Beispiel #1
if ($this->user_can_post) {
<a id="tfk_new_task" href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(add_query_arg('edit', ''));
    _e('New Task', 'taskfreak');
<ul id="tfk_subfilters">
echo tfk_item_status::list_links($this->baselink, 'filter_task', $this->filters['filter_task'], $this->data->count() ? $this->data->total() : null);
if ($this->data->count()) {
<div id="tfk_task_count">
    echo $this->data->total() . ' ' . _n('task', 'tasks', $this->data->total(), 'taskfreak');
<div id="tfk_sort_criteria">
	<label for="tfk_sort_criteria"><?php 
    _e('Sort by:', 'taskfreak');
Beispiel #2
     * (non-PHPdoc)
     * @see tzn_model::load_list()
    public function load_list($args = null)
        $sql = array('sql' => 'SELECT log.*,
					IF (log.item_id = 0, "project", "task") AS type, 
					IFNULL(title, AS title_or_name,
					IFNULL(item.creation_date, project.creation_date) AS creation_date,
						(SELECT who_read FROM ' . $this->db_table('project') . ' WHERE project_id = item.project_id LIMIT 1)
					) AS who_read,
					IF( log.project_id = 0,
						(SELECT action_code FROM ' . $this->db_table() . '
						 WHERE item_id = item.item_id
						 AND action_code <> ""
						 AND comment_id = 0
						 ORDER BY log_date DESC LIMIT 1),
						(SELECT action_code FROM ' . $this->db_table() . '
						 WHERE project_id = project.project_id
						 AND action_code <> ""
						 AND comment_id = 0
						 ORDER BY log_date DESC limit 1)
					) AS status
					FROM ' . $this->db_table() . ' AS log
					LEFT JOIN ' . $this->db_table('item') . ' AS item ON item.item_id = log.item_id
					LEFT JOIN ' . $this->db_table('project') . ' AS project ON project.project_id = log.project_id
					LEFT JOIN ' . $this->db->base_prefix . 'users AS user ON user.ID = log.user_id', 'where' => '(log.item_id <> 0 OR project.trashed = 0)', 'having' => tfk_user::get_roles_sql('who_read') . ' AND status > 0', 'order' => 'log_date DESC');
        if (isset($args['where'])) {
            $sql['where'] .= ' AND ' . $args['where'];
        return parent::load_list($sql);
Beispiel #3
} else {
    $this->current_project = '';
if ($this->pid != 0 && get_current_user_id() != $this->data->get('author_id') && !$this->data->get('project')->check_access('manage')) {
    // or must be a manager of the project
    echo '<p class="tfk_err">' . __("Sorry, you can't edit this task. Please contact an admin.", 'taskfreak') . '</p>';
// --- SUBMIT ---------------------------
if (isset($_POST['edit'])) {
    // Submit data, check and save
    // we have to do this because of
    $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
    if ($this->pid) {
        // prepare log info (if data check fails, it won't be saved)
        $update_log = new tfk_item_status();
        $update_log->set('log_date', 'NOW');
        $update_log->set('item_id', $this->pid);
        $update_log->set_object('user', get_current_user_id());
        $update_log_info = array();
        foreach (array('title', 'priority', 'user_id', 'description') as $prop) {
            if (!empty($_POST[$prop]) && $_POST[$prop] != $this->data->get($prop)) {
                $update_log_info[] = $prop;
        if (!empty($_POST['project_id']) && $_POST['project_id'] != $this->data->get('project')->get_uid()) {
            $update_log_info[] = 'project';
        if (!empty($_POST['deadline_date']) && $_POST['deadline_date'] != $this->data->html('deadline_date')) {
            $update_log_info[] = 'deadline';
Beispiel #4
$this->comment = new tfk_item_comment();
if (isset($_POST['edit'])) {
    // Submit data, check and save
    // we have to do this because of
    $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
    if (!$this->user_can_comment_project) {
        echo '<p class="tfk_err">' . __("Sorry, you can't comment tasks in this project. Please contact an admin.", 'taskfreak') . '</p>';
    } elseif ($this->comment->check()) {
        $this->comment->set('body', $_POST['body'], 'HTM');
        $this->comment->set('item_id', $this->pid);
        $this->comment->set('post_date', 'NOW');
        $this->comment->set('user_id', get_current_user_id());
        $log = new tfk_item_status();
        $log->set('log_date', 'NOW');
        $log->set('item_id', $this->pid);
        $log->set_object('user', get_current_user_id());
        $log->set('comment_id', $this->comment->get_uid());
        $this->comment->errors['file'] = '';
        if ($this->options['comment_upload']) {
            $wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
                // up to 3 uploads per comment
                if (!empty($_FILES["tfk_file_{$i}"]['name'])) {
                    $file = new tfk_item_file();
                    if ($file->upload("tfk_file_{$i}")) {
                        $file->set('item_id', $this->pid);
                        $file->set('user_id', get_current_user_id());