function run() { global $layout; global $DB; global $website; global $theme; $out = ''; switch ($_REQUEST['act']) { case "copy_from_template_zones": // return template sections and (textarea) properties for a content id $template = new template(); $template->load($_REQUEST['template']); $zones = array(); for ($ts = 0; $ts < count($template->sections); $ts++) { $title = $theme->t($template->sections[$ts]['name']); if ($title == '#main#') { $title = t(238, 'Main content'); } $zones[] = array('type' => 'section', 'code' => $template->sections[$ts]['code'], 'title' => $title); } for ($ps = 0; $ps < count($template->properties); $ps++) { // ignore non-textual properties if (!in_array($template->properties[$ps]->type, array("text", "textarea", "rich_textarea"))) { continue; } $zones[] = array('type' => 'property', 'code' => $template->properties[$ps]->id, 'title' => $theme->t($template->properties[$ps]->name)); } echo json_encode($zones); core_terminate(); break; } }
/** * @param $view * @return \template */ protected function getTemplate($view) { $template = new \template(); $template->setFile(strtok($view, '/')); $template->load(strtok('/')); return $template; }
function index($params) { $tpl = new template("includes/v"); $tpl->load("filters.html", true, true); $tpl->setv("formtitle", "Работа с почтовыми фильтрами"); $tpl->show(); }
function index($params) { $subcategory = DB_DataObject::factory("subcategory"); $tpl = new template("includes/v"); $tpl->load("subcategories.html", true, true); $tpl->setv("formtitle", "Работа с категориями"); $tpl->show(); }
function index($params) { $tpl = new template("includes/v"); $tpl->load("configs.html", true, true); $tpl->setv("formtitle", "Редактирование настроек"); $json = new Services_JSON(); $config = $json->decode(file::load("data/config.ini")); $tpl->setv(array("itemnum" => $config->itemnum, "daynum" => $config->daynum, "email" => $config->email, "emailpassword" => $config->emailpassword, "emailserver" => $config->emailserver, "outputdir" => $config->outputdir, "numthumbs" => $config->numthumbs, "logemail" => $config->logemail)); $tpl->show(); }
function send_template_mail($to, $subject, $template, $headers = null) { $this->using('template'); $param =& $this->using('param'); $tpl = new template(); $template = explode('/', $template); $tpl->load(TM_TEMPLATES_DIR . C_TEMPLATE . '/layout/views/' . $template[0] . '/' . $template[1]); $tpl->set($param->get_params(), true); $message = $tpl->output(); $this->send_mail($to, $subject, $message, null, $headers); }
/** * Processes a template and display the output. * * @param string $view_file * @param array $tpl_vars (Optional) * @return string */ public function display($view_file, $tpl_vars = null) { if (file_exists($this->_P . $view_file)) { $body = file_get_contents($this->_P . $view_file); $body = str_replace('/VIEW_PATH/', $this->_P, $body); $this->_T->load($body); if (is_array($tpl_vars)) { $this->_T->set($tpl_vars); } $this->_T->display(); } }
function makeCategory($config, $subcategory) { print "Make subcategory {$subcategory['id']} page...\n"; if (!is_dir($outputdir = "{$config->outputdir}/{$subcategory['folder']}")) { mkdir($outputdir); } $item = DB_DataObject::factory("item"); $categDays = $item->getDays(); $pager =& Pager::factory(array("mode" => "Jumping", "perPage" => $config->daynum, "delta" => 10, "itemData" => $categDays, "append" => false, "path" => "../", "fileName" => "{$subcategory['folder']}/index%d.html")); for ($i = 1; $i <= $pager->numPages(); $i++) { $tpl = new template(); $tpl->load("templates/category.html", true, true); $tpl->setv("category_name", $subcategory["name"]); PagesGenerator::getCategories($tpl, "../"); $data = $pager->getPageData($i); $links = $pager->getLinks($i); $tpl->setBlock("pages"); $tpl->setv("pages", $links["all"]); foreach ($data as $day) { $res = $item->getItemsForDayCateg($subcategory["id"], $day[0], $config->itemnum); $res1 = $item->getItemsForDayCateg($subcategory["id"], $day[0], $config->itemnum, true); if (sizeof($res) == 0 && sizeof($res1) == 0) { continue; } $tpl->setBlock("forday"); $tpl->setv("date", date("Y-m-d", strtotime($day[0]))); if (sizeof($res) > 0) { foreach ($res as $row) { $tpl->setBlock("rows"); $tpl->setv($row); $tpl->parseBlock(); } } if (sizeof($res1) > 0) { $numthumbs = 0; foreach ($res1 as $row) { $tpl->setBlock("thumb"); $tpl->setv($row); $tpl->parseBlock(); if (++$numthumbs >= $config->numthumbs) { $tpl->parse("rowthumbs"); $numthumbs = 0; } } } $tpl->parse("forday"); } file::save("{$config->outputdir}/{$subcategory['folder']}/index{$i}.html", $tpl->get()); } }
