include __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use alxmsl\Cli\CommandPosix;
use alxmsl\Cli\Exception\RequiredOptionException;
use alxmsl\Cli\Option;
use alxmsl\PaymentNinja\Client;
$publicKey = '';
$privateKey = '';
$payerResponse = '';
$merchantData = '';
$Command = new CommandPosix();
$Command->appendHelpParameter('show help');
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('data', 'd', 'ACS merchant data', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$merchantData) {
    $merchantData = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('private', 'r', 'project private key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$privateKey) {
    $privateKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('public', 'b', 'project public key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$publicKey) {
    $publicKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('response', 'e', 'ACS payer response', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$payerResponse) {
    $payerResponse = (string) $value;
try {
    $Client = new Client($publicKey, $privateKey);
    $Response = $Client->cardAuthenticate($payerResponse, $merchantData)->execute();
    printf("%s\n", $Response);
} catch (RequiredOptionException $Ex) {
$number = '';
$securityCode = '';
$callback = null;
$Command = new CommandPosix();
$Command->appendHelpParameter('show help');
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('callback', 'c', 'callback JSONP function name', Option::TYPE_STRING), function ($name, $value) use(&$callback) {
    $callback = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('month', 'm', 'expiration month', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$expirationMonth) {
    $expirationMonth = (int) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('number', 'n', 'card number', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$number) {
    $number = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('public', 'b', 'project public key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$publicKey) {
    $publicKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('security', 's', 'card security code', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$securityCode) {
    $securityCode = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('year', 'y', 'expiration year', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$expirationYear) {
    $expirationYear = (int) $value;
try {
    $Client = new Client($publicKey);
    $Response = $Client->cardGetToken($number, $expirationMonth, $expirationYear, $securityCode, $callback)->execute();
    printf("%s\n", $Response);
} catch (RequiredOptionException $Ex) {
Beispiel #3
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('remember', 'm', 'indicates whether a user wants to remember his credit card in
Merchant\'s service. If true, then permanentToken ​in response will contain token, that will be used for transaction
processing, instead of temporary token', Option::TYPE_BOOLEAN), function ($name, $value) use(&$remember) {
    $remember = (bool) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('token', 't', 'credit card token (temporary or permanent)', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$cardToken) {
    $cardToken = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('trial', 'f', 'Recurring trial period in days (first recurring payment will occur
after trial). Recurring trial will work only if recurring interval is set', Option::TYPE_STRING), function ($name, $value) use(&$recurringTrial) {
    $recurringTrial = (int) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('url', 'l', 'URL where 3DSecure service will return user after the authentication', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$url) {
    $url = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('user', 'u', 'user identifier', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$user) {
    $user = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('verify', 'v', 'if set to 1, then transaction price will be set to 1 EUR, that will
be put on hold and then instantly returned', Option::TYPE_BOOLEAN), function ($name, $value) use(&$verifyCard) {
    $verifyCard = (bool) $value;
try {
    $Client = new Client($publicKey, $privateKey);
    $Response = $Client->cardProcess($user, $cardToken, $orderId, $price, $currency, $description, $ip, $url, $remember, $verifyCard, $recurring, $recurringInterval, $recurringTrial, $attributes)->execute();
    printf("%s\n", $Response);
} catch (RequiredOptionException $Ex) {
Beispiel #4
    $displayName = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('email', 'e', 'user email address', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$email) {
    $email = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('ip', 'i', 'user ip address', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$ip) {
    $ip = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('locale', 'l', 'user\'s locale (ISO 639-1)', Option::TYPE_STRING), function ($name, $value) use(&$locale) {
    $locale = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('phone', 'p', 'user\'s phone number', Option::TYPE_STRING), function ($name, $value) use(&$phone) {
    $phone = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('private', 'r', 'project private key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$privateKey) {
    $privateKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('public', 'b', 'project public key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$publicKey) {
    $publicKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('user', 'u', 'user unique unchangeable identifier', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$user) {
