Beispiel #1
     * Prepare an individual workshop plan for the given user.
     * @param workshop $workshop instance
     * @param int $userid whom the plan is prepared for
    public function __construct(workshop $workshop, $userid) {
        global $DB;

        $this->workshop = $workshop;
        $this->userid   = $userid;

        // * SETUP | submission | assessment | evaluation | closed
        $phase = new stdclass();
        $phase->title = get_string('phasesetup', 'workshop');
        $phase->tasks = array();
        if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('taskintro', 'workshop');
            $task->link = $workshop->updatemod_url();
            $task->completed = !(trim($workshop->intro) == '');
            $phase->tasks['intro'] = $task;
        if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('taskinstructauthors', 'workshop');
            $task->link = $workshop->updatemod_url();
            $task->completed = !(trim($workshop->instructauthors) == '');
            $phase->tasks['instructauthors'] = $task;
        if (has_capability('mod/workshop:editdimensions', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('editassessmentform', 'workshop');
            $task->link = $workshop->editform_url();
            if ($workshop->grading_strategy_instance()->form_ready()) {
                $task->completed = true;
            } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_SETUP) {
                $task->completed = false;
            $phase->tasks['editform'] = $task;
        if ($workshop->useexamples and has_capability('mod/workshop:manageexamples', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('prepareexamples', 'workshop');
            if ($DB->count_records('workshop_submissions', array('example' => 1, 'workshopid' => $workshop->id)) > 0) {
                $task->completed = true;
            } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_SETUP) {
                $task->completed = false;
            $phase->tasks['prepareexamples'] = $task;
        if (empty($phase->tasks) and $workshop->phase == workshop::PHASE_SETUP) {
            // if we are in the setup phase and there is no task (typical for students), let us
            // display some explanation what is going on
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('undersetup', 'workshop');
            $task->completed = 'info';
            $phase->tasks['setupinfo'] = $task;
        $this->phases[workshop::PHASE_SETUP] = $phase;

        // setup | * SUBMISSION | assessment | evaluation | closed
        $phase = new stdclass();
        $phase->title = get_string('phasesubmission', 'workshop');
        $phase->tasks = array();
        if (($workshop->usepeerassessment or $workshop->useselfassessment)
             and has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('taskinstructreviewers', 'workshop');
            $task->link = $workshop->updatemod_url();
            if (trim($workshop->instructreviewers)) {
                $task->completed = true;
            } elseif ($workshop->phase >= workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
                $task->completed = false;
            $phase->tasks['instructreviewers'] = $task;
        if ($workshop->useexamples and $workshop->examplesmode == workshop::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_SUBMISSION
                and has_capability('mod/workshop:submit', $workshop->context, $userid, false)
                    and !has_capability('mod/workshop:manageexamples', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('exampleassesstask', 'workshop');
            $examples = $this->get_examples();
            $a = new stdclass();
            $a->expected = count($examples);
            $a->assessed = 0;
            foreach ($examples as $exampleid => $example) {
                if (!is_null($example->grade)) {
            $task->details = get_string('exampleassesstaskdetails', 'workshop', $a);
            if ($a->assessed == $a->expected) {
                $task->completed = true;
            } elseif ($workshop->phase >= workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
                $task->completed = false;
            $phase->tasks['examples'] = $task;
        if (has_capability('mod/workshop:submit', $workshop->context, $userid, false)) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('tasksubmit', 'workshop');
            $task->link = $workshop->submission_url();
            if ($DB->record_exists('workshop_submissions', array('workshopid'=>$workshop->id, 'example'=>0, 'authorid'=>$userid))) {
                $task->completed = true;
            } elseif ($workshop->phase >= workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
                $task->completed = false;
            } else {
                $task->completed = null;    // still has a chance to submit
            $phase->tasks['submit'] = $task;
        if (has_capability('mod/workshop:allocate', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('allocate', 'workshop');
            $task->link = $workshop->allocation_url();
            $numofauthors = count(get_users_by_capability($workshop->context, 'mod/workshop:submit', '', '', '', '',
                    '', '', false, true));
            $numofsubmissions = $DB->count_records('workshop_submissions', array('workshopid'=>$workshop->id, 'example'=>0));
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT( AS nonallocated
                      FROM {workshop_submissions} s
                 LEFT JOIN {workshop_assessments} a ON (
                     WHERE s.workshopid = :workshopid AND s.example=0 AND a.submissionid IS NULL';
            $params['workshopid'] = $workshop->id;
            $numnonallocated = $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
            if ($numofsubmissions == 0) {
                $task->completed = null;
            } elseif ($numnonallocated == 0) {
                $task->completed = true;
            } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_SUBMISSION) {
                $task->completed = false;
            } else {
                $task->completed = null;    // still has a chance to allocate
            $a = new stdclass();
            $a->expected    = $numofauthors;
            $a->submitted   = $numofsubmissions;
            $a->allocate    = $numnonallocated;
            $task->details  = get_string('allocatedetails', 'workshop', $a);
            $phase->tasks['allocate'] = $task;

