Beispiel #1
  * Create a new OAuth 1.0 plugin
  * @param array $config Configuration array containing these parameters:
  *     - string 'request_method'       Consumer request method. Use the class constants.
  *     - string 'callback'             OAuth callback
  *     - string 'consumer_key'         Consumer key
  *     - string 'consumer_secret'      Consumer secret
  *     - string 'token'                Token
  *     - string 'token_secret'         Token secret
  *     - string 'verifier'             OAuth verifier.
  *     - string 'version'              OAuth version.  Defaults to 1.0
  *     - string 'signature_method'     Custom signature method
  *     - bool   'disable_post_params'  Set to true to prevent POST parameters from being signed
  *     - array|Closure 'signature_callback' Custom signature callback that accepts a string to sign and a signing key
 public function __construct($config)
     $this->config = Collection::fromConfig($config, array('version' => '1.0', 'request_method' => self::REQUEST_METHOD_HEADER, 'consumer_key' => 'anonymous', 'consumer_secret' => 'anonymous', 'signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1', 'signature_callback' => function ($stringToSign, $key) {
         return hash_hmac('sha1', $stringToSign, $key, true);
     }), array('signature_method', 'signature_callback', 'version', 'consumer_key', 'consumer_secret'));
  * Performs the building logic using all of the parameters that have been
  * set and falling back to default values. Returns an instantiate service
  * client with credentials prepared and plugins attached.
  * @return AwsClientInterface
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function build()
     // Resolve configuration
     $config = Collection::fromConfig($this->config, array_merge(self::$commonConfigDefaults, $this->configDefaults), self::$commonConfigRequirements + $this->configRequirements);
     if (!isset($config['endpoint_provider'])) {
         $config['endpoint_provider'] = RulesEndpointProvider::fromDefaults();
     // Resolve the endpoint, signature, and credentials
     $description = $this->updateConfigFromDescription($config);
     $signature = $this->getSignature($description, $config);
     $credentials = $this->getCredentials($config);
     // Resolve exception parser
     if (!$this->exceptionParser) {
         $this->exceptionParser = new DefaultXmlExceptionParser();
     // Resolve backoff strategy
     $backoff = $config->get(Options::BACKOFF);
     if ($backoff === null) {
         $backoff = new BackoffPlugin(new TruncatedBackoffStrategy(3, new ThrottlingErrorChecker($this->exceptionParser, new CurlBackoffStrategy(null, new HttpBackoffStrategy(array(500, 503, 509), new ExpiredCredentialsChecker($this->exceptionParser, new ExponentialBackoffStrategy()))))));
         $config->set(Options::BACKOFF, $backoff);
     if ($backoff) {
         $this->addBackoffLogger($backoff, $config);
     // Determine service and class name
     $clientClass = 'Aws\\Common\\Client\\DefaultClient';
     if ($this->clientNamespace) {
         $serviceName = substr($this->clientNamespace, strrpos($this->clientNamespace, '\\') + 1);
         $clientClass = $this->clientNamespace . '\\' . $serviceName . 'Client';
     /** @var $client AwsClientInterface */
     $client = new $clientClass($credentials, $signature, $config);
     // Add exception marshaling so that more descriptive exception are thrown
     if ($this->clientNamespace) {
         $exceptionFactory = new NamespaceExceptionFactory($this->exceptionParser, "{$this->clientNamespace}\\Exception", "{$this->clientNamespace}\\Exception\\{$serviceName}Exception");
         $client->addSubscriber(new ExceptionListener($exceptionFactory));
     // Add the UserAgentPlugin to append to the User-Agent header of requests
     $client->addSubscriber(new UserAgentListener());
     // Filters used for the cache plugin
     $client->getConfig()->set('params.cache.key_filter', 'header=date,x-amz-date,x-amz-security-token,x-amzn-authorization');
     // Set the iterator resource factory based on the provided iterators config
     $client->setResourceIteratorFactory(new AwsResourceIteratorFactory($this->iteratorsConfig, new ResourceIteratorClassFactory($this->clientNamespace . '\\Iterator')));
     // Disable parameter validation if needed
     if ($config->get(Options::VALIDATION) === false) {
         $params = $config->get('command.params') ?: array();
         $params['command.disable_validation'] = true;
         $config->set('command.params', $params);
     return $client;
Beispiel #3
  * Recursively uploads all files in a given directory to a given bucket.
