  * Check all "root" sys_templates and try to find the value for config.sys_language_mode
 public function getLangModes()
     $message = '';
     $checked = array('ok' => array(), 'fail' => array());
     $value = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:languagevisibility/locallang_db.xml:reports.ok.value');
     $severity = tx_reports_reports_status_Status::OK;
     $rootTpls = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('sys_template', 'root', '1', '', 'pid');
     foreach ($rootTpls as $tpl) {
          * @var t3lib_tsparser_ext
         $tmpl = t3lib_div::makeInstance("t3lib_tsparser_ext");
         $tmpl->tt_track = 0;
         // Gets the rootLine
         $sys_page = t3lib_div::makeInstance("t3lib_pageSelect");
         $rootLine = $sys_page->getRootLine($tpl['pid']);
         $tmpl->runThroughTemplates($rootLine, $tpl['uid']);
         $tplRow = $tmpl->ext_getFirstTemplate($tpl['pid'], $tpl['uid']);
         if (!isset($tmpl->setup['config.']['sys_language_mode']) || $tmpl->setup['config.']['sys_language_mode'] != 'ignore') {
             $checked['fail'][] = array($tpl['pid'], $tpl['uid'], $tmpl->setup['config.']['sys_language_mode']);
     if (count($checked['fail'])) {
         $severity = tx_reports_reports_status_Status::WARNING;
         $value = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:languagevisibility/locallang_db.xml:reports.fail.value');
         $message .= $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:languagevisibility/locallang_db.xml:reports.fail.message') . '<br/>';
         foreach ($checked['fail'] as $fail) {
             $message .= vsprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:languagevisibility/locallang_db.xml:reports.fail.message.detail'), $fail) . '<br />';
     return t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_reports_reports_status_Status', 'EXT:languagevisibility config.sys_language_mode', $value, $message, $severity);
	 * @param integer $uid
	 * @return array
	protected function getAllSubPages($uid) {
		$completeRecords = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages', 'pid', $uid);
		$return = array($uid);
		if (count($completeRecords) > 0) {
			foreach ($completeRecords as $record) {
				$return = array_merge($return, $this->getAllSubPages($record['uid']));
		return $return;
  * Gets rootline of a table downwards
  * @param string $theTable: Database table
  * @param string $parentField: Database field to check with third parameter
  * @param mixed $uids: Uids of (different) parents
  * @return string An rootline array
 public static function getRootLineUpwards($theTable, $parentField, $uids)
     if (!is_array($uids)) {
         $uids = tx_cpsdevlib_div::explode($uids);
     $rootLine = array();
     foreach ($uids as $uid) {
         $result = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField($theTable, 'uid', $uid);
         $rL = array();
         if (count($result)) {
             $rL = self::getRootLineUpwards($theTable, $parentField, $result[0][$parentField]);
         $rootLine[$uid] = $rL;
     return $rootLine;
Beispiel #4
  * Adds items to the ->MOD_MENU array. Used for the function menu selector.
  * @return    void
 function menuConfig()
     global $LANG;
     $this->MOD_MENU = array('users' => array('-1' => $LANG->getLL('loggedInUsers'), '0' => $LANG->getLL('notLoggedIn'), '' => '------------------------------'), 'mode' => array('-1' => $LANG->getLL('allTime'), '1' => $LANG->getLL('byTime')));
     foreach (t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('fe_users', 1, 1) as $user) {
         $this->MOD_MENU['users'][$user['uid']] = $user['username'];
     $set = t3lib_div::_GP('SET');
     if ($set['time']) {
         $dateFrom = strtotime($set['time']['from']);
         $dateTo = strtotime($set['time']['to']);
         $set['time']['from'] = $dateFrom > 0 ? date('d.m.Y', $dateFrom) : '';
         $set['time']['to'] = $dateTo > 0 ? date('d.m.Y', $dateTo) : '';
         $mergedSettings = t3lib_div::array_merge($this->MOD_SETTINGS, $set);
         $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->pushModuleData($this->MCONF['name'], $mergedSettings);
         $this->MOD_SETTINGS = $mergedSettings;
  * add localized page records to a cache/globalArray
  * This is much faster than requesting the DB for each tt_content-record
  * @param array $pageRow
  * @return void
 public function addLocalizedPagesToCache($pageRow)
     // create entry in cachedPageRecods for default language
     $this->cachedPageRecords[0][$pageRow['uid']] = $pageRow;
     // create entry in cachedPageRecods for additional languages, skip default language 0
     foreach ($this->sysLanguages as $sysLang) {
         if ($sysLang[1] > 0) {
             if (TYPO3_VERSION_INTEGER >= 7000000) {
                 list($pageOverlay) = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecordsByField('pages_language_overlay', 'pid', $pageRow['uid'], 'AND sys_language_uid=' . intval($sysLang[1]));
             } else {
                 list($pageOverlay) = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages_language_overlay', 'pid', $pageRow['uid'], 'AND sys_language_uid=' . intval($sysLang[1]));
             if ($pageOverlay) {
                 if (TYPO3_VERSION_INTEGER >= 7000000) {
                     $this->cachedPageRecords[$sysLang[1]][$pageRow['uid']] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::array_merge($pageRow, $pageOverlay);
                 } else {
                     $this->cachedPageRecords[$sysLang[1]][$pageRow['uid']] = t3lib_div::array_merge($pageRow, $pageOverlay);
  * Find l10n-overlay records and perform the requested delete action for these records.
  * @param	string		$table: Record Table
  * @param	string		$uid: Record UID
  * @return	void
 function deleteL10nOverlayRecords($table, $uid)
     // Check whether table can be localized or has a different table defined to store localizations:
     if (!t3lib_BEfunc::isTableLocalizable($table) || !empty($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transForeignTable']) || !empty($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerTable'])) {
     $where = '';
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS'])) {
         $where = ' AND t3ver_oid=0';
     $l10nRecords = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField($table, $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'], $uid, $where);
     if (is_array($l10nRecords)) {
         foreach ($l10nRecords as $record) {
             $this->deleteAction($table, intval($record['t3ver_oid']) > 0 ? intval($record['t3ver_oid']) : intval($record['uid']));
Beispiel #7
     * Rendering the quick-edit view.
     * @return	void
    function renderQuickEdit()
        global $LANG, $BE_USER, $BACK_PATH;
        // Alternative template
        // Alternative form tag; Quick Edit submits its content to tce_db.php.
        $this->doc->form = '<form action="' . htmlspecialchars($BACK_PATH . 'tce_db.php?&prErr=1&uPT=1') . '" method="post" enctype="' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['form_enctype'] . '" name="editform" onsubmit="return TBE_EDITOR.checkSubmit(1);">';
        // Setting up the context sensitive menu:
        // Set the edit_record value for internal use in this function:
        $edit_record = $this->edit_record;
        // If a command to edit all records in a column is issue, then select all those elements, and redirect to alt_doc.php:
        if (substr($edit_record, 0, 9) == '_EDIT_COL') {
            $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tt_content', 'pid=' . intval($this->id) . ' AND colPos=' . intval(substr($edit_record, 10)) . ' AND sys_language_uid=' . intval($this->current_sys_language) . ($this->MOD_SETTINGS['tt_content_showHidden'] ? '' : t3lib_BEfunc::BEenableFields('tt_content')) . t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause('tt_content') . t3lib_BEfunc::versioningPlaceholderClause('tt_content'), '', 'sorting');
            $idListA = array();
            while ($cRow = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                $idListA[] = $cRow['uid'];
            $url = $BACK_PATH . 'alt_doc.php?edit[tt_content][' . implode(',', $idListA) . ']=edit&returnUrl=' . rawurlencode($this->local_linkThisScript(array('edit_record' => '')));
        // If the former record edited was the creation of a NEW record, this will look up the created records uid:
        if ($this->new_unique_uid) {
            $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'sys_log', 'userid=' . intval($BE_USER->user['uid']) . ' AND NEWid=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($this->new_unique_uid, 'sys_log'));
            $sys_log_row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
            if (is_array($sys_log_row)) {
                $edit_record = $sys_log_row['tablename'] . ':' . $sys_log_row['recuid'];
        // Creating the selector box, allowing the user to select which element to edit:
        $opt = array();
        $is_selected = 0;
        $languageOverlayRecord = '';
        if ($this->current_sys_language) {
            list($languageOverlayRecord) = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages_language_overlay', 'pid', $this->id, 'AND sys_language_uid=' . intval($this->current_sys_language));
        if (is_array($languageOverlayRecord)) {
            $inValue = 'pages_language_overlay:' . $languageOverlayRecord['uid'];
            $is_selected += intval($edit_record == $inValue);
            $opt[] = '<option value="' . $inValue . '"' . ($edit_record == $inValue ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>[ ' . $LANG->getLL('editLanguageHeader', 1) . ' ]</option>';
        } else {
            $inValue = 'pages:' . $this->id;
            $is_selected += intval($edit_record == $inValue);
            $opt[] = '<option value="' . $inValue . '"' . ($edit_record == $inValue ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>[ ' . $LANG->getLL('editPageProperties', 1) . ' ]</option>';
        // Selecting all content elements from this language and allowed colPos:
        $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tt_content', 'pid=' . intval($this->id) . ' AND sys_language_uid=' . intval($this->current_sys_language) . ' AND colPos IN (' . $this->colPosList . ')' . ($this->MOD_SETTINGS['tt_content_showHidden'] ? '' : t3lib_BEfunc::BEenableFields('tt_content')) . t3lib_Befunc::deleteClause('tt_content') . t3lib_BEfunc::versioningPlaceholderClause('tt_content'), '', 'colPos,sorting');
        $colPos = '';
        $first = 1;
        $prev = $this->id;
        // Page is the pid if no record to put this after.
