Beispiel #1
  * Perform all necessary tasks to save a student enrolment.
  * @return bool true on success
  * @throws Exception
  * @uses $DB
  * @uses $USER
  * @uses events_trigger()
 function save()
     global $DB, $USER;
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // already enrolled -- pretend we succeeded
         // error_log('student.class::add() - student already enrolled!');
         // Note: this prevents Moodle Course enrolment when Moodle Course is
         // attached *after* initial student enrolment
         // forcing student to be unenroled then re-enroled to get enrolled
         // in the newly attached Moodle Course
         return true;
     //set end time based on class duration
     if (empty($this->id) && empty($this->endtime) && !empty($this->classid)) {
         $studentclass = $this->pmclass;
         $duration = $studentclass->duration;
         if (!empty($duration)) {
             $this->endtime = $this->enrolmenttime + $duration;
         } else {
             // no class duration -> no end time
             $this->endtime = 0;
     if ($this->completestatusid != STUSTATUS_NOTCOMPLETE) {
     } else {
     /// Enrol them into the Moodle class, if not already enrolled.
     if (empty($this->no_moodle_enrol) && ($moodlecourseid = moodle_get_course($this->classid))) {
         if ($mcourse = $this->_db->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodlecourseid))) {
             $plugin = enrol_get_plugin('elis');
             $enrol = $plugin->get_or_create_instance($mcourse);
             $user = $this->users;
             if (!($muser = $user->get_moodleuser())) {
                 if (!($muserid = $user->synchronize_moodle_user(true, true))) {
                     throw new Exception(get_string('errorsynchronizeuser', self::LANG_FILE));
             } else {
                 $muserid = $muser->id;
             $context = context_course::instance($moodlecourseid);
             if (!is_enrolled($context, $muserid)) {
                 $flag = false;
                 if (empty($USER) || !isset($USER->id)) {
                     $flag = true;
                     if (!is_object($USER)) {
                         $saveuser = $USER;
                         $USER = new stdClass();
                     } else {
                         $saveuser = clone $USER;
                     $USER->id = get_admin()->id;
                 $caughtex = null;
                 try {
                     $plugin->enrol_user($enrol, $muserid, $enrol->roleid, $this->enrolmenttime, $this->endtime ? $this->endtime : 0);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $caughtex = $e;
                 if ($flag) {
                     $USER = $saveuser;
                 if ($caughtex) {
                     throw $caughtex;
     } else {
         $sturole = get_config('elisprogram_enrolrolesync', 'student_role');
         // ELIS-3397: must still trigger events for notifications
         $sturole = get_config('elisprogram_enrolrolesync', 'student_role');
         $ra = new stdClass();
         $ra->roleid = !empty($sturole) ? $sturole : $DB->get_field('role', 'id', array('shortname' => 'student'));
         $ra->contextid = \local_elisprogram\context\pmclass::instance($this->classid)->id;
         $ra->userid = cm_get_moodleuserid($this->userid);
         $ra->component = 'enrol_elis';
         $ra->timemodified = time();
         $ra->modifierid = empty($USER->id) ? 0 : $USER->id;
         events_trigger('role_assigned', $ra);
Beispiel #2
 public function save()
     $new = false;
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // already on waitlist
         return true;
     if (!isset($this->id)) {
         $new = true;
         if (empty($this->position)) {
             $max = $this->_db->get_field(waitlist::TABLE, 'MAX(position)', array('classid' => $this->classid));
             $this->position = $max + 1;
     $sendnotification = !empty(elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_addedtowaitlist_user) ? true : false;
     if ($new && $sendnotification === true) {
         $subject = get_string('waitlist', self::LANG_FILE);
         $pmclass = new pmclass($this->classid);
         $sparam = new stdClass();
         $sparam->idnumber = $pmclass->idnumber;
         $message = get_string('added_to_waitlist_message', self::LANG_FILE, $sparam);
         $cuser = new user($this->userid);
         $from = get_admin();
         notification::notify($message, $cuser, $from);
         //email_to_user($user, $from, $subject, $message); // *TBD*