        //change the default limit
        $generic_filter_array[6]['value'] = 10;
        //add the show featured posts in the loop setting
        array_push($generic_filter_array, array("param_name" => "show_featured_posts", "type" => "dropdown", "value" => array('- Show featured posts -' => '', 'Hide featured posts' => 'hide_featured'), "heading" => 'Featured posts:', "description" => "", "holder" => "div", "class" => ""));
        return array("name" => 'Templates with articles', "base" => "", "class" => "", "controls" => "full", "category" => "", 'icon' => '', "params" => $generic_filter_array);
//end class
$obj_td_homepage_filter_add = new td_set_homepage_loop_filter();
//instantiates the filter render object, passing metabox object
$td_metabox_generator = new td_metabox_generator($mb);
//call to create the filter
    </div> <!-- end post loop filter -->

    <!-- page option general -->
    <div class="td-page-option-panel td-page-option-unique-articles">
            <strong>Note:</strong> We recommand to not use the Unique articles feature if you plan to use ajax blocks that have sub categories or pagination. This feature will make sure that only unique articles are loaded on the initial page load.

        <div class="td-meta-box-row">
            <span class="td-page-o-custom-label">Unique articles:</span>
     *  setting the array that will be used for homepage filter
     * @return array
    function homepage_filter_get_map()
        //get the generic filter array
        $generic_filter_array = td_generic_filter_array::get_array();
        //remove items from array
        $offset = 0;
        foreach ($generic_filter_array as $field_array) {
            if ($field_array['param_name'] == "hide_title") {
                array_splice($generic_filter_array, $offset, 1);
        //add custom filter fields to generic filter array
        array_push($generic_filter_array, array("param_name" => "limit", "type" => "textfield", "value" => '', "heading" => __("Posts per page:", TD_THEME_NAME), "description" => "ex: 8; a integer number, used to display the number of posts per page", "holder" => "div", "class" => ""));
        //add the show featured posts in the loop setting
        array_push($generic_filter_array, array("param_name" => "show_featured_posts", "type" => "dropdown", "value" => array('- Show featured posts -' => '', 'Hide featured posts' => 'hide_featured'), "heading" => __("Featured posts:", TD_THEME_NAME), "description" => "", "holder" => "div", "class" => ""));
        //add the show featured posts in the loop setting
        array_push($generic_filter_array, array("param_name" => "offset", "type" => "textfield", "value" => '', "heading" => __("Offset:", TD_THEME_NAME), "description" => "ex: 8; a integer number, used to display the number of posts per page", "holder" => "div", "class" => ""));
        return array("name" => __("Templates with articles", TD_THEME_NAME), "base" => "", "class" => "", "controls" => "full", "category" => "", 'icon' => '', "params" => $generic_filter_array);
//end class
$obj_td_homepage_filter_add = new td_set_homepage_loop_filter();
//instantiates the filter render object, passing metabox object
$obj_homepage_filter = new td_set_homepage_loop_filter_render($mb);
//call to create the filter