    $user = (string) $value;
try {
    $Client = new Client($publicKey, $privateKey);
    $Response = $Client->userResolve($user, $email, $ip, $displayName, $locale, $phone)->execute();
    printf("%s\n", $Response);
} catch (RequiredOptionException $Ex) {
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('description', 'd', 'product description', Option::TYPE_STRING), function ($name, $value) use(&$description) {
    $description = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('order', 'o', 'merchant\'s order ID that will be returned back in a callback', Option::TYPE_STRING), function ($name, $value) use(&$orderId) {
    $orderId = (int) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('price', 'p', 'price in real currency', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$price) {
    $price = (double) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('private', 'r', 'project private key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$privateKey) {
    $privateKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('public', 'b', 'project public key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$publicKey) {
    $publicKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('user', 'u', 'user identifier', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$user) {
    $user = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('verify', 'v', 'if set to 1, then transaction price will be set to 1 EUR, that will
be put on hold and then instantly returned', Option::TYPE_BOOLEAN), function ($name, $value) use(&$verifyCard) {
    $verifyCard = (bool) $value;
try {
    $Client = new Client($publicKey, $privateKey);
    $Response = $Client->cardProcessRecurring($user, $price, $currency, $orderId, $description)->execute();
    printf("%s\n", $Response);
} catch (RequiredOptionException $Ex) {
 * Cancel user's recurring script
 * @author alxmsl
include __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use alxmsl\Cli\CommandPosix;
use alxmsl\Cli\Exception\RequiredOptionException;
use alxmsl\Cli\Option;
use alxmsl\PaymentNinja\Client;
$publicKey = '';
$privateKey = '';
$user = '';
$Command = new CommandPosix();
$Command->appendHelpParameter('show help');
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('private', 'r', 'project private key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$privateKey) {
    $privateKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('public', 'b', 'project public key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$publicKey) {
    $publicKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('user', 'u', 'user identifier', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$user) {
    $user = (string) $value;
try {
    $Client = new Client($publicKey, $privateKey);
    $Response = $Client->userCancelRecurring($user)->execute();
    printf("%s\n", $Response);
} catch (RequiredOptionException $Ex) {
 public function testCardProcessRecurring()
     $Client = new Client(111, 222);
     $Request = $Client->cardProcessRecurring('999', 5.4, 'EUR');
     $this->assertEquals(['project' => '111', 'user' => '999', 'price' => 5.4, 'currency' => 'EUR', 'signature' => '7cefe246acf59297fd3673a06d890acdeb6c7e27848e1531328b3060250e466b'], $this->getRequestParametersProperty($Request));
     $Request = $Client->cardProcessRecurring('999', 5.4, 'EUR', '777');
     $this->assertEquals(['project' => '111', 'user' => '999', 'price' => 5.4, 'currency' => 'EUR', 'order_id' => '777', 'signature' => 'c19bdae6d3041ca4b3f462a1338a5e3c46455152b4a218272b7c3cc2f077767e'], $this->getRequestParametersProperty($Request));
     $Request = $Client->cardProcessRecurring('999', 5.4, 'EUR', '777', 'Lorem recurring');
     $this->assertEquals(['project' => '111', 'user' => '999', 'price' => 5.4, 'currency' => 'EUR', 'order_id' => '777', 'description' => 'Lorem recurring', 'signature' => 'ebeb906d67d3031f3a81eecf0d655b2b822be7c2dee07aea2eeb94a0d512f44d'], $this->getRequestParametersProperty($Request));
 public function testRequestTimeout()
     $timeout = 60;
     $Client = new Client('pub_key', 'private_key');
     $Class = new ReflectionClass(Client::class);
     $PropertyParameters = $Class->getProperty('timeout');
     $this->assertEquals($timeout, $PropertyParameters->getValue($Client));
$privateKey = '';
$publicKey = '';
$user = '';
$Command = new CommandPosix();
$Command->appendHelpParameter('show help');
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('currency', 'c', 'recurring currency code (ISO 4217)', Option::TYPE_STRING), function ($name, $value) use(&$currency) {
    $currency = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('interval', 'i', 'automatic recurring interval in days (if set 0, then only manual recurring will remain active)', Option::TYPE_STRING), function ($name, $value) use(&$interval) {
    $interval = (int) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('price', 'p', 'recurring payment price', Option::TYPE_STRING), function ($name, $value) use(&$price) {
    $price = (double) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('private', 'r', 'project private key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$privateKey) {
    $privateKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('public', 'b', 'project public key', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$publicKey) {
    $publicKey = (string) $value;
$Command->appendParameter(new Option('user', 'u', 'user identifier', Option::TYPE_STRING, true), function ($name, $value) use(&$user) {
    $user = (string) $value;
try {
    $Client = new Client($publicKey, $privateKey);
    $Response = $Client->userChangeRecurring($user, $interval, $price, $currency)->execute();
    printf("%s\n", $Response);
} catch (RequiredOptionException $Ex) {