public function createAlarms($alarms, &$vevent) { foreach ($alarms as $va) { $valarm = new valarm(); $valarm->setProperty('ACTION', self::codeAlarmAction($va['type'])); $duration = array(); switch ($va['unit']) { case 'h': $duration['hour'] = $va['time']; break; case 'm': $duration['min'] = $va['time']; break; case 's': $duration['sec'] = $va['time']; break; } $valarm->setProperty('trigger', $duration); $vevent->setComponent($valarm); } }
// set some X-properties, name, content.. . $v->setProperty('X-WR-CALDESC', 'Description of the calendar'); $v->setProperty('X-WR-TIMEZONE', 'Europe/Stockholm'); $e = new vevent(); // initiate EVENT $e->setProperty('categories', 'FAMILY'); // catagorize $e->setProperty('dtstart', 2007, 12, 24, 19, 30, 00); // 24 dec 2007 19.30 $e->setProperty('duration', 0, 0, 3); // 3 hours $e->setProperty('description', 'x-mas evening - diner'); // describe the event $e->setProperty('location', 'Home'); // locate the event $a = new valarm(); // initiate ALARM $a->setProperty('action', 'DISPLAY'); // set what to do $a->setProperty('description', 'Buy X-mas gifts'); // describe alarm $a->setProperty('trigger', array('week' => 1)); // set trigger one week before $e->setComponent($a); // add alarm component to event component as subcomponent $v->setComponent($e); // add event component to calendar /* alt. production */ // $v->returnCalendar(); // generate and redirect output to user browser /* alt. dev. and test */ $str = $v->createCalendar();
function converttoical($icalcomponent, $message, $mapping, $allday = false) { foreach ($mapping as $k => $e) { if (isset($message->{$e}[0])) { $val = $message->{$e}[0]; if (!is_object($val) && !is_array($val)) { $val = trim($val); } if ($val != '') { $k = strtoupper($k); // if found $k in message convert and put in event if ($e[1] == 0) { $icalcomponent->setProperty($k, $val); } if ($e[1] == 1) { $val = trim($val); switch ($k) { case "CLASS": switch ($val) { case "0": $val = "PUBLIC"; break; case "1": $val = "PRIVATE"; break; case "2": $val = "PRIVATE"; break; case "3": $val = "CONFIDENTIAL"; break; } break; case "STATUS": switch ($val) { case "1": $val = "TENTATIVE"; break; case "3": $val = "CONFIRMED"; break; case "5": $val = "CANCELLED"; break; } break; case "TRANSP": switch ($val) { case "0": $val = "TRANSPARENT"; break; case "2": $val = "OPAQUE"; break; default: $val = "OPAQUE"; } break; case "PRIORITY": switch ($val) { case "0": $val = "9"; break; case "1": $val = "5"; break; case "2": $val = "1"; break; default: $val = ""; } break; } $icalcomponent->setProperty($k, $val); } if ($e[1] == 2) { $icalcomponent->setProperty($k, $val); } if ($e[1] == 3) { // convert to date $val = $this->parseDate($val); if ($allday) { $icalcomponent->setProperty($k, $val, array('VALUE' => 'DATE')); } else { $icalcomponent->setProperty($k, $val); } } if ($e[1] == 4) { // extract organizers name and email if (trim($val) != '') { $icalcomponent->setProperty($k, $val); } } if ($e[1] == 5) { // recurrence? switch (trim($val->type)) { case "0": $args['FREQ'] = "DAILY"; break; case "1": $args['FREQ'] = "WEEKLY"; break; case "2": $args['FREQ'] = "MONTHLY"; break; case "3": $args['FREQ'] = "MONTHLY"; break; case "5": $args['FREQ'] = "YEARLY"; break; case "6": $args['FREQ'] = "YEARLY"; break; } if (isset($val->dayofweek) && $val->dayofweek != "" && is_numeric($val->dayofweek)) { $tmp = "0000000" . decbin($val->dayofweek); $args["BYDAY"] = array(); $len = strlen($tmp); if (isset($val->weekofmonth) && $val->weekofmonth != "" && is_numeric($val->weekofmonth)) { $wn = $val->weekofmonth; if (substr($tmp, $len - 1, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array($wn, "DAY" => "SU")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 2, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array($wn, "DAY" => "MO")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 3, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array($wn, "DAY" => "TU")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 4, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array($wn, "DAY" => "WE")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 5, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array($wn, "DAY" => "TH")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 6, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array($wn, "DAY" => "FR")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 7, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array($wn, "DAY" => "SA")); } } else { if (substr($tmp, $len - 1, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array("DAY" => "SU")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 2, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array("DAY" => "MO")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 3, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array("DAY" => "TU")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 4, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array("DAY" => "WE")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 5, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array("DAY" => "TH")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 6, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array("DAY" => "FR")); } if (substr($tmp, $len - 7, 1) == "1") { array_push($args["BYDAY"], array("DAY" => "SA")); } } } if (isset($val->dayofmonth) && $val->dayofmonth != "" && is_numeric($val->dayofmonth)) { $args['BYMONTHDAY'] = $val->dayofmonth; } if (isset($val->monthofyear) && $val->monthofyear != "" && is_numeric($val->monthofyear)) { $args['BYMONTH'] = $val->monthofyear; } $args['INTERVAL'] = 1; if (isset($val->interval) && $val->interval != "") { $args['INTERVAL'] = $val->interval; } if (isset($val->until) && $val->until != "") { $args['UNTIL'] = $this->parseGMTDate($val->until); } if (isset($val->occurrences) && $val->occurrences != "") { $args['COUNT'] = $val->occurrences; } $icalcomponent->setProperty($k, $args); } if ($e[1] == 6) { if ($val != "") { $val = $this->parseDate($val); $icalcomponent->setProperty($k, $val); $icalcomponent->setProperty("PERCENT_COMPLETE", 100); $icalcomponent->setProperty("STATUS", "COMPLETED"); } } if ($e[1] == 7) { $valarm = new valarm(); $valarm->setProperty("ACTION", "DISPLAY"); $valarm->setProperty("DESCRIPTION", $icalcomponent->getProperty("SUMMARY")); $valarm->setProperty("TRIGGER", "-PT0H" . $val . "M0S"); $icalcomponent->setComponent($valarm); } if ($e[1] == 8) { $valarm = new valarm(); $valarm->setProperty("ACTION", "DISPLAY"); $valarm->setProperty("DESCRIPTION", $icalcomponent->getProperty("SUMMARY")); $valarm->setProperty("TRIGGER", array("timestamp" => $val)); $icalcomponent->setComponent($valarm); } if ($e[1] == 9 && is_array($val)) { foreach ($val as $att) { $icalcomponent->setProperty($k, $att->email, array("CN" => $att->name)); } } if ($e[1] == 10) { require_once 'z_RTF.php'; $rtfparser = new rtf(); $rtfparser->loadrtf(base64_decode($val)); $rtfparser->output("ascii"); $rtfparser->parse(); $icalcomponent->setProperty($k, $rtfparser->out); } } } } return $icalcomponent; }
/** * @param array $start * @param array $end * @param string $subject * @param bool $allday * @param string $description * @param string $location * @param null $color * @param string $timezone * @param bool $notification * @param null $notification_type * @param null $notification_value * @return array|string */ public function addItem($start, $end, $subject, $allday = false, $description = "", $location = "", $color = null, $timezone = "", $notification = true, $notification_type = null, $notification_value = null) { $a = get_app(); $v = new vcalendar(); $v->setConfig('unique_id', $a->get_hostname()); $v->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH'); $v->setProperty("x-wr-calname", "AnimexxCal"); $v->setProperty("X-WR-CALDESC", "Animexx Calendar"); $v->setProperty("X-WR-TIMEZONE", $a->timezone); $vevent = dav_create_vevent($start, $end, $allday); $vevent->setLocation(icalendar_sanitize_string($location)); $vevent->setSummary(icalendar_sanitize_string($subject)); $vevent->setDescription(icalendar_sanitize_string($description)); if (!is_null($color) && $color >= 0) { $vevent->setProperty("X-ANIMEXX-COLOR", $color); } if ($notification && $notification_type == null) { if ($allday) { $notification_type = "hour"; $notification_value = 24; } else { $notification_type = "minute"; $notification_value = 60; } } if ($notification) { $valarm = new valarm(); $valarm->setTrigger($notification_type == "year" ? $notification_value : 0, $notification_type == "month" ? $notification_value : 0, $notification_type == "day" ? $notification_value : 0, $notification_type == "week" ? $notification_value : 0, $notification_type == "hour" ? $notification_value : 0, $notification_type == "minute" ? $notification_value : 0, $notification_type == "second" ? $notification_value : 0, true, $notification_value > 0); $valarm->setAction("DISPLAY"); $valarm->setDescription($subject); $vevent->setComponent($valarm); } $v->setComponent($vevent); $ical = $v->createCalendar(); $obj_id = trim($vevent->getProperty("UID")); $calendarBackend = new Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Std(); $calendarBackend->createCalendarObject($this->getNamespace() . "-" . $this->namespace_id, $obj_id . ".ics", $ical); return $obj_id . ".ics"; }
/** * Save client event * @param web request $request */ public function executeUpdateEvent($request) { $sf_user = $this->getUser(); $sf_user_id = $sf_user->getGuardUser()->getId(); $client_id = $request->getParameter('id'); $client_profile = ProfilePeer::retrieveByPK($client_id); $sfguard_user_profile = $sf_user->getProfile(); $sfguard_fullname = $sfguard_user_profile->getFullname(); $sfguard_email = $sfguard_user_profile->getEmail(); $start_hour = $request->getParameter('start_hour'); $start_min = $request->getParameter('start_min'); $time_mode = $request->getParameter('start_mn'); $client_branch_id = BranchUsersPeer::getUserBranchId($client_profile->getUserId()); $hour = sfConfig::get('mod_client_outlook_shour'); $sc_hour = sfConfig::get('mod_client_secondhalf_shhour'); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $event_id = $this->getRequestParameter('event_id'); $event_details = ''; if ($event_id) { $event_details = pmProjectObjectsPeer::retrieveByPK($event_id); $this->form = new ClientEventForm($event_details); } else { $this->form = new ClientEventForm(); } $event_data = $request->getParameter('pm_project_objects'); if ($time_mode == 'AM') { $start_hour_value = $start_hour == 11 ? '00' : $hour[$start_hour]; $date_field_1 = $event_data['date_field_1'] . ' ' . $start_hour_value . ':' . $start_min . ':00'; } elseif ($time_mode == 'PM') { $start_hour_value = $start_hour == 11 ? $hour[$start_hour] : $sc_hour[$start_hour]; $date_field_1 = $event_data['date_field_1'] . ' ' . $start_hour_value . ':' . $start_min . ':00'; } $event_data['module'] = 'client event'; $event_data['tree_left'] = $client_branch_id; $event_data['tree_right'] = $sf_user_id; $event_data['integer_field_2'] = $client_id; $event_data['date_field_1'] = $date_field_1; $event_data['contract_id'] = $request->getParameter('contract_id'); $event_data['created_by_id'] = $sf_user_id; $event_data['updated_by_id'] = $sf_user_id; $this->form->bind($event_data); if ($this->form->isValid()) { $client_event = $this->form->save(); $client_event->setParentId($client_event->getId()); $client_event->setUpdatedAt($date_field_1); $client_event->save(); // create instance of event class and add client event in event table $event = ''; $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(EventPeer::CEVENT_ID, $event_id); $event = EventPeer::doSelectOne($c); if (!