Beispiel #1
 function writeLogs($list, $log_simple, $log_detailed)
     if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
         $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
     } else {
         global $database;
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log_simple']) {
         $send = $log_simple;
     } else {
         $send = $log_detailed;
     if (lisType::sendLogs($list->list_type)) {
         $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `#__users` WHERE `gid` = 25 LIMIT 1");
         if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
             // joomla 15
             $admin = $database->loadObject();
             $owner = subscribers::getSubscriberInfoFromUserId($list->owner);
             if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log'] == 1) {
                 if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                     JUTility::sendMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
                 } else {
                     JUTility::sendMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
             } else {
                 if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log_closed'] == 1 && connection_aborted()) {
                     if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                         JUTility::sendMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
                     } else {
                         JUTility::sendMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
         } else {
             //joomla 1x
             $owner = subscribers::getSubscriberInfoFromUserId($list->owner);
             if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log'] == 1) {
                 if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                     mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
                 } else {
                     mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
             } else {
                 if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log_closed'] == 1 && connection_aborted()) {
                     if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                         mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
                     } else {
                         mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log']) {
         if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_simple']) {
             @file_put_contents(ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_file'], $log_simple, FILE_APPEND);
         } else {
             @file_put_contents(ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_file'], $log_detailed, FILE_APPEND);
Beispiel #2
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 Joobi Limited All rights reserved.
* @license This file is released under the GPL license ( )
* @link
function com_install()
    @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
    @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
    if (defined('JPATH_ROOT') and class_exists('JFactory')) {
        // joomla 15
        define('ACA_JPATH_ROOT', JPATH_ROOT);
    } else {
        define('ACA_JPATH_ROOT', $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path']);
    require_once ACA_JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_acajoom/defines.php';
    require_once WPATH_ADMIN . 'config.acajoom.php';
    require_once WPATH_ADMIN . 'admin.acajoom.html.php';
    require_once WPATH_CLASS . 'class.acajoom.php';
    $update = new wupdate();
    $xf = new xonfig();
    $return = '';
    if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
        $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    } else {
        global $database;
    if (!is_writable(ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $acajoomConfigFile['upload_url'])) {
        @chmod(ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $acajoomConfigFile['upload_url'], 0777);
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../administrator/components/com_acajoom/images/acajoom_icon.png'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/edit.png',\n\t  name='" . _ACA_MENU_LIST . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_LIST . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=list'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/users_add.png' ,\n\t  name='" . _ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=subscribers'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/messaging_inbox.png' ,\n\t  name='" . _ACA_MENU_NEWSLETTERS . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_NEWSLETTERS . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listype=1'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/messaging_config.png' ,\n\t  name='" . _ACA_MENU_AUTOS . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_AUTOS . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listype=2'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/query.png' ,\n\t   name='" . _ACA_MENU_STATS . "',\n\t   admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_STATS . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=statistics'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/menus.png' ,\n\t   name='" . _ACA_MENU_CONF . "',\n\t   admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_CONF . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=configuration'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/restore.png' ,\n\t  name='" . _ACA_MENU_UPDATE . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_UPDATE . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=update'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/credits.png' ,\n\t  name='" . _ACA_MENU_ABOUT . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_ABOUT . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=about'";
    $q = " SELECT `text` FROM `#__acajoom_xonfig` WHERE `akey` = 'version' ";
    $vers = $database->loadResult();
    $err = $database->getErrorMsg();
    if (!empty($err)) {
        $q = " SELECT `text` FROM `#__acajoom_xonfig` WHERE `key` = 'version' ";
        $vers = $database->loadResult();
        if (!empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.0.6')) {
            ### UPDATE database if before 1.0.7
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_mailings` CHANGE `images` `images` TEXT NOT NULL ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` ADD `footer` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` ADD `notify_id` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_xonfig` DROP INDEX `key` ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_xonfig` CHANGE `key` `akey` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_xonfig` CHANGE `value` `value` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_global` DROP `listid`  ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_global` DROP INDEX `listid` ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_global` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `mailing_id` ) ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_details` DROP `listid` ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_details` DROP INDEX `listid` ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_details` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `mailing_id` , `subscriber_id` ) ";
            ### 1.0.9
            $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_mailings` CHANGE `fromname` `fromname` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL  ";
            $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` CHANGE `sendername` `sendername` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL  ";
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.0.8')) {
        $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_mailings` CHANGE `fromname` `fromname` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL  ";
        $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` CHANGE `sendername` `sendername` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL  ";
        ### upgrade path for new versions
        $xf->insert('wait_for_user', '0', 0);
        $xf->insert('report_site', '', 0);
        $xf->insert('use_sef', '0', 0);
        $xf->insert('send_error', '1', 0);
        $xf->insert('report_error', '1', 0);
        $xf->insert('wait_for_user', '0', 0);
        $xf->insert('show_archive', '1', 0);
        $xf->insert('update_notification', '1', 0);
        $xf->update('send_log_address', '');
        $xf->update('update_url', '');
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.1.0')) {
        $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` ADD `notification` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ";
        $xf->update('listname1', '_ACA_NEWSLETTER');
        $xf->update('listnames1', '_ACA_MENU_NEWSLETTERS');
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.1.4')) {
        $xf->insert('last_sub_update', '', 0);
        $xf->insert('level', '1', 0);
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.3.0')) {
        $xf->insert('show_author', '0', 0);
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.5.5')) {
        $xf->insert('addEmailRedLink', '0', 0);
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.5.5')) {
        $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_subscribers` ADD INDEX `subscribe_date` ( `subscribe_date` )   ";
        $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_queue` CHANGE `subscriber_id` `subscriber_id` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL  ";
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.6.4')) {
        $xf->insert('show_jcalpro', '0', 0);
        $xf->insert('redirectconfirm', '', 0);
        $xf->insert('itemidAca', '99', 0);
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '3.2.0')) {
        $xf->insert('fullcheck', '0', 0);
    $query2 = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `#__acajoom_lists` ";
    $columns = $database->loadResultArray();
    if (!in_array('cat_id', $columns)) {
        $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` CHANGE `choose_time` `cat_id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'";
    if (!in_array('next_date', $columns)) {
        $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` ADD `next_date` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AFTER `notify_id` ";
    if (!in_array('start_date', $columns)) {
        $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` ADD `start_date` DATE NOT NULL AFTER `next_date`";
    $query[] = 'UPDATE `#__acajoom_lists` SET `acc_level` = 24 WHERE `acc_level` = 0';
    foreach ($acajoomConfigFile as $key => $val) {
        if (!isset($GLOBALS[ACA . $key])) {
            $xf->insert($key, $val, 0);
    if (!empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.2.2')) {
        $query[] = "UPDATE `#__acajoom_lists` SET `acc_id` = '29' WHERE `acc_id` = '25' ";
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '3.0.0')) {
        $xf->insert('disabletooltip', '0', 0);
        $xf->insert('minisendmail', '0', 0);
    $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` CHANGE `cat_id` `cat_id` VARCHAR( 250 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''";
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '3.2.3')) {
        $xf->insert('embed_images', '0', 0);
        $xf->insert('clean_stats', '90', 0);
        $xf->insert('word_wrap', '0', 0);
        $query[] = "UPDATE `#__acajoom_lists` SET `cat_id`  = CONCAT(`cat_id`,':',`notify_id`), `notify_id`= 0 WHERE `list_type` = 7 AND `notify_id` > 0";
    //Query to quickly synchronise all your subscribers during the install!
    $query[] = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `#__acajoom_subscribers` ( `user_id` , `name` , `email` , `receive_html` , `confirmed` , `blacklist` , `subscribe_date` )" . "SELECT,,, '1', '1', U.block , U.registerDate from `#__users` as U;";
    if (!defined('WADMIN')) {
        define('WADMIN', 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_acajoom' . DS);
    if (!defined('WFRONT')) {
        define('WFRONT', 'components' . DS . 'com_acajoom' . DS);
    $file[] = 'templates';
    $file[] = 'templates/default';
    $file[] = 'templates/index.html';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/default.html';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/tpl0_abovefooter.jpg';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/tpl0_powered_by.gif';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/tpl0_spacer.gif';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/tpl0_top_header.jpg';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/tpl0_underban.jpg';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/index.html';
    foreach ($file as $key5 => $ins) {
        if (!file_exists(ACA_JPATH_ROOT . DS . WFRONT . $ins) && file_exists(ACA_JPATH_ROOT . DS . WADMIN . $ins)) {
            @rename(ACA_JPATH_ROOT . DS . WADMIN . $ins, ACA_JPATH_ROOT . DS . WFRONT . $ins);
    $size = sizeof($query);
    for ($index = 0; $index < $size; $index++) {
    if (empty($vers)) {
    $return .= setupMaiOptions($acajoomConfigFile);
    $return .= installBots();
    $return .= installModule();
    if (acajoom::checkCB()) {
        $return .= installPlugin();
    subscribers::updateSubscribers(true, true);
    require_once WPATH_ADMIN . 'version.php';
    $xf->update('component', $localVersion['component']);
    $xf->update('type', $localVersion['type']);
    $xf->update('version', $localVersion['version']);
    $xf->update('level', $localVersion['level']);
    $message = acajoom::printM('noimage', _ACA_THANKYOU);
    backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_INSTALL, 'install.png', $message, '', '');
    if ($acajoomConfigFile['type'] == 'PRO') {
    } elseif ($acajoomConfigFile['type'] == 'Plus') {
    } else {
    $link = 'index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=start';
    echo '<table style="width: 100%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr>' . '<td style=" width: 140px;">&nbsp;</td><td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: 140px;"><div id="cpanel">';
    backHTML::quickiconButton($link, 'inbox.png', _ACA_GET_STARTED, false, 'admin');
    echo '</div><td></td></td></tr></tbody></table>' . '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
    echo '<br/><br/><br/><br/>';
    echo '<a href="" target="_blank">If you have any error during the install process, please refer to our documentation at</a>';
    echo '<br/><br/>';
    echo $return;
    return $return;
Beispiel #3
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 Joobi Limited All rights reserved.