function login_form($message = "") { $tpl = new template("templates/"); $tpl->load("login.html"); $tpl->set_block("form"); $tpl->set_variable("AppTitle", traducir_cadena("AppTitle")); $tpl->set_variable("AdminModule", traducir_cadena("AdminModule")); $tpl->set_variable("Institute", traducir_cadena("Institute")); $tpl->set_variable("WelcomeAdmin", traducir_cadena("WelcomeAdmin")); $tpl->set_variable("message", traducir_cadena($message)); $tpl->set_variable("user", traducir_cadena("user")); $tpl->set_variable("password", traducir_cadena("password")); $tpl->parse_block("form"); return $tpl->get(); }
function login_form($message = "", $clave_examen = "") { $tpl = new template("templates/"); $tpl->load("form.html"); $tpl->set_block("form"); $tpl->set_variable("AppTitle", traducir_cadena("AppTitle")); $tpl->set_variable("ExamModule", traducir_cadena("ExamModule")); $tpl->set_variable("Institute", traducir_cadena("Institute")); $tpl->set_variable("WelcomeExam", traducir_cadena("WelcomeExam")); $tpl->set_variable("Instructions", traducir_cadena("Instructions")); $tpl->set_variable("message", $message); $tpl->set_variable("txtsessionid", traducir_cadena("txtsessionid")); $sessionid = rand(); $tpl->set_variable("randval", $sessionid); $tpl->set_variable("txtstudentid", traducir_cadena("txtstudentid")); $tpl->set_variable("txtidexamen", $clave_examen); $tpl->set_variable("txtquestionpaperid", traducir_cadena("txtquestionpaperid")); $tpl->set_variable("txtsubmit", traducir_cadena("txtsubmit")); $tpl->set_variable("txtreset", traducir_cadena("txtreset")); $tpl->set_variable("password", traducir_cadena("password")); $tpl->parse_block("form"); return $tpl->get(); }
$template->assign("SITE_TITLE", "Startseite"); $tmpl = $template->display(true); $tmpl = $template->operators(); echo $tmpl; } else { // Handelt es sich um einen Link eines Moduls $module = new CHECK_MODULE($page); $check_module = $module->check(); // Manuel angelegte Seite überprüfen $check_page = false; if ($check_module == false) { $check_page = $url_parser->check_page(); } if ($check_module) { // Modul init.php laden und includen require_once $module->get_init(); } elseif ($check_page) { $template = new template(); $template->load($check_page); $tmpl = $template->display(true); $tmpl = $template->operators(); echo $tmpl; } else { $template = new template(); $template->load("404_error"); $template->assign("SITE_TITLE", "Seite nicht gefunden"); $tmpl = $template->display(true); $tmpl = $template->operators(); echo $tmpl; } }
$template->setFile('0_polls.tpl'); $template->load('LIST_LINE'); $template->tag('question', $poll_arr['poll_quest']); $template->tag('url', $poll_arr['poll_url']); $template->tag('all_votes', $poll_arr['all_votes']); $template->tag('participants', $poll_arr['poll_participants']); $template->tag('type', $poll_arr['poll_type']); $template->tag('start_date', $poll_arr['poll_start']); $template->tag('end_date', $poll_arr['poll_end']); $template = $template->display(); $list_lines .= $template; } // Get Template $template = new \template(); $template->setFile('0_polls.tpl'); $template->load('LIST_BODY'); $template->tag('polls', $list_lines); $template->tag('order_question', get_poll_list_order('question', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'])); $template->tag('order_all_votes', get_poll_list_order('all_votes', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'], 0)); $template->tag('order_participants', get_poll_list_order("participants", $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'], 0)); $template->tag('order_type', get_poll_list_order('type', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'])); $template->tag('order_start_date', get_poll_list_order('start_date', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'], 0)); $template->tag('order_end_date', get_poll_list_order('end_date', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'], 0)); $template->tag('arrow_question', get_poll_list_arrows('question', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'])); $template->tag('arrow_all_votes', get_poll_list_arrows('all_votes', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'])); $template->tag('arrow_participants', get_poll_list_arrows('participants', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'])); $template->tag('arrow_type', get_poll_list_arrows('type', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'])); $template->tag('arrow_start_date', get_poll_list_arrows('start_date', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'])); $template->tag('arrow_end_date', get_poll_list_arrows('end_date', $_GET['sort'], $_GET['order'])); $template = $template->display(); }
