Beispiel #1
function UsageAndExit($oP)
    $bModeCLI = utils::IsModeCLI();
    if ($bModeCLI) {
        $oP->p("php cron.php --auth_user=<login> --auth_pwd=<password> [--param_file=<file>] [--verbose=1] [--debug=1] [--status_only=1]\n");
    } else {
        $oP->p("Optional parameters: verbose, param_file, status_only\n");
    exit - 2;
Beispiel #2
function UsageAndExit($oP)
    global $aPageParams;
    $bModeCLI = utils::IsModeCLI();
    if ($bModeCLI) {
        $oP->p("php -q synchro_exec.php --auth_user=<login> --auth_pwd=<password> --data_sources=<comma_separated_list_of_data_sources> [max_chunk_size=<limit the count of replica loaded in a single pass>]\n");
    } else {
        $oP->p("The parameter 'data_sources' is mandatory, and must contain a comma separated list of data sources\n");
    exit - 2;
function UsageAndExit($oP)
    global $aPageParams;
    $bModeCLI = utils::IsModeCLI();
    foreach ($aPageParams as $sParam => $aParamData) {
        $aModes = explode(',', $aParamData['modes']);
        if ($bModeCLI) {
            if (in_array('cli', $aModes)) {
                $sDesc = $aParamData['description'] . ', ' . ($aParamData['mandatory'] ? 'mandatory' : 'optional, defaults to [' . $aParamData['default'] . ']');
                $oP->p("{$sParam} = {$sDesc}");
        } else {
            if (in_array('http', $aModes)) {
                $sDesc = $aParamData['description'] . ', ' . ($aParamData['mandatory'] ? 'mandatory' : 'optional, defaults to [' . $aParamData['default'] . ']');
                $oP->p("{$sParam} = {$sDesc}");
require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
require_once APPROOT . '/application/';
function ReadMandatoryParam($oP, $sParam, $sSanitizationFilter = 'parameter')
    $sValue = utils::ReadParam($sParam, null, true, $sSanitizationFilter);
    if (is_null($sValue)) {
        $oP->p("ERROR: Missing argument '{$sParam}'\n");
    return trim($sValue);
// Main program
if (!utils::IsModeCLI()) {
    $oP = new WebPage(Dict::S("TitleSynchroExecution"));
    $oP->p("This page is used internally by iTop");
    exit - 2;
$oP = new CLIPage(Dict::S("TitleSynchroExecution"));
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $oP->p("Error: " . $e->GetMessage());
    exit - 2;
// Next steps:
//   specific arguments: 'csvfile'
Beispiel #5
function InteractiveShell($sExpression, $sQueryId, $sFormat, $sFileName, $sMode)
    if ($sMode == 'dialog') {
        $oP = new ajax_page('');
        $oP->add('<div id="interactive_export_dlg">');
        $sExportBtnLabel = json_encode(Dict::S('UI:Button:Export'));
        $sJSTitle = json_encode(htmlentities(utils::ReadParam('dialog_title', '', false, 'raw_data'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
\t\t\tautoOpen: true,
\t\t\tmodal: true,
\t\t\twidth: '80%',
\t\t\ttitle: {$sJSTitle},
\t\t\tclose: function() { \$('#export-form').attr('data-state', 'cancelled'); \$(this).remove(); },
\t\t\tbuttons: [
\t\t\t\t{text: {$sExportBtnLabel}, id: 'export-dlg-submit', click: function() {} }
\t\tsetTimeout(function() { \$('#interactive_export_dlg').dialog('option', { position: { my: "center", at: "center", of: window }}); \$('#export-btn').hide(); ExportInitButton('#export-dlg-submit'); }, 100);
    } else {
        $oP = new iTopWebPage('iTop Export');
    if ($sExpression === null) {
        // No expression supplied, let's check if phrasebook entry is given
        if ($sQueryId !== null) {
            $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL('SELECT QueryOQL WHERE id = :query_id', array('query_id' => $sQueryId));
            $oQueries = new DBObjectSet($oSearch);
            if ($oQueries->Count() > 0) {
                $oQuery = $oQueries->Fetch();
                $sExpression = $oQuery->Get('oql');
                $sFields = trim($oQuery->Get('fields'));
            } else {
                ReportErrorAndExit("Invalid query phrasebook identifier: '{$sQueryId}'");
        } else {
            if (utils::IsModeCLI()) {
                ReportErrorAndExit("No expression or query phrasebook identifier supplied.");
            } else {
                // form to enter an OQL query or pick a query phrasebook identifier
                DisplayForm($oP, utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'webservices/export-v2.php', $sExpression, $sQueryId, $sFormat);
    if ($sFormat !== null) {
        $oExporter = BulkExport::FindExporter($sFormat);
        if ($oExporter === null) {
            $aSupportedFormats = BulkExport::FindSupportedFormats();
            ReportErrorAndExit("Invalid output format: '{$sFormat}'. The supported formats are: " . implode(', ', array_keys($aSupportedFormats)));
        } else {