* @license This file is released under the GPL license ( )
* @link
function mailing($action, $task, $listId, $listType, $mailingId, $message)
    $showMailings = false;
    switch ($task) {
        case 'edit':
            if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
                // joomla 15
                $issue_nb = intval(JRequest::getVar('issue_nb', 1));
            } else {
                //joomla 1x
                $issue_nb = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'issue_nb', 1));
            $list = lists::getOneList($listId);
            $mailing = xmailing::getOneMailing($list, $mailingId, $issue_nb, $new);
            $show = lisType::showType($mailing->list_type, 'editmailing');
            if ($mailing->published != 1 or $mailing->list_type != 1 or isset($show['admin']) and $show['admin']) {
                $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' name='adminForm'> \n ";
                xmailing::_header($task, $action, $mailing->list_type, $message, 'edit');
                mailingsHTML::editMailing($mailing, $new, $listId, $forms, $show);
                $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', $action);
            } else {
                $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n\r";
                xmailing::_header($task, $action, $mailing->list_type, $message);
                mailingsHTML::viewMailing($mailing, $forms);
                $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', 'mailing');
                $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('task', 'viewmailing');
                $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('listid', $mailing->list_id);
        case 'new':
        case 'add':
            if ($listId == 0) {
                echo "<script> alert('" . addslashes(_ACA_SELCT_MAILING) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                $total = xmailing::countMailings($listId, '');
                compa::redirect('index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&task=edit&mailingid=0&issue_nb=' . $total . '&listid=' . $listId);
        case 'saveSend':
            xmailing::saveMailing($mailingId, $listId);
        case 'sendNewsletter':
            if ($listId < 1 or $listType < 0) {
                $mailing = xmailing::getOneMailing('', $mailingId, '', $new, true);
                $listId = $mailing->list_id;
                $listType = $mailing->list_type;
            if (lisType::sendType($listType)) {
                $checkStatus = lists::checkStatus($listId);
                if ($checkStatus == false) {
                    $message = acajoom::printYN(0, _ACA_MESSAGE_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY, _ACA_NOT_PUBLISHED);
                    $showMailings = true;
                } else {
                    $receivers = subscribers::getSubscribers(-1, -1, '', $total, $listId, '', 1, 1, 'sub_emailA');
                    if (empty($receivers)) {
                        $message = acajoom::printYN(0, _ACA_MESSAGE_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY, _ACA_NO_SUSCRIBERS);
                        $showMailings = true;
                    } else {
                        $status = queue::sendNewsletter(true, $mailingId, $listId, $receivers, $message);
                        $message = acajoom::printYN($status, _ACA_MESSAGE_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY, $message);
                        $showMailings = true;
                        compa::redirect('index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listype=' . $listType, $message);
            } else {
                if (class_exists('auto')) {
                    $message = acajoom::printYN(auto::processQueue(true), _ACA_QUEUE_SENT_SUCCESS, _ACA_ERROR);
                $showMailings = true;
        case 'savePreview':
            xmailing::saveMailing($mailingId, $listId);
        case 'preview':
            if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
                // joomla 15
                $emailaddress = JRequest::getVar('emailaddress', '');
            } else {
                //joomla 1x
                $emailaddress = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'emailaddress', '');
            if (!empty($emailaddress)) {
                $status = xmailing::preview($mailingId, $listId, $message);
                $message = acajoom::printYN($status, _ACA_MESSAGE_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY, $message);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_PREVIEW_TITLE, 'preview_f2.png', $message, $task, $action);
            mailingsHTML::previewMailingHTML($mailingId, $listId, $listType);
            if ($listId > 0) {
                $archivemailing = xmailing::getMailingView($mailingId, $listId);
            } else {
                $archivemailing = xmailing::getMailingView($mailingId);
            $forms['main'] = '';
            $list = lists::getOneList($archivemailing->list_id);
            $textonly = '';
            acajoom_mail::getContent($archivemailing->images, $list->layout, $archivemailing->htmlcontent, $textonly);
            acajoom_mail::replaceClass($archivemailing->htmlcontent, $textonly);
            mailingsHTML::viewMailing($archivemailing, $forms);
        case 'view':
            if ($mailingId != 0) {
                if ($listId > 0) {
                    $archivemailing = xmailing::getMailingView($mailingId, $listId);
                } else {
                    $archivemailing = xmailing::getMailingView($mailingId);
                $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n\r";
                xmailing::_header($task, $action, $listType, $message);
                backHTML::formStart('', 0, '');
                mailingsHTML::viewMailing($archivemailing, $forms);
                $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', 'mailing');
                $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('task', 'viewmailing');
                $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('listid', $archivemailing->list_id);
        case 'deleteMailing':
            $d['mailing'] = xmailing::getOneMailing('', $mailingId, '', $new);
            $message = acajoom::printYN(xmailing::delete($d), @constant($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listname' . $d['mailing']->list_type]) . _ACA_SUCCESS_DELETED, _ACA_ERROR);
            $showMailings = true;
        case 'cancel':
        case 'copy':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(xmailing::copyMailing($mailingId), _ACA_MAILING_COPY, _ACA_ERROR);
            $showMailings = true;
        case 'cancelMailing':
            $showMailings = true;
        case 'publishMailing':
            $mailing = xmailing::getOneMailing('', $mailingId, '', $new);
            $message = acajoom::printYN(xmailing::publishMailing($mailingId), @constant($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listname' . $mailing->list_type]) . ' ' . _ACA_PUBLISHED, _ACA_ERROR);
            $showMailings = true;
        case 'unpublishMailing':
            $mailing = xmailing::getOneMailing('', $mailingId, '', $new);
            $message = acajoom::printYN(xmailing::unpublishMailing($mailingId), @constant($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listname' . $mailing->list_type]) . ' ' . _ACA_UNPUBLISHED, _ACA_ERROR);
            $showMailings = true;
        case 'cpanel':
        case 'save':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(xmailing::saveMailing($mailingId, $listId), _ACA_MAILING_SAVED, _ACA_ERROR);
            $showMailings = true;
        case 'show':
            $showMailings = true;
    if ($showMailings) {
        xmailing::showMailings($task, $action, $listId, $listType, $message, true, _ACA_MENU_MAILING);
    return true;
Beispiel #4
 function userDeleted($user, $success)
     require_once $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . '/administrator/components/com_acajoom/classes/class.acajoom.php';
     $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
     $erro->ck = subscribers::updateSubscribers();
     $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '7009');
     return true;
Beispiel #5
 function unsubscribe($subscriberId, $cle = '', $listId, $action)
     global $Itemid;
     if (!empty($subscriberId) and !empty($cle) and $listId > 0) {
         $qid[0] = $subscriberId;
         $subscriber = subscribers::getSubscribersFromId($qid, false);
         if (md5($subscriber->email) == $cle) {
             $queues = queue::getSubscriberLists($subscriberId);
             $lists = lists::getLists($listId, 0, null, '', false, false, true);
             $list = $lists[0];
             $mainLink = '.php?option=com_acajoom';
             compa::completeLink($mainLink, false);
             $forms['main'] = '<form method="post" action="' . $mainLink . '" onsubmit="submitbutton();return false;" name="mosForm" >' . "\n\r";
             $forms['main'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="' . $Itemid . '" />';
             $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=change&subscriber=' . $subscriberId . '&cle=' . $cle . '&listid=' . $listId . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
             compa::completeLink($link, false);
             frontHTML::formStart(_ACA_SUBSCRIPTIONS, 0, 'unsubscribe');
             subscribersHTML::unsubscribe($subscriber, $list, $queues, $action, $forms);
             frontHTML::formEndYesNo($link, $cle, $subscriberId, $listId);
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
Beispiel #6
 function writeLogs($list, $log_simple, $log_detailed)
     global $database;
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log_simple']) {
         $send = $log_simple;
     } else {
         $send = $log_detailed;
     if (lisType::sendLogs($list->list_type)) {
         $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `#__users` WHERE `gid` = 25 LIMIT 1");
         if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log'] == 1) {
             $owner = subscribers::getSubscriberIdFromUserId($list->owner, false);
             if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                 mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
             } else {
                 mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
         } else {
             if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_log_closed'] == 1 && connection_aborted()) {
                 if (!empty($owner->email)) {
                     mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $owner->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
                 } else {
                     mosMail($admin->email, $admin->username, $admin->email, 'Acajoom mailing report', $send);
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log']) {
         if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_simple']) {
             @file_put_contents($GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_file'], $log_simple, FILE_APPEND);
         } else {
             @file_put_contents($GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_file'], $log_detailed, FILE_APPEND);
 function saveMailing(&$mailingId, $listId)
     global $database;
     $list = lists::getOneList($listId);
     $allow_html = compa::allow_html();
     $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__);
     $xf = new xonfig();
     $listType = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'listype', 0);
     $senddate = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'senddate', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
     if (mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'task', '') == 'saveSend') {
         $senddate = acajoom::getNow();
     $subject = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'subject', '', $allow_html);
     $content = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'content', '', $allow_html);
     $alt_content = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'alt_content', '', _MOS_ALLOWRAW);
     $published = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'published', 0);
     $visible = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'visible', 1);
     $html = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'html', 1);
     $new_list = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'new_list', 0);
     $fromname = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'fromname', '');
     $fromemail = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'fromemail', '');
     $frombounce = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'frombounce', '');
