Beispiel #1
	function d3downloads_notify_base( $mydirname , $category , $item_id )
		include_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/class/user_access.php' ;
		include_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/class/mydownload.php' ;

		$db =& Database::getInstance() ;

		$module_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'module' ) ;
		$module =& $module_handler->getByDirname( $mydirname ) ;

		$user_access = new user_access( $mydirname ) ;
		$mydownload = new MyDownload( $mydirname ) ;

		if ($category=='global') {
			$item['name'] = '';
			$item['url'] = '';
			return $item;

		if ( $category=='category' ) {
			// Assume we have a valid cat_id
			$whr_cat = "cid IN (".implode(",", $user_access->can_read() ).")" ;

			$sql = "SELECT title FROM ".$db->prefix( $mydirname."_cat" )." WHERE cid='".$item_id."' AND ($whr_cat)" ;
			$result = $db->query( $sql );
			$result_array = $db->fetchArray( $result );
			$item['name'] = $result_array['title'];
			$item['url'] = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $module->getVar('dirname') . "/index.php?cid=".$item_id ;
			return $item ;

		if ( $category=='file' ) {
			// Assume we have a valid topid_id
			$whr_cat = "cid IN (".implode(",", $user_access->can_read() ).")" ;

			$sql = "SELECT cid, title FROM ".$db->prefix( $mydirname."_downloads" )." WHERE lid = '".$item_id."'";
			$sql .= " AND ".$mydownload->whr_append( 'Single' )." AND ($whr_cat)" ;
			$result = $db->query($sql);
			$result_array = $db->fetchArray( $result );
			$item['name'] = $result_array['title'];
			$item['url'] = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $module->getVar('dirname') . "/index.php?page=singlefile&cid=" . $result_array['cid'] . "&lid=" . $item_id;
			return $item ;
Beispiel #2
	function b_sitemap_d3downloads( $mydirname )
		require_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/user_access.php' ;
		include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/mycategory.php' ;

		$user_access = new user_access( $mydirname ) ;
		$mycategory = new MyCategory( $mydirname, 'Show' ) ;

		$whr = "cid IN ( ".implode( ",", $user_access->can_read() )." )" ;
		return $mycategory->sitemap( '', $whr, 1 ) ;
Beispiel #3
	function b_d3downloads_mylink_show( $options )
		global $xoopsConfig ;
		$db =& Database::getInstance() ;
		$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance() ;

		include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/user_access.php' ;
		include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/block_download.php' ;
		require_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/include/common_functions.php' ;

		$mydirname = empty( $options[0] ) ? 'd3downloads' : $options[0] ;
		$categories = empty( $options[1] ) ? '' : $options[1] ;
		$intree = empty( $options[2] ) ? 0 : 1 ;
		$selected_order = empty( $options[3] ) || ! in_array( $options[3] , d3download_list_order() ) ? ' DESC' : $options[3] ;
		$max_entry = empty( $options[4] ) ? 10 : intval( $options[4] )  ;
		$max_size = empty( $options[5] ) ?  25 : intval( $options[5] )  ;
		$date_format = empty( $options[6] ) ? 'Y/m/d' :  htmlspecialchars ( $options[6] , ENT_QUOTES ) ;
		$block_type= empty( $options[7] ) ? 1 : intval( $options[7] ) ;
		$this_template = empty( $options[8] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_block_mylink.html' : trim( $options[8] ) ;

		if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;

		$user_access = new user_access( $mydirname ) ;
		$whr = "d.cid IN (".implode(",", $user_access->can_read() ).")" ;
		$block_download = new block_download( $mydirname ) ;
		$downdata = $block_download->get_downdata_for_block( $whr, $max_entry, $max_size, $date_format, $selected_order, $categories, $intree, 1 ) ;

		if( ! empty( $downdata ) ){
			$block['download'] = $downdata ;
			$block['mydirname'] = $mydirname ;
			$block['mod_url'] = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$mydirname ;
			$block['selected_order'] = $selected_order;
			$block['type'] = $block_type;
			$block['lang_title'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_TITLE;
			$block['lang_category'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_CTITLE;
			$block['lang_postname'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_POSTNAME;
			$block['lang_hits'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_HITS;
			$block['lang_rating'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_RATING;
			$block['lang_votes'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_VOTES;
			$block['lang_updated'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_DATE;