        while ($cRow = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL('tt_content', $cRow);
            if (is_array($cRow)) {
                if ($first) {
                    if (!$edit_record) {
                        $edit_record = 'tt_content:' . $cRow['uid'];
                    $first = 0;
                if (strcmp($cRow['colPos'], $colPos)) {
                    $colPos = $cRow['colPos'];
                    $opt[] = '<option value=""></option>';
                    $opt[] = '<option value="_EDIT_COL:' . $colPos . '">__' . $LANG->sL(t3lib_BEfunc::getLabelFromItemlist('tt_content', 'colPos', $colPos), 1) . ':__</option>';
                $inValue = 'tt_content:' . $cRow['uid'];
                $is_selected += intval($edit_record == $inValue);
                $opt[] = '<option value="' . $inValue . '"' . ($edit_record == $inValue ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($cRow['header'] ? $cRow['header'] : '[' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:labels.no_title') . '] ' . strip_tags($cRow['bodytext']), $BE_USER->uc['titleLen'])) . '</option>';
                $prev = -$cRow['uid'];
        // If edit_record is not set (meaning, no content elements was found for this language) we simply set it to create a new element:
        if (!$edit_record) {
            $edit_record = 'tt_content:new/' . $prev . '/' . $colPos;
            $inValue = 'tt_content:new/' . $prev . '/' . $colPos;
            $is_selected += intval($edit_record == $inValue);
            $opt[] = '<option value="' . $inValue . '"' . ($edit_record == $inValue ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>[ ' . $LANG->getLL('newLabel', 1) . ' ]</option>';
        // If none is yet selected...
        if (!$is_selected) {
            $opt[] = '<option value=""></option>';
            $opt[] = '<option value="' . $edit_record . '"  selected="selected">[ ' . $LANG->getLL('newLabel', 1) . ' ]</option>';
        // Splitting the edit-record cmd value into table/uid:
        $this->eRParts = explode(':', $edit_record);
        // Delete-button flag?
        $this->deleteButton = t3lib_div::testInt($this->eRParts[1]) && $edit_record && ($this->eRParts[0] != 'pages' && $this->EDIT_CONTENT || $this->eRParts[0] == 'pages' && $this->CALC_PERMS & 4);
        // If undo-button should be rendered (depends on available items in sys_history)
        $this->undoButton = 0;
        $undoRes = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('tstamp', 'sys_history', 'tablename=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($this->eRParts[0], 'sys_history') . ' AND recuid=' . intval($this->eRParts[1]), '', 'tstamp DESC', '1');
        if ($this->undoButtonR = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($undoRes)) {
            $this->undoButton = 1;
        // Setting up the Return URL for coming back to THIS script (if links take the user to another script)
        $R_URL_parts = parse_url(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI'));
        $R_URL_getvars = t3lib_div::_GET();
        $R_URL_getvars['edit_record'] = $edit_record;
        $this->R_URI = $R_URL_parts['path'] . '?' . t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl('', $R_URL_getvars);
        // Setting close url/return url for exiting this script:
        $this->closeUrl = $this->local_linkThisScript(array('SET' => array('function' => 1)));
        // Goes to 'Columns' view if close is pressed (default)
        if ($BE_USER->uc['condensedMode']) {
            $this->closeUrl = $BACK_PATH . 'alt_db_navframe.php';
        if ($this->returnUrl) {
            $this->closeUrl = $this->returnUrl;
        // Return-url for JavaScript:
        $retUrlStr = $this->returnUrl ? "+'&returnUrl='+'" . rawurlencode($this->returnUrl) . "'" : '';
        // Drawing the edit record selectbox
        $this->editSelect = '<select name="edit_record" onchange="' . htmlspecialchars('jumpToUrl(\'db_layout.php?id=' . $this->id . '&edit_record=\'+escape(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)' . $retUrlStr . ',this);') . '">' . implode('', $opt) . '</select>';
        // Creating editing form:
        if ($BE_USER->check('tables_modify', $this->eRParts[0]) && $edit_record && ($this->eRParts[0] != 'pages' && $this->EDIT_CONTENT || $this->eRParts[0] == 'pages' && $this->CALC_PERMS & 1)) {
            // Splitting uid parts for special features, if new:
            list($uidVal, $ex_pid, $ex_colPos) = explode('/', $this->eRParts[1]);
            // Convert $uidVal to workspace version if any:
            if ($uidVal != 'new') {
                if ($draftRecord = t3lib_BEfunc::getWorkspaceVersionOfRecord($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace, $this->eRParts[0], $uidVal, 'uid')) {
                    $uidVal = $draftRecord['uid'];
            // Initializing transfer-data object:
            $trData = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_transferData');
            $trData->addRawData = TRUE;
            $trData->defVals[$this->eRParts[0]] = array('colPos' => intval($ex_colPos), 'sys_language_uid' => intval($this->current_sys_language));
            $trData->disableRTE = $this->MOD_SETTINGS['disableRTE'];
            $trData->lockRecords = 1;
            $trData->fetchRecord($this->eRParts[0], $uidVal == 'new' ? $this->id : $uidVal, $uidVal);
            // 'new'
            // Getting/Making the record:
            $rec = current($trData->regTableItems_data);
            if ($uidVal == 'new') {
                $new_unique_uid = uniqid('NEW');
                $rec['uid'] = $new_unique_uid;
                $rec['pid'] = intval($ex_pid) ? intval($ex_pid) : $this->id;
                $recordAccess = TRUE;
            } else {
                $rec['uid'] = $uidVal;
                // Checking internals access:
                $recordAccess = $BE_USER->recordEditAccessInternals($this->eRParts[0], $uidVal);
            if (!$recordAccess) {
                // If no edit access, print error message:
                $content .= $this->doc->section($LANG->getLL('noAccess'), $LANG->getLL('noAccess_msg') . '<br /><br />' . ($BE_USER->errorMsg ? 'Reason: ' . $BE_USER->errorMsg . '<br /><br />' : ''), 0, 1);
            } elseif (is_array($rec)) {
                // If the record is an array (which it will always be... :-)
                // Create instance of TCEforms, setting defaults:
                $tceforms = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TCEforms');
                $tceforms->backPath = $BACK_PATH;
                $tceforms->fieldOrder = $this->modTSconfig['properties']['tt_content.']['fieldOrder'];
                $tceforms->palettesCollapsed = !$this->MOD_SETTINGS['showPalettes'];
                $tceforms->disableRTE = $this->MOD_SETTINGS['disableRTE'];
                $tceforms->enableClickMenu = TRUE;
                // Clipboard is initialized:
                $tceforms->clipObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_clipboard');
                // Start clipboard
                // Initialize - reads the clipboard content from the user session
                if ($BE_USER->uc['edit_showFieldHelp'] != 'text' && $this->MOD_SETTINGS['showDescriptions']) {
                    $tceforms->edit_showFieldHelp = 'text';
                // Render form, wrap it:
                $panel = '';
                $panel .= $tceforms->getMainFields($this->eRParts[0], $rec);
                $panel = $tceforms->wrapTotal($panel, $rec, $this->eRParts[0]);
                // Add hidden fields:
                $theCode = $panel;
                if ($uidVal == 'new') {
                    $theCode .= '<input type="hidden" name="data[' . $this->eRParts[0] . '][' . $rec['uid'] . '][pid]" value="' . $rec['pid'] . '" />';
                $theCode .= '
					<input type="hidden" name="_serialNumber" value="' . md5(microtime()) . '" />
					<input type="hidden" name="_disableRTE" value="' . $tceforms->disableRTE . '" />
					<input type="hidden" name="edit_record" value="' . $edit_record . '" />
					<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . htmlspecialchars($uidVal == 'new' ? t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('cms') . 'layout/db_layout.php?id=' . $this->id . '&new_unique_uid=' . $new_unique_uid . '&returnUrl=' . rawurlencode($this->returnUrl) : $this->R_URI) . '" />
					' . t3lib_TCEforms::getHiddenTokenField('tceAction');
                // Add JavaScript as needed around the form:
                $theCode = $tceforms->printNeededJSFunctions_top() . $theCode . $tceforms->printNeededJSFunctions();
                // Add warning sign if record was "locked":
                if ($lockInfo = t3lib_BEfunc::isRecordLocked($this->eRParts[0], $rec['uid'])) {
                    $lockedMessage = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_FlashMessage', htmlspecialchars($lockInfo['msg']), '', t3lib_FlashMessage::WARNING);
                // Add whole form as a document section:
                $content .= $this->doc->section('', $theCode);
        } else {
            // If no edit access, print error message:
            $content .= $this->doc->section($LANG->getLL('noAccess'), $LANG->getLL('noAccess_msg') . '<br /><br />', 0, 1);
        // Bottom controls (function menus):
        $q_count = $this->getNumberOfHiddenElements();