     $userid = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'userid', 0);
     $delay = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'delay', 1);
     $acc_level = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'acc_level', $list->acc_id);
     $issue_nb = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'issue_nb', 1);
     $delay = $delay * 24 * 60;
     $attachments = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'attachments', '');
     $attach = '';
     if (!empty($attachments)) {
         foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
             $attach .= $attachment . "\n";
     if (!empty($_FILES['file_0']['name'])) {
         $otherAttachs = xmailing::uploadFiles();
         if (!empty($otherAttachs)) {
             foreach ($otherAttachs as $otherAttach) {
                 $attach .= '/' . $otherAttach . "\n";
     $images = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'images', '');
     if ($html == 0) {
         $alt_content = $content;
     if ($senddate != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and $senddate > acajoom::getNow()) {
         $published = 2;
     if ($new_list != 0) {
         $query = 'INSERT INTO `#__acajoom_mailings` (`list_id`, `list_type`, `send_date`, `subject`, `htmlcontent`, `textonly`, `attachments`, `images`, `published`, `html`, `visible`, `fromname`, `fromemail`, `frombounce`, `author_id`, `delay`, `issue_nb` , `acc_level` , `createdate`) VALUES( \'' . $listId . '\', \'' . $listType . '\', \'' . $senddate . '\', \'' . addslashes($subject) . '\', \'' . addslashes($content) . '\', \'' . addslashes($alt_content) . '\', \'' . $attach . '\', \'' . $images . '\', \'' . $published . '\', \'' . $html . '\', \'' . $visible . '\', \'' . $fromname . '\', \'' . $fromemail . '\', \'' . $frombounce . '\', \'' . $userid . '\', \'' . $delay . '\', \'' . $issue_nb . '\', \'' . $acc_level . '\' , \'' . acajoom::getNow() . '\' ) ';
         $erro->err = $database->getErrorMsg();
         $query = 'SELECT max(id) FROM `#__acajoom_mailings` WHERE `list_id` = ' . $listId . ' AND `issue_nb` = \'' . $issue_nb . '\'';
         $query .= ' AND `published` != -1 ';
         $mailingId = $database->loadResult();
         $erro->err .= $database->getErrorMsg();
         if ($mailingId == 1) {
             $xf->update('firstmailing', $listType);
         $xf->plus('totalmailing0', 1);
         $xf->plus('act_totalmailing0', 1);
         $xf->plus('totalmailing' . $listType, 1);
         $xf->plus('act_totalmailing' . $listType, 1);
     } else {
         $query = "UPDATE `#__acajoom_mailings` SET " . "\t`subject` = '" . addslashes($subject) . "', " . "\t`htmlcontent` = '" . addslashes($content) . "', " . "\t`textonly` = '" . addslashes($alt_content) . "', " . "\t`attachments` = '{$attach}', " . "\t`images` = '{$images}', " . "\t`published` = '{$published}', " . "\t`html` = {$html} , " . "\t`visible` = {$visible} , " . "\t`fromname` = '{$fromname}', " . "\t`fromemail` = '{$fromemail}', " . "\t`frombounce` = '{$frombounce}', " . "\t`author_id` =  '{$userid}' , " . "\t`delay` = {$delay} , " . "\t`acc_level` = {$acc_level} , " . "\t`send_date` = '{$senddate}' " . "\tWHERE `id` = {$mailingId} ";
         $erro->err = $database->getErrorMsg();
     if (!$erro->E(__LINE__, '8414', $database)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($listType == 2) {
             if ($new_list) {
                 $subscribers = subscribers::getSubscribers(-1, -1, '', $total, $listId, '', 1, 1, '');
             } else {
                 $subscribers = subscribers::getSubscribers(-1, -1, '', $total, $listId, $mailingId, 1, 1, '');
             $subsId = acajoom::convertObjectToIdList($subscribers, 'id');
             if (!empty($subsId)) {
                 $queues = queue::getAllOneList($listId);
                 if (!empty($queues)) {
                     if ($queues[0]->mailing_id == 0) {
                         $qids = acajoom::convertObjectToIdList($queues, 'qid');
                         $erro->ck = queue::updateQueues('', $qids, $listId, $acc_level, false);
                     } else {
                         $erro->ck = queue::updateQueues($subsId, '', $listId, $acc_level, false);
                 } else {
                     return true;
                 if (!$erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8415')) {
                     return false;
         } elseif ($listType == 1 and $senddate > acajoom::getNow()) {
             $subscribers = subscribers::getSubscribers(-1, -1, '', $total, $listId, '', 1, 1, '');
             $subsId = acajoom::convertObjectToIdList($subscribers, 'id');
             if (!empty($subsId)) {
                 if ($new_list == 1) {
                     if (class_exists('auto')) {
                         $erro->ck = auto::insertQueuesForScheduledNews($subsId, $listId, $acc_level, $mailingId, $senddate);
                 } else {
                     $queues = queue::getQueueFromMailingId($mailingId);
                     if (!empty($queues)) {
                         $erro->ck = queue::updateQueueData('', $subsId, 1, $listId, $mailingId, $issue_nb, $senddate, 0, $acc_level, 2);
                         return $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8417', 'put here 1 $d');
                     } else {
                         if (class_exists('auto')) {
                             $erro->ck = auto::insertQueuesForScheduledNews($subsId, $listId, $acc_level, $mailingId, $senddate);
                 return $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8416', 'put here 2 $d');
         return true;
Beispiel #8
 function updateQueues($subId, $qids, $listId, $acc_level, $new)
     if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
         $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
     } else {
         global $database;
     $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__);
     $list = lists::getOneList($listId);
     if ($list->list_type == 1) {
         if ($new) {
             if (!empty($subId)) {
                 $erro->ck = queue::insertQueuesForNews($subId, $listId, $acc_level);
                 $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8504');
             } else {
                 if (!empty($qids)) {
                     $qid = implode(',', $qids);
                     $query = 'SELECT `subscriber_id` FROM `#__acajoom_queue` WHERE `qid` IN ( ' . $qid . ' ) ';
                     $subIds = $database->loadObjectList();
                     $erro->err = $database->getErrorMsg();
                 foreach ($subIds as $v) {
                     $subId[] = $v->subscriber_id;
                 $erro->ck = queue::insertQueuesForNews($subId, $listId, $acc_level);
                 $erro->E(__LINE__, '8505');
         } else {
             if (!empty($subId)) {
                 $erro->ck = queue::updateQueueData('', $subId, 0, $listId, 0, 0, 0, 0, $acc_level, 0);
                 $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8506');
             } elseif (!empty($qids)) {
                 $erro->ck = queue::updateQueueData($qids, '', 0, $listId, 0, 0, 0, 0, $acc_level, 0);
                 $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8507');
     } elseif ($list->list_type == 7) {
         $newQueue->list_id = $list->id;
         $newQueue->mailing_id = 0;
         $newQueue->issue_nb = 0;
         $newQueue->send_date = 0;
         $newQueue->delay = 0;
         $newQueue->acc_level = $acc_level;
         $newQueue->published = $list->published;
         $erro->ck = autonews::insertQueuesForAutoNews($subId, $newQueue);
         $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8508');
     } else {
         if ($new) {
             if (!empty($subId)) {
                 $mailingId = 0;
                 $mailing = queue::getValidMailing($list, $mailingId);
                 if (!empty($mailing)) {
                     if (class_exists('auto')) {
                         if ($mailing->list_type == 2) {
                             $newQueue->list_id = $mailing->list_id;
                             $newQueue->mailing_id = $mailing->id;
                             $newQueue->issue_nb = $mailing->issue_nb;
                             $newQueue->send_date = acajoom::getNow($mailing->delay);
                             $newQueue->delay = $mailing->delay;
                             $newQueue->acc_level = $acc_level;
                             $newQueue->published = $list->published;
                             $erro->ck = auto::insertQueuesForAuto($subId, $newQueue);
                             $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8508');
                         } else {
                             $erro->ck = queue::insertQueuesForNews($subId, $mailing->list_id, $acc_level);
                             $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8509');
                 } else {
                     if (class_exists('auto')) {
                         $newQueue->list_id = $list->id;
                         $newQueue->mailing_id = 0;
                         $newQueue->issue_nb = 0;
                         $newQueue->send_date = 0;
                         $newQueue->delay = 0;
                         $newQueue->acc_level = $acc_level;
                         $newQueue->published = $list->published;
                         $erro->ck = auto::insertQueuesForAuto($subId, $newQueue);
                         $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8510');
             } elseif (!empty($qids)) {
                 //On r�cup�re le premier mail du follow up
                 $mailingId = xmailing::getFirstMailingId($listId);
                 if (!empty($mailingId)) {
                     $mailing = queue::getValidMailing($list, $mailingId);
                     if (!empty($mailing)) {
                         if ($mailing->list_type == 2) {
                             //$subscribers = subscribers::getSubscribers( -1 , -1 , '' , $total , $listId, '', 1, 1,'' );
                             //$subId = acajoom::convertObjectToIdList($subscribers , 'id');
                             if (!empty($subId)) {
                                 $erro->ck = queue::updateQueueData('', $subId, $mailing->list_type, $listId, $mailing->id, $mailing->issue_nb, 0, $mailing->delay, 0, 1);
                                 $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8511');
                             } else {
                                 $erro->ck = queue::updateQueueData($qids, '', $mailing->list_type, $listId, $mailing->id, $mailing->issue_nb, 0, $mailing->delay, 0, 1);
                                 $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8511');
                         } else {
                             $subscribers = subscribers::getSubscribers(-1, -1, '', $total, $listId, '', 1, 1, '');
                             $subId = acajoom::convertObjectToIdList($subscribers, 'id');
                             $erro->ck = queue::insertQueuesForNews($subId, $mailing->list_id, $acc_level);
                             $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8512');
         } else {
             if (!empty($subId)) {
                 $mailing = queue::getValidMailing($list, 0);
                 if (!empty($mailing)) {
                     $erro->ck = queue::updateQueueData('', $subId, $list->list_type, $listId, '', '', 0, '', 0, $list->published);
                 } else {
                     $erro->ck = queue::updateQueueData('', $subId, $mailing->list_type, $mailing->list_id, $mailing->id, $mailing->issue_nb, acajoom::getNow(), $mailing->delay, $acc_level, $mailing->published);
                 $erro->E(__LINE__, '8513');
             } elseif (!empty($qids)) {
                 $mailing = queue::getValidMailing($list, 0);
                 if (!empty($mailing)) {
                     if ($mailing->list_type == 2) {
                         $erro->ck = queue::updateQueueData($qids, '', $list->list_type, $listId, $mailing->id, $mailing->issue_nb, acajoom::getNow(), $mailing->delay, 0, 1);
                         $erro->E(__LINE__, '8514');
                     } else {
                         $subId = acajoom::convertObjectToIdList($qids, 'subscriber_id');
                         $erro->ck = queue::deleteQueues($qids);
                         $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8515');
                         $erro->ck = queue::insertQueuesForNews($subId, $mailing->list_id, $acc_level);
                         $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8516');
     return $erro->R();
 function upgrade_News3()
     global $my, $database;
     $xf = new xonfig();
     $newLists = array();
     $idImportedList = array();