			if( empty( $options['disable_renderer'] ) ) {
				require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/template.php' ;
				$tpl = new XoopsTpl() ;
				$tpl->assign( 'block' , $block ) ;
				$ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch( $this_template ) ;
				return $ret ;
			} else {
				return $block ;
Beispiel #4
	function b_d3downloads_list_show( $options )
		global $xoopsConfig ;
		$db =& Database::getInstance() ;
		$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance() ;

		include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/user_access.php' ;
		include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/block_download.php' ;
		require_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/include/common_functions.php' ;

		$mydirname = empty( $options[0] ) ? 'd3downloads' : $options[0] ;
		$categories = empty( $options[1] ) ? '' : $options[1] ;
		$selected_order = empty( $options[2] ) || ! in_array( $options[2] , d3download_list_order() ) ? ' DESC' : $options[2] ;
		$max_entry = empty( $options[3] ) ? 10 : intval( $options[3] )  ;
		$date_format = empty( $options[4] ) ? 'Y/m/d' :  htmlspecialchars ( $options[4] , ENT_QUOTES ) ;
		$show_body = empty( $options[5] ) ? false : true ;
		$this_template = empty( $options[6] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_block_list.html' : trim( $options[6] ) ;
		$intree = empty( $options[7] ) ? 0 : 1 ;

		if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;

		$user_access = new user_access( $mydirname ) ;
		$whr = "d.cid IN (".implode(",", $user_access->can_read() ).")" ;
		$block_download = new block_download( $mydirname ) ;
		$downdata = $block_download->get_downdata_for_block( $whr, $max_entry, 0, $date_format, $selected_order, $categories, $intree ) ;
		if( ! empty( $downdata ) ){
			$block['download'] = $downdata ;
			$block['mydirname'] = $mydirname ;
			$block['mod_url'] = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$mydirname ;
			$block['show_body'] = $show_body;

			if( empty( $options['disable_renderer'] ) ) {
				require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/template.php' ;
				$tpl = new XoopsTpl() ;
				$tpl->assign( 'block' , $block ) ;
				$ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch( $this_template ) ;
				return $ret ;
			} else {
				return $block ;
		function validate_id( $link_id )
			include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/user_access.php' ;
			include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/mydownload.php' ;

			$db =& Database::getInstance() ;
			$mydirname = $this->mydirname ;

			$user_access = new user_access( $mydirname ) ;
			$mydownload = new MyDownload( $mydirname ) ;

			$lid = intval( $link_id ) ;
			$whr_cat = "cid IN (".implode(",", $user_access->can_read() ).")" ;

			$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$db->prefix( $mydirname."_downloads" )." WHERE lid='".$lid."'  AND ( $whr_cat )" ;
			$sql .= " AND ".$mydownload->whr_append( 'Single' )." AND cancomment = '1'" ;
			list( $count ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( $sql ) ) ;
			if( $count <= 0 ) return false ;
			else return $lid ;
	function b_d3downloads_category_show( $options )
		include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/user_access.php' ;
		include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/mycategory.php' ;

		$mydirname = empty( $options[0] ) ? 'd3downloads' : $options[0] ;
		$intree = empty( $options[1] ) ? 0 : 1 ;
		$cols= empty( $options[2] ) ? 1 : intval( $options[2] ) ;
		$this_template = empty( $options[3] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_block_category.html' : trim( $options[3] ) ;

		if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;