            if ($numofsubmissions < $numofauthors and $workshop->phase >= workshop::PHASE_SUBMISSION) {
                $task = new stdclass();
                $task->title = get_string('someuserswosubmission', 'workshop');
                $task->completed = 'info';
                $phase->tasks['allocateinfo'] = $task;
        if ($workshop->submissionstart) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('submissionstartdatetime', 'workshop', workshop::timestamp_formats($workshop->submissionstart));
            $task->completed = 'info';
            $phase->tasks['submissionstartdatetime'] = $task;
        if ($workshop->submissionend) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('submissionenddatetime', 'workshop', workshop::timestamp_formats($workshop->submissionend));
            $task->completed = 'info';
            $phase->tasks['submissionenddatetime'] = $task;
        if (($workshop->submissionstart < time()) and $workshop->latesubmissions) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('latesubmissionsallowed', 'workshop');
            $task->completed = 'info';
            $phase->tasks['latesubmissionsallowed'] = $task;
        $this->phases[workshop::PHASE_SUBMISSION] = $phase;

        // setup | submission | * ASSESSMENT | evaluation | closed
        $phase = new stdclass();
        $phase->title = get_string('phaseassessment', 'workshop');
        $phase->tasks = array();
        $phase->isreviewer = has_capability('mod/workshop:peerassess', $workshop->context, $userid);
        if ($workshop->useexamples and $workshop->examplesmode == workshop::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_ASSESSMENT
                and $phase->isreviewer and !has_capability('mod/workshop:manageexamples', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('exampleassesstask', 'workshop');
            $examples = $workshop->get_examples_for_reviewer($userid);
            $a = new stdclass();
            $a->expected = count($examples);
            $a->assessed = 0;
            foreach ($examples as $exampleid => $example) {
                if (!is_null($example->grade)) {
            $task->details = get_string('exampleassesstaskdetails', 'workshop', $a);
            if ($a->assessed == $a->expected) {
                $task->completed = true;
            } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
                $task->completed = false;
            $phase->tasks['examples'] = $task;
        if (empty($phase->tasks['examples']) or !empty($phase->tasks['examples']->completed)) {
            $phase->assessments = $workshop->get_assessments_by_reviewer($userid);
            $numofpeers     = 0;    // number of allocated peer-assessments
            $numofpeerstodo = 0;    // number of peer-assessments to do
            $numofself      = 0;    // number of allocated self-assessments - should be 0 or 1
            $numofselftodo  = 0;    // number of self-assessments to do - should be 0 or 1
            foreach ($phase->assessments as $a) {
                if ($a->authorid == $userid) {
                    if (is_null($a->grade)) {
                } else {
                    if (is_null($a->grade)) {
            if ($workshop->usepeerassessment and $numofpeers) {
                $task = new stdclass();
                if ($numofpeerstodo == 0) {
                    $task->completed = true;
                } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
                    $task->completed = false;
                $a = new stdclass();
                $a->total = $numofpeers;
                $a->todo  = $numofpeerstodo;
                $task->title = get_string('taskassesspeers', 'workshop');
                $task->details = get_string('taskassesspeersdetails', 'workshop', $a);
                $phase->tasks['assesspeers'] = $task;
            if ($workshop->useselfassessment and $numofself) {
                $task = new stdclass();
                if ($numofselftodo == 0) {
                    $task->completed = true;
                } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT) {
                    $task->completed = false;
                $task->title = get_string('taskassessself', 'workshop');
                $phase->tasks['assessself'] = $task;
        if ($workshop->assessmentstart) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('assessmentstartdatetime', 'workshop', workshop::timestamp_formats($workshop->assessmentstart));
            $task->completed = 'info';
            $phase->tasks['assessmentstartdatetime'] = $task;
        if ($workshop->assessmentend) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('assessmentenddatetime', 'workshop', workshop::timestamp_formats($workshop->assessmentend));
            $task->completed = 'info';
            $phase->tasks['assessmentenddatetime'] = $task;
        $this->phases[workshop::PHASE_ASSESSMENT] = $phase;