     $i = 0;
     $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__newsletter_letters");
     $newsletters = $database->loadObjectList();
     $error = $database->getErrorMsg();
     if (!empty($error)) {
         echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3 () line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error getting newsletters. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
         return false;
     } else {
         foreach ($newsletters as $newsletter) {
             $list->list_name = $newsletter->list_name;
             $list->list_desc = $newsletter->list_desc;
             $list->sendername = $newsletter->sendername;
             $list->senderemail = $newsletter->senderemail;
             $list->bounceadres = $newsletter->bounceadres;
             $list->layout = $newsletter->layout;
             $list->template = 0;
             $list->subscribemessage = $newsletter->subscribemessage;
             $list->unsubscribemessage = $newsletter->unsubscribemessage;
             $list->html = $newsletter->html;
             $list->hidden = !$newsletter->hidden;
             $list->unsubscribesend = 1;
             $list->list_type = '1';
             $list->auto_add = 0;
             $list->user_choose = 0;
             $list->cat_id = 0;
             $list->delay_min = 0;
             $list->delay_max = 0;
             $list->follow_up = 0;
             $list->owner = $my->id;
             $list->auto_add = 0;
             $list->acc_level = $newsletter->aid;
             $list->acc_id = 29;
             $list->published = 1;
             $list->createdate = acajoom::getNow();
             $list->footer = 1;
             $list->notify_id = 0;
             $list->notification = 0;
             $query = 'INSERT INTO `#__acajoom_lists` (`list_name`) VALUES (\'' . $list->list_name . '\'  )';
             $error = $database->getErrorMsg();
             if (!empty($error)) {
                 echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3() line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error adding list to database. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p><br /><br />Are you trying to insert a list name which is already in use?    The list name has to be different for each list! <br /><br />';
             } else {
                 $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__acajoom_lists` WHERE `list_name`= \'' . $list->list_name . '\'';
                 $error = $database->getErrorMsg();
                 $xf->plus('totallist0', 1);
                 $xf->plus('act_totallist0', 1);
                 $xf->plus('totallist1', 1);
                 $xf->plus('act_totallist1', 1);
                 if (!empty($error)) {
                     echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3() line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error getting listname. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $idImportedList[$newsletter->id] = $mynewlist->id;
                     $newLists[$i] = $mynewlist->id;
                     $list->id = $mynewlist->id;
                     $error = lists::updateListData($list);
                     if (!$error) {
                         echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3 () line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error inserting list. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
                     } else {
                         echo '<br /><b>' . @constant($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listnames1']) . ': </b>' . $list->list_name . ': ' . acajoom::printM('green', _ACA_IMPORT_SUCCESS);
                         $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__newsletter_mailing WHERE `list_id`=" . $newsletter->id);
                         $mailingsImports = $database->loadObjectList();
                         $error = $database->getErrorMsg();
                         if (!empty($error)) {
                             echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3() line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error getting mailings. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
                             return false;
                         } else {
                             $issue_nb = 1;
                             foreach ($mailingsImports as $mailingsImport) {
                                 $mailings->list_id = $mynewlist->id;
                                 $mailings->list_type = '1';
                                 $mailings->send_date = $mailingsImport->send_date;
                                 $mailings->subject = $mailingsImport->subject;
                                 $mailings->htmlcontent = $mailingsImport->htmlcontent;
                                 $mailings->textonly = $mailingsImport->textonly;
                                 $mailings->attachments = $mailingsImport->attachments;
                                 $mailings->images = $mailingsImport->images;
                                 $mailings->published = $mailingsImport->published;
                                 $mailings->visible = $mailingsImport->visible;
                                 $mailings->html = $mynewlist->html;
                                 $mailings->fromname = $list->sendername;
                                 $mailings->fromemail = $list->senderemail;
                                 $mailings->frombounce = $list->bounceadres;
                                 $mailings->author_id = $my->id;
                                 $mailings->delay = 0;
                                 $mailings->issue_nb = $issue_nb;
                                 $mailings->acc_level = 25;
                                 $mailings->createdate = $list->createdate;
                                 $error = xmailing::insertMailingData($mailings);
                                 if (!$error) {
                                     echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3() line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error inserting mailing. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
                                 } else {
                                     echo '<br /><b>' . _ACA_MENU_MAILING_TITLE . ': </b>' . $mailingsImport->subject . ': ' . acajoom::printM('green', _ACA_IMPORT_SUCCESS);
         $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__newsletter_subscribers");
         $subscribers = $database->loadObjectList();
         $error = $database->getErrorMsg();
         if (!empty($error)) {
             echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3() line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error getting subscribers. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
             return false;
         } else {
             foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
                 $newSubs = true;
                 $acajoomsubscribers = subscribers::getSubscribers(-1, -1, '', $total, 0, '', '', '', '');
                 foreach ($acajoomsubscribers as $acajoomsubscriber) {
                     if ($subscriber->subscriber_email == $acajoomsubscriber->email) {
                         $newSubs = false;
                         $subId[0] = $acajoomsubscriber->id;
                 if ($newSubs) {
                     $newSubscriber->user_id = $subscriber->userid;
                     $newSubscriber->name = $subscriber->subscriber_name;
                     $newSubscriber->email = $subscriber->subscriber_email;
                     $newSubscriber->receive_html = $subscriber->receive_html;
                     $newSubscriber->confirmed = $subscriber->confirmed;
                     $newSubscriber->subscribe_date = $subscriber->subscribe_date;
                     $newSubscriber->blacklist = 0;
                     $newSubscriber->timezone = '00:00:00';
                     $newSubscriber->language_iso = 'eng';
                     $newSubscriber->params = '';
                     $error = subscribers::insertSubscriber($newSubscriber, $subscriberId);
                     if (!empty($error)) {
                         if ($subscriberId < 1) {
                             echo ' Error inserting subscriber:' . $newSubscriber->name;
                         $error = '';
                         $subId[0] = $subscriberId;
                     } else {
                         echo '<br /><b>' . _ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS . ': </b>' . $newSubscriber->name . ': ' . acajoom::printM('green', _ACA_IMPORT_SUCCESS);
                         $d['email'] = $subscriber->email;
                         $erro->ck = subscribers::getSubscriberIdFromEmail($d);
                         $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8304');
                         $subId[0] = $d['subscriberId'];
                 } else {
                     echo '<br /><b>' . _ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS . ': </b>' . $subscriber->subscriber_name . ': ' . acajoom::printM('red', _ACA_IMPORT_EXIST);
                 $j = 0;
                 $queue = queue::suscriptionExist($subId[0], $idImportedList[$subscriber->list_id]);
                 if (empty($queue)) {
                     $error = queue::insertQueuesForNews($subId, $idImportedList[$subscriber->list_id], 29);
                     if (!$error) {
                         echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3 () line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error inserting queue. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
     return true;
 function checkValidKey($subscriberId, $cle)
     $qid[0] = $subscriberId;
     $subscriber = subscribers::getSubscribersFromId($qid, false);
     if (md5($subscriber->email) == $cle) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
function configuration($action, $task)
    global $database;
    $config = array();
    $redirect = true;
    $xf = new xonfig();
    $message = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'message', '');
    switch ($task) {
        case 'sendQueue':
            if (class_exists('auto')) {
                echo acajoom::printYN(auto::processQueue(true, true), _ACA_QUEUE_SENT_SUCCESS, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_CONF, 'menu.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'reset':
            $xf->update('next_autonews', '');
            $xf->update('last_cron', '');
            $xf->update('last_sub_update', '');
            $query = "UPDATE #__acajoom_lists SET `next_date` = '0' WHERE list_type = 7";
            echo acajoom::printYN(true, ' Smart-Newsletter counter reset successful! ', _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_CONF, 'menu.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'syncUsers':
            echo acajoom::printYN(subscribers::syncSubscribers(), _ACA_SYNC_USERS_SUCCESS, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_CONF, 'menu.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'apply':
            $clear_log = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'clear_log', 0);
            if ($clear_log != 0) {
            if (empty($config)) {
                $config = $_REQUEST['config'];
            $message = acajoom::printYN($xf->saveConfig($config), _ACA_CONFIG_UPDATED, _ACA_ERROR);
            compa::redirect('index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=configuration&message=' . $message);
        case 'save':
            $clear_log = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'clear_log', 0);
            if ($clear_log != 0) {
            if (empty($config)) {
                $config = $_REQUEST['config'];
            $message = acajoom::printYN($xf->saveConfig($config), _ACA_CONFIG_UPDATED, _ACA_ERROR);
        case 'cancel':
        case 'cpanel':
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_CONF, 'menu.png', $message, $task, $action);
    return true;
Beispiel #12
 function userDeleted($user, $success)
     require_once ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . '/administrator/components/com_acajoom/classes/class.acajoom.php';
     $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
     if (!empty($user->user_id)) {
         $subscriberId = subscribers::getSubscriberIdFromUserId($user->user_id);
         if (!empty($subscriberId)) {
     $erro->ck = subscribers::updateSubscribers();
     $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '7009');
     return true;
 public function signup()
     global $db;
     // check the anti-spam control
     expValidator::check_antispam($this->params, gt("Anti-spam verification failed.  Please try again."));
     // make sure we have what we need.