  * @param string $directory Full path to a directory to upload
  * @param string $bucket    Name of the bucket
  * @param string $keyPrefix Virtual directory key prefix to add to each upload
  * @param array  $options   Associative array of upload options
  *     - params: Array of parameters to use with each PutObject operation performed during the transfer
  *     - base_dir: Base directory to remove from each object key
  *     - force: Set to true to upload every file, even if the file is already in Amazon S3 and has not changed
  *     - concurrency: Maximum number of parallel uploads (defaults to 10)
  *     - debug: Set to true or an fopen resource to enable debug mode to print information about each upload
  *     - multipart_upload_size: When the size of a file exceeds this value, the file will be uploaded using a
  *       multipart upload.
  * @see Aws\S3\S3Sync\S3Sync for more options and customization
 public function uploadDirectory($directory, $bucket, $keyPrefix = null, array $options = array())
     $options = Collection::fromConfig($options, array('base_dir' => realpath($directory) ?: $directory));
     $builder = $options['builder'] ?: UploadSyncBuilder::getInstance();
     $builder->uploadFromDirectory($directory)->setClient($this)->setBucket($bucket)->setKeyPrefix($keyPrefix)->setConcurrency($options['concurrency'] ?: 5)->setBaseDir($options['base_dir'])->force($options['force'])->setOperationParams($options['params'] ?: array())->enableDebugOutput($options['debug']);
     if ($options->hasKey('multipart_upload_size')) {
Beispiel #4
  * @param array $options Associative array of options:
  *     - client: (S3Client) used to transfer requests
  *     - bucket: (string) Amazon S3 bucket
  *     - iterator: (\Iterator) Iterator that yields SplFileInfo objects to transfer
  *     - source_converter: (FilenameConverterInterface) Converter used to convert filenames
  *     - *: Any other options required by subclasses
 public function __construct(array $options)
     $this->options = Collection::fromConfig($options, array('concurrency' => 10), array('client', 'bucket', 'iterator', 'source_converter'));
Beispiel #5
  * Analyzes the provided data and turns it into useful data that can be
  * consumed and used to build an upload form
  * @return PostObject
 public function prepareData()
     // Validate required options
     $options = Collection::fromConfig($this->data, array('ttd' => '+1 hour', 'key' => '^${filename}'));
     // Format ttd option
     $ttd = $options['ttd'];
     $ttd = is_numeric($ttd) ? (int) $ttd : strtotime($ttd);
     // If a policy or policy callback were provided, extract those from the options
     $rawJsonPolicy = $options['policy'];
     $policyCallback = $options['policy_callback'];
     unset($options['policy'], $options['policy_callback']);
     // Setup policy document
     $policy = array('expiration' => gmdate(DateFormat::ISO8601_S3, $ttd), 'conditions' => array(array('bucket' => $this->bucket)));
     // Configure the endpoint/action
     $url = Url::factory($this->client->getBaseUrl());
     if ($url->getScheme() === 'https' && strpos($this->bucket, '.') !== false) {
         // Use path-style URLs
     } else {
         // Use virtual-style URLs
         $url->setHost($this->bucket . '.' . $url->getHost());
     // Setup basic form
     $this->formAttributes = array('action' => (string) $url, 'method' => 'POST', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data');
     $this->formInputs = array('AWSAccessKeyId' => $this->client->getCredentials()->getAccessKeyId());
     // Add success action status
     $status = (int) $options->get('success_action_status');
     if ($status && in_array($status, array(200, 201, 204))) {
         $this->formInputs['success_action_status'] = (string) $status;
         $policy['conditions'][] = array('success_action_status' => (string) $status);
     // Add other options
     foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
         $value = (string) $value;
         if ($value[0] === '^') {
             $value = substr($value, 1);
             $this->formInputs[$key] = $value;
             $value = preg_replace('/\\$\\{(\\w*)\\}/', '', $value);
             $policy['conditions'][] = array('starts-with', '$' . $key, $value);
         } else {
             $this->formInputs[$key] = $value;
             $policy['conditions'][] = array($key => $value);
     // Handle the policy
     $policy = is_callable($policyCallback) ? $policyCallback($policy, $this) : $policy;
     $this->jsonPolicy = $rawJsonPolicy ?: json_encode($policy);
     return $this;
  * Factory method to create a new InstanceMetadataClient using an array
  * of configuration options.
  * The configuration options accepts the following array keys and values:
  * - base_url: Override the base URL of the instance metadata server
  * - version:  Version of the metadata server to interact with
  * @param array|Collection $config Configuration options
  * @return InstanceMetadataClient
 public static function factory($config = array())
     $config = Collection::fromConfig($config, array(Options::BASE_URL => '{version}/', 'version' => 'latest', 'request.options' => array('connect_timeout' => 5, 'timeout' => 10)), array('base_url', 'version'));
     return new self($config);