Beispiel #1

//header("Cache-Control: private, max-age=10800, pre-check=10800");
header("Pragma: private");
// Set to expire in 2 days
header("Expires: " . date(DATE_RFC822, strtotime("1 week")));
// if the browser has a cached version of this image, send 304
    exit(header('Last-Modified: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'], true, 304));
# "{$this->vconf['private']}/corefiles"
$imagepath = isset($_SESSION['picturedst']) ? $_SESSION['picturedst'] : "";
$imagepics = isset($vlr[5]) ? $vlr[5] : "";
$currentPics = "{$imagepath}/{$imagepics}";
if (is_file($this->vconf['rootpath'] . $currentPics)) {
    $ftype = getimagesize($this->vconf['rootpath'] . $currentPics);
    !isset($_GET['vcache']) ? header("Content-type:{$ftype['mime']}") : "";
    # import class to form validation
    $this->vLoadClass($this->vconf['path'], "/vActions.phar/class.images.php");
    # start new class
    $v = new vtxImages();
    $v->larguraFoto = $vlr[3];
    $v->alturaFoto = $vlr[4];
    $v->qualidadeFoto = 75;
    $v->caminhoFoto = '';
    $pic = is_file($this->vconf['rootpath'] . $currentPics) ? $this->vconf['rootpath'] . $currentPics : "";
    $v->fotoMiniaturas($pic, "");
} else {
Beispiel #2
 # check is valid file
 if (!in_array($uptype, $this->vconf['upfile'])) {
     exit($this->vForceStop("0|2000 :: Formato de arquivo inválido :: {$uptype} para {$_POST['direct']} "));
 } else {
     # check is valid destine dir
     if (!is_dir($destine)) {
         exit($this->vForceStop("0|2000 :: Diretorio alvo não definido para :: {$destine} "));
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['tpo']) && $_POST['tpo'] == 1) {
             $arquivo = $this->clearName($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
             move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], "{$destine}{$arquivo}");
         } else {
             # import class to form validation
             $this->vLoadClass($this->vconf['path'], "/vActions.phar/class.images.php");
             # start new class
             $ap = new vtxImages();
             $ap->larguraFoto = 655;
             $ap->alturaFoto = 655;
             $ap->qualidadeFoto = 100;
             # resize upp photo
             $ap->caminhoFoto = "{$destine}/";
             $arquivo = $this->clearName($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
             $ap->fotoMiniaturas($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $arquivo);
             # apply wattermark
             $ap->marcaDagua = "{$this->vconf['rootpath']}/conteudo/materias/brand/logo.png";
             $ap->posicaoMarcaDagua = 3;
             $ap->fotoMarcar("{$destine}/{$arquivo}", "{$destine}/{$arquivo}");
         # finish
Beispiel #3
 if (!in_array($uptype, $this->vconf['uppics'])) {
     exit($this->vForceStop("0|2001 :: Formato de arquivo inválido "));
 } else {
     # check is valid destine dir
     if (!is_dir($destine)) {
         exit($this->vForceStop("0|2002 :: Diretorio alvo não definido {$_POST['userdir']} "));
     } else {
         # check if user dir exists
         if (!is_dir($destine . $enterID)) {
             mkdir($destine . $enterID, 0777);
             chmod($destine . $enterID, 0777);
         # import class to form validation
         $this->vLoadClass($this->vconf['path'], "/vActions.phar/class.images.php");
         # start new class
         $ap = new vtxImages();
         $ap->larguraFoto = 500;
         $ap->alturaFoto = 500;
         $ap->qualidadeFoto = 100;
         # resize upp photo
         $ap->caminhoFoto = "{$destine}{$enterID}/";
         $arquivo = $this->clearName($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
         $ap->fotoMiniaturas($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $arquivo);
         # import class to form validation
         $this->vLoadClass($this->vconf['path'], "/vActions.phar/class.forms.php");
         # start new class
         $v = new forms();
         $v->classeErro = 'formPointer';
         # update data with image info
         $tableFF[1] = 'foto';
         $tablevv[1] = $arquivo;