        $h_func_b = t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck($this->id, 'SET[tt_content_showHidden]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['tt_content_showHidden'], 'db_layout.php', '', 'id="checkTt_content_showHidden"') . '<label for="checkTt_content_showHidden">' . (!$q_count ? $GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->dfw($LANG->getLL('hiddenCE', 1)) : $LANG->getLL('hiddenCE', 1) . ' (' . $q_count . ')') . '</label>';
        $h_func_b .= '<br />' . t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck($this->id, 'SET[showPalettes]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['showPalettes'], 'db_layout.php', '', 'id="checkShowPalettes"') . '<label for="checkShowPalettes">' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:labels.showPalettes', 1) . '</label>';
        if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('context_help') && $BE_USER->uc['edit_showFieldHelp'] != 'text') {
            $h_func_b .= '<br />' . t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck($this->id, 'SET[showDescriptions]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['showDescriptions'], 'db_layout.php', '', 'id="checkShowDescriptions"') . '<label for="checkShowDescriptions">' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:labels.showDescriptions', 1) . '</label>';
        if ($BE_USER->isRTE()) {
            $h_func_b .= '<br />' . t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck($this->id, 'SET[disableRTE]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['disableRTE'], 'db_layout.php', '', 'id="checkDisableRTE"') . '<label for="checkDisableRTE">' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:labels.disableRTE', 1) . '</label>';
        // Add the function menus to bottom:
        $content .= $this->doc->section('', $h_func_b, 0, 0);
        $content .= $this->doc->spacer(10);
        // Select element matrix:
        if ($this->eRParts[0] == 'tt_content' && t3lib_div::testInt($this->eRParts[1])) {
            $posMap = t3lib_div::makeInstance('ext_posMap');
            $posMap->backPath = $BACK_PATH;
            $posMap->cur_sys_language = $this->current_sys_language;
            $HTMLcode = '';
            // CSH:
            $HTMLcode .= t3lib_BEfunc::cshItem($this->descrTable, 'quickEdit_selElement', $BACK_PATH, '|<br />');
            $HTMLcode .= $posMap->printContentElementColumns($this->id, $this->eRParts[1], $this->colPosList, $this->MOD_SETTINGS['tt_content_showHidden'], $this->R_URI);
            $content .= $this->doc->spacer(20);
            $content .= $this->doc->section($LANG->getLL('CEonThisPage'), $HTMLcode, 0, 1);
            $content .= $this->doc->spacer(20);
        // Finally, if comments were generated in TCEforms object, print these as a HTML comment:
        if (count($tceforms->commentMessages)) {
            $content .= '
	<!-- TCEFORM messages
	' . htmlspecialchars(implode(LF, $tceforms->commentMessages)) . '
        return $content;
  * Indicate that the required be_user "_cli_crawler" is
  * has no admin rights.
  * @access protected
  * @return boolean
  * @author Michael Klapper <*****@*****.**>
 protected function isCrawlerUserNotAdmin()
     $isAvailable = false;
     $userArray = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('be_users', 'username', '_cli_crawler');
     if (is_array($userArray) && $userArray[0]['admin'] == 0) {
         $isAvailable = true;
     return $isAvailable;
  * For RTE/link: Parses the incoming URL and determines if it's a page, file, external or mail address.
  * @param	string		HREF value tp analyse
  * @param	string		The URL of the current website (frontend)
  * @return	array		Array with URL information stored in assoc. keys: value, act (page, file, spec, mail), pageid, cElement, info
 function parseCurUrl($href, $siteUrl)
     $href = trim($href);
     if ($href) {
         $info = array();
         // Default is "url":
         $info['value'] = $href;
         $info['act'] = 'url';
         $specialParts = explode('#_SPECIAL', $href);
         if (count($specialParts) == 2) {
             // Special kind (Something RTE specific: User configurable links through: "userLinks." from ->thisConfig)
             $info['value'] = '#_SPECIAL' . $specialParts[1];
             $info['act'] = 'spec';
         } elseif (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($href, $siteUrl)) {
             // If URL is on the current frontend website:
             $rel = substr($href, strlen($siteUrl));
             if (file_exists(PATH_site . rawurldecode($rel))) {
                 // URL is a file, which exists:
                 $info['value'] = rawurldecode($rel);
                 if (@is_dir(PATH_site . $info['value'])) {
                     $info['act'] = 'folder';
                 } else {
                     $info['act'] = 'file';
             } else {
                 // URL is a page (id parameter)
                 $uP = parse_url($rel);
                 if (!trim($uP['path'])) {
                     $pp = preg_split('/^id=/', $uP['query']);
                     $pp[1] = preg_replace('/&id=[^&]*/', '', $pp[1]);
                     $parameters = explode('&', $pp[1]);
                     $id = array_shift($parameters);
                     if ($id) {
                         // Checking if the id-parameter is an alias.
                         if (!t3lib_div::testInt($id)) {
                             list($idPartR) = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages', 'alias', $id);
                             $id = intval($idPartR['uid']);
                         $pageRow = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordWSOL('pages', $id);
                         $titleLen = intval($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['titleLen']);
                         $info['value'] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('page', 1) . " '" . htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($pageRow['title'], $titleLen)) . "' (ID:" . $id . ($uP['fragment'] ? ', #' . $uP['fragment'] : '') . ')';
                         $info['pageid'] = $id;
                         $info['cElement'] = $uP['fragment'];
                         $info['act'] = 'page';
                         $info['query'] = $parameters[0] ? '&' . implode('&', $parameters) : '';
         } else {
             // Email link:
             if (strtolower(substr($href, 0, 7)) == 'mailto:') {
                 $info['value'] = trim(substr($href, 7));
                 $info['act'] = 'mail';
         $info['info'] = $info['value'];
     } else {
         // NO value inputted:
         $info = array();
         $info['info'] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('none');
         $info['value'] = '';
         $info['act'] = 'page';
     // let the hook have a look
     foreach ($this->hookObjects as $hookObject) {
         $info = $hookObject->parseCurrentUrl($href, $siteUrl, $info);
     return $info;
  * Checks access to the record and adds the clear cache button
  * @param array $params
  * @param template $pObj
  * @return void
 public function addButton($params, $pObj)
     $this->params = $params;
     $this->pObj = $pObj;
     $record = array();
     $table = '';
     // For web -> page view or web -> list view
     if ($this->pObj->scriptID === 'ext/cms/layout/db_layout.php' || $this->pObj->scriptID === 'ext/recordlist/mod1/index.php') {
         $id = t3lib_div::_GP('id');
         if (is_object($GLOBALS['SOBE']) && $GLOBALS['SOBE']->current_sys_language) {
             $table = 'pages_language_overlay';
             $record = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField($table, 'pid', $id, ' AND ' . $table . '.sys_language_uid=' . intval($GLOBALS['SOBE']->current_sys_language), '', '', '1');
             if (is_array($record) && !empty($record)) {
                 $record = $record[0];
         } else {
             $table = 'pages';
             $record = array('uid' => $id, 'pid' => $id);
     } elseif ($this->pObj->scriptID === 'typo3/alt_doc.php') {
         // For record edit
         $editConf = t3lib_div::_GP('edit');
         if (is_array($editConf) && !empty($editConf)) {
             // Finding the current table
             $table = key($editConf);
             // Finding the first id and get the records pid
             $recordUid = key($editConf[$table]);
             // If table is pages we need uid (as pid) to get TSconfig
             if ($table === 'pages') {
                 $record['uid'] = $recordUid;
                 $record['pid'] = $recordUid;
             } else {
                 $record = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($table, $recordUid, 'uid, pid');
     if (isset($record['pid']) && $record['pid'] > 0) {
         if ($this->isModuleAccessible($record['pid'], $table)) {
             // Process last request
             $button = $this->process($table, $record['uid']);
             // Generate button with form for list view
             if ($this->pObj->scriptID === 'ext/recordlist/mod1/index.php') {
                 $button .= $this->generateButton(TRUE);
             } else {
                 // Generate plain input button
                 $button .= $this->generateButton();
             // Add button to button list and extend layout
             $this->params['buttons']['vcc'] = $button;
             $buttonWrap = t3lib_parsehtml::getSubpart($pObj->moduleTemplate, '###BUTTON_GROUP_WRAP###');
             $this->params['markers']['BUTTONLIST_LEFT'] .= t3lib_parsehtml::substituteMarker($buttonWrap, '###BUTTONS###', trim($button));
	 * Obtains system languages.
