Beispiel #1
  * Data Provider for testGenerateArrayMap
  * @dataProvider
 public function providerTestGenerateArrayMap()
     /* Category Element/Attribute maps */
     // Select a random category
     $category = ORM::factory('category', testutils::get_random_id('category'));
     // Category map
     $category_map = array('attributes' => array('color' => 'category_color', 'visible' => 'category_visible', 'trusted' => 'category_trusted'), 'elements' => array('title' => 'category_title', 'description' => 'category_description'));
     // Expected category array map
     $category_element_map = array('attributes' => array('color' => $category->category_color, 'visible' => $category->category_visible, 'trusted' => $category->category_trusted), 'elements' => array('title' => $category->category_title, 'description' => $category->category_description));
     /* Category translation Element/Attribute maps */
     // Translation ORM Object
     $translation = ORM::factory('category_lang', testutils::get_random_id('category_lang', 'WHERE category_id =' . $category->id . ''));
     // Translation map
     $translation_map = array('attributes' => array('locale' => 'locale'), 'elements' => array('translation_title' => 'category_title', 'translation_description' => 'category_description'));
     // Expected translation array map
     $translation_element_map = array('attributes' => array('locale' => $translation->locale), 'elements' => array('translation_title' => $translation->category_title, 'translation_description' => $translation->category_description));
     /* Form element/attribute maps */
     // Select a random form
     $form = ORM::factory('form', testutils::get_random_id('form'));
     // Forms map
     $form_map = array('attributes' => array('active' => 'form_active'), 'elements' => array('title' => 'form_title', 'description' => 'form_description'));
     // Expected form array map
     $form_element_map = array('attributes' => array('active' => $form->form_active), 'elements' => array('title' => $form->form_title, 'description' => $form->form_description));
     /* Reports element/attribute maps */
     // Select a random incident
     $incident = ORM::factory('incident', testutils::get_random_id('incident'));
     // Report map
     $report_map = array('attributes' => array('id' => 'id', 'approved' => 'incident_active', 'verified' => 'incident_verified', 'mode' => 'incident_mode'), 'elements' => array('title' => 'incident_title', 'date' => 'incident_date', 'dateadd' => 'incident_dateadd', 'description' => 'incident_description'));
     // Expected report array map
     $report_element_map = array('attributes' => array('id' => $incident->id, 'approved' => $incident->incident_active, 'verified' => $incident->incident_verified, 'mode' => $incident->incident_mode), 'elements' => array('title' => $incident->incident_title, 'date' => $incident->incident_date, 'dateadd' => $incident->incident_dateadd, 'description' => $incident->incident_description));
     /* Report Location */
     // Report location ORM object
     $location = $incident->location;
     // Location Map
     $location_map = array('attributes' => array(), 'elements' => array('name' => 'location_name', 'longitude' => 'longitude', 'latitude' => 'latitude'));
     // Expected location array map
     $location_element_map = array('attributes' => array(), 'elements' => array('name' => $location->location_name, 'longitude' => $location->longitude, 'latitude' => $location->latitude));
     /* Report Media */
     // Report Media ORM Object
     $media = ORM::factory('media', testutils::get_random_id('media', 'WHERE incident_id =' . $incident->id . ''));
     // Media Map
     $media_map = array('attributes' => array('type' => 'media_type', 'active' => 'media_active', 'date' => 'media_date'), 'elements' => array());
     // Expected media array map
     $media_element_map = array('attributes' => array('type' => $media->media_type, 'active' => $media->media_active, 'date' => $media->media_date), 'elements' => array());
     /* Report personal info */
     // Personal info ORM Object
     $person = $incident->incident_person;
     // Personal info map
     $person_map = array('attributes' => array(), 'elements' => array('firstname' => 'person_first', 'lastname' => 'person_last', 'email' => 'person_email'));
     // Expected personal info array map
     $person_element_map = array('attributes' => array(), 'elements' => array('firstname' => $person->person_first, 'lastname' => $person->person_last, 'email' => $person->person_email));
     /* Incident Categories */
     // Incident Category ORM Object