function run() { global $user; global $layout; global $DB; global $website; $out = ''; $item = new template(); switch ($_REQUEST['act']) { case 'json': case 1: // json data retrieval & operations switch ($_REQUEST['oper']) { case 'del': // remove rows $ids = $_REQUEST['ids']; foreach ($ids as $id) { $item->load($id); $item->delete(); } echo json_encode(true); break; default: // list or search // we have to merge the theme templates with the custom private templates (which are defined in the DB) // as we don't expect a lot of templates, we will always return the whole dataset // for this reason, paginate is useless $orderby = $_REQUEST['sidx'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['sord']; if (isset($_REQUEST['quicksearch'])) { $dataset = template::search($orderby, array('quicksearch' => $_REQUEST['quicksearch'])); } else { $dataset = template::search($orderby); } $total = count($dataset); $out = array(); $permissions = array(0 => '<img src="img/icons/silk/world.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(69, 'Published'), 1 => '<img src="img/icons/silk/world_dawn.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(70, 'Private'), 2 => '<img src="img/icons/silk/world_night.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(81, 'Hidden')); if (empty($dataset)) { $rows = 0; } else { $rows = count($dataset); } for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $out[$i] = array(0 => $dataset[$i]['id'], 1 => $dataset[$i]['title'], 2 => $dataset[$i]['theme'], 3 => $permissions[$dataset[$i]['permission']], 4 => $dataset[$i]['enabled'] == 1 ? '<img src="img/icons/silk/accept.png" />' : '<img src="img/icons/silk/cancel.png" />'); } navitable::jqgridJson($out, 1, 0, PHP_INT_MAX, $total); break; } core_terminate(); break; case 'load': case 2: // edit/new form if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['id'])) { $item->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); } else { $item->load_from_theme($_REQUEST['id']); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['form-sent'])) { $item->load_from_post(); try { $item->save(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['property-enabled'])) { $enableds = array_values($_REQUEST['property-enabled']); } else { $enableds = array(); } property::reorder("template", $item->id, $_REQUEST['template-properties-order'], $enableds); $layout->navigate_notification(t(53, "Data saved successfully."), false, false, 'fa fa-check'); } catch (Exception $e) { $layout->navigate_notification($e->getMessage(), true, true); } users_log::action($_REQUEST['fid'], $item->id, 'save', $item->title, json_encode($_REQUEST)); } else { users_log::action($_REQUEST['fid'], $item->id, 'load', $item->title); } $out = templates_form($item); break; case 'save_template_file': // save template html if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $item->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); } $data = $_REQUEST['templates-file-edit-area']; $data = str_replace("\r\n", "\r", $data); $x = file_put_contents(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $website->id . '/templates/' . $item->file, $data); echo json_encode($x > 0); session_write_close(); exit; break; case 4: // remove if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $item->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); if ($item->delete() > 0) { $layout->navigate_notification(t(55, 'Item removed successfully.'), false); $out = templates_list(); } else { $layout->navigate_notification(t(56, 'Unexpected error.'), false); $out = webdictionary_list(); } users_log::action($_REQUEST['fid'], $item->id, $item->title, 'remove'); } break; case 'template_property_load': $property = new property(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['id'])) { $property->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); } else { $property->load_from_theme($_REQUEST['id'], null, 'template', $_REQUEST['template']); } } header('Content-type: text/json'); $types = property::types(); $property->type_text = $types[$property->type]; echo