	 * @return array
	protected function getSystemLanguages() {
		$languages = (array)t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('sys_language','pid',0,'','','title');

		$defaultLanguageLabel = $this->getDefaultLanguageName();

		array_unshift($languages, array('uid' => 0, 'title' => $defaultLanguageLabel));
		array_unshift($languages, array('uid' => '', 'title' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('all_languages')));

		return $languages;
  * Look up and return page uid for alias
  * @param	integer		Page alias string value
  * @return	integer		Page uid corresponding to alias value.
 function getPageIdFromAlias($link_param)
     $pRec = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages', 'alias', $link_param);
     return $pRec[0]['uid'];
  * Processes the CURL request and sends action to Varnish server
  * @param string $url
  * @param integer $pid
  * @param string $host
  * @param boolean $quote
  * @return array
 protected function processClearCacheCommand($url, $pid, $host = '', $quote = TRUE)
     $responseArray = array();
     foreach ($this->serverArray as $server) {
         $response = array('server' => $server);
         // Build request
         if ($this->stripSlash) {
             $url = rtrim($url, '/');
         $request = $server . '/' . ltrim($url, '/');
         $response['request'] = $request;
         // Check for curl functions
         if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
             // TODO: Implement fallback to file_get_contents()
             $response['status'] = t3lib_FlashMessage::ERROR;
             $response['message'] = 'No curl_init available';
         } else {
             // If no host was given we need to loop over all
             $hostArray = array();
             if ($host !== '') {
                 $hostArray = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $host, 1);
             } else {
                 // Get all (non-redirecting) domains from root
                 $rootLine = t3lib_BEfunc::BEgetRootLine($pid);
                 foreach ($rootLine as $row) {
                     $domainArray = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('sys_domain', 'pid', $row['uid'], ' AND redirectTo="" AND hidden=0');
                     if (is_array($domainArray) && !empty($domainArray)) {
                         foreach ($domainArray as $domain) {
                             $hostArray[] = $domain['domainName'];
             // Fallback to current server
             if (empty($hostArray)) {
                 $domain = rtrim(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL'), '/');
                 $hostArray[] = substr($domain, strpos($domain, '://') + 3);
             // Loop over hosts
             foreach ($hostArray as $xHost) {
                 $response['host'] = $xHost;
                 // Curl initialization
                 $ch = curl_init();
                 // Disable direct output
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                 // Only get header response
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
                 // Set url
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request);
                 // Set method and protocol
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $this->httpMethod);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, $this->httpProtocol === 'http_10' ? CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0 : CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
                 // Set X-Host and X-Url header
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('X-Host: ' . ($quote ? preg_quote($xHost) : $xHost), 'X-Url: ' . ($quote ? preg_quote($url) : $url)));
                 // Store outgoing header
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, 1);
                 // Include preProcess hook (e.g. to set some alternative curl options
                 foreach ($this->hookObjects as $hookObject) {
                     /** @var tx_vcc_hook_communicationServiceHookInterface $hookObject */
                     $hookObject->preProcess($ch, $request, $response, $this);
                 $header = curl_exec($ch);
                 if (!curl_error($ch)) {
                     $response['status'] = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200 ? t3lib_FlashMessage::OK : t3lib_FlashMessage::ERROR;
                     $response['message'] = preg_split('/(\\r|\\n)+/m', trim($header));
                 } else {
                     $response['status'] = t3lib_FlashMessage::ERROR;
                     $response['message'] = array(curl_error($ch));
                 $response['requestHeader'] = preg_split('/(\\r|\\n)+/m', trim(curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT)));
                 // Include postProcess hook (e.g. to start some other jobs)
                 foreach ($this->hookObjects as $hookObject) {
                     /** @var tx_vcc_hook_communicationServiceHookInterface $hookObject */
                     $hookObject->postProcess($ch, $request, $response, $this);
                 // Log debug information
                 $logData = array('url' => $url, 'pid' => $pid, 'host' => $host, 'response' => $response);
                 $logType = $response['status'] == t3lib_FlashMessage::OK ? tx_vcc_service_loggingService::OK : tx_vcc_service_loggingService::ERROR;
                 $this->loggingService->log('CommunicationService::processClearCacheCommand', $logData, $logType, $pid, 3);
                 $responseArray[] = $response;
     return $responseArray;
	 * Create search form
	 * @return	string		HTML
	function renderSearchForm()	{

		$output.= '<br/>';
		$output.= '<br/>';

			// Language selector:
		$sys_languages = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('sys_language','pid',0,'','','title');

		// Masi: fix if no sys_language records defined
		if (!is_array($sys_languages)) {
			$sys_languages = array();
		array_unshift($sys_languages,array('uid' => 0, 'title' => 'Default'));
		array_unshift($sys_languages,array('uid' => '', 'title' => 'All languages'));

		$options = array();
		$showLanguage = t3lib_div::_GP('showLanguage');
		foreach($sys_languages as $record)	{
			$options[] = '
				<option value="'.htmlspecialchars($record['uid']).'"'.(!strcmp($showLanguage,$record['uid']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.htmlspecialchars($record['title'].' ['.$record['uid'].']').'</option>';

		$output.= 'Only language: <select name="showLanguage">'.implode('', $options).'</select><br/>';

			// Search path:
		$output.= 'Path: <input type="text" name="pathPrefixSearch" value="'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::_GP('pathPrefixSearch')).'" />';
		$output.= '<input type="submit" name="_" value="Look up" />';
		$output.= '<br/>';

			// Search / Replace part:
		if ($this->searchResultCounter && !t3lib_div::_POST('_replace') && !t3lib_div::_POST('_delete'))	{
			$output.= '<br/><b>'.sprintf('%s results found.',$this->searchResultCounter).'</b><br/>';
			$output.= 'Replace with: <input type="text" name="pathPrefixReplace" value="'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::_GP('pathPrefixSearch')).'" />';
			$output.= '<input type="submit" name="_replace" value="Replace" /> - <input type="submit" name="_delete" value="Delete" /><br/>';

			// Hidden fields:
		$output.= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->pObj->id).'" />';
		$output.= '<br/>';

		return $output;
  * Set all deleted rows
  * @param	integer		$id: UID from record
  * @param	string		$table: Tablename from record
  * @param	integer		$depth: How many levels recursive
  * @param	array		$ctrl: TCA CTRL Array
  * @param	string		$filter: Filter text
  * @return	void
 protected function setData($id = 0, $table, $depth, $tcaCtrl, $filter)
     $id = intval($id);
     if (array_key_exists('delete', $tcaCtrl)) {
         // find the 'deleted' field for this table
         $deletedField = tx_recycler_helper::getDeletedField($table);
         // create the filter WHERE-clause
         if (trim($filter) != '') {
             $filterWhere = ' AND (' . (t3lib_div::testInt($filter) ? 'uid = ' . $filter . ' OR pid = ' . $filter . ' OR ' : '') . $tcaCtrl['label'] . ' LIKE "%' . $this->escapeValueForLike($filter, $table) . '%"' . ')';
         // get the limit
         if ($this->limit != '') {
             // count the number of deleted records for this pid
             $deletedCount = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTcountRows('uid', $table, $deletedField . '!=0 AND pid = ' . $id . $filterWhere);
             // split the limit
             $parts = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->limit);
             $offset = $parts[0];
             $rowCount = $parts[1];
             // subtract the number of deleted records from the limit's offset
             $result = $offset - $deletedCount;
             // if the result is >= 0
             if ($result >= 0) {
                 // store the new offset in the limit and go into the next depth
                 $offset = $result;
                 $this->limit = implode(',', array($offset, $rowCount));
                 // do NOT query this depth; limit also does not need to be set, we set it anyways
                 $allowQuery = false;
                 $allowDepth = true;
                 $limit = '';
                 // won't be queried anyways
                 // if the result is < 0
             } else {
                 // the offset for the temporary limit has to remain like the original offset
                 // in case the original offset was just crossed by the amount of deleted records
                 if ($offset != 0) {
                     $tempOffset = $offset;
                 } else {
                     $tempOffset = 0;
                 // set the offset in the limit to 0
                 $newOffset = 0;
                 // convert to negative result to the positive equivalent
                 $absResult = abs($result);
                 // if the result now is > limit's row count
                 if ($absResult > $rowCount) {
                     // use the limit's row count as the temporary limit
                     $limit = implode(',', array($tempOffset, $rowCount));
                     // set the limit's row count to 0
                     $this->limit = implode(',', array($newOffset, 0));
                     // do not go into new depth
                     $allowDepth = false;
                 } else {
                     // if the result now is <= limit's row count
                     // use the result as the temporary limit
                     $limit = implode(',', array($tempOffset, $absResult));
                     // subtract the result from the row count
                     $newCount = $rowCount - $absResult;
                     // store the new result in the limit's row count
                     $this->limit = implode(',', array($newOffset, $newCount));
                     // if the new row count is > 0
                     if ($newCount > 0) {
                         // go into new depth
                         $allowDepth = true;
                     } else {
                         // if the new row count is <= 0 (only =0 makes sense though)
                         // do not go into new depth
                         $allowDepth = false;
                 // allow query for this depth
                 $allowQuery = true;
         } else {
             $limit = '';
             $allowDepth = true;
             $allowQuery = true;
         // query for actual deleted records
         if ($allowQuery) {
             $recordsToCheck = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField($table, $deletedField, '1', ' AND pid = ' . $id . $filterWhere, '', '', $limit, false);
             if ($recordsToCheck) {
                 $this->checkRecordAccess($table, $recordsToCheck);
         // go into depth
         if ($allowDepth && $depth >= 1) {
             // check recursively for elements beneath this page
             $resPages = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid', 'pages', 'pid=' . $id, '', 'sorting');
             if (is_resource($resPages)) {
                 while ($rowPages = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($resPages)) {
                     $this->setData($rowPages['uid'], $table, $depth - 1, $tcaCtrl, $filter);
                     // some records might have been added, check if we still have the limit for further queries
                     if ('' != $this->limit) {
                         $parts = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->limit);
                         // abort loop if LIMIT 0,0
                         if ($parts[0] == 0 && $parts[1] == 0) {
         $this->label[$table] = $tcaCtrl['label'];
         $this->title[$table] = $tcaCtrl['title'];
  * Check if user has access to all existing localizations for a certain record
  * @param string 	the table
  * @param array 	the current record
  * @return boolean
 function checkFullLanguagesAccess($table, $record)
     $recordLocalizationAccess = $this->checkLanguageAccess(0);
     if ($recordLocalizationAccess && (t3lib_BEfunc::isTableLocalizable($table) || isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transForeignTable']))) {
         if (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transForeignTable'])) {
             $l10nTable = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transForeignTable'];
             $pointerField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$l10nTable]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'];
             $pointerValue = $record['uid'];
         } else {
             $l10nTable = $table;
             $pointerField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$l10nTable]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'];
             $pointerValue = $record[$pointerField] > 0 ? $record[$pointerField] : $record['uid'];
         $recordLocalizations = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField($l10nTable, $pointerField, $pointerValue, '', '', '', '1');
         if (is_array($recordLocalizations)) {
             foreach ($recordLocalizations as $localization) {
                 $recordLocalizationAccess = $recordLocalizationAccess && $this->checkLanguageAccess($localization[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$l10nTable]['ctrl']['languageField']]);
                 if (!$recordLocalizationAccess) {
     return $recordLocalizationAccess;
Beispiel #17
  * This methods returns an array of configurations.