     if (empty($this->params['email'])) {
         expQueue::flashAndFlow('error', 'You must supply an email address to sign up for email alerts.');
     if (empty($this->params['ealerts'])) {
         expQueue::flashAndFlow('error', 'You did not select any E-Alert topics to subscribe to.');
     // find or create the subscriber
     $id = $db->selectValue('subscribers', 'id', 'email="' . $this->params['email'] . '"');
     $subscriber = new subscribers($id);
     if (empty($subscriber->id)) {
         $subscriber->email = trim($this->params['email']);
         $subscriber->hash = md5($subscriber->email . time());
     // delete any old subscriptions and add the user to new subscriptions
     $db->delete('expeAlerts_subscribers', 'subscribers_id=' . $subscriber->id);
     foreach ($this->params['ealerts'] as $ea_id) {
         $obj = null;
         $obj->subscribers_id = $subscriber->id;
         $obj->expeAlerts_id = $ea_id;
         $db->insertObject($obj, 'expeAlerts_subscribers');
     // send a confirmation email to the user.
     $ealerts = $db->selectObjects('expeAlerts', 'id IN (' . implode(',', $this->params['ealerts']) . ')');
     $body = get_template_for_action($this, 'confirmation_email', $this->loc);
     $body->assign('ealerts', $ealerts);
     $body->assign('subscriber', $subscriber);
     $mail = new expMail();
     $mail->quickSend(array('html_message' => $body->render(), 'to' => $subscriber->email, 'from' => SMTP_FROMADDRESS, 'subject' => 'Please confirm your E-Alert subscriptions'));
     redirect_to(array('controller' => 'ealert', 'action' => 'pending', 'id' => $subscriber->id));
Beispiel #14
function configuration($action, $task)
    if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
        $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    } else {
        global $database;
    $config = array();
    $redirect = true;
    $xf = new xonfig();
    if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
        // joomla 15
        $message = JRequest::getVar('message', '');
    } else {
        //joomla 1x
        $message = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'message', '');
    switch ($task) {
        case 'sendQueue':
            if (class_exists('auto')) {
                echo acajoom::printYN(auto::processQueue(true, true), 'Queue processed', _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_CONF, 'menu.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'reset':
            $xf->update('next_autonews', '');
            $xf->update('last_cron', '');
            $xf->update('last_sub_update', '');
            $query = "UPDATE #__acajoom_lists SET `next_date` = '0' WHERE list_type = 7";
            echo acajoom::printYN(true, ' Smart-Newsletter counter reset successful! ', _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_CONF, 'menu.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'syncUsers':
            echo acajoom::printYN(subscribers::syncSubscribers(), _ACA_SYNC_USERS_SUCCESS, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_CONF, 'menu.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'apply':
            if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
                // joomla 15
                $clear_log = JRequest::getVar('clear_log', '0');
            } else {
                //joomla 1x
                $clear_log = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'clear_log', 0);
            if ($clear_log != 0) {
                unlink(ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_file']);
            if (empty($config)) {
                $config = $_REQUEST['config'];
            $message = strip_tags(acajoom::printYN($xf->saveConfig($config), _ACA_CONFIG_UPDATED, _ACA_ERROR));
            compa::redirect('index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=configuration&message=' . $message);
        case 'save':
            if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
                // joomla 15
                $clear_log = JRequest::getVar('clear_log', '0');
            } else {
                //joomla 1x
                $clear_log = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'clear_log', 0);
            if ($clear_log != 0) {
                @unlink(ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'save_log_file']);
            if (empty($config)) {
                $config = $_REQUEST['config'];
            $message = acajoom::printYN($xf->saveConfig($config), _ACA_CONFIG_UPDATED, _ACA_ERROR);
        case 'cancel':
        case 'cpanel':
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_CONF, 'menu.png', $message, $task, $action);
    return true;
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 Joobi Limited All rights reserved.
* @license This file is released under the GPL license ( )
* @link
function subscribers($action, $task, $userid, $listId, $cid)
    $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
    if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
        // joomla 15
        $subscriberId = intval(JRequest::getVar('subscriber_id', ''));
        $message = JRequest::getVar('message', '');
    } else {
        //joomla 1x
        $subscriberId = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'subscriber_id', ''));
        $message = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'message', '');
    $doShowSubscribers = true;
    switch ($task) {
        case 'updateOneSub':
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            $message = acajoom::printYN(subscribers::updateOneSubscriber(), _ACA_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'deleteOneSub':
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            $message = acajoom::printYN(subscribers::deleteOneSubscriber($subscriberId), _ACA_SUBSCRIBER_DELETED, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'cancelSub':
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'edit':
            foreach ($cid as $id) {
                compa::redirect('index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscribers&task=show&userid=' . $id);
        case 'show':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            $qid[0] = $userid;
            $subscriber = subscribers::getSubscribersFromId($qid, false);
            $lists = lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, '', false, false);
            $queues = queue::getSubscriberLists($userid);
            $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n";
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
            backHTML::formStart('', 0, '');
            echo subscribersHTML::editSubscriber($subscriber, $lists, $queues, $forms, acajoom::checkPermissions('admin'), false, false);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', $action);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('subscriber_id', $subscriber->id);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('user_id', $subscriber->user_id);
        case 'new':
        case 'add':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            $newSubscriber->id = '';
            $newSubscriber->user_id = 0;
            $newSubscriber->name = '';
            $newSubscriber->email = '';
            $newSubscriber->receive_html = 1;
            $newSubscriber->confirmed = 1;
            $newSubscriber->blacklist = 0;
            $newSubscriber->timezone = '00:00:00';
            $newSubscriber->language_iso = 'eng';
            $newSubscriber->params = '';
            $newSubscriber->subscribe_date = acajoom::getNow();
            $lists = lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, '', false, false);
            $queues = '';
            $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n";
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
            backHTML::formStart('', 0, '');
            echo subscribersHTML::editSubscriber($newSubscriber, $lists, $queues, $forms, acajoom::checkPermissions('admin'), false, false);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', $action);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('subscriber_id', $newSubscriber->id);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('user_id', $newSubscriber->user_id);
        case 'doNew':
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            $message = acajoom::printYN(subscribers::insertOneSubscriber(), _ACA_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'delete':
            if (!is_array($cid) || count($cid) < 1) {
                echo "<script> alert('Select an item to delete'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                $status = true;
                foreach ($cid as $id) {
                    $erro->ck = subscribers::deleteOneSubscriber($id);
                    if (!$erro->ck) {
                        $status = false;
                $message = acajoom::printYN($status, _ACA_SUBSCRIBER_DELETED, _ACA_ERROR);
                backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'update':
            if (!is_array($cid) || count($cid) < 1) {
                echo "<script> alert('Select an item to update'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                foreach ($cid as $id) {
                    if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
                        // joomla 15
                        $changes = JRequest::getVar($id, array(0));
                    } else {
                        //joomla 1x
                        $changes = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, $id, array(0));
                    if (!isset($changes['receive_html'])) {
                        $changes['receive_html'] = 0;
                    if (!isset($changes['confirmed'])) {
                        $changes['confirmed'] = 0;
            $message = acajoom::print_message(_ACA_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY, 1);
        case 'export':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            subscribersHTML::export($action, $listId);
        case 'doExport':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(subscribers::export($listId), _EXPORT, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'import':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            $lists = lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, 'listnameA', false, false, true);
            subscribersHTML::import($action, $lists);
        case 'doImport':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(subscribers::import($listId), _ACA_IMPORT_FINISHED, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'subscribeAll':
        case 'unsubscribeAll':
        case 'cancel':
            if ($listId != 0) {
                $listId = 0;
            } else {
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'cpanel':
            $doShowSubscribers = 0;
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
    if ($doShowSubscribers) {
        if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
            // joomla 15
            $start = intval(JRequest::getVar('start', 0));