		$user_access = new user_access( $mydirname ) ;
		$whr = "cid IN ( ".implode( ",", $user_access->can_read() )." )" ;
		$mycategory = new MyCategory( $mydirname, 'Show' ) ;
		$whr_append = $mycategory->default_whr_append() ;
		$category = $mycategory->sitemap( 'index.php?', $whr, 0, $whr_append, $intree ) ;

		if( ! empty( $category ) ){
			$block['category'] = $category ;
			$block['mydirname'] = $mydirname ;
			$block['mod_url'] = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$mydirname ;
			$block['intree'] = $intree;
			$block['cols'] = $cols;
			$block['lang_total'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_TOTAL;

			if( empty( $options['disable_renderer'] ) ) {
				require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/template.php' ;
				$tpl = new XoopsTpl() ;
				$tpl->assign( 'block' , $block ) ;
				$ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch( $this_template ) ;
				return $ret ;
			} else {
				return $block ;
Beispiel #7
	$referer_host = $referer['host'];
	foreach ( $xoopsModuleConfig['referers'] as $ref ) {
		if ( ! empty( $ref ) && preg_match("/".$ref."/i", $referer_host ) ) {
			$goodhost = "1";
			break ;

	if ( ! $goodhost ) {
		redirect_header( XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$mydirname."/index.php?page=singlefile?cid=$cid&amp;lid=$lid", 20, _MD_D3DOWNLOADS_NOPERMISETOLINK );
		exit() ;

$user_access = new user_access( $mydirname ) ;
$whr_cat = "d.cid IN (".implode(",", $user_access->can_read() ).")" ;
$mydownload = new MyDownload( $mydirname, $whr_cat, $lid ) ;
if( ! $mydownload->return_lid() ) {
	d3download_delete_cache_of_categories( $mydirname ) ;
	redirect_header( XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$mydirname."/", 20, _MD_D3DOWNLOADS_NOMATCH ) ;
	exit() ;

if ( xoops_refcheck() ) $mydownload->Hits_Count( $lid ) ;
d3download_delete_cache_of_categories( $mydirname ) ;

switch( $second ) {
	case false :
		$url = $mydownload->return_url('Show') ;
		$filename = $mydownload->return_filename('Show') ;
		$ext = $mydownload->return_ext('Show') ;
Beispiel #8
	function d3download_submenu( $mydirname, $submenu_option )
		include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/user_access.php' ;

		$module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
		$config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
		$module =& $module_handler->getByDirname( $mydirname );
		$mod_config =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat( 0, $module->getVar( 'mid' ) );

		$user_access = new user_access( $mydirname ) ;
		$whr = "cid IN (".implode(",", $user_access->can_read() ).")" ;
		$constpref = '_MI_' . strtoupper( $mydirname ) ;

		$submenu = array( 0 => array( 'name' => '' , 'url' => '' , 'sub' => array() ) ) ;

		if( d3download_submenu_option( $submenu_option, 'categories' ) ){
			$submenu = array_merge( $submenu, d3download_get_categories_for_submenu( $mydirname, $whr ) ) ;

		if( ! empty( $mod_config['show_mypost'] ) ){
			$submitter = d3download_is_submitter( $mydirname, $whr ) ;
			if( ! empty( $submitter ) ) {
				$submenu['sub'][] = array(
					'name' => constant( $constpref.'_MYPOST_VIEW' ) ,
					'url' => 'index.php?submitter='.$submitter ,

		if( d3download_submenu_option( $submenu_option, 'mylink' ) && d3download_total_mylink( $mydirname, 0, $whr ) ){
			$submenu['sub'][] = array(
				'name' => constant( $constpref.'_MYLINK' ) ,
				'url' => 'index.php?page=mylink' ,

		if( ! empty( $submenu['sub'] ) ) return $submenu['sub'];
		else return '';
Beispiel #9
	function d3downloads_global_search_base( $mydirname, $keywords, $andor, $limit, $offset, $userid )
		require_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/class/d3downloads.textsanitizer.php' ;
		include_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/class/mydownload.php' ;
		include_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/class/user_access.php' ;

		$myts =& d3downloadsTextSanitizer::getInstance() ;
		$db =& Database::getInstance() ;

