Beispiel #1
$addButton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'addq', _formulize_DE_AS_ADD, 'submit');
$addOtherTray = new xoopsFormElementTray(_formulize_DE_AS_ADDOTHER, "  ");
$openBracketButton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'openb', "(", 'submit');
$closeBracketButton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'closeb', ")", 'submit');
$andButton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'and', "AND", 'submit');
$orButton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'or', "OR", 'submit');
$notButton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'not', "NOT", 'submit');
// add hidden items...
foreach ($hidden as $oneHidden) {
$advsearch->insertBreak("<div style=\"font-weight: normal;\">" . _formulize_DE_AS_DEPRECATED . "</div>", "head");
// advanced search officially deprecated with work on version 3.1
// order change April 4 2007
if ($items['as_0']) {
    $removeButton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'remove', _formulize_DE_AS_REMOVE, 'submit');
    $doneButton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'done', _formulize_DE_SEARCHGO, 'button');
    $doneButton->setExtra("onclick=\"javascript:sendSearch(this.form);return false;\"");
    $advsearch->insertBreak("</td></tr></table><table class=outer><tr><th colspan=2>" . _formulize_DE_AS_QUERYSOFAR . "</th></tr><tr><td class=even colspan=2><center>" . $doneButton->render() . "</center>", "");
    $qstring = writableQuery($items, 1);
} else {
    exit("Error: no advanced scope permission detected.");
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopsformloader.php";
print "<HTML>";
print "<head>";
print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . _CHARSET . "\" />";
print "<title>" . _formulize_DE_PICKASCOPE . "</title>\n";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" href=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/xoops.css\" />\n";
$themecss = xoops_getcss();
//$themecss = substr($themecss, 0, -6);
//$themecss .= ".css";
print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" href=\"{$themecss}\" />\n";
print "</head>\n";
print "<body style=\"background: white; margin-top:20px;\"><center>";
print "<table style=\"width: 100%;\"><tr><td style=\"width: 5%;\"></td><td style=\"width: 90%;\">";
$advscope = new xoopsThemeForm(_formulize_DE_PICKASCOPE, 'advscope', XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/include/advscope.php?fid={$fid}&frid={$frid}");
$gcount = count($availgroups);
$size = $gcount < 10 ? $gcount : 10;
$grouplist = new xoopsFormSelect(_formulize_DE_AVAILGROUPS, 'newscope', $curgroups, $size, true);
$doneButton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'done', _formulize_DE_USETHISSCOPE, 'button');
$doneButton->setExtra("onclick=\"javascript:updateScope(this.form);return false;\"");
print $advscope->render();
print "</td><td style=\"width: 5%;\"></td></tr></table>\n";
print "</center></body>\n";
print "</HTML>";
Beispiel #3
                    $text .= _formluize_DE_NOT_CONTEXTAND;
                $text .= $options[$elements[$i]] . " " . $ops[$i] . " " . $terms[$i];
                $start = 0;
        $text .= ".";
        if ($thisnot['not_cons_template']) {
            $text .= "<br />" . _formulize_DE_NOT_TEMPTEXT . $thisnot['not_cons_template'] . ".";
        if ($thisnot['not_cons_subject']) {
            $text .= "<br />" . _formulize_DE_NOT_SUBJTEXT . "'" . str_replace(array("[", "]"), " ", $thisnot['not_cons_subject']) . "'.";
        $delbutton = new xoopsFormButton('', 'delete_' . $thisnot['not_cons_id'], _formulize_DELETE, 'submit');
        $anot = new xoopsFormLabel($delbutton->render(), $text);
        $text = "";
    print $notlist->render();
print "</td><td width=5%></td></tr></table>";
print "</center></body>";
print "</HTML>";
// this function returns all the current notifications for a form, including notifications for other groups if the user has permission to set such things
// does not return other user's own personal notifications
function getCurNots($fid, $setNots = false, $uid)
    global $xoopsDB;
    if ($setNots) {
Beispiel #4
        $plainSpecGroups = $_GET['currentview'];
        $memberonlySpecGroups = ",onlymembergroups" . $_GET['currentview'];
    if ($publish_reports or $publish_globalscope) {
        $scope->addOption($plainSpecGroups, $s4 . printSmart($groupNames, 100) . "<br>");
        $scope->addOption($memberonlySpecGroups, $s5 . printSmart($groupNames, 100));
        // add special flag that is used to control whether to include only groups that the viewer is a member of
    } else {
        $scope->addOption($plainSpecGroups, $s4 . printSmart($groupNames, 100));
//if($scope2) { $scopeoptions->addElement($scope2); }
//if($scope3) { $scopeoptions->addElement($scope3); }
//if($scope4) { $scopeoptions->addElement($scope4); }
// add in list of groups if they have publishing options
// 1. get list of groups they can publish to
// 2. get publishing option for the lastloaded, if any
// 3. set defaults in list to the defaults
$publishgroups['donotpub'] = _formulize_DE_SAVE_NOPUB;
if ($publish_reports) {
    foreach ($groups as $key => $groupid) {
        if ($groupid != 2) {
            $thisgroup = $member_handler->getGroup($groupid);
            if (is_object($thisgroup)) {
                $publishgroups[$groupid] = $thisgroup->getVar('name');