            DisplayForm($oP, utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'webservices/export-v2.php', $sExpression, $sQueryId, $sFormat);
    } else {
        DisplayForm($oP, utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'webservices/export-v2.php', $sExpression, $sQueryId, $sFormat);
    if ($sMode == 'dialog') {
  * Do the entire synchronization job
 protected function DoSynchronize()
     $this->m_oStatLog->Set('status_curr_job', 1);
     $this->m_oStatLog->Set('status_curr_pos', -1);
     $iMaxChunkSize = utils::ReadParam('max_chunk_size', 0, true);
     if ($iMaxChunkSize > 0) {
         // Split the execution into several processes
         // Each process will call DoSynchronizeChunk()
         // The loop will end when a process does not reply "continue" on the last line of its output
         if (!utils::IsModeCLI()) {
             throw new SynchroExceptionNotStarted(Dict::S('Core:SyncSplitModeCLIOnly'));
         $aArguments = array();
         $aArguments['source'] = $this->m_oDataSource->GetKey();
         $aArguments['log'] = $this->m_oStatLog->GetKey();
         $aArguments['change'] = $this->m_oChange->GetKey();
         $aArguments['chunk'] = $iMaxChunkSize;
         if ($this->m_oLastFullLoadStartDate) {
             $aArguments['last_full_load'] = $this->m_oLastFullLoadStartDate->Format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         } else {
             $aArguments['last_full_load'] = '';
         $iStepCount = 0;
         do {
             $aArguments['step_count'] = $iStepCount;
             list($iRes, $aOut) = utils::ExecITopScript('synchro/priv_sync_chunk.php', $aArguments);
             // Reload the log that has been modified by the processes
             $sLastRes = strtolower(trim(end($aOut)));
             switch ($sLastRes) {
                 case 'continue':
                     $bContinue = true;
                 case 'finished':
                     $bContinue = false;
                     $this->m_oStatLog->AddTrace("The script did not reply with the expected keywords:");
                     $aIndentedOut = array();
                     foreach ($aOut as $sOut) {
                         $aIndentedOut[] = "-> {$sOut}";
                         $this->m_oStatLog->AddTrace(">>> {$sOut}");
                     throw new Exception("Encountered an error in an underspinned process:\n" . implode("\n", $aIndentedOut));
         } while ($bContinue);
     } else {
Beispiel #7
                    $oP->add("Unsupported format '{$sFormat}'. Possible values are: html, csv, spreadsheet or xml.");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $oP = new WebPage("iTop - Export");
        $oP->p("Error the query can not be executed.");
        if ($e instanceof CoreException) {
        } else {
if (!$oP) {
    // Display a short message about how to use this page
    $bModeCLI = utils::IsModeCLI();
    if ($bModeCLI) {
        $oP = new CLIPage("iTop - Export");
    } else {
        $oP = new WebPage("iTop - Export");
    $oP->p("General purpose export page.");
    $oP->p(" * expression: an OQL expression (URL encoded if needed)");
    $oP->p(" * query: (alternative to 'expression') the id of an entry from the query phrasebook");
    $oP->p(" * arg_xxx: (needed if the query has parameters) the value of the parameter 'xxx'");
    $oP->p(" * format: (optional, default is html) the desired output format. Can be one of 'html', 'spreadsheet', 'csv', 'xlsx' or 'xml'");
    $oP->p(" * fields: (optional, no effect on XML format) list of fields (attribute codes, or alias.attcode) separated by a coma");
    $oP->p(" * fields_advanced: (optional, no effect on XML/HTML formats ; ignored is fields is specified) If set to 1, the default list of fields will include the external keys and their reconciliation keys");
    $oP->p(" * filename: (optional, no effect in CLI mode) if set then the results will be downloaded as a file");
Beispiel #8
function Usage($oP)
    $oP->p('Perform a backup of the iTop database by running mysqldump');
    if (utils::IsModeCLI()) {
        $oP->p('auth_user: login, must be administrator');
        $oP->p('auth_pwd: ...');
    $oP->p('backup_file [optional]: name of the file to store the backup into. Follows the PHP strftime format spec. The following placeholders are available: __HOST__, __DB__, __SUBNAME__');
    $oP->p('simulate [optional]: set to check the name of the file that would be created');
    $oP->p('mysql_bindir [optional]: specify the path for mysqldump');
    if (utils::IsModeCLI()) {
        $oP->p('Example: php -q backup.php --auth_user=admin --auth_pwd=myPassw0rd');
        $oP->p('Known limitation: the current directory must be the directory of backup.php');
    } else {
        $oP->p('Example: .../backup.php?backup_file=/tmp/backup.__DB__-__SUBNAME__.%Y-%m');