Beispiel #1
$SITE['wsModules'][$pageName] = 'version: ' . $pageVersion;
$pageFile = basename(__FILE__);
// check to see this is the real script
if ($pageFile != $pageName) {
    $SITE['wsModules'][$pageFile] = 'this file loaded instead of ' . $pageName;
ws_message('<!-- module ' . $pageFile . ' ==== ' . $SITE['wsModules'][$pageFile] . ' -->');
# Display a list of forecast date from Yahoo
# First get the data from a weather class
if (!isset($yahooArray)) {
    ws_message('<!-- module yahooForecast2.php (' . __LINE__ . '): loading  yahoo.weather2.php -->');
    include_once 'yahoo.weather2.php';
    $weather = new yahooWeather();
    #	$yahooArray      = $weather->getWeatherData($SITE['yaPlaceID']);
} else {
    ws_message('<!-- ' . $pageName . ' - yahoo data already loaded --> ');
if (isset($_REQUEST['city'])) {
    $yaPlaceID = $_REQUEST['city'];
} else {
    $yaPlaceID = $SITE['yaPlaceID'];
$yahooArray = $weather->getWeatherData($yaPlaceID);
# define array and fill first row with headings
$forecast = array();
$forecast[0]['period'] = langtransstr('date');
Beispiel #2
    // skip lines with invalid key values
    if (!is_numeric($hahooID)) {
    // skip lines with non-numeric yahoo id
    $my_yahoos[$hahooID] = array('key' => $key, 'name' => $area, 'lat' => $lat, 'lon' => $lon, 'hahooID' => $hahooID, 'found' => false);
if (!isset($yahooArray)) {
    ws_message('<!-- moduledash_yahoo.php (' . __LINE__ . '): loading yahoo.weather2.php -->');
    include_once $yahoo_folder . 'yahoo.weather2.php';
} else {
    ws_message('<!-- dash_yahoo.php (' . __LINE__ . '): yahoo data already loaded --> ');
$weather = new yahooWeather();
$testDash = false;
$result_arr = array();
#echo '<pre>'; print_r ($my_yahoos);  exit;
$count_yahoo = 0;
$start_yahoo = microtime(true);
foreach ($my_yahoos as $key => $arr) {
    $hahooID = $arr['hahooID'];
    $result = $weather->getWeatherData($hahooID);
    #echo '<pre>'; var_dump($result['ccn'][1]); exit;
    if (!$result) {
    # {echo '<br />false for : '.$key; continue;} else {echo '<br />true for : '.$key;}
Beispiel #3
    $dayNight = 'daylight';
} else {
    $dayNight = 'nighttime';
ws_message("<!-- module wsDataGet.php (" . __LINE__ . "): time  is {$nowInt} => {$now}  | it is  {$dayNight} | sunrise at {$sunriseInt} => {$sunrise}  | sunset at  {$sunsetInt} => {$sunset} -->");
ws_message('<!-- module wsDataGet.php (' . __LINE__ . '): loading  wsIconUrl.php -->');
include_once 'wsIconUrl.php';
#---------------------- and now get the current conditions from some source --------------
ws_message('<!-- module wsDataGet.php (' . __LINE__ . '): $SITE["curCondFrom"] = ' . $SITE['curCondFrom'] . '  -->');
switch ($SITE['curCondFrom']) {
    case 'yahoo':
        ws_message('<!-- module wsDataGet.php (' . __LINE__ . '): loading  yahoo.weather2.php -->');
        include_once 'forecasts/yahoo.weather2.php';
        $weather = new yahooWeather();
        $yahooArray = $weather->getWeatherData($SITE['yaPlaceID']);
        $condDesc = cleanCurCond($yahooArray['ccn']['1']['text']);
        $ccnIconNr = $iconIn = $yahooArray['ccn']['1']['icon'];
        $ccnIconUrl = $urlIn = $yahooArray['ccn']['1']['iconUrl'];
        wsChangeIcon('yahoo', $iconIn, $ccnIconNr, $urlIn, $ccnIconUrl);
        $headerClass = wsHeaderLookup('yahoo', $iconIn);
    case 'wd':
        if (isset($ws['wdCurCond']) && isset($ws['wdCurIcon'])) {
            $condDesc = cleanCurCond($ws['wdCurCond']);
            $ccnIconNr = $ccnIconUrl = $urlIn = $notUsed = '';
            wsChangeIcon('wd', $ws['wdCurIcon'], $ccnIconNr, $urlIn, $ccnIconUrl);
            $headerClass = wsHeaderLookup('wd', $ws['wdCurIcon']);