  * And no urls!
  * @param  integer $id  Page ID
  * @return array        Configurations from pages and configuration records
 protected function getUrlsForPageId($id)
      * Get configuration from tsConfig
     // Get page TSconfig for page ID:
     $pageTSconfig = $this->getPageTSconfigForId($id);
     $res = array();
     if (is_array($pageTSconfig) && is_array($pageTSconfig['tx_crawler.']['crawlerCfg.'])) {
         $crawlerCfg = $pageTSconfig['tx_crawler.']['crawlerCfg.'];
         if (is_array($crawlerCfg['paramSets.'])) {
             foreach ($crawlerCfg['paramSets.'] as $key => $values) {
                 if (!is_array($values)) {
                     // Sub configuration for a single configuration string:
                     $subCfg = (array) $crawlerCfg['paramSets.'][$key . '.'];
                     $subCfg['key'] = $key;
                     if (strcmp($subCfg['procInstrFilter'], '')) {
                         $subCfg['procInstrFilter'] = implode(',', t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $subCfg['procInstrFilter']));
                     $pidOnlyList = implode(',', t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $subCfg['pidsOnly'], 1));
                     // process configuration if it is not page-specific or if the specific page is the current page:
                     if (!strcmp($subCfg['pidsOnly'], '') || t3lib_div::inList($pidOnlyList, $id)) {
                         // add trailing slash if not present
                         if (!empty($subCfg['baseUrl']) && substr($subCfg['baseUrl'], -1) != '/') {
                             $subCfg['baseUrl'] .= '/';
                         // Explode, process etc.:
                         $res[$key] = array();
                         $res[$key]['subCfg'] = $subCfg;
                         $res[$key]['paramParsed'] = $this->parseParams($values);
                         $res[$key]['paramExpanded'] = $this->expandParameters($res[$key]['paramParsed'], $id);
                         $res[$key]['origin'] = 'pagets';
                         // recognize MP value
                         if (!$this->MP) {
                             $res[$key]['URLs'] = $this->compileUrls($res[$key]['paramExpanded'], array('?id=' . $id));
                         } else {
                             $res[$key]['URLs'] = $this->compileUrls($res[$key]['paramExpanded'], array('?id=' . $id . '&MP=' . $this->MP));
      * Get configuration from tx_crawler_configuration records
     // get records along the rootline
     $rootLine = t3lib_BEfunc::BEgetRootLine($id);
     foreach ($rootLine as $page) {
         $configurationRecordsForCurrentPage = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('tx_crawler_configuration', 'pid', intval($page['uid']), t3lib_BEfunc::BEenableFields('tx_crawler_configuration') . t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause('tx_crawler_configuration'));
         if (is_array($configurationRecordsForCurrentPage)) {
             foreach ($configurationRecordsForCurrentPage as $configurationRecord) {
                 // check access to the configuration record
                 if (empty($configurationRecord['begroups']) || $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin() || $this->hasGroupAccess($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['usergroup_cached_list'], $configurationRecord['begroups'])) {
                     $pidOnlyList = implode(',', t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $configurationRecord['pidsonly'], 1));
                     // process configuration if it is not page-specific or if the specific page is the current page:
                     if (!strcmp($configurationRecord['pidsonly'], '') || t3lib_div::inList($pidOnlyList, $id)) {
                         $key = $configurationRecord['name'];
                         // don't overwrite previously defined paramSets
                         if (!isset($res[$key])) {
                             /* @var $TSparserObject t3lib_tsparser */
                             $TSparserObject = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_tsparser');
                             $subCfg = array('procInstrFilter' => $configurationRecord['processing_instruction_filter'], 'procInstrParams.' => $TSparserObject->setup, 'baseUrl' => $this->getBaseUrlForConfigurationRecord($configurationRecord['base_url'], $configurationRecord['sys_domain_base_url']), 'realurl' => $configurationRecord['realurl'], 'cHash' => $configurationRecord['chash'], 'userGroups' => $configurationRecord['fegroups'], 'exclude' => $configurationRecord['exclude'], 'workspace' => $configurationRecord['sys_workspace_uid'], 'key' => $key);
                             // add trailing slash if not present
                             if (!empty($subCfg['baseUrl']) && substr($subCfg['baseUrl'], -1) != '/') {
                                 $subCfg['baseUrl'] .= '/';
                             if (!in_array($id, $this->expandExcludeString($subCfg['exclude']))) {
                                 $res[$key] = array();
                                 $res[$key]['subCfg'] = $subCfg;
                                 $res[$key]['paramParsed'] = $this->parseParams($configurationRecord['configuration']);
                                 $res[$key]['paramExpanded'] = $this->expandParameters($res[$key]['paramParsed'], $id);
                                 $res[$key]['URLs'] = $this->compileUrls($res[$key]['paramExpanded'], array('?id=' . $id . (abs($subCfg['workspace']) > 0 ? '&ADMCMD_view=1&ADMCMD_editIcons=0&ADMCMD_previewWS=' . $subCfg['workspace'] : '')));
                                 $res[$key]['origin'] = 'tx_crawler_configuration_' . $configurationRecord['uid'];
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['crawler']['processUrls'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['crawler']['processUrls'] as $func) {
             $params = array('res' => &$res);
             t3lib_div::callUserFunction($func, $params, $this);
     return $res;
  * Localizes the specified element and only points to the sub elements with references.
  * @param	integer		$sourceElementUid: UID of the element to be copied
  * @param	array		$destinationPointer: flexform pointer to the destination location
  * @param	array		$destinationParentRecord: Database record of the destination location (either from table 'pages' or 'tt_content')
  * @return	mixed		The UID of the newly created copy or FALSE if an error occurred.
  * @access	protected
 function process_localize($sourceElementUid, $destinationPointer, $destinationReferencesArr)
     // Determine language record UID of the language we localize to:
     $staticLanguageRows = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('static_languages', 'lg_iso_2', $destinationPointer['_languageKey']);
     if (is_array($staticLanguageRows) && isset($staticLanguageRows[0]['uid'])) {
         $languageRecords = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('sys_language', 'static_lang_isocode', $staticLanguageRows[0]['uid']);
     if (is_array($languageRecords) && isset($languageRecords[0]['uid'])) {
         $destinationLanguageUid = $languageRecords[0]['uid'];
     } else {
         if ($this->debug) {
             t3lib_div::devLog('API: process_localize(): Cannot localize element because sys_language record can not be found !', 'templavoila', 2);
         return FALSE;
     // Initialize TCEmain and create configuration for localizing the specified record
     $tce = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TCEmain');
     $cmdArray = array();
     $cmdArray['tt_content'][$sourceElementUid]['localize'] = $destinationLanguageUid;
     // Execute the copy process and finally insert the reference for the element to the destination:
     $flagWasSet = $this->getTCEmainRunningFlag();
     $tce->start(array(), $cmdArray);
     $newElementUid = $tce->copyMappingArray_merged['tt_content'][$sourceElementUid];
     if (!$flagWasSet) {
     $newDestinationReferencesArr = $this->flexform_insertElementReferenceIntoList($destinationReferencesArr, $destinationPointer['position'], $newElementUid);
     $this->flexform_storeElementReferencesListInRecord($newDestinationReferencesArr, $destinationPointer);
     return $newElementUid;
 function TS_links_rte($value)
     $value = $this->TS_AtagToAbs($value);
     // Split content by the TYPO3 pseudo tag "<link>":
     $blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('link', $value, 1);
     foreach ($blockSplit as $k => $v) {
         $error = '';
         if ($k % 2) {
             // block:
             $tagCode = t3lib_div::unQuoteFilenames(trim(substr($this->getFirstTag($v), 0, -1)), true);
             $link_param = $tagCode[1];
             $href = '';
             $siteUrl = $this->siteUrl();
             // Parsing the typolink data. This parsing is roughly done like in tslib_content->typolink()
             if (strstr($link_param, '@')) {
                 // mailadr
                 $href = 'mailto:' . preg_replace('/^mailto:/i', '', $link_param);
             } elseif (substr($link_param, 0, 1) == '#') {
                 // check if anchor
                 $href = $siteUrl . $link_param;
             } else {
                 $fileChar = intval(strpos($link_param, '/'));
                 $urlChar = intval(strpos($link_param, '.'));
                 // Detects if a file is found in site-root OR is a simulateStaticDocument.