     $incident_cat = ORM::Factory('category')->join('incident_category', 'incident_category.category_id', '', 'inner')->where('incident_category.incident_id', $incident->id)->limit(1)->find();
     // Incident Category map
     $incident_cat_map = array('attributes' => array(), 'elements' => array('category' => 'category_title'));
     // Expected incident category array Map
     $incident_cat_element_map = array('attributes' => array(), 'elements' => array('category' => $incident_cat->category_title));
     return array(array($category_map, $category_element_map, $category, 'Category'), array($translation_map, $translation_element_map, $translation, 'Category Translation'), array($form_map, $form_element_map, $form, 'Form'), array($report_map, $report_element_map, $incident, 'Report'), array($location_map, $location_element_map, $location, 'Report Location'), array($media_map, $media_element_map, $media, 'Report Media'), array($person_map, $person_element_map, $person, 'Reporter'), array($incident_cat_map, $incident_cat_element_map, $incident_cat, 'Incident category'));
  * Tests Incident_Model::is_valid_incident
  * @test
 public function testIsValidIncident()
     // Get any incident
     $random_incident = testutils::get_random_id('incident');
     $inactive_incident = testutils::get_random_id('incident', 'WHERE incident_active = 0');
     $active_incident = testutils::get_random_id('incident', 'WHERE incident_active = 1');
     //Test to see if there are data in the incident table to test with.
     if (empty($random_incident)) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('The incident table is empty.');
     } elseif (empty($inactive_incident)) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('No inactive incidents in incident table.');
     } elseif (empty($active_incident)) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('No active incidents in incident table.');
     } else {
         $this->assertEquals(TRUE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident($random_incident, FALSE));
         // Get inactive incident
         $inactive_incident = testutils::get_random_id('incident', 'WHERE incident_active = 0');
         // Check fails with default args and explicitly limit to active only
         $this->assertEquals(FALSE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident($inactive_incident));
         $this->assertEquals(FALSE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident($inactive_incident, TRUE));
         // Check success when including inactive incidents
         $this->assertEquals(TRUE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident($inactive_incident, FALSE));
         // Get active incident
         $active_incident = testutils::get_random_id('incident', 'WHERE incident_active = 1');
         // Check success with default args and explicitly limit to active only
         $this->assertEquals(TRUE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident($active_incident));
         $this->assertEquals(TRUE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident($active_incident, TRUE));
         // Null incident value
         $this->assertEquals(FALSE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident(NULL));
         // Non numeric incident value
         $this->assertEquals(FALSE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident('0.999'));
  * Tests Feed_Model::is_valid_feed
  * @test
 public function testIsValidFeed()
     if (ORM::factory('feed')->count_all() == 0) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('There are no records in the feeds table');
     // Test with a valid feed id
     $random_feed_id = testutils::get_random_id('feed');
     $this->assertEquals(TRUE, Feed_Model::is_valid_feed($random_feed_id));
     // Test with an invalid feed id
     $this->assertEquals(FALSE, Feed_Model::is_valid_feed('90.9999'));
  * Tests fetching of locations by location id
 public function testGetLocationsByLocationId()
     // Get a random location
     $location_id = testutils::get_random_id('location');
     // Parameters to submit
     $_GET = array('task' => 'locations', 'by' => 'locid', 'id' => $location_id);
     $contents = json_decode(ob_get_clean());
     $this->assertEquals("0", $contents->error->code);
     $this->assertEquals($location_id, (int) $contents->payload->locations[0]->location->id);
  * Tests reports::fetch_incidents()
  * @test
  * This tests compares the output SQL of fetch_incidents against a pre-defined SQL
  * statement based on dummy values. The objective of this test is to check whether
  * reports::fetch_incidents processes the parameters property