            $conf =& JFactory::getConfig();
            $mail->Mailer = $conf->getValue('config.mailer');
            // $GLOBALS['mosConfig_mailer'];
            $limit = intval(JRequest::getVar('limit', $conf->getValue('config.list_limit')));
            $emailsearch = JRequest::getVar('emailsearch', '');
        } else {
            //joomla 1x
            $mail->Mailer = $GLOBALS['mosConfig_mailer'];
            $start = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'start', 0));
            $limit = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limit', $GLOBALS['mosConfig_list_limit']));
            $emailsearch = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'emailsearch', '');
        $total = 0;
        $subscribers = subscribers::getSubscribers($start, $limit, $emailsearch, $total, $listId, '', '', '', 'sub_dateD');
        if ($listId != 0) {
            $showAdmin = true;
        } else {
            $showAdmin = false;
        $dropDownList = lisType::getListsDropList(0, '', '');
        if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
            // joomla 15
            $lists['listid'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $dropDownList, 'listid', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.AcajoomFilterForm.submit();"', 'id', 'list_name', $listId);
        } else {
            //joomla 1x
            $lists['listid'] = mosHTML::selectList($dropDownList, 'listid', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.AcajoomFilterForm.submit();"', 'id', 'list_name', $listId);
        $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n";
        $forms['select'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='AcajoomFilterForm'> \n";
        backHTML::formStart('show_mailing', 0, '');
        subscribersHTML::showSubscribers($subscribers, $action, $listId, $lists, $start, $limit, $total, $showAdmin, $listId, $emailsearch, $forms);
    return true;
    function controlPanel()
        //hack for JOomla 13 ADRIEN

<link rel="stylesheet" href="components/com_acajoom/cssadmin/acajoom.css" type="text/css" >
<div align="center" class="centermain">
<div id="acajoom">
		<table class="acajoomcss">
         	<td width="58%" valign="top">
        echo backHTML::iconsPanel();
			<td width="42%" valign="top">

			<div style="width=100%;">
			<form action="index2.php" method="post" name="adminForm">
        $tabs = new mosTabs(1);
        $tabs->startTab(_ACA_MENU_TAB_SUM, "acaControlPanel.Summary");
			<table class="acajoom_stats" style="text-align: left; width: 100%; " cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
					 <th style="text-align: center;"><?php 
        echo '#';
					 <th style="text-align: center;"><?php 
        echo _ACA_MENU_TAB_LIST;
					 <th style="text-align: center;"><?php 
					 <th style="text-align: center;"><?php 
        echo _ACA_SENT_MAILING;
					 <th style="text-align: center;"><?php 
        $html = '';
        $totalist = 0;
        $totalmail = 0;
        $totalsub = 0;
        $totalsent = 0;
        $nb = explode(',', $GLOBALS[ACA . 'activelist']);
        $size = sizeof($nb);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
            $index = $nb[$i];
            if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listshow' . $index] > 0 and $GLOBALS[ACA . 'listype' . $index] == 1) {
                $html .= '<tr>';
                $html .= '<td><b>' . @constant($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listnames' . $index]) . '</b></td>';
                $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'act_totallist' . $index] . ' </td>';
                $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'act_totalmailing' . $index] . ' </td>';
                $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'totalmailingsent' . $index] . ' </td>';
                $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' . $GLOBALS[ACA . 'act_totalsubcribers' . $index] . ' </td>';
                $html .= '</tr>';
                $totalist = $totalist + $GLOBALS[ACA . 'act_totallist' . $index];
                $totalmail = $totalmail + $GLOBALS[ACA . 'act_totalmailing' . $index];
                $totalsent = $totalsent + $GLOBALS[ACA . 'totalmailingsent' . $index];
                if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'act_totalsubcribers' . $index] < $totalsub) {
                    $totalsub = $GLOBALS[ACA . 'act_totalsubcribers' . $index];
        $html .= '<tr>';
        $html .= '<td><b>' . _ACA_CP_TOTAL . '</b></td>';
        $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' . $totalist . ' </td>';
        $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' . $totalmail . ' </td>';
        $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' . $totalsent . ' </td>';
        $html .= '<td style="text-align: center; ">' . $totalsub . ' </td>';
        $html .= '</tr>';
        echo $html;
			 <br />
        if (class_exists('auto')) {
            echo auto::showQueue();
        $tabs->startTab(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, "acaControlPanel.Subscribers");
        $emailsearch = '';
        $listId = 0;
        $start = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'start', 0);
        $limit = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limit', 15);
        $order = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'order', 'date');
        $total = 0;
        $subscribers = subscribers::getSubscribers($start, $limit, $emailsearch, $total, $listId, '', 1, 1, 'sub_dateD');
			<script type="text/javascript">
				function checkcid(myField) {
					myField.checked = true;
<!--			<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:10000;"></div>  -->

			<form action="index2.php" method="post" name="adminForm">
				<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_acajoom" />
				<input type="hidden" name="act" value="acajoom" />
				<input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />
				<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="" />
		    	<input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" />
				<input type="hidden" name="listid" value="<?php 
        echo $listId;
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="start" value="<?php 
        echo $start;
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="limit" value="<?php 
        echo $limit;
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="emailsearch" value="<?php 
        echo $emailsearch;
" />
			<table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="adminlist">
					<th class="title">#</th>
					<th class="title" style="text-align: left;"><?php 
        echo _ACA_INPUT_NAME;
					<th class="title" style="text-align: left;"><?php 
        echo _ACA_INPUT_EMAIL;
					<th class="title" style="text-align: center;"><?php 
        echo _ACA_SIGNUP_DATE;

        $i = 0;
        foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
				<tr class="row<?php 
            echo $i++ % 2;
            echo $i + $start;
					<td style="text-align: left;">
					<a href="index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscribers&task=show&userid=<?php 
            echo $subscriber->id;
" >
            echo $subscriber->name;
					<td style="text-align: left;"><?php 
            echo $subscriber->email;
					<td style="text-align: center;"><?php 
            echo mosFormatDate($subscriber->subscribe_date, '%x');
        backHTML::footerCounts($start, $limit, $emailsearch, $total, 4, '', $listId, '');
        $tabs->startTab(_ACA_MENU_TAB_LIST, "acaControlPanel.Lists");
        $lists = lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, '', false, false, false);
			<table class="adminlist">
					<th class="title">#</th>
					<th class="title" width="65%"  style="text-align: left;"><?php 
        echo _ACA_LIST_NAME;
					<th class="title" width="25%"  style="text-align: left;"><?php 
        echo _ACA_LIST_TYPE;
					<th class="title"  style="text-align: center;">#id</th>
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($lists as $list) {
            $link = 'index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&task=show&listid=' . $list->id;
            echo $i;
					<td  style="text-align: left;">
						<a href="<?php 
            echo $link;
            echo $list->list_name;
					<td  style="text-align: left;"><a href='index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listype=<?php 
            echo $list->list_type;
            echo @constant($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listname' . $list->list_type]);
					<td  style="text-align: center;"><?php 
            echo $list->id;
				<th colspan="4">
		<div style="clear:both; float:left;">
        echo acajoom::printM('blue', _ACA_SERVER_LOCAL_TIME . ' :' . mosFormatDate(acajoom::getNow(), '%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M', 0));
function lists($action, $task, $listId, $listType)
    global $database, $my;
    $message = '';
    $xf = new xonfig();
    $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
    $showLists = true;
    switch ($task) {
        case 'new':
            if ($listType < 1) {
                $listType = 1;
            $filename = $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . '/components/com_acajoom/templates/default/default.html';
            $handle = fopen($filename, "rb");
            $template = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
            $template = str_replace('src="', 'src="' . $GLOBALS['mosConfig_live_site'] . '/', $template);
            $subscriber = subscribers::getSubscriberInfoFromUserId($my->id);
            $showLists = false;
            $newList->id = '';
            $newList->html = 1;
            $newList->new_letter = 1;
            $newList->list_name = '';
            $newList->list_desc = '';
            $newList->sendername = $subscriber->name;
            $newList->senderemail = $subscriber->email;
            $newList->bounceadres = $subscriber->email;
            $newList->layout = $template;
            $newList->template = 0;
            $newList->hidden = 1;
            $newList->auto_add = 0;
            $newList->list_type = $listType;
            $newList->delay_min = 1;
            $newList->delay_max = 7;
            $newList->user_choose = 0;
            $newList->cat_id = 0;
            $newList->follow_up = '';
            $newList->notify_id = 0;
            $newList->owner = $my->id;
            $newList->acc_level = 25;
            $newList->acc_id = 29;
            $newList->published = 0;
            $newList->start_date = date('Y-m-d', time());
            $newList->next_date = time();
            $newList->subscribemessage = _ACA_DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_MESS;
            $newList->unsubscribemessage = _ACA_DEFAULT_UNSUBSCRIBE_MESS;
            $newList->unsubscribesend = 1;
            $newList->footer = 1;
            $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n ";
            $show = lisType::showType($newList->list_type, 'editlist');