                 list($rootFileDat) = explode('?', $link_param);
                 $rFD_fI = pathinfo($rootFileDat);
                 if (trim($rootFileDat) && !strstr($link_param, '/') && (@is_file(PATH_site . $rootFileDat) || t3lib_div::inList('php,html,htm', strtolower($rFD_fI['extension'])))) {
                     $href = $siteUrl . $link_param;
                 } elseif ($urlChar && (strstr($link_param, '//') || !$fileChar || $urlChar < $fileChar)) {
                     // url (external): If doubleSlash or if a '.' comes before a '/'.
                     if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]*:\\/\\//', trim(strtolower($link_param)))) {
                         $scheme = 'http://';
                     } else {
                         $scheme = '';
                     $href = $scheme . $link_param;
                 } elseif ($fileChar) {
                     // file (internal)
                     $href = $siteUrl . $link_param;
                 } else {
                     // integer or alias (alias is without slashes or periods or commas, that is 'nospace,alphanum_x,lower,unique' according to tables.php!!)
                     // Splitting the parameter by ',' and if the array counts more than 1 element it's a id/type/parameters triplet
                     $pairParts = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $link_param, TRUE);
                     $idPart = $pairParts[0];
                     $link_params_parts = explode('#', $idPart);
                     $idPart = trim($link_params_parts[0]);
                     $sectionMark = trim($link_params_parts[1]);
                     if (!strcmp($idPart, '')) {
                         $idPart = $this->recPid;
                     // If no id or alias is given, set it to class record pid
                     // Checking if the id-parameter is an alias.
                     if (!t3lib_div::testInt($idPart)) {
                         list($idPartR) = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages', 'alias', $idPart);
                         $idPart = intval($idPartR['uid']);
                     $page = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord('pages', $idPart);
                     if (is_array($page)) {
                         // Page must exist...
                         // XCLASS changed from $href = $siteUrl .'?id=' . $idPart . ($pairParts[2] ? $pairParts[2] : '') . ($sectionMark ? '#' . $sectionMark : '');
                         $href = $idPart . ($pairParts[2] ? $pairParts[2] : '') . ($sectionMark ? '#' . $sectionMark : '');
                         // linkHandler - allowing links to start with registerd linkHandler e.g.. "record:"
                     } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/class.tslib_content.php']['typolinkLinkHandler'][array_shift(explode(':', $link_param))])) {
                         $href = $link_param;
                     } else {
                         #$href = '';
                         $href = $siteUrl . '?id=' . $link_param;
                         $error = 'No page found: ' . $idPart;
             // Setting the A-tag:
             $bTag = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($href) . '"' . ($tagCode[2] && $tagCode[2] != '-' ? ' target="' . htmlspecialchars($tagCode[2]) . '"' : '') . ($tagCode[3] && $tagCode[3] != '-' ? ' class="' . htmlspecialchars($tagCode[3]) . '"' : '') . ($tagCode[4] ? ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($tagCode[4]) . '"' : '') . ($error ? ' rteerror="' . htmlspecialchars($error) . '" style="background-color: yellow; border:2px red solid; color: black;"' : '') . '>';
             $eTag = '</a>';
             $blockSplit[$k] = $bTag . $this->TS_links_rte($this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k])) . $eTag;
     // Return content:
     return implode('', $blockSplit);
  * Check if user has access to all existing localizations for a certain record
  * Patch adds hook and applies changes due to #13194
  * @param string 	the table
  * @param array 	the current record
  * @return boolean
 function checkFullLanguagesAccess($table, $record)
     $recordLocalizationAccess = $this->checkLanguageAccess(0);
     if ($recordLocalizationAccess && (t3lib_BEfunc::isTableLocalizable($table) || isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transForeignTable']))) {
         if (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transForeignTable'])) {
             $l10nTable = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transForeignTable'];
             $pointerField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$l10nTable]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'];
             $pointerValue = $record['uid'];
         } else {
             $l10nTable = $table;
             $pointerField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$l10nTable]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'];
             $pointerValue = $record[$pointerField] > 0 ? $record[$pointerField] : $record['uid'];
         $recordLocalizations = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField($l10nTable, $pointerField, $pointerValue, '', '', '', '1');
         if (is_array($recordLocalizations)) {
             foreach ($recordLocalizations as $localization) {
                 $recordLocalizationAccess = $recordLocalizationAccess && $this->checkLanguageAccess($localization[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$l10nTable]['ctrl']['languageField']]);
                 if (!$recordLocalizationAccess) {
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_userauthgroup.php']['checkFullLanguagesAccess'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_userauthgroup.php']['checkFullLanguagesAccess'] as $_funcRef) {
             $_params = array('table' => $table, 'row' => $record, 'recordLocalizationAccess' => $recordLocalizationAccess);
             $recordLocalizationAccess = t3lib_div::callUserFunction($_funcRef, $_params, $this);
     return $recordLocalizationAccess;
     * Renders Content Elements from the tt_content table from page id
     * @param	integer		Page id
     * @return	string		HTML for the listing
    function getTable_tt_content($id)
        global $TCA;
        // Initialize:
        $RTE = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isRTE();
        $lMarg = 1;
        $showHidden = $this->tt_contentConfig['showHidden'] ? '' : t3lib_BEfunc::BEenableFields('tt_content');
        $pageTitleParamForAltDoc = '&recTitle=' . rawurlencode(t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle('pages', t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordWSOL('pages', $id), TRUE));
        $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->getPageRenderer()->addJsFile($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'] . 'sysext/cms/layout/js/typo3pageModule.js');
        // Get labels for CTypes and tt_content element fields in general:
        $this->CType_labels = array();
        foreach ($TCA['tt_content']['columns']['CType']['config']['items'] as $val) {
            $this->CType_labels[$val[1]] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($val[0]);
        $this->itemLabels = array();
        foreach ($TCA['tt_content']['columns'] as $name => $val) {
            $this->itemLabels[$name] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($val['label']);
        // Select display mode:
        if (!$this->tt_contentConfig['single']) {
            // MULTIPLE column display mode, side by side:
            // Setting language list:
            $langList = $this->tt_contentConfig['sys_language_uid'];
            if ($this->tt_contentConfig['languageMode']) {
                if ($this->tt_contentConfig['languageColsPointer']) {
                    $langList = '0,' . $this->tt_contentConfig['languageColsPointer'];
                } else {
                    $langList = implode(',', array_keys($this->tt_contentConfig['languageCols']));
                $languageColumn = array();
            $langListArr = explode(',', $langList);
            $defLanguageCount = array();
            $defLangBinding = array();
            // For EACH languages... :
            foreach ($langListArr as $lP) {
                // If NOT languageMode, then we'll only be through this once.
