Beispiel #1
 private function saveFile(string $filePath, callable $callback) : \Generator
     if (!isset($this->dataCache[$filePath])) {
         yield from $this->loadFile($filePath);
     return (yield $this->lockMutexes[$filePath]->withLock(function () use($filePath, $callback) {
         $data = $callback($this->dataCache[$filePath]);
         if (!is_array($data)) {
             throw new \LogicException('JSON data files may only contain arrays as the root element');
         // make sure we can persist it before updating the store
         (yield put($filePath, json_try_encode($data)));
         return $this->dataCache[$filePath] = $data;
Beispiel #2
 private function doLoadKeyPair(string $path) : Generator
     $privateExists = (yield exists("{$path}/private.pem"));
     $publicExists = (yield exists("{$path}/public.pem"));
     $lockExists = (yield exists("{$path}/key.lock"));
     if ($privateExists && $publicExists) {
         while ($lockExists) {
             (yield new Pause(500));
             $lockExists = (yield exists("{$path}/key.lock"));
         return new KeyPair((yield get("{$path}/private.pem")), (yield get("{$path}/public.pem")));
     $lock = new Lock("{$path}/key.lock");
     try {
         $gen = new OpenSSLKeyGenerator();
         $keyPair = $gen->generate(4096);
         (yield put("{$path}/private.pem", $keyPair->getPrivate()));
         (yield put("{$path}/public.pem", $keyPair->getPublic()));
         return $keyPair;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         do {
             (yield new Pause(500));
             $lockExists = (yield exists("{$path}/key.lock"));
         } while ($lockExists);
         return new KeyPair((yield get("{$path}/private.pem")), (yield get("{$path}/public.pem")));
     } finally {
         // do not yield in finally!
Beispiel #3
 private function doProvideChallenge(string $dns, string $token, string $payload)
     (yield put($this->configPath . "/challenges/{$dns}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{$token}", $payload));