 public function testFetchIncidents()
     // Get random location and fetch the latitude and longitude
     $location = ORM::factory('location', testutils::get_random_id('location'));
     $longitude = $location->longitude;
     $latitude = $location->latitude;
     // Build the list of HTTP_GET parameters
     $filter_params = array('c' => array(3, 4, 5), 'start_loc' => $latitude . "," . $longitude, 'radius' => '20', 'mode' => array(1, 2), 'm' => array(1), 'from' => '07/07/2011', 'to' => '07/21/2011', 'v' => 1);
     // Add the report filter params to the list of HTTP_GET parameters
     $_GET = array_merge($_GET, $filter_params);
     // Get the incidents
     $incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Get the table prefix
     $table_prefix = Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix');
     // Expected SQL statement; based on the $filter_params above
     $expected_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT incident_id, i.incident_title, i.incident_description, i.incident_date, " . "i.incident_mode, i.incident_active, i.incident_verified, i.location_id, l.country_id, l.location_name, l.latitude, l.longitude " . ", ((ACOS(SIN(" . $latitude . " * PI() / 180) * SIN(l.`latitude` * PI() / 180) + COS(" . $latitude . " * PI() / 180) * " . "\tCOS(l.`latitude` * PI() / 180) * COS((" . $longitude . " - l.`longitude`) * PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515) AS distance " . "FROM " . $table_prefix . "incident i " . "INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "location l ON (i.location_id = " . "INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "incident_category ic ON (ic.incident_id = " . "INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "category c ON (ic.category_id = " . "WHERE i.incident_active = 1 " . "AND ( IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['c']) . ") OR c.parent_id IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['c']) . ")) " . "AND c.category_visible = 1 " . "AND i.incident_mode IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['mode']) . ") " . "AND i.incident_date >= \"2011-07-07\" " . "AND i.incident_date <= \"2011-07-21\" " . "AND IN (SELECT DISTINCT incident_id FROM " . $table_prefix . "media WHERE media_type IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['m']) . ")) " . "AND i.incident_verified IN (" . $filter_params['v'] . ") " . "HAVING distance <= " . $filter_params['radius'] . " " . "ORDER BY i.incident_date DESC ";
     // Test the expected SQL against the returned
     $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $incidents->sql());
     // Garbage collection
     unset($location, $latitude, $longitude, $incidents, $filter_params);
  * Tests Incident_Model::is_valid_incident
  * @test
 public function testIsValidIncident()
     // Get any incident
     $random_incident = testutils::get_random_id('incident');
     //Test to see if there are data in the incident table to test with.
     if (empty($random_incident)) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('The incident table is empty.');
     } else {
         $this->assertEquals(TRUE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident($random_incident));
         // Get inactive incident
         $inactive_incident = testutils::get_random_id('incident', 'WHERE incident_active = 0');
         $this->assertEquals(FALSE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident($inactive_incident, TRUE));
         // Get active incident
         $active_incident = testutils::get_random_id('incident', 'WHERE incident_active = 1');
         $this->assertEquals(TRUE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident($active_incident, TRUE));
         // Null incident value
         $this->assertEquals(FALSE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident(NULL));
         // Non numeric incident value
         $this->assertEquals(FALSE, Incident_Model::is_valid_incident('0.999'));
Beispiel #7
  * Tests reports::fetch_incidents()
  * @test
  * This tests compares the output SQL of fetch_incidents against a pre-defined SQL
  * statement based on dummy values. The objective of this test is to check whether
  * reports::fetch_incidents processes the parameters property
 public function testFetchIncidents()
     // Get random location and fetch the latitude and longitude
     $location = ORM::factory('location', testutils::get_random_id('location'));
     $longitude = $location->longitude;
     $latitude = $location->latitude;
     // Build the list of HTTP_GET parameters
