 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Twenty_Eleven
 * @since Twenty Eleven 1.0


// include the PHP class files, the path should match your server!

$wps = new wps(); 
$wps_forum = new wps_forum(); // Defaults to top level, can pass a category ID to set root level

First we over-ride settings for forum page to ensure links to this page across go to
the correct page. Note that you will need to visit/reload this page
the first time the script is run, as various constants are set prior to this page template
loading. If you visit Admin->Installation the default values will be reset, 
which includes after upgrading WPS, so re-visit this page at least once after visiting 
the Installation page, to put things back to the new page. Alternatively, create a 
page that updates this (and maybe other) URLs that you can visit as admin once after upgrading WPS.

This is hardcoded to a particular page for now. If distributing to other user's this will
need to be dynamically set! Change it to make the URL of your new forum page, mine is as
per the tutorial (ie. a page called "AA Forum").
 * @subpackage Twenty_Eleven
 * @since Twenty Eleven 1.0


// include the PHP class files, the path should match your server, the following will probably do!

$wps = new wps(); 
$wps_ui = new wps_ui(); 
$wps_forum = new wps_forum(); // Defaults to top level, can pass a category ID to set root level

First we over-ride settings for forum page to ensure links to this page across go to
the correct page. Note that you will need to visit/reload this page
the first time the script is run, as various constants are set prior to this page template
loading. If you visit Admin->Installation the default values will be reset, 
which includes after upgrading WPS, so re-visit this page at least once after visiting 
the Installation page, to put things back to the new page. Alternatively, create a 
page that updates this (and maybe other) URLs that you can visit as admin once after upgrading WPS.

This is hardcoded to a particular page for now. If distributing to other user's this will
need to be dynamically set! Change it to make the URL of your new forum page, mine is as
per the tutorial (ie. a page called "AA Forum").



// include the PHP class files, the path should match your server, the following will probably do!

$wps = new wps(); 
$wps_ui = new wps_ui(); 
$wps_forum = new wps_forum(); // Defaults to top level, can pass a category ID to set root level

First we over-ride settings for forum page to ensure links to this page across go to
the correct page. Note that you will need to visit/reload this page
the first time the script is run, as various constants are set prior to this page template
loading. If you visit Admin->Installation the default values will be reset, 
which includes after upgrading WPS, so re-visit this page at least once after visiting 
the Installation page, to put things back to the new page. Alternatively, create a 
page that updates this (and maybe other) URLs that you can visit as admin once after upgrading WPS.

This is hardcoded to a particular page for now. If distributing to other user's this will
need to be dynamically set! Change it to make the URL of your new forum page, mine is as
per the tutorial (ie. a page called "AA Forum").
Beispiel #4
function __wps__check_pop3($output=false,$process=true) {
	if (function_exists('__wps__mailinglist')) {
		if (!isset($_SESSION['__wps__mailinglist_lock']) || $_SESSION['__wps__mailinglist_lock'] != 'locked') {
			$_SESSION['__wps__mailinglist_lock'] = 'locked';
			$wps_forum = new wps_forum();
			global $wpdb;
			if ($output) {
				if ($process) {
					echo '<h3>'.__('Processing waiting email...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</h3>';
				} else {
					echo '<h3>'.__('Checking for waiting email, but not processing...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</h3>';
			$server = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mailinglist_server');
			$port = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mailinglist_port');
			$username = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mailinglist_username');
			$password = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mailinglist_password');
			if ($mbox = imap_open ("{".$server.":".$port."/pop3}INBOX", $username, $password) ) {
				if ($output) echo __('Connected', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).', ';
				$num_msg = imap_num_msg($mbox);
				if ($output) echo __('number of messages found', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).': '.$num_msg.'<br /><br />';
				$carimap = array("=C3=A9", "=C3=A8", "=C3=AA", "=C3=AB", "=C3=A7", "=C3=A0", "=20", "=C3=80", "=C3=89", "\n", "> ");
				$carhtml = array("�", "�", "�", "�", "�", "�", "&nbsp;", "�", "�", "<br>", "");
				if ($num_msg > 0) {
					if ($output) {
						echo '<table class="widefat">';
						echo '<thead>';
						echo '<tr>';
						echo '<th style="font-size:1.2em">'.__('From', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</th>';
						echo '<th style="font-size:1.2em">'.__('Date', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</th>';
						echo '<th style="font-size:1.2em">'.__('Topic ID', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</th>';
						echo '<th style="font-size:1.2em" width="50%">'.__('Snippet', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</th>';
						echo '</tr>';
						echo '</thead>';
						echo '<tbody>';