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_NEW . ' ' . _ACA_LIST, $GLOBALS[ACA . 'listlogo0'], $message, $task, $action);
            backHTML::formStart('listedit', $newList->html, '');
            listsHTML::editList($newList, $forms, $show);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', $action);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('listid', $newList->id);
        case 'doNew':
            $listname = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'list_name', '');
            $listType = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'list_type', 0);
            $now = acajoom::getNow();
            $query = "SELECT `id` FROM `#__acajoom_lists` WHERE `list_name`= '{$listname}' ";
            $lId = $database->loadResult();
            $erro->err = $database->getErrorMsg();
            $erro->E(__LINE__, '1091', $database);
            if ($lId > 0) {
                echo "<script> alert(' This list already exist, please choose another name. '); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                $query = "INSERT INTO `#__acajoom_lists` (`list_name`,`createdate`) VALUES ( '" . addslashes($listname) . "'  , '{$now}' )";
                $erro->err = $database->getErrorMsg();
            if ($erro->E(__LINE__, '1001', $database)) {
                $query = "SELECT * FROM `#__acajoom_lists` WHERE `list_name`= '{$listname}' ";
                $mynewlist->list_name = stripslashes($mynewlist->list_name);
                $mynewlist->list_desc = stripslashes($mynewlist->list_desc);
                $mynewlist->layout = stripslashes($mynewlist->layout);
                $mynewlist->subscribemessage = stripslashes($mynewlist->subscribemessage);
                $mynewlist->unsubscribemessage = stripslashes($mynewlist->unsubscribemessage);
                $erro->err = $database->getErrorMsg();
                $erro->E(__LINE__, '1005');
                $listId = $mynewlist->id;
                $message = acajoom::printYN(lists::updateListFromEdit($listId, '', true), _ACA_LIST_ADDED, _ACA_ERROR);
                $xf->plus('totallist0', 1);
                $xf->plus('act_totallist0', 1);
                $xf->plus('totallist' . $listType, 1);
                $xf->plus('act_totallist' . $listType, 1);
        case 'edit':
            if ($listId == 0) {
                echo "<script> alert('" . addslashes(_ACA_SELECT_LIST) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                $showLists = false;
                $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__acajoom_lists` WHERE `id` = ' . intval($listId);
                $erro->err = $database->getErrorMsg();
                if (!$erro->E(__LINE__, '1002')) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    $listEdit->list_name = stripslashes($listEdit->list_name);
                    $listEdit->list_desc = stripslashes($listEdit->list_desc);
                    $listEdit->layout = stripslashes($listEdit->layout);
                    $listEdit->subscribemessage = stripslashes($listEdit->subscribemessage);
                    $listEdit->unsubscribemessage = stripslashes($listEdit->unsubscribemessage);
                    $listEdit->new_letter = 0;
                    $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n ";
                    $show = lisType::showType($listEdit->list_type, 'editlist');
                    backHTML::_header(_ACA_EDIT_A . @constant($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listname' . $listEdit->list_type]) . ' ' . _ACA_LIST, $GLOBALS[ACA . 'listlogo0'], $message, $task, $action);
                    backHTML::formStart('listedit', $listEdit->html, '');
                    listsHTML::editList($listEdit, $forms, $show);
                    $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', $action);
                    $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('listid', $listEdit->id);
        case 'update':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(lists::updateListFromEdit($listId, '', false), _ACA_LIST_UPDATED, _ACA_ERROR);
        case 'delete':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(lists::deleteList($listId), _ACA_LIST . _ACA_SUCCESS_DELETED, _ACA_ERROR);
        case 'copy':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(lists::copyList($listId), _ACA_LIST_COPY, _ACA_ERROR);
        case 'publish':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(lists::updateListFromList($listId, true, false), _ACA_PUBLISHED, _ACA_ERROR);
        case 'unpublish':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(lists::updateListFromList($listId, false, false), _ACA_UNPUBLISHED, _ACA_ERROR);
        case 'forms':
        case 'make':
            if (class_exists('createForm')) {
                $showLists = false;
            } else {
                $showLists = true;
        case 'cpanel':
            return true;
    if ($showLists) {
        backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_LIST, $GLOBALS[ACA . 'listlogo0'], $message, $task, $action);
        $show = lisType::showType(0, 'showListsBack');
        $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n";
        backHTML::formStart('show_mailing', '', '');
        $listing = lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, '', false, false, false);
        if ($show['list_type']) {
            $show['list_type'] = lisType::checkOthers();
        listsHTML::showListingLists($listing, $action, 'edit', $forms, $show);
        $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', $action);
        return true;
Beispiel #18
    function create()
        global $my, $mainframe;
        $Itemid = $GLOBALS[ACA . 'itemidAca'];
        if (!empty($Itemid)) {
            $item = '&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
        } else {
            $item = '';
        $hidden = '';
        $htmlOK = false;
        $h = '';
        if (!empty($this->lists)) {
            if ($my->id > 0) {
                $loggedin = true;
                $subscriber = subscribers::getSubscriberInfoFromUserId($my->id);
            } else {
                $loggedin = false;
            if (!$loggedin and $GLOBALS[ACA . 'allow_unregistered'] and $this->num == 1) {
                $h .= '
				<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
					function submitacajoommod(formname) {
						var form = eval(\'document.\'+formname);' . 'var place ="@",1);' . 'var point =".",place+1);';
                if ($this->shownamefield) {
                    $h .= '
						if ( == "" || == "' . addslashes(_ACA_NAME) . '") {
							alert( "' . addslashes(_ACA_REGWARN_NAME) . '" );' . 'return false;
						} else
                $h .= ' if ( == "" || == "' . addslashes(_ACA_EMAIL) . '") {' . 'alert( "' . addslashes(_ACA_REGWARN_MAIL) . '" );' . 'return false;
						} else {' . 'if ((place > -1)&&( >2)&&(point > 1)){' . 'form.submit();' . 'return true;
							} ' . 'else {' . 'alert( "' . addslashes(_ACA_REGWARN_MAIL) . '" );' . 'return false;' . '}' . '}' . '}' . '</script>';
            $h .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $GLOBALS['mosConfig_live_site'] . '/components/com_acajoom/css/acajoom.css" type="text/css" >';
            $linkForm = 'index.php?option=com_acajoom';
            if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'use_sef'] and function_exists('sefRelToAbs')) {
                $h .= '<form action="' . sefRelToAbs($linkForm) . '" method="post" name="modacajoomForm' . $this->num . '">
			<div class="' . $this->moduleclass_sfx . '" style="text-align:' . $this->mod_align . '">';
            } else {
                $h .= '<form action="' . $linkForm . '" method="post" name="modacajoomForm' . $this->num . '">
			<div class="' . $this->moduleclass_sfx . '" style="text-align:' . $this->mod_align . '">';
            if (!empty($this->introtext)) {
                $text = '<span class="pretext' . $this->moduleclass_sfx . '">' . $this->introtext . '</span>';
                $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, $text);
            $i = 0;
            $accessLevel = 0;
            if ($loggedin) {
                $queues = queue::getSubscriberLists($subscriber->id);
            } else {
                $queues = '';
            if ($this->showListName) {
                foreach ($this->lists as $list) {
                    $subscribed = 0;
                    $accessLevel = 0;
                    if ($loggedin) {
                        if (!empty($queues)) {
                            foreach ($queues as $queue) {
                                if ($list->id == $queue->list_id) {
                                    $subscribed = 1;
                                    $accessLevel = $queue->acc_level;
                    if ($list->html == 1) {
                        $htmlOK = true;
                    $checked = 0;
                    if ($loggedin) {
                        $checked = $subscribed;
                    } else {
                        if ($this->defaultchecked) {
                            $checked = 1;
                        $subscriber->blacklist = 0;
                    if ($checked != 0) {
                        $checkedPrint = ' checked="checked" ';
                    } else {
                        $checkedPrint = '';
                    if ($list->hidden == 1) {
                        if ($subscriber->blacklist == 0) {
                            $text = "\n" . '<input id="wz_3' . $i . '" type="checkbox" class="inputbox" value="1" name="subscribed[' . $i . ']" ' . $checkedPrint . ' />';
                        } else {
                            $text = "\n" . '<input type="checkbox" class="inputbox" value="1" name="subscribedfake[' . $i . ']" ' . $checkedPrint . '  />';
                            $text .= "\n" . '<input type="hidden" value="0" name="subscribed[' . $i . ']"  />';
                        $text .= "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="sub_list_id[' . $i . ']" value="' . $list->id . '" />';
                        $link = ($list->list_type == '1' or $list->list_type == '7') && $GLOBALS[ACA . 'show_archive'] ? 'index.php?option=com_acajoom' . $item . '&act=mailing&task=archive&listid=' . $list->id . '&listype=' . $list->list_type : '#';
                        $text .= "\n" . '<span class="aca_list_name"';
                        if ($link == "#") {
                            $text .= " onClick='return false;' ";
                        $text .= '>' . compa::toolTip($list->list_desc, $list->list_name, '', '', $list->list_name, $link, 1) . '</span>';
                        $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, $text);
                        $h .= "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="acc_level[' . $i . ']" value="' . $accessLevel . '" />' . "\n\r";
                    } else {
                        if (!$loggedin) {
                            $h .= '<input type="hidden"  value="' . $checked . '" name="subscribed[' . $i . ']" />';
                            $h .= "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="sub_list_id[' . $i . ']" value="' . $list->id . '" />';