json_encode($property); session_write_close(); exit; break; case 'template_property_save': // save property details $property = new property(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['property-id'])) { $property->load(intval($_REQUEST['property-id'])); } $property->load_from_post(); $property->save(); header('Content-type: text/json'); $types = property::types(); $property->type_text = $types[$property->type]; echo json_encode($property); session_write_close(); exit; break; case 'template_property_remove': // remove property $property = new property(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['property-id'])) { $property->load(intval($_REQUEST['property-id'])); } $property->delete(); session_write_close(); exit; break; case 0: // list / search result // list / search result default: $out = templates_list(); break; } return $out; }
/** * Parse special Navigate CMS tags like: * <ul> * <li><nv object="include" file="" id="" /></li> * <li>curly bracket tags {{nv object=""}}</li> * </ul> * * Generate the final HTML code for these special tags or convert them * to a simpler nv tags. * * @param $html * @return mixed */ function nvweb_template_parse_special($html) { global $website; global $current; // find <pre> and <code> tags, save its contents and leave a placeholder to restore the content later $tags_pre = nvweb_tags_extract($html, 'pre', false, true, 'UTF-8'); for ($t = count($tags_pre); $t--; $t >= 0) { $tag = $tags_pre[$t]; if (empty($tag)) { continue; } $tag_uid = uniqid('nv-tags-pre-'); $current['delayed_tags_pre'][$tag_uid] = $tag['full_tag']; $html = substr_replace($html, '<!--#' . $tag_uid . '#-->', $tag['offset'], strlen($tag['full_tag'])); } $tags_code = nvweb_tags_extract($html, 'code', false, true, 'UTF-8'); for ($t = count($tags_code); $t--; $t >= 0) { $tag = $tags_code[$t]; if (empty($tag)) { continue; } $tag_uid = uniqid('nv-tags-code-'); $current['delayed_tags_code'][$tag_uid] = $tag['full_tag']; $html = substr_replace($html, '<!--#' . $tag_uid . '#-->', $tag['offset'], strlen($tag['full_tag'])); } $changed = false; // translate "{{nv object='list' " tags to "<nv object='list' " version preg_match_all("/{{nv\\s object=[\"']list[\"'] ([^}]+)}}/ixsm", $html, $curly_tags); for ($c = 0; $c < count($curly_tags[0]); $c++) { if (stripos($curly_tags[0], 'object="list"')) { $tmp = str_ireplace(array('{{nv object="list" ', '}}'), array('<nv object="list" ', '>'), $curly_tags[0][$c]); $html = str_ireplace($curly_tags[0][$c], $tmp, $html); } else { $tmp = str_ireplace(array("{{nv object='list' ", '}}'), array('<nv object="list" ', '>'), $curly_tags[0][$c]); $html = str_ireplace($curly_tags[0][$c], $tmp, $html); } $changed = true; } // translate "{{/nv}}" tags to "</nv>" version $html = str_ireplace('{{/nv}}', '</nv>', $html); // translate "{{nvlist_conditional }}" tags to "<nvlist_conditional >" version preg_match_all("/{{nvlist_conditional \\s([^}]+)}}/ixsm", $html, $curly_tags); for ($c = 0; $c < count($curly_tags[0]); $c++) { $tmp = str_replace(array('{{nvlist_conditional ', '}}'), array('<nvlist_conditional ', '>'), $curly_tags[0][$c]); $html = str_ireplace($curly_tags[0][$c], $tmp, $html); $changed = true; } // translate "{{/nvlist_conditional}}" tags to "</nvlist_conditional>" version $html = str_ireplace('{{/nvlist_conditional}}', '</nvlist_conditional>', $html); // translate "{{nv }}" tags to "<nv />" version preg_match_all("/{{nv\\s([^}]+)}}/ixsm", $html, $curly_tags); for ($c = 0; $c < count($curly_tags[0]); $c++) { $tmp = str_replace(array('{{nv ', '}}'), array('<nv ', ' />'), $curly_tags[0][$c]); $html = str_ireplace($curly_tags[0][$c], $tmp, $html); $changed = true; } // translate "{{nvlist }}" tags to "<nvlist />" version preg_match_all("/{{nvlist\\s([^}]+)}}/ixsm", $html, $curly_tags); for ($c = 0; $c < count($curly_tags[0]); $c++) { $tmp = str_replace(array('{{nvlist ', '}}'), array('<nvlist ', ' />'), $curly_tags[0][$c]); $html = str_ireplace($curly_tags[0][$c], $tmp, $html); $changed = true; } if ($changed) { return nvweb_template_parse_special($html); } // parse includes (we must do it before parsing list or search) $tags = nvweb_tags_extract($html, 'nv', true, true, 'UTF-8'); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $content = ''; $changed = false; $tag['length'] = strlen($tag['full_tag']); if ($tag['attributes']['object'] == 'include') { $tid = $tag['attributes']['id']; $file = $tag['attributes']['file']; if (!empty($tid)) { $template = new template(); $template->load($tid); if ($template->website == $website->id) { $content = file_get_contents(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $website->id . '/templates/' . $template->file); } } else { if (!empty($file)) { $content = file_get_contents(NAVIGATE_PATH . '/themes/' . $website->theme . '/' . $file); } } $html = substr_replace($html, $content, $tag['offset'], $tag['length']); $changed = true; } // if an object="include" has been found, we need to restart the parse_special tags function // as it may contain other "includes" or "{{nv" tags that need transformation if ($changed) { $html = nvweb_template_parse_special($html); break; } } return $html; }
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); //informe d'errores error_reporting(E_ALL); include 'config.php'; require 'sys/helper.php'; //Session::ini_session(); $conf = Registry::getInstance(); $conf->Welcome = 'Hola'; //set $msg = $conf->Welcome; //get unset($conf->Welcome); //Coder::codear($conf); template::load('home'); Core::init(); //crear class registry per tenir acces //a traves fr sigleton //a la configuració de l'aplicació //al fitxer config.json en app
function run() { global $user; global $layout; global $DB; global $website; global $theme; $out = ''; $item = new structure(); switch ($_REQUEST['act']) { case 'load': case 'edit': case 2: // edit/new form if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $item->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); } if (isset($_REQUEST['form-sent'])) { $item->load_from_post(); try { $item->save(); property::save_properties_from_post('structure', $item->id); $item = $item->reload(); // reorder associated category elements if (!empty($_POST['elements-order'])) { $response = item::reorder($_POST['elements-order']); if ($response !== true) { throw new Exception($response); } } $layout->navigate_notification(t(53, "Data saved successfully."), false, false, 'fa fa-check'); } catch (Exception $e) { $layout->navigate_notification($e->getMessage(), true, true); } if (!empty($item->id)) { users_log::action($_REQUEST['fid'], $item->id, 'save', $item->dictionary[$website->languages_list[0]]['title'], json_encode($_REQUEST)); } } else { if (!empty($item->id)) { users_log::action($_REQUEST['fid'], $item->id, 'load', $item->dictionary[$website->languages_list[0]]['title']); } } $out = structure_form($item); break; case 3: case "reorder": $ok = structure::reorder($_REQUEST['parent'], $_REQUEST['children_order']); echo json_encode($ok); core_terminate(); break; case "homepager": $node = $_REQUEST['node']; $website->homepage = $node; $ok = $website->save(); echo json_encode($ok); core_terminate(); break; case 4: case "remove": if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $item->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); if ($item->delete() > 0) { $layout->navigate_notification(t(55, 'Item removed successfully.'), false); $structure = structure::hierarchy(-1); // root level (0) including Web node (-1) $out = structure_tree($structure); users_log::action($_REQUEST['fid'], $item->id, 'remove'); } else { $layout->navigate_notification(t(56, 'Unexpected error.'), false); $out = structure_form($item); } } break; case 95: // free path checking $path = $_REQUEST['path']; $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $DB->query('SELECT type, object_id, lang FROM nv_paths WHERE path = ' . protect($path) . ' AND website = ' . $website->id); $rs = $DB->result(); echo json_encode($rs); core_terminate(); break; case "category_path": // return category paths echo json_encode(path::loadElementPaths('structure', intval($_REQUEST['id']))); core_terminate(); break; case 'json_find_item': // find items by its title // the items must have its own path (free OR not embedded to a category) $DB->query(' SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS nvw.node_id as id, nvw.text as text FROM nv_webdictionary nvw, nv_items nvi WHERE nvw.node_type = "item" AND nvw.node_id = AND nvw.subtype = "title" AND ( nvi.association = "free" OR (nvi.association = "category" AND nvi.embedding=0) ) AND nvw.lang = ' . protect($_REQUEST['lang']) . ' AND = ' . $website->id . ' AND = AND nvw.text LIKE ' . protect('%' . $_REQUEST['title'] . '%') . ' ORDER BY nvw.text ASC LIMIT ' . intval($_REQUEST['page_limit']) . ' OFFSET ' . max(0, intval($_REQUEST['page_limit']) * (intval($_REQUEST['page']) - 