					for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_msg; ++$i) {

						// Get email info
						$header = imap_header($mbox, $i);
		        		$prettydate = date("jS F Y H:i:s", $header->udate);
		        		$email = $header->from[0]->mailbox.'@'.$header->from[0]->host;
						$subject = $header->subject;
						// check email address is a registered email address
						$sql = "SELECT ID FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users WHERE user_email = %s";
						$emailcheck = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $email));
						if ($emailcheck) {						
							// Note user ID and get display_name
							$uid = $emailcheck;
							$sql = "SELECT display_name FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users WHERE ID = %s";
							$display_name = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $uid));
							$x = strpos($subject, '#TID=');
							if ($x !== FALSE) {
								// Get TID and continue
								$tid = substr($subject, $x+5, 1000);
								$x = strpos($tid, ' ');
								$tid = substr($tid, 0, $x);
								$sql = "SELECT tid FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE tid = %d";
								$tidcheck = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $tid));
								if ($tidcheck) {
									// Get message to add as a reply					
									$body = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $i, "1.1");
									if ($body == "") {
									    $body = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $i, "1");
									$body = quoted_printable_decode($body);
									$body = imap_utf8($body);
					  				$body = str_replace($carimap, $carhtml, $body);
									$divider = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mailinglist_divider');
									$divider_bottom = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mailinglist_divider_bottom');
									$x = strpos($body, $divider);
									$y = strpos($body, $divider_bottom);
									if ($x && $y) {
										$body = substr($body, $x+strlen($divider), strlen($body)-$x-strlen($divider)-1);
										$x = strpos($body, $divider_bottom);
										$body = trim(quoted_printable_decode(substr($body, 0, $x)));
										if (substr($body, 0, 4) == '<br>') { $body = substr($body, 4, strlen($body)-4); }
										// Replace <script> tags
										if (strpos($body, '<') !== FALSE) { str_replace('<', '&lt;', $body); }
										if (strpos($body, '>') !== FALSE) { str_replace('>', '&gt;', $body); }
										$snippet = trim(substr(quoted_printable_decode($body), 0, 100));
										// get category for topic
										$sql = "SELECT topic_category from ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE tid = %d";
										$cid = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $tid));
										// insert as a new reply
										if ($process) {

											if ($wps_forum->add_reply($tid, $body, $uid, true)) {
												$snippet .= '<span style="color:green">'.__('Added to forum.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</span>';

						        				// Delete from mailbox
												imap_delete($mbox, $i);
											} else {
												$snippet = '<span style="color:red">'.__('Failed to add to forum', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.$tid.'</span>';
												$snippet .= '<br>'.$subject;
										} else {
											$snippet ='<span style="color:green">'.__('Not added, just checking.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</span>';
											$snippet .= '<br>'.$subject;
									} else {
										$snippet = '<span style="color:red">'.__('Empty reply. No boundaries found', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</span>';
								} else {
									$tid = '<span style="color:red">'.__('Topic ID not found', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).': '.$tid.'</span>';
									$snippet = $subject;
							} else {
								$tid = '<span style="color:red">'.__('No TID found in subject', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'.</span>';
								$snippet = '';
						} else {
							$email = '<span style="color:red">'.$email.' '.__('not found in users', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'.</span>';
							$tid = '';
							$snippet = '';
						if ($output) {
							echo '<tr>';
							echo '<td>'.$email.'</td>';
							echo '<td>'.$prettydate.'</td>';
							echo '<td>'.$tid.'</td>';
							echo '<td>'.$snippet.'</td>';
							echo '</tr>';
					if ($output) echo '</tbody></table>';
				} else {
					if ($output) echo __('No messages found', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'.';

				// purge deleted mail
				// close the mailbox
			} else {
				if ($output) echo __('Problem connecting to mail server', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).': ' . imap_last_error().' '.__('(or no internet connection)', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'.<br />';		
				if ($output) echo __('Check your mail server address and port number, username and password', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'.';
			$_SESSION['__wps__mailinglist_lock'] = '';
		} else {
			if ($output) echo __('Currently processing, please try again in a few minutes.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'.<br />';		