		$showcontext = isset( $_GET['showcontext'] ) ? $_GET['showcontext'] : 0 ;
		$mydownload = new MyDownload( $mydirname ) ;
		$user_access = new user_access( $mydirname ) ;
		$whr = "cid IN ( ".implode( ",", $user_access->can_read() )." )" ;
		if( $showcontext == 1 ){
			$sql = "SELECT lid, cid, title, description, submitter, date FROM ".$db->prefix( $mydirname."_downloads" )."" ;
		} else {
			$sql = "SELECT lid, cid, title, submitter, date, title FROM ".$db->prefix( $mydirname."_downloads" )."" ;
		$sql .= " WHERE ".$mydownload->whr_append( 'Single' )." AND ( $whr )" ;
		if ( $userid != 0 ) $sql .= " AND submitter=".$userid." ";

		// because count() returns 1 even if a supplied variable
		// is not an array, we must check if $querryarray is really an array
		if ( is_array( $keywords ) && $count = count( $keywords ) ) {
			$sql .= " AND ( ( title LIKE '%$keywords[0]%' OR description LIKE '%$keywords[0]%' )" ;
			for( $i=1; $i<$count; $i++ ){
				$sql .= " $andor " ;
				$sql .= "( title LIKE '%$keywords[$i]%' OR description LIKE '%$keywords[$i]%' )" ;
			$sql .= ") " ;
		$sql .= "ORDER BY date DESC" ;
		$result = $db->query( $sql, $limit, $offset ) ;
		$ret = array();
		while( $myrow = $db->fetchArray( $result ) )
			$lid = intval( $myrow['lid'] ) ;
			$cid = intval( $myrow['cid'] ) ;
			$title = $myts->makeTboxData4Show( $myrow['title'] ) ;
			$date = intval( $myrow['date'] ) ;
			$submitter = intval( $myrow['submitter'] ) ;
			$context = '' ;
			// get context for module "search"
			if( function_exists( 'search_make_context' ) && $showcontext ) {
				$body = $myts->displayTarea( $myrow['description'], 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) ;
				if ( strstr ( $body , '[pagebreak]' ) ){
					$str = explode( '[pagebreak]', $body , 2 ) ;
					$body = $str[0] ;
				$full_context = strip_tags( $body ) ;
				if( function_exists( 'easiestml' ) ) $full_context = easiestml( $full_context ) ;
				$context = search_make_context( $full_context , $keywords ) ;
			$ret[] = array(
				'link' => "index.php?page=singlefile&amp;cid=$cid&amp;lid=$lid" ,
				'title' => $title ,
				'time' => $date ,
				'uid' => $submitter ,
				'context' => $context ,
			) ;
		return $ret ;
Beispiel #10
	function b_d3downloads_download_show( $options )
		include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/mydownload.php' ;
		include_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/user_access.php' ;

		$mydirname = empty( $options[0] ) ? 'd3downloads' : $options[0] ;
		$download_id = intval( @$options[1] ) ;
		$this_template = empty( $options[2] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_block_download.html' : trim( $options[2] ) ;

		if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;

		$mod_url = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$mydirname ;
		$module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
		$config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
		$module =& $module_handler->getByDirname( $mydirname );
		$mod_config =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(0, $module->getVar('mid'));

		$user_access = new user_access( $mydirname ) ;
		$whr_cat4read = "d.cid IN (".implode(",", $user_access->can_read() ).")" ;
		$mydownload = new MyDownload( $mydirname );
		$download4assign = $mydownload->get_downdata_for_singleview( $whr_cat4read, $download_id, 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ;
		$canuseshots = ! empty( $mod_config['useshots'] ) ? 1 : 0 ;
		$use_license = ! empty( $mod_config['use_license'] ) ? 1 : 0 ;
		$show_postname = ! empty( $mod_config['show_postname'] ) ? 1 : 0 ;

