function getNewsCountForCategory($catID)
     $sum = false;
     if (isset($this->categoryCountCache[$catID])) {
         $sum = $this->categoryCountCache[$catID];
     if ($sum !== false) {
         //			t3lib_div::devLog('CACHE HIT (' . __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ')', 'tt_news', - 1, array());
     } else {
         if ($this->tt_news_obj->cache_categoryCount) {
             $hash = t3lib_div::shortMD5(serialize($catID . $this->newsSelConf['pidInList'] . $this->newsSelConf['where'] . $this->tt_news_obj->enableFields . $this->clause), 30);
             $sum = $this->tt_news_obj->cache->get($hash);
         if ($sum === false) {
             if ($this->tt_news_obj->writeCachingInfoToDevlog) {
                 t3lib_div::devLog('CACHE MISS (single count) (' . __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ')', 'tt_news', 2, array());
             $result = array();
             $result['sum'] = 0;
             $news_clause = '';
             if (is_object($this->tt_news_obj)) {
                 $news_clause .= ' AND ' . $this->newsSelConf['where'] . $this->tt_news_obj->enableFields;
                 if ($this->newsSelConf['pidInList']) {
                     $news_clause .= ' AND IN (' . $this->newsSelConf['pidInList'] . ') ';
             tx_ttnews_div::getNewsCountForSubcategory($result, $catID, $news_clause, $this->clause);
             $sum = $result['sum'];
         $this->categoryCountCache[$catID] = (int) $sum;
         if ($this->tt_news_obj->cache_categoryCount) {
             $this->tt_news_obj->cache->set($hash, (string) $sum, 'categoryCounts');
     return $sum;
    function getNewsCountForSubcategory(&$result, $cat, $news_clause, $catclause)
        // count news in current category
        $select_fields = 'COUNT(DISTINCT tt_news.uid)';
        $from_table = '	tt_news_cat, tt_news_cat_mm, tt_news ';
        $where_clause = '
			tt_news_cat.uid=' . $cat . '
			AND tt_news_cat.uid=tt_news_cat_mm.uid_foreign
			AND tt_news_cat_mm.uid_local=tt_news.uid

        $where_clause .= $news_clause;
        $where_clause .= $catclause;
        $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery($select_fields, $from_table, $where_clause);
        $cRow = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_row($res);
        //		debug($cRow, ' ('.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.')', __LINE__, __FILE__, 3);
        $result['sum'] += $cRow[0];
        //		$result[$cat] = $cRow[0];
        // get subcategories
        $select_fields = 'tt_news_cat.uid';
        $from_table = '	tt_news_cat';
        $where_clause = '
			tt_news_cat.parent_category=' . $cat . '
			AND tt_news_cat.deleted=0 AND tt_news_cat.hidden=0

        $where_clause .= $catclause;
        $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery($select_fields, $from_table, $where_clause);
        while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            tx_ttnews_div::getNewsCountForSubcategory($result, $row['uid'], $news_clause, $catclause);
            //			debug($result, '$result cat: '.$row['uid'].' ('.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__.')', __LINE__, __FILE__, 3);