     $filter_params = array('c' => array(3, 4, 5), 'start_loc' => $latitude . "," . $longitude, 'radius' => '20', 'mode' => array(1, 2), 'm' => array(1), 'from' => '07/07/2011', 'to' => '07/21/2011', 'v' => 1);
     // Add the report filter params to the list of HTTP_GET parameters
     $_GET = array_merge($_GET, $filter_params);
     // Get the incidents
     $incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Get the table prefix
     $table_prefix = Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix');
     // Expected SQL statement; based on the $filter_params above
     // Distance calculation deets:
     // 60 = nautical miles per degree of latitude, 1.1515 miles in every nautical mile, 1.609344 km = 1 km
     // more details about the math here:
     $expected_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT incident_id, i.incident_title, i.incident_description, i.incident_date, " . "i.incident_mode, i.incident_active, i.incident_verified, i.location_id, l.country_id, l.location_name, l.latitude, l.longitude " . ", ((ACOS(SIN(" . $latitude . " * PI() / 180) * SIN(l.`latitude` * PI() / 180) + COS(" . $latitude . " * PI() / 180) * " . "\tCOS(l.`latitude` * PI() / 180) * COS((" . $longitude . " - l.`longitude`) * PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515 * 1.609344) AS distance " . "FROM " . $table_prefix . "incident i " . "LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "location l ON (i.location_id = " . "LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "incident_category ic ON (ic.incident_id = " . "LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "category c ON (ic.category_id = " . "WHERE i.incident_active = 1 " . "AND ( IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['c']) . ") OR c.parent_id IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['c']) . ")) " . "AND c.category_visible = 1 " . "AND i.incident_mode IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['mode']) . ") " . "AND i.incident_date >= \"2011-07-07 00:00:00\" " . "AND i.incident_date <= \"2011-07-21 23:59:59\" " . "AND IN (SELECT DISTINCT incident_id FROM " . $table_prefix . "media WHERE media_type IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['m']) . ")) " . "AND i.incident_verified IN (" . $filter_params['v'] . ") " . "HAVING distance <= " . $filter_params['radius'] . " " . "ORDER BY i.incident_date DESC ";
     // Test the expected SQL against the returned
     $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $incidents->sql());
     // Garbage collection
     unset($location, $latitude, $longitude, $incidents, $filter_params);
  * Tests fetching countries by country ID
  * @test
 public function testGetCountryById()
     // Test fetching by ISO code
     $country = ORM::factory('country', testutils::get_random_id('country'));
     // Test fetching countries by database id
     $_GET = array('task' => 'countries', 'by' => 'countryid', 'id' => $country->id);
     // Fetch the content
     $contents = json_decode(ob_get_clean());
     $this->assertEquals($country->id, $contents->payload->countries[0]->country->id);
     $this->assertEquals(0, (int) $contents->error->code);
     // Test "No Data Found"
     // Test using invalid country id
     $_GET['id'] = 'PL';
     $contents = json_decode(ob_get_clean());
     $this->assertEquals("007", $contents->error->code);
 public function testGetIncidentsByMaxId()
     // Get random incident id - it must be active and should not be first record in the table
     $incident_id = testutils::get_random_id('incident', 'WHERE incident_active = 1 AND id NOT IN(SELECT * FROM (SELECT id from incident where incident_active = 1 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1) as first_id)');
     // HTTP GET data
     $_GET = array('task' => 'incidents', 'by' => 'maxid', 'id' => $incident_id);
     $contents = json_decode(ob_get_clean());
     // Test for successful execution
     $this->assertEquals("0", $contents->error->code);
     // Get random index for the payload data
     $index = rand(0, count($contents->payload->incidents) - 1);
     // Fetched incidents should have an id less than or equal to the search parameter
     $this->assertLessThanOrEqual($incident_id, (int) $contents->payload->incidents[$index]->incident->incidentid);
Beispiel #10
  * Data provider for test_alert_code_exists()
  * @return array
 public function providerValidate()
     return array(array(testutils::get_random_id('alert', 'WHERE alert_confirmed = 1')));
  * Data provider for testIsValidCategory
  * @dataProvider
 public function providerIsValidCategory()
     return array(array(testutils::get_random_id('category'), '-1'));