		if( ! empty( $download4assign ) ){
			global $xoopsModule;
			$dirname = is_object( @$xoopsModule ) ? $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') : '' ;
			if( is_object( $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl'] ) && $dirname != $mydirname ) {
				require_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/include/common_functions.php' ;
				$my_module_header = d3download_dbmoduleheader( $mydirname );
				$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('xoops_module_header', $my_module_header . "\n" . $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->get_template_vars( "xoops_module_header" ) );
			$block['download'] = $download4assign ;
			$block['mydirname'] = $mydirname ;
			$block['mod_url'] = $mod_url ;
			$block['canuseshots'] = $canuseshots ;
			$block['use_license'] = $use_license ;
			$block['show_postname'] = $show_postname ;
			$block['lang_title'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_TITLE;
			$block['lang_ctitle'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_CTITLE;
			$block['lang_version'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_VERSION;
			$block['lang_updated'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_DATE;
			$block['lang_description'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_DESCRIPTION;
			$block['lang_hits'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_HITS;
			$block['lang_size'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_SIZE;
			$block['lang_kb'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_KB;
			$block['lang_platform'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_PLATFORM;
			$block['lang_license'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LICENSE;
			$block['lang_homepage'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_LANG_HOMEPAGE;
			$block['lang_broken'] = _MB_D3DOWNLOADS_BROKEN_FILE;
			if( empty( $options['disable_renderer'] ) ) {
				require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/template.php' ;
				$tpl = new XoopsTpl() ;
				$tpl->assign( 'block' , $block ) ;
				$ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch( $this_template ) ;
				return $ret ;
			} else {
				return $block ;
Beispiel #11
		function get_Item( $category_option, $intree=0, $limit=0, $offset=0, $rss=0, $mylink=0 )
			require_once dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ).'/class/user_access.php';
			$user_access = new user_access( $this->mydirname ) ;

			$item = array() ;
			$permit = ( empty( $rss ) ) ? $this->get_permit() : false ;

			$whr = "d.cid IN (".implode(",", $user_access->can_read( $permit ) ).")" ;
			$where = "( $whr ) AND ".$this->whr_append()."" ;

			// categories
			switch( $intree ) {
				case true :
					$where .= " AND ( ". $this->whr_categories_intree_from_cids( $category_option )." )" ;
					break ;
				case false :
					$where .= " AND ( ". $this->whr_categories_from_cids( $category_option )." )" ;
					break ;

			// mylink
			if ( ! empty( $mylink ) ){
				$idarray = $this->get_mylink_idarray() ;
				if( empty( $idarray ) ) return $this->return_category_title( $category_option ) ;
				else $where .= " AND ( ". $this->get_whr_mylink( $idarray )." )" ;

			$sql = $this->default_sql() ." WHERE $where ORDER BY DESC" ;
			$result = $this->db->query( $sql, $limit, $offset ) ;
			if ( $this->db->getRowsNum( $result ) == 0 ) switch( $rss ) {
				case true :
					return $this->return_category_title( $category_option ) ;
				case false :
					return array() ;
			$i = 0 ;
			while( $array = $this->db->fetchArray( $result ) ) {
				foreach ( $array as $key=>$value ){
					$this->$key = $value ;
				$lid                     = $this->return_lid() ;
				$cid                     = $this->return_cid() ;
				$item[$i]['link']        = $this->mod_url."/index.php?page=singlefile&amp;cid=".$cid."&amp;lid=".$lid ;
				$item[$i]['cat_link']    = $this->mod_url."/index.php?cid=".$cid ;
				$item[$i]['title']       = $this->return_title('Show') ;
				$item[$i]['cat_name']    = $this->return_category('Show') ;
				$item[$i]['time']        = $this->return_date() ;
				$item[$i]['uid']         = $this->return_submitter() ;
				$item[$i]['hits']        = $this->return_hits() ;
				$item[$i]['id']          = $lid ;
				$item[$i]['cid']         = $cid ;
				$item[$i]['replies']     = $this->return_comments() ;
				$html                    = $this->return_html() ;
				$smiley                  = $this->return_smiley() ;
				$xcode                   = $this->return_xcode() ;
				$br                      = $this->return_br() ;
				$filters                 = $this->return_filters() ;
				$body                    = $this->myts->displayTarea( $this->return_description('Show'), $html, $smiley, $xcode, 1, $br, $filters ) ;
				$item[$i]['description'] = $this->return_body( $lid, $cid, $body , 1, 0, $rss ) ;
				$i++ ;
			return $item ;