                $showLanguage = $this->defLangBinding && $lP == 0 ? ' AND sys_language_uid IN (0,-1)' : ' AND sys_language_uid=' . $lP;
                $cList = explode(',', $this->tt_contentConfig['cols']);
                $content = array();
                $head = array();
                // For EACH column, render the content into a variable:
                foreach ($cList as $key) {
                    if (!$lP) {
                        $defLanguageCount[$key] = array();
                    // Select content elements from this column/language:
                    $queryParts = $this->makeQueryArray('tt_content', $id, 'AND colPos=' . intval($key) . $showHidden . $showLanguage);
                    $result = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
                    // If it turns out that there are not content elements in the column, then display a big button which links directly to the wizard script:
                    if ($this->doEdit && $this->option_showBigButtons && !intval($key) && !$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($result)) {
                        $onClick = "window.location.href='db_new_content_el.php?id=" . $id . '&colPos=' . intval($key) . '&sys_language_uid=' . $lP . '&uid_pid=' . $id . '&returnUrl=' . rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')) . "';";
                        $theNewButton = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->t3Button($onClick, $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('newPageContent'));
                        $content[$key] .= '<img src="clear.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" /><br />' . $theNewButton;
                    // Traverse any selected elements and render their display code:
                    $rowArr = $this->getResult($result);
                    foreach ($rowArr as $rKey => $row) {
                        if (is_array($row) && (int) $row['t3ver_state'] != 2) {
                            $singleElementHTML = '';
                            if (!$lP) {
                                $defLanguageCount[$key][] = $row['uid'];
                            $editUidList .= $row['uid'] . ',';
                            $singleElementHTML .= $this->tt_content_drawHeader($row, $this->tt_contentConfig['showInfo'] ? 15 : 5, $this->defLangBinding && $lP > 0, TRUE);
                            $isRTE = $RTE && $this->isRTEforField('tt_content', $row, 'bodytext');
                            $singleElementHTML .= '<div ' . ($row['_ORIG_uid'] ? ' class="ver-element"' : '') . '>' . $this->tt_content_drawItem($row, $isRTE) . '</div>';
                            // NOTE: this is the end tag for <div class="t3-page-ce-body">
                            // because of bad (historic) conception, starting tag has to be placed inside tt_content_drawHeader()
                            $singleElementHTML .= '</div>';
                            $statusHidden = $this->isDisabled('tt_content', $row) ? ' t3-page-ce-hidden' : '';
                            $singleElementHTML = '<div class="t3-page-ce' . $statusHidden . '">' . $singleElementHTML . '</div>';
                            if ($this->defLangBinding && $this->tt_contentConfig['languageMode']) {
                                $defLangBinding[$key][$lP][$row[$lP ? 'l18n_parent' : 'uid']] = $singleElementHTML;
                            } else {
                                $content[$key] .= $singleElementHTML;
                        } else {
                    // Add new-icon link, header:
                    $newP = $this->newContentElementOnClick($id, $key, $lP);
                    $head[$key] .= $this->tt_content_drawColHeader(t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValue('tt_content', 'colPos', $key), $this->doEdit && count($rowArr) ? '&edit[tt_content][' . $editUidList . ']=edit' . $pageTitleParamForAltDoc : '', $newP);
                    $editUidList = '';
                // For EACH column, fit the rendered content into a table cell:
                $out = '';
                foreach ($cList as $k => $key) {
                    if (!$k) {
                        $out .= '
							<td><img src="clear.gif" width="' . $lMarg . '" height="1" alt="" /></td>';
                    } else {
                        $out .= '
							<td><img src="clear.gif" width="4" height="1" alt="" /></td>
							<td bgcolor="#cfcfcf"><img src="clear.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></td>
							<td><img src="clear.gif" width="4" height="1" alt="" /></td>';
                    $out .= '
							<td class="t3-page-column t3-page-column-' . $key . '">' . $head[$key] . $content[$key] . '</td>';
                    // Storing content for use if languageMode is set:
                    if ($this->tt_contentConfig['languageMode']) {
                        $languageColumn[$key][$lP] = $head[$key] . $content[$key];
                        if (!$this->defLangBinding) {
                            $languageColumn[$key][$lP] .= '<br /><br />' . $this->newLanguageButton($this->getNonTranslatedTTcontentUids($defLanguageCount[$key], $id, $lP), $lP);
                // Wrap the cells into a table row:
                $out = '
					<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="t3-page-columns">
						<tr>' . $out . '
                // CSH:
                $out .= t3lib_BEfunc::cshItem($this->descrTable, 'columns_multi', $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']);
            // If language mode, then make another presentation:
            // Notice that THIS presentation will override the value of $out! But it needs the code above to execute since $languageColumn is filled with content we need!
            if ($this->tt_contentConfig['languageMode']) {
                // Get language selector:
                $languageSelector = $this->languageSelector($id);
                // Reset out - we will make new content here:
                $out = '';
                // Separator between language columns (black thin line)
                $midSep = '
						<td><img src="clear.gif" width="4" height="1" alt="" /></td>
						<td bgcolor="black"><img src="clear.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></td>
						<td><img src="clear.gif" width="4" height="1" alt="" /></td>';
                // Traverse languages found on the page and build up the table displaying them side by side:
                $cCont = array();
                $sCont = array();
                foreach ($langListArr as $lP) {
                    // Header:
                    $cCont[$lP] = '
						<td valign="top" align="center" class="bgColor6"><strong>' . htmlspecialchars($this->tt_contentConfig['languageCols'][$lP]) . '</strong></td>';
                    // "View page" icon is added:
                    $viewLink = '<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars(t3lib_BEfunc::viewOnClick($this->id, $this->backPath, t3lib_BEfunc::BEgetRootLine($this->id), '', '', '&L=' . $lP)) . '">' . t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIcon('actions-document-view') . '</a>';
                    // Language overlay page header:
                    if ($lP) {
                        list($lpRecord) = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages_language_overlay', 'pid', $id, 'AND sys_language_uid=' . intval($lP));
                        t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL('pages_language_overlay', $lpRecord);
                        $params = '&edit[pages_language_overlay][' . $lpRecord['uid'] . ']=edit&overrideVals[pages_language_overlay][sys_language_uid]=' . $lP;
                        $lPLabel = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->wrapClickMenuOnIcon(t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIconForRecord('pages_language_overlay', $lpRecord), $lpRecord['uid']) . $viewLink . ($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->check('tables_modify', 'pages_language_overlay') ? '<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars(t3lib_BEfunc::editOnClick($params, $this->backPath)) . '" title="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('edit', TRUE) . '">' . t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIcon('actions-document-open') . '</a>' : '') . htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($lpRecord['title'], 20));
                    } else {
                        $lPLabel = $viewLink;
                    $sCont[$lP] = '
						<td nowrap="nowrap">' . $lPLabel . '</td>';
                // Add headers:
                $out .= '
					<tr class="bgColor5">' . implode($midSep, $cCont) . '
                $out .= '
					<tr class="bgColor5">' . implode($midSep, $sCont) . '
                // Traverse previously built content for the columns:
                foreach ($languageColumn as $cKey => $cCont) {
                    $out .= '
						<td valign="top">' . implode('</td>' . $midSep . '
						<td valign="top">', $cCont) . '</td>
                    if ($this->defLangBinding) {
                        // "defLangBinding" mode
                        foreach ($defLanguageCount[$cKey] as $defUid) {
                            $cCont = array();
                            foreach ($langListArr as $lP) {
                                $cCont[] = $defLangBinding[$cKey][$lP][$defUid] . '<br/>' . $this->newLanguageButton($this->getNonTranslatedTTcontentUids(array($defUid), $id, $lP), $lP);
                            $out .= '
								<td valign="top">' . implode('</td>' . $midSep . '
								<td valign="top">', $cCont) . '</td>
                        // Create spacer:
                        $cCont = array();
                        foreach ($langListArr as $lP) {
                            $cCont[] = '&nbsp;';
                        $out .= '
							<td valign="top">' . implode('</td>' . $midSep . '
							<td valign="top">', $cCont) . '</td>
                // Finally, wrap it all in a table and add the language selector on top of it:
                $out = $languageSelector . '
					<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="480" class="typo3-page-langMode">
						' . $out . '
                // CSH:
                $out .= t3lib_BEfunc::cshItem($this->descrTable, 'language_list', $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']);
        } else {
            // SINGLE column mode (columns shown beneath each other):
            #debug('single column');
            if ($this->tt_contentConfig['sys_language_uid'] == 0 || !$this->defLangBinding) {
                // Initialize:
                if ($this->defLangBinding && $this->tt_contentConfig['sys_language_uid'] == 0) {
                    $showLanguage = ' AND sys_language_uid IN (0,-1)';
                    $lP = 0;
                } else {
                    $showLanguage = ' AND sys_language_uid=' . $this->tt_contentConfig['sys_language_uid'];
                    $lP = $this->tt_contentConfig['sys_language_uid'];
                $cList = explode(',', $this->tt_contentConfig['showSingleCol']);
                $content = array();
                $out = '';
                // Expand the table to some preset dimensions:
                $out .= '
						<td><img src="clear.gif" width="' . $lMarg . '" height="1" alt="" /></td>
						<td valign="top"><img src="clear.gif" width="150" height="1" alt="" /></td>
						<td><img src="clear.gif" width="10" height="1" alt="" /></td>
						<td valign="top"><img src="clear.gif" width="300" height="1" alt="" /></td>
                // Traverse columns to display top-on-top
                foreach ($cList as $counter => $key) {
                    // Select content elements:
                    $queryParts = $this->makeQueryArray('tt_content', $id, 'AND colPos=' . intval($key) . $showHidden . $showLanguage);
                    $result = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
                    $c = 0;
                    $rowArr = $this->getResult($result);
                    $rowOut = '';
                    // If it turns out that there are not content elements in the column, then display a big button which links directly to the wizard script:
                    if ($this->doEdit && $this->option_showBigButtons && !intval($key) && !$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($result)) {
                        $onClick = "window.location.href='db_new_content_el.php?id=" . $id . '&colPos=' . intval($key) . '&sys_language_uid=' . $lP . '&uid_pid=' . $id . '&returnUrl=' . rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')) . "';";
                        $theNewButton = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->t3Button($onClick, $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('newPageContent'));