        // setup | submission | assessment | * EVALUATION | closed
        $phase = new stdclass();
        $phase->title = get_string('phaseevaluation', 'workshop');
        $phase->tasks = array();
        if (has_capability('mod/workshop:overridegrades', $workshop->context)) {
            $expected = count($workshop->get_potential_authors(false));
            $calculated = $DB->count_records_select('workshop_submissions',
                    'workshopid = ? AND (grade IS NOT NULL OR gradeover IS NOT NULL)', array($workshop->id));
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('calculatesubmissiongrades', 'workshop');
            $a = new stdclass();
            $a->expected    = $expected;
            $a->calculated  = $calculated;
            $task->details  = get_string('calculatesubmissiongradesdetails', 'workshop', $a);
            if ($calculated >= $expected) {
                $task->completed = true;
            } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION) {
                $task->completed = false;
            $phase->tasks['calculatesubmissiongrade'] = $task;

            $expected = count($workshop->get_potential_reviewers(false));
            $calculated = $DB->count_records_select('workshop_aggregations',
                    'workshopid = ? AND gradinggrade IS NOT NULL', array($workshop->id));
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('calculategradinggrades', 'workshop');
            $a = new stdclass();
            $a->expected    = $expected;
            $a->calculated  = $calculated;
            $task->details  = get_string('calculategradinggradesdetails', 'workshop', $a);
            if ($calculated >= $expected) {
                $task->completed = true;
            } elseif ($workshop->phase > workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION) {
                $task->completed = false;
            $phase->tasks['calculategradinggrade'] = $task;

        } elseif ($workshop->phase == workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION) {
            $task = new stdclass();
            $task->title = get_string('evaluategradeswait', 'workshop');
            $task->completed = 'info';
            $phase->tasks['evaluateinfo'] = $task;
        $this->phases[workshop::PHASE_EVALUATION] = $phase;

        // setup | submission | assessment | evaluation | * CLOSED
        $phase = new stdclass();
        $phase->title = get_string('phaseclosed', 'workshop');
        $phase->tasks = array();
        $this->phases[workshop::PHASE_CLOSED] = $phase;

        // Polish data, set default values if not done explicitly
        foreach ($this->phases as $phasecode => $phase) {
            $phase->title       = isset($phase->title)      ? $phase->title     : '';
            $phase->tasks       = isset($phase->tasks)      ? $phase->tasks     : array();
            if ($phasecode == $workshop->phase) {
                $phase->active = true;
            } else {
                $phase->active = false;
            if (!isset($phase->actions)) {
                $phase->actions = array();

            foreach ($phase->tasks as $taskcode => $task) {
                $task->title        = isset($task->title)       ? $task->title      : '';
                $task->link         = isset($task->link)        ? $task->link       : null;
                $task->details      = isset($task->details)     ? $task->details    : '';
                $task->completed    = isset($task->completed)   ? $task->completed  : null;

