated = $date->format(DateTime::SQL); $record->date = $date->format(DateTime::SQL); // set host id if we have an remote host discover the profile url if (empty($record->hostId)) { $record->hostId = 0; $record->profileUrl = $this->config['psx_url'] . '/' . $this->config['psx_dispatch'] . 'profile/' . $record->name; } else { $record->status = Record::REMOTE; $record->profileUrl = $this->discoverProfileUrl($record->hostId, $record->name); } // set global id if (!isset($record->globalId)) { $profileUrl = new Url($record->profileUrl); $record->globalId = $this->base->getUUID('user:account:' . $profileUrl->getHost() . ':' . $record->name . ':' . uniqid()); } // set thumbnail if email available and thumbnail not set if (!isset($record->thumbnailUrl)) { $default = $this->config['psx_url'] . '/img/avatar/no_image.png'; if (!empty($record->email)) { $record->thumbnailUrl = '' . md5(strtolower(trim($record->email))) . '?d=' . urlencode($default) . '&s=48'; } else { $record->thumbnailUrl = $default; } } $this->table->insert($record->getData()); $record->id = $this->sql->getLastInsertId(); // insert relation to self $this->sql->insert($this->registry['table.user_friend'], array('status' => Friend\Record::NORMAL, 'userId' => $record->id, 'friendId' => $record->id, 'date' => $date->format(DateTime::SQL))); $this->notify(RecordAbstract::INSERT, $record); return $record; } else { throw new Exception('Missing field in record'); } }
protected function getResponse(Provider\Consumer $consumer, Provider\Request $request) { // we check how often this ip has requested an token ... because // of security reasons each consumer can have max 5 request tokens $maxCount = 5; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $con = new Condition(array('ip', '=', $ip), array('status', '=', Oauth\Record::TEMPORARY)); $count = $this->sql->count($this->registry['table.oauth_request'], $con); if ($count >= $maxCount) { $conDelete = new Condition(); $result = $this->sql->select($this->registry['table.oauth_request'], array('id', 'expire', 'date'), $con, Sql::SELECT_ALL); foreach ($result as $row) { $now = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $date = new DateTime($row['date'], $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $date->add(new DateInterval($row['expire'])); if ($now > $date) { $conDelete->add('id', '=', $row['id'], 'OR'); } } if ($conDelete->hasCondition()) { $this->sql->delete($this->registry['table.oauth_request'], $conDelete); } throw new Exception('You can only have max. ' . $maxCount . ' active request tokens'); } // get nonce $nonce = $request->getNonce(); // assign callback $callback = $request->getCallback(); // generate tokens $token = Security::generateToken(); $tokenSecret = Security::generateToken(); // we save the timestamp in the request but because it comes from // the user we doesnt use them to check the expire date $timestamp = $request->getTimestamp(); // you have 30 minutes to authorize the request token and to exchange // them for an access token $expire = 'PT30M'; $date = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $this->sql->insert($this->registry['table.oauth_request'], array('apiId' => $this->apiId, 'status' => Oauth\Record::TEMPORARY, 'ip' => $ip, 'nonce' => $nonce, 'callback' => $callback, 'token' => $token, 'tokenSecret' => $tokenSecret, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'expire' => $expire, 'date' => $date->format(DateTime::SQL))); $response = new Provider\Response(); $response->setToken($token); $response->setTokenSecret($tokenSecret); return $response; }