$event) { $event = new Event(); } $event_start_date = $client_event->getDateField1(); $client_full_name = $client_profile->getFname() . ' ' . $client_profile->getLname(); $event->setUserId($client_profile->getUserId()); $event->setSubject($client_full_name . ': ' . $client_event->getName() . ': ' . $client_event->getBody()); $event->setBody($client_event->getName() . ': ' . $client_event->getBody()); $event->setEventType('client event'); $event->setStartTime($date_field_1); $event->setEndTime($date_field_1); $event->setCeventId($client_event->getId()); $event->setCalendarId(calendarsPeer::getCalendarIdByUserId($sf_user_id)); $event->save(); $ical = $this->getICalData($event); $event->setUri($ical->filename); $event->setIcsData($ical->createCalendar()); $event->setCreatedById($sf_user_id); $event->save(); $events = $event; if ($time_mode == 'PM') { $hour = sfConfig::get('mod_client_outlook_shour'); } else { $hour = sfConfig::get('mod_client_outlook_shour'); } $start_time = strtotime($event_start_date); $end_time = strtotime($event_start_date); $hour_start = $hour[$start_hour]; //set default 9:00am $minute_start = $start_min; $end_hr = $start_min; // star time $start = array('year' => date('Y', $start_time), 'month' => date('m', $start_time), 'day' => date('d', $start_time), 'hour' => $hour_start, 'min' => $minute_start, 'sec' => date('s', $start_time)); $outlook_start = date('d-m-Y', $start_time); $metting_start_time = $hour_start . ':' . $minute_start . ':' . '00'; $mode = $time_mode == 'PM' ? ' PM' : ' AM'; $metting_start_time = $metting_start_time . $mode; sfConfig::set('sf_web_debug', false); $description = get_partial('message_data', array()); $sender = str_replace('sender', "{$client_full_name}", $description); $topic = str_replace('topic', "{$client_event->getName()}", $sender); $time = str_replace('start', "{$outlook_start}", $topic); $s_t = str_replace('s_t', "{$metting_start_time}", $time); $place = str_replace('place', "{$client_event->getVarcharField1()}", $s_t); $subject = str_replace('subject', "{$client_event->getBody()}", $place); $involved_user = $client_event->getContractId(); $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(ProfilePeer::USER_ID, $involved_user); $involved_user_profile = ProfilePeer::doSelectOne($c); $organizer = $involved_user_profile->getEmail(); if ($time_mode == 'PM') { $outlook_hour = sfConfig::get('mod_client_soutlook_dhour'); } else { $outlook_hour = sfConfig::get('mod_client_secoutlook_sechour'); } $time_start = array('year' => date('Y', $start_time), 'month' => date('m', $start_time), 'day' => date('d', $start_time), 'hour' => $outlook_hour[$hour_start], 'min' => $minute_start, 'sec' => date('s', $start_time)); $v_event = new vevent(); $v_event->setProperty("organizer", 'MAILTO:' . $organizer); //$v_event->setProperty("recurrence-id", $start); $v_event->setProperty('uid', md5($events->getId())); $v_event->setProperty('dtstamp', $events->getCreatedAt()); $v_event->setProperty('dtstart', $time_start); $v_event->setProperty('location', $client_event->getVarcharField1()); $v_event->setProperty('dtend', $time_start); $v_event->setProperty('summary', $events->getSubject()); $v_event->setProperty('description', $subject); $v_event->setProperty("status", "CONFIRMED"); $v_timezone = new vtimezone(); $v_timezone->setProperty("tzid", "Pacific/Auckland"); $v_event->setComponent($v_timezone); $cal_events[] = $v_event; $v_alarm = new valarm(); $v_alarm->setProperty('trigger', 'PT15M'); $v_alarm->setProperty('action', 'display'); $v_alarm->setProperty('Description', "Reminder: " . $subject); $v_event->setComponent($v_alarm); $calendar_events = $cal_events; $config = array('unique_id' => ''); $v_calendar = new vcalendar(); $v_calendar->setProperty("method", "REQUEST"); $mail_data = $this->setIcalEvents($v_calendar, $calendar_events); $all_events = $v_calendar->createCalendar(); $send_mail = new mailSend(); $send_mail->sendInvitationToUser($organizer, null, $all_events); $event_type = $event_id ? 'updated' : 'added'; $modification_message = $event_id ? 'Update Client Event' : 'Add Client Event'; $client_user_id = $client_profile->getUserId(); $this->saveHistory($modification_message, $client_user_id); $sf_user->setFlash('notice', 'The Event "' . $client_event->getBody() . '" has been ' . $event_type . ' successfully.'); $this->redirect($request->getReferer()); } } }