        // Add phase switching actions
        if (has_capability('mod/workshop:switchphase', $workshop->context, $userid)) {
            foreach ($this->phases as $phasecode => $phase) {
                if (! $phase->active) {
                    $action = new stdclass();
                    $action->type = 'switchphase';
                    $action->url  = $workshop->switchphase_url($phasecode);
                    $phase->actions[] = $action;
Beispiel #2
  * Tests user restrictions, as they affect lists of users returned by
  * core API functions.
  * This includes the groupingid option (when group mode is in use), and
  * standard activity restrictions using the availability API.
 public function test_user_restrictions()
     global $DB, $CFG;
     // Use existing sample course from setUp.
     $courseid = $this->workshop->course->id;
     // Make a test grouping and two groups.
     $generator = $this->getDataGenerator();
     $grouping = $generator->create_grouping(array('courseid' => $courseid));
     $group1 = $generator->create_group(array('courseid' => $courseid));
     groups_assign_grouping($grouping->id, $group1->id);
     $group2 = $generator->create_group(array('courseid' => $courseid));
     groups_assign_grouping($grouping->id, $group2->id);
     // Group 3 is not in the grouping.
     $group3 = $generator->create_group(array('courseid' => $courseid));
     // Enrol some students.
     $roleids = $DB->get_records_menu('role', null, '', 'shortname, id');
     $student1 = $generator->create_user();
     $student2 = $generator->create_user();
     $student3 = $generator->create_user();
     $generator->enrol_user($student1->id, $courseid, $roleids['student']);
     $generator->enrol_user($student2->id, $courseid, $roleids['student']);
     $generator->enrol_user($student3->id, $courseid, $roleids['student']);
     // Place students in groups (except student 3).
     groups_add_member($group1, $student1);
     groups_add_member($group2, $student2);
     groups_add_member($group3, $student3);
     // The existing workshop doesn't have any restrictions, so user lists
     // should include all three users.
     $allusers = get_enrolled_users(context_course::instance($courseid));
     $result = $this->workshop->get_grouped($allusers);
     $this->assertCount(4, $result);
     $users = array_keys($result[0]);
     $this->assertEquals(array($student1->id, $student2->id, $student3->id), $users);
     $this->assertEquals(array($student1->id), array_keys($result[$group1->id]));
     $this->assertEquals(array($student2->id), array_keys($result[$group2->id]));
     $this->assertEquals(array($student3->id), array_keys($result[$group3->id]));
     // Test get_users_with_capability_sql (via get_potential_authors).
     $users = $this->workshop->get_potential_authors(false);
     $this->assertCount(3, $users);
     $users = $this->workshop->get_potential_authors(false, $group2->id);
     $this->assertEquals(array($student2->id), array_keys($users));
     // Create another test workshop with grouping set.
     $workshopitem = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('workshop', array('course' => $courseid, 'groupmode' => SEPARATEGROUPS, 'groupingid' => $grouping->id));
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('workshop', $workshopitem->id, $courseid, false, MUST_EXIST);
     $workshopgrouping = new testable_workshop($workshopitem, $cm, $this->workshop->course);
     // This time the result should only include users and groups in the
     // selected grouping.
     $result = $workshopgrouping->get_grouped($allusers);
     $this->assertCount(3, $result);
     $users = array_keys($result[0]);
     $this->assertEquals(array($student1->id, $student2->id), $users);
     $this->assertEquals(array($student1->id), array_keys($result[$group1->id]));
     $this->assertEquals(array($student2->id), array_keys($result[$group2->id]));
     // Test get_users_with_capability_sql (via get_potential_authors).
     $users = $workshopgrouping->get_potential_authors(false);
     $userids = array_keys($users);
     $this->assertEquals(array($student1->id, $student2->id), $userids);
     $users = $workshopgrouping->get_potential_authors(false, $group2->id);
     $this->assertEquals(array($student2->id), array_keys($users));
     // Enable the availability system and create another test workshop with
     // availability restriction on grouping.
     $CFG->enableavailability = true;
     $workshopitem = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('workshop', array('course' => $courseid, 'availability' => json_encode(\core_availability\tree::get_root_json(array(\availability_grouping\condition::get_json($grouping->id)), \core_availability\tree::OP_AND, false))));
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('workshop', $workshopitem->id, $courseid, false, MUST_EXIST);
     $workshoprestricted = new testable_workshop($workshopitem, $cm, $this->workshop->course);
     // The get_grouped function isn't intended to apply this restriction,
     // so it should be the same as the base workshop. (Note: in reality,
     // get_grouped is always run with the parameter being the result of
     // one of the get_potential_xxx functions, so it works.)
     $result = $workshoprestricted->get_grouped($allusers);
     $this->assertCount(4, $result);
     $this->assertCount(3, $result[0]);
     // The get_users_with_capability_sql-based functions should apply it.
     $users = $workshoprestricted->get_potential_authors(false);
     $userids = array_keys($users);
     $this->assertEquals(array($student1->id, $student2->id), $userids);
     $users = $workshoprestricted->get_potential_authors(false, $group2->id);
     $this->assertEquals(array($student2->id), array_keys($users));