1)), 'array'); $rows = $DB->result(); $total = $DB->foundRows(); echo json_encode(array('items' => $rows, 'totalCount' => $total)); core_terminate(); break; case "search_by_title": // json search title request (for "copy from" properties dialog) $DB->query(' SELECT node_id as id, text as label, text as value FROM nv_webdictionary WHERE node_type = "structure" AND subtype = "title" AND lang = ' . protect($_REQUEST['lang']) . ' AND website = ' . $website->id . ' AND text LIKE ' . protect('%' . $_REQUEST['title'] . '%') . ' ORDER BY text ASC LIMIT 30', 'array'); echo json_encode($DB->result()); core_terminate(); break; case "copy_from_template_zones": // return template properties for a structure id $item = new structure(); $item->load(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); $template = new template(); $template->load($item->template); $zones = array(); for ($ps = 0; $ps < count($template->properties); $ps++) { // ignore non structure properties if (!isset($template->properties[$ps]->element) || $template->properties[$ps]->element != 'structure') { continue; } // ignore non-textual properties if (!in_array($template->properties[$ps]->type, array("text", "textarea", "rich_textarea"))) { continue; } $title = $template->properties[$ps]->name; if (!empty($theme)) { $title = $theme->t($title); } $zones[] = array('type' => 'property', 'code' => $template->properties[$ps]->id, 'title' => $title); } echo json_encode($zones); core_terminate(); break; case "raw_zone_content": // return raw item contents if ($_REQUEST['zone'] == 'property') { $DB->query('SELECT text FROM nv_webdictionary WHERE node_type = "property-structure" AND subtype = ' . protect('property-' . $_REQUEST['section'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['lang']) . ' AND lang = ' . protect($_REQUEST['lang']) . ' AND website = ' . $website->id . ' AND node_id = ' . protect($_REQUEST['node_id']), 'array'); $data = $DB->first(); echo $data['text']; } core_terminate(); break; case 'votes_reset': webuser_vote::remove_object_votes('structure', intval($_REQUEST['id'])); echo 'true'; core_terminate(); break; case 'votes_by_webuser': if ($_POST['oper'] == 'del') { $ids = explode(',', $_POST['id']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { if ($ids[$i] > 0) { $vote = new webuser_vote(); $vote->load($ids[$i]); $vote->delete(); } } webuser_vote::update_object_score('structure', $vote->object_id); echo 'true'; core_terminate(); } $max = intval($_GET['rows']); $page = intval($_GET['page']); $offset = ($page - 1) * $max; if ($_REQUEST['_search'] == 'false') { list($dataset, $total) = webuser_vote::object_votes_by_webuser('structure', intval($_REQUEST['id']), $_REQUEST['sidx'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['sord'], $offset, $max); } $out = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($dataset); $i++) { if (empty($dataset[$i])) { continue; } $out[$i] = array(0 => $dataset[$i]['id'], 1 => core_ts2date($dataset[$i]['date'], true), 2 => $dataset[$i]['username']); } navitable::jqgridJson($out, $page, $offset, $max, $total); core_terminate(); break; case 0: // tree / search result // tree / search result default: $structure = structure::hierarchy(-1); // root level (0) including Web node (-1) $out = structure_tree($structure); break; } return $out; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); //echo 'vista creada'; $this->template = template::load('home'); }
$poll_arr['poll_type3'] = '[]'; } // Get Template $template = new \template(); $template->setFile('0_polls.tpl'); $template->load('APPLET_POLL_ANSWER_LINE'); $template->tag('answer_id', $answer_arr['answer_id']); $template->tag('answer', $answer_arr['answer']); $template->tag('type', $poll_arr['poll_type2']); $template->tag('multiple', $poll_arr['poll_type3']); $template = $template->display(); $antworten .= $template; } // Get Template $template = new \template(); $template->setFile('0_polls.tpl'); $template->load('APPLET_POLL_BODY'); $template->tag('poll_id', $poll_arr['poll_id']); $template->tag('question', $poll_arr['poll_quest']); $template->tag('answers', $antworten); $template->tag('type', $poll_arr['poll_type_text']); $template = $template->display(); } else { // Get Template $template = new \template(); $template->setFile('0_polls.tpl'); $template->load('APPLET_NO_POLL'); $template = $template->display(); } echo $template; unset($template);