                        $theNewButton = '<img src="clear.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" /><br />' . $theNewButton;
                    } else {
                        $theNewButton = '';
                    // Traverse any selected elements:
                    foreach ($rowArr as $rKey => $row) {
                        if (is_array($row) && (int) $row['t3ver_state'] != 2) {
                            $editUidList .= $row['uid'] . ',';
                            $isRTE = $RTE && $this->isRTEforField('tt_content', $row, 'bodytext');
                            // Create row output:
                            $rowOut .= '
									<td valign="top">' . $this->tt_content_drawHeader($row) . '</td>
									<td' . ($row['_ORIG_uid'] ? ' class="ver-element"' : '') . ' valign="top">' . $this->tt_content_drawItem($row, $isRTE) . '</td>
                            // If the element was not the last element, add a divider line:
                            if ($c != $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($result)) {
                                $rowOut .= '
									<td colspan="3"><img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath, 'gfx/stiblet_medium2.gif', 'width="468" height="1"') . ' class="c-divider" alt="" /></td>
                        } else {
                    // Add spacer between sections in the vertical list
                    if ($counter) {
                        $out .= '
								<td colspan="3"><br /><br /><br /><br /></td>
                    // Add section header:
                    $newP = $this->newContentElementOnClick($id, $key, $this->tt_contentConfig['sys_language_uid']);
                    $out .= '

						<!-- Column header: -->
							<td valign="top" colspan="3">' . $this->tt_content_drawColHeader(t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValue('tt_content', 'colPos', $key), $this->doEdit && count($rowArr) ? '&edit[tt_content][' . $editUidList . ']=edit' . $pageTitleParamForAltDoc : '', $newP) . $theNewButton . '<br /></td>
                    // Finally, add the content from the records in this column:
                    $out .= $rowOut;
                // Finally, wrap all table rows in one, big table:
                $out = '
					<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="400" class="typo3-page-columnsMode">
						' . $out . '
                // CSH:
                $out .= t3lib_BEfunc::cshItem($this->descrTable, 'columns_single', $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']);
            } else {
                $out = '<br/><br/>' . $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->icons(1) . 'Sorry, you cannot view a single language in this localization mode (Default Language Binding is enabled)<br/><br/>';
        // Add the big buttons to page:
        if ($this->option_showBigButtons) {
            $bArray = array();
            if (!$GLOBALS['SOBE']->current_sys_language) {
                if ($this->ext_CALC_PERMS & 2) {
                    $bArray[0] = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->t3Button(t3lib_BEfunc::editOnClick('&edit[pages][' . $id . "]=edit", $this->backPath, ''), $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('editPageProperties'));
            } else {
                if ($this->doEdit && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->check('tables_modify', 'pages_language_overlay')) {
                    list($languageOverlayRecord) = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages_language_overlay', 'pid', $id, 'AND sys_language_uid=' . intval($GLOBALS['SOBE']->current_sys_language));
                    $bArray[0] = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->t3Button(t3lib_BEfunc::editOnClick('&edit[pages_language_overlay][' . $languageOverlayRecord['uid'] . "]=edit", $this->backPath, ''), $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('editPageProperties_curLang'));
            if ($this->ext_CALC_PERMS & 4 || $this->ext_CALC_PERMS & 2) {
                $bArray[1] = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->t3Button("window.location.href='" . $this->backPath . "move_el.php?table=pages&uid=" . $id . '&returnUrl=' . rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')) . "';", $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('move_page'));
            if ($this->ext_CALC_PERMS & 8) {
                $bArray[2] = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->t3Button("window.location.href='" . $this->backPath . "db_new.php?id=" . $id . '&pagesOnly=1&returnUrl=' . rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')) . "';", $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('newPage2'));
            if ($this->doEdit && $this->ext_function == 1) {
                $bArray[3] = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->t3Button("window.location.href='db_new_content_el.php?id=" . $id . '&sys_language_uid=' . $GLOBALS['SOBE']->current_sys_language . '&returnUrl=' . rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')) . "';", $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('newPageContent2'));
            $out = '
				<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="typo3-page-buttons">
						<td>' . implode('</td>
						<td>', $bArray) . '</td>
						<td>' . t3lib_BEfunc::cshItem($this->descrTable, 'button_panel', $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']) . '</td>
				<br />
				' . $out;
        // Return content:
        return $out;
Beispiel #22
     * Checking if the "&edit" variable was sent so we can open it for editing the page.
     * Code based on code from "alt_shortcut.php"
     * @return	void
    protected function handlePageEditing()
        if (!t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('cms')) {
        // EDIT page:
        $editId = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]_]/', '', t3lib_div::_GET('edit'));
        $editRecord = '';
        if ($editId) {
            // Looking up the page to edit, checking permissions:
            $where = ' AND (' . $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getPagePermsClause(2) . ' OR ' . $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getPagePermsClause(16) . ')';
            if (t3lib_div::testInt($editId)) {
                $editRecord = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordWSOL('pages', $editId, '*', $where);
            } else {
                $records = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages', 'alias', $editId, $where);
                if (is_array($records)) {
                    $editRecord = current($records);
                    t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL('pages', $editRecord);
            // If the page was accessible, then let the user edit it.
            if (is_array($editRecord) && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isInWebMount($editRecord['uid'])) {
                // Setting JS code to open editing:
                $this->js .= '
		// Load page to edit:
	window.setTimeout("top.loadEditId(' . intval($editRecord['uid']) . ');", 500);
                // "Shortcuts" have been renamed to "Bookmarks"
                // @deprecated remove shortcuts code in TYPO3 4.7
                $shortcutSetPageTree = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getTSConfigVal('options.shortcut_onEditId_dontSetPageTree');
                $bookmarkSetPageTree = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getTSConfigVal('options.bookmark_onEditId_dontSetPageTree');
                if ($shortcutSetPageTree !== '') {
                    t3lib_div::deprecationLog('options.shortcut_onEditId_dontSetPageTree - since TYPO3 4.5, will be removed in TYPO3 4.7 - use options.bookmark_onEditId_dontSetPageTree instead');
                // Checking page edit parameter:
                if (!$shortcutSetPageTree && !$bookmarkSetPageTree) {
                    $shortcutKeepExpanded = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getTSConfigVal('options.shortcut_onEditId_keepExistingExpanded');
                    $bookmarkKeepExpanded = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getTSConfigVal('options.bookmark_onEditId_keepExistingExpanded');
                    $keepExpanded = $shortcutKeepExpanded || $bookmarkKeepExpanded;
                    // Expanding page tree:
                    t3lib_BEfunc::openPageTree(intval($editRecord['pid']), !$keepExpanded);
                    if ($shortcutKeepExpanded) {
                        t3lib_div::deprecationLog('options.shortcut_onEditId_keepExistingExpanded - since TYPO3 4.5, will be removed in TYPO3 4.7 - use options.bookmark_onEditId_keepExistingExpanded instead');
            } else {
                $this->js .= '
		// Warning about page editing:
	alert(' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->JScharCode(sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('noEditPage'), $editId)) . ');
  * If "editPage" value is sent to script and it points to an accessible page, the internal var $this->theEditRec is set to the page record which should be loaded.
  * Returns void
  * @return	void
 function editPageIdFunc()
     global $BE_USER, $LANG;
     if (!t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('cms')) {
     // EDIT page:
     $this->editPage = trim($LANG->csConvObj->conv_case($LANG->charSet, $this->editPage, 'toLower'));
     $this->editError = '';
     $this->theEditRec = '';
     $this->searchFor = '';
     if ($this->editPage) {
         // First, test alternative value consisting of [table]:[uid] and if not found, proceed with traditional page ID resolve:
         $this->alternativeTableUid = explode(':', $this->editPage);
         if (!(count($this->alternativeTableUid) == 2 && $BE_USER->isAdmin())) {
             // We restrict it to admins only just because I'm not really sure if alt_doc.php properly checks permissions of passed records for editing. If alt_doc.php does that, then we can remove this.
             $where = ' AND (' . $BE_USER->getPagePermsClause(2) . ' OR ' . $BE_USER->getPagePermsClause(16) . ')';
             if (t3lib_div::testInt($this->editPage)) {
                 $this->theEditRec = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordWSOL('pages', $this->editPage, '*', $where);
             } else {
                 $records = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages', 'alias', $this->editPage, $where);
                 if (is_array($records)) {
                     $this->theEditRec = current($records);
                     t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL('pages', $this->theEditRec);
             if (!is_array($this->theEditRec)) {
                 $this->searchFor = $this->editPage;
             } elseif (!$BE_USER->isInWebMount($this->theEditRec['uid'])) {
                 $this->editError = $LANG->getLL('shortcut_notEditable');
             } else {
                 // Visual path set:
                 $perms_clause = $BE_USER->getPagePermsClause(1);
                 $this->editPath = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordPath($this->theEditRec['pid'], $perms_clause, 30);
                 if (!$BE_USER->getTSConfigVal('options.shortcut_onEditId_dontSetPageTree')) {
                     // Expanding page tree:
                     t3lib_BEfunc::openPageTree($this->theEditRec['pid'], !$BE_USER->getTSConfigVal('options.shortcut_onEditId_keepExistingExpanded'));
  * @param string $theTable Table name present in $GLOBALS['TCA']
  * @param string $theField Field to select on
  * @param string $theValue Value that $theField must match
  * @param string $whereClause Optional additional WHERE clauses put in the end of the query. DO NOT PUT IN GROUP BY, ORDER BY or LIMIT!
  * @param string $groupBy Optional GROUP BY field(s), if none, supply blank string.
  * @param string $orderBy Optional ORDER BY field(s), if none, supply blank string.
  * @param string $limit Optional LIMIT value ([begin,]max), if none, supply blank string.
  * @param bool $useDeleteClause Use the deleteClause to check if a record is deleted (default TRUE)
  * @return mixed Multidimensional array with selected records (if any is selected)
 public function getRecordsByField($theTable, $theField, $theValue, $whereClause = '', $groupBy = '', $orderBy = '', $limit = '', $useDeleteClause = TRUE)
     /** @noinspection PhpDeprecationInspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */
     return t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField($theTable, $theField, $theValue, $whereClause, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit, $useDeleteClause);