Beispiel #1
} else {
    $select_options .= "\t\t<option value='\${uk-ring}'>" . $text['option-ukring'] . "</option>\n";
if ($ring_group_ringback == "\${rs-ring}" || $ring_group_ringback == "rs-ring") {
    $select_options .= "\t\t<option value='\${rs-ring}' selected='selected'>" . $text['option-rsring'] . "</option>\n";
} else {
    $select_options .= "\t\t<option value='\${rs-ring}'>" . $text['option-rsring'] . "</option>\n";
if ($ring_group_ringback == "\${it-ring}" || $ring_group_ringback == "it-ring") {
    $select_options .= "\t\t<option value='\${it-ring}' selected='selected'>" . $text['option-itring'] . "</option>\n";
} else {
    $select_options .= "\t\t<option value='\${it-ring}'>" . $text['option-itring'] . "</option>\n";
if (is_dir($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . '/app/music_on_hold')) {
    require_once "app/music_on_hold/resources/classes/switch_music_on_hold.php";
    $moh = new switch_music_on_hold();
    $moh->select_name = "ring_group_ringback";
    $moh->select_value = $ring_group_ringback;
    $moh->select_options = $select_options;
    echo $moh->select();
} else {
    echo "\t<select class='formfld' name='ring_group_ringback'>\n";
    //echo "	<option value=''></option>\n";
    echo $select_options;
    echo "\t</select>\n";
echo "<br />\n";
echo $text['description-ringback'] . "\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "\t<tr>";
Beispiel #2
            //echo $sql; exit;
            $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
            //remove parent folder, if empty
            $parent_path = dirname($stream_path);
            $parent_path_files = glob(path_join($parent_path, '*'));
            if (sizeof($parent_files) === 0) {
        //set message
        $_SESSION['message'] = $text['message-delete'];
    //require_once "app/music_on_hold/resources/classes/switch_music_on_hold.php";
    $music = new switch_music_on_hold();
    header("Location: music_on_hold.php");
//include the header
require_once "resources/header.php";
$document['title'] = $text['title-music_on_hold'];
echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>\n";
echo "\tfunction check_filetype(file_input) {\n";
echo "\t\tfile_ext = file_input.value.substr((~-file_input.value.lastIndexOf('.') >>> 0) + 2);\n";
echo "\t\tif (file_ext != 'mp3' && file_ext != 'wav' && file_ext != 'ogg' && file_ext != '') {\n";
echo "\t\t\tdisplay_message(\"" . $text['message-unsupported_file_type'] . "\", 'negative', '2750');\n";
echo "\t\t}\n";
echo "\t\tvar selected_file_path = file_input.value;\n";
Beispiel #3
        echo "    <option value='outbound'>" . $text['label-user_record_outbound'] . "</option>\n";
    echo "    </select>\n";
    echo "<br />\n";
    echo $text['description-user_record'] . "\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
if (is_dir($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . '/app/music_on_hold')) {
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<td width=\"30%\" class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap='nowrap'>\n";
    echo "\t" . $text['label-hold_music'] . "\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "<td width=\"70%\" class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
    require_once "app/music_on_hold/resources/classes/switch_music_on_hold.php";
    $moh = new switch_music_on_hold();
    echo $moh->select('hold_music', $hold_music);
    echo "\t<br />\n";
    echo $text['description-hold_music'] . "\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
if (if_group("superadmin")) {
    if (strlen($user_context) == 0) {
        $user_context = $_SESSION['domain_name'];
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<td class='vncellreq' valign='top' align='left' nowrap='nowrap'>\n";
    echo "    " . $text['label-user_context'] . "\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
Beispiel #4
            if (count($_SESSION['domains']) > 1) {
                $path_mod = $_SESSION["domain_name"] . "/";
            // remove sampling rate directory (if any)
            foreach ($sampling_rate_dirs as $sampling_rate_dir) {
                rmdir($music_on_hold_dir . "/" . $path_mod . base64_decode($category_dir) . "/" . $sampling_rate_dir);
            // remove category directory
            if (rmdir($music_on_hold_dir . "/" . $path_mod . base64_decode($category_dir))) {
                // allow time for the OS to catch up (at least Windows, anyway)
        //build and save the XML
        require_once "app/music_on_hold/resources/classes/switch_music_on_hold.php";
        $moh = new switch_music_on_hold();
        //redirect the browser
        header("Location: music_on_hold.php");
//include the header
require_once "resources/header.php";
$document['title'] = $text['title-moh'];
echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>\n";
echo "\tfunction check_filetype(file_input) {\n";
echo "\t\tfile_ext = file_input.value.substr((~-file_input.value.lastIndexOf('.') >>> 0) + 2);\n";
echo "\t\tif (file_ext != 'mp3' && file_ext != 'wav' && file_ext != '') {\n";
echo "\t\t\tdisplay_message(\"" . $text['message-unsupported_file_type'] . "\", 'negative', '2750');\n";
Beispiel #5
 public function __construct()
     //connect to the database if not connected
     if (!$this->db) {
         require_once "resources/classes/database.php";
         $database = new database();
         $this->db = $database->db;
     //add multi-lingual support
     $language = new text();
     $text = $language->get();
     //get the ringback types
     $sql = "select * from v_vars ";
     $sql .= "where var_cat = 'Defaults' ";
     $sql .= "and var_name LIKE '%-ring' ";
     $sql .= "order by var_name asc ";
     $prep_statement = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
     $ringbacks = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
     unset($prep_statement, $sql);
     foreach ($ringbacks as $ringback) {
         $ringback = $ringback['var_name'];
         $label = $text['label-' . $ringback];
         if ($label == "") {
             $label = $ringback;
         $ringback_list[$ringback] = $label;
     $this->ringbacks = $ringback_list;
     //get the default_ringback label
     $sql = "select * from v_vars where var_name = 'ringback' ";
     $prep_statement = $this->db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
     $result = $prep_statement->fetch();
     unset ($prep_statement, $sql);
     $default_ringback = (string) $result['var_value'];
     $default_ringback = preg_replace('/\A\$\${/',"",$default_ringback);
     $default_ringback = preg_replace('/}\z/',"",$default_ringback);
     #$label = $text['label-'.$default_ringback];
     #if($label == "") {
     	$label = $default_ringback;
     $this->default_ringback_label = $label;
     unset($results, $default_ringback, $label);
     //get music on hold	and recordings
     if (is_dir($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"] . '/app/music_on_hold')) {
         require_once "app/music_on_hold/resources/classes/switch_music_on_hold.php";
         $music = new switch_music_on_hold();
         $this->music_list = $music->get();
     if (is_dir($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"] . '/app/recordings')) {
         require_once "app/recordings/resources/classes/switch_recordings.php";
         $recordings = new switch_recordings();
         $this->recordings_list = $recordings->list_recordings();