public function load_template() { global $DB; global $website; $template = new template(); if ($this->association == 'free' || $this->association == 'category' && $this->embedding == '0') { $template->load($this->template); } else { $category_template = $DB->query_single('template', 'nv_structure', ' id = ' . protect($this->category) . ' AND website = ' . $website->id); $template->load($category_template); } return $template; }
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); //activamos la comprobacion errores error_reporting(E_ALL); include 'config.php'; require 'sys/helper.php'; //echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; session::session_ini(); $id = session::get('id'); //Coder::code($id); $conf = registry::getInstance(); $conf->welcome = 'Hola'; //__set $msg = $conf->welcome; //__get unset($conf->welcome); //Coder::codear($msg); //Coder::codear($conf); template::load("article"); core::init(); ?> <!-- //crear footer.php en tpl y cargar $contents(body) Template::load("vista"); esta ruta tiene el body //si queremos cambiar otra vista template $this->tpl = Template::load("vista"); //en pub estaran los css y sacaremos una ruta para sacar dichas css -->
protected function render($overwrite = false) { $param =& $this->using('param'); if ($overwrite || !isset($this->rendered)) { $this->rendered = ''; } if (file_exists($this->template_file . '.tpl')) { $tpl = new template(); $tpl->load($this->template_file); $tpl->set($param->get_params(), null, false); $this->rendered .= $tpl->output(); } else { trigger_error('Block template \'' . $this->template_file . '\' is missing.', E_USER_ERROR); } return $this->rendered; }
/** * Erstellt den Karteireiter zum Eintragen des Contents * * Hier wird Aufgrund der XSD Vorlage des Templates ein Formular erstellt und mit den * entsprechenden Werten des XML Files vorausgefuellt. * */ function print_content() { global $content_id, $sprache, $version, $user, $rechte, $filterstr; $content = new content(); if (!$content->getContent($content_id, $sprache, $version)) { die($content->errormsg); } if ($content->gesperrt_uid != '' && $content->gesperrt_uid != $user) { $content->getSperrLog($content->contentsprache_id); echo "Dieser Content ist gesperrt von {$content->uid} seit {$content->start}!"; if ($rechte->isBerechtigt('basis/cms_sperrfreigabe', null, 'su')) { echo '<br><br><form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?content_id=' . $content_id . '&contentsprache_id=' . $content->contentsprache_id . '&sprache=' . $sprache . '&version=' . $version . '&action=content&method=content_sperrfreigabe&filter=' . implode(' ', $filterstr) . '" method="POST">'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Freigabe erzwingen" name="freigeben">'; echo '</form>'; } return 0; } echo '<form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?content_id=' . $content_id . '&contentsprache_id=' . $content->contentsprache_id . '&sprache=' . $sprache . '&version=' . $version . '&action=content&method=content_sperre&filter=' . implode(' ', $filterstr) . '" method="POST">'; if ($content->gesperrt_uid == '') { echo '<input type="submit" value="Zur Bearbeitung sperren" name="sperren">'; } else { echo '<input type="submit" value="Sperre Freigeben" name="freigeben">'; } echo '</form>'; if ($content->gesperrt_uid != '' && $content->gesperrt_uid == $user) { echo '<div>'; $template = new template(); $template->load($content->template_kurzbz); $xfp = new XSDFormPrinter(); $xfp->getparams = '?content_id=' . $content_id . '&sprache=' . $sprache . '&version=' . $version . '&action=content&filter=' . implode(' ', $filterstr) . ''; $xfp->output($template->xsd, $content->content); echo '</div>'; } echo ' <br> <h3>Vorschau</h3>'; if ($content->sichtbar != true) { echo '<p style="color:red">(Unsichtbar im Livesystem)</p>'; } //Bei Redirects wird die Vorschau nicht im IFrame gezeigt, da durch eventuelles weiterleiten durch // Javascript in der Vorschau die CMS Seite geschlossen wird. if ($content->template_kurzbz == 'redirect') { echo '<a href="content.php?content_id=' . $content_id . '&version=' . $version . '&sprache=' . $sprache . '&sichtbar&filter=' . implode(' ', $filterstr) . '" target="_blank">Vorschau in eigenem Fenster öffnen</a>'; } else { echo '<iframe src="content.php?content_id=' . $content_id . '&version=' . $version . '&sprache=' . $sprache . '&filter=' . implode(' ', $filterstr) . '&sichtbar" style="width: 800px; height: 500px; border: 1px solid black;">'; } }