            } else {
                foreach ($this->lists as $list) {
                    $subscribed = 0;
                    $accessLevel = 0;
                    if ($loggedin) {
                        if (!empty($queues)) {
                            foreach ($queues as $queue) {
                                if ($list->id == $queue->list_id) {
                                    $subscribed = 1;
                                    $accessLevel = $queue->acc_level;
                    if ($list->html == 1) {
                        $htmlOK = true;
                    $checked = 0;
                    if ($loggedin) {
                        $checked = $subscribed;
                    } else {
                        if ($this->defaultchecked) {
                            $checked = 1;
                    $h .= '<input type="hidden"  value="' . $checked . '" name="subscribed[' . $i . ']" />';
                    $h .= "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="sub_list_id[' . $i . ']" value="' . $list->id . '" />';
                    $h .= "\n" . '<input type="hidden" name="acc_level[' . $i . ']" value="' . $accessLevel . '" />';
                    if ($list->html == 1) {
                        $htmlOK = true;
            if (!$loggedin) {
                if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'allow_unregistered']) {
                    if ($this->shownamefield) {
                        $text = '<input id="wz_11" type="text" size="' . $this->fieldsize . '" value="' . addslashes(_ACA_NAME) . '" class="inputbox" name="name" onblur="if(this.value==\'\') this.value=\'' . addslashes(_ACA_NAME) . '\';" onfocus="if(this.value==\'' . addslashes(_ACA_NAME) . '\') this.value=\'\' ; " />';
                        $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, $text);
                    } else {
                        $text = '<input id="wz_11" type="hidden" value="" name="name" />';
                    $text = '<input id="wz_12" type="text" size="' . $this->fieldsize . '" value="' . addslashes(_ACA_EMAIL) . '" class="inputbox" name="email" onblur="if(this.value==\'\') this.value=\'' . addslashes(_ACA_EMAIL) . '\';" onfocus="if(this.value==\'' . addslashes(_ACA_EMAIL) . '\') this.value=\'\' ; " />';
                    $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, $text);
                } else {
                    $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, acajoom::printM('green', _ACA_REGISTER_REQUIRED));
                    $text = _NO_ACCOUNT . " ";
                    if (isset($GLOBALS[ACA . 'cb_integration']) && $GLOBALS[ACA . 'cb_integration']) {
                        $linkme = 'index.php?option=com_comprofiler&amp;task=registers';
                    } else {
                        $linkme = 'index.php?option=com_registration&amp;task=register';
                    if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'use_sef'] and function_exists('sefRelToAbs')) {
                        $text .= '<a href="' . sefRelToAbs($linkme) . '">';
                    } else {
                        $text .= '<a href="' . $linkme . '">';
                    $text .= _CREATE_ACCOUNT . "</a>";
                    $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, $text);
                    $htmlOK = false;
            if ($htmlOK) {
                if ($loggedin and !empty($subscriber)) {
                    $checked = $subscriber->receive_html;
                } else {
                    $checked = $this->receivehtmldefault;
                if ($this->showreceivehtml) {
                    if ($checked != 0) {
                        $checkedPrint = ' checked="checked" ';
                    } else {
                        $checkedPrint = '';
                    $text = '<input id="wz_2" type="checkbox" class="inputbox" value="1" name="receive_html" ' . $checkedPrint . ' />';
                    $text .= ' ' . _ACA_RECEIVE_HTML;
                    $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, $text);
                } else {
                    $hidden .= '<input id="wz_2" type="hidden" value="' . $checked . '" name="receive_html" />' . "\n";
            } else {
                $hidden .= '<input id="wz_2" type="hidden" value="0" name="receive_html" />' . "\n";
            if (!empty($this->posttext)) {
                $text = '<span class="postext' . $this->moduleclass_sfx . '">' . $this->posttext . '</span>';
                $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, $text);
            if (!$loggedin) {
                if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'allow_unregistered']) {
                    if (isset($this->imgUnregistered)) {
                        $text = '<input id="aca_22" type="image" src="' . $this->imgUnregistered . '" value="' . $this->buttonUnregistered . '" alt="' . $this->buttonUnregistered . '" name="' . $this->buttonUnregistered . '" onclick="return submitacajoommod(\'modacajoomForm' . $this->num . '\');" />';
                    } else {
                        $text = '<input id="aca_22" type="button" value="' . $this->buttonUnregistered . '" class="button" name="' . $this->buttonUnregistered . '" onclick="return submitacajoommod(\'modacajoomForm' . $this->num . '\');" />';
                    $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, $text);
                    $h .= '
						<input type="hidden" name="act" value="subscribe" />
						<input type="hidden" name="redirectlink" value="' . $this->redirectURL . '" />
						<input type="hidden" name="listname" value="' . $this->showListName . '" />
                } else {
                    $h .= '</div>';
            } else {
                if (isset($this->notifType) and $subscribed) {
                    if (isset($this->imgUnregistered)) {
                        $text = '<input id="aca_22" type="image" src="' . $this->imgUnregistered . '" value="' . $this->buttonUnregistered . '" alt="' . $this->buttonUnregistered . '" name="' . $this->buttonUnregistered . '" onclick="return submitacajoommod(\'modacajoomForm' . $this->num . '\');" />';
                    } else {
                        $text = '<input id="aca_22" type="button" value="' . $this->buttonUnregistered . '" class="button" name="' . $this->buttonUnregistered . '" onclick="return submitacajoommod(\'modacajoomForm' . $this->num . '\');" />';
                    $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, $text);
                    $h .= '
						<input type="hidden" name="act" value="subscribe" />
						<input type="hidden" name="redirectlink" value="' . $this->redirectURL . '" />
						<input type="hidden" name="listname" value="' . $this->showListName . '" />
                } else {
                    if (isset($this->imgRegistered)) {
                        $text = '<input id="aca_22" type="image" src="' . $this->imgRegistered . '" value="' . $this->buttonRegistered . '" alt="' . $this->buttonRegistered . '" name="' . $this->buttonRegistered . '">';
                    } else {
                        $text = '<input id="aca_22"  type="submit" value="' . $this->buttonRegistered . '" name="' . $this->buttonRegistered . '" class="button" />';
                    $h .= acajoom::printLine($this->linear, $text);
                    $h .= '
						<input type="hidden" name="act" value="updatesubscription" />
						<input type="hidden" name="redirectlink" value="' . $this->redirectURL . '" />
						<input type="hidden" name="listname" value="' . $this->showListName . '" />
            $h .= '<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="' . $Itemid . '" />';
            $h .= $hidden . '</form>';
        } else {
            $h .= acajoom::printM('blue', _ACA_LIST_NOT_AVAIL);
        $this->_content = $h;
        return $h;
Beispiel #19
 function preview($mailingId, $listId, &$message)
     $list = null;
     $new = null;
     $mailing = xmailing::getOneMailing($list, $mailingId, '', $new);
     if ($listId > 0) {
         $list = lists::getOneList($listId);
     } else {
         $list = lists::getOneList($mailing->list_id);
     $message = '';
     if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
         // joomla 15
         $previewemailaddress = JRequest::getVar('emailaddress', '');
         $previewname = JRequest::getVar('name', '');
         $previewhtml = JRequest::getVar('html', '0');
     } else {
         //joomla 1x
         $previewemailaddress = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'emailaddress', '');
         $previewname = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'name', '');
         $previewhtml = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'html', 0);
     $receivers = null;
     if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
         // joomla 15
         $my =& JFactory::getUser();
     } else {
         global $my;
     $d['email'] = trim($previewemailaddress);
     $infos = subscribers::getSubscriberIdFromEmail($d);
     if (empty($infos['subscriberId'])) {
         $d['email'] = $my->email;
         $infos = subscribers::getSubscriberIdFromEmail($d);
     if (!empty($infos['subscriberId'])) {
         $receivers = subscribers::getSubscribersFromId(array($infos['subscriberId']));
     } else {
         $receivers->id = 0;
     $receivers->email = $previewemailaddress;
     $receivers->name = $previewname;
     $receivers->receive_html = $previewhtml;
     return acajoom_mail::sendOne($mailing, $receivers, $list, $message);
Beispiel #20
 case 'subscribe':
     $userid = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'userid', 0));
     if ($userid > 0) {
         global $database;
         $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__users` WHERE `id` = \'' . $userid . '\'';
         if (!empty($user)) {
             $name = $user->name;
             $email = $user->email;
         } else {
     } elseif (!subscribers::validEmail($email)) {
         echo '<br />' . acajoom::printM('red', _ACA_EMAIL_INVALID);
         echo "<script>alert('" . addslashes(_ACA_EMAIL_INVALID) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
     if ($userid > 0) {
         $message = frontEnd::newSubscriber($name, $email, true);
     } else {
         $message = frontEnd::newSubscriber($name, $email);
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'addEmailRedLink']) {
         if (preg_match('?', $redirectlink)) {
             $redirectlink .= '&email=' . $email;
         } else {
             $redirectlink .= '?email=' . $email;
Beispiel #21
 function updateList($listId, $listUpdated, $status, $new)
     $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__);
     $total = 0;
     if ($listUpdated->list_type != '7' and $listUpdated->delay_min > $listUpdated->delay_max) {
         $listUpdated->delay_min = $listUpdated->delay_max;
     $erro->ck = lists::updateListData($listUpdated);
     if (!$erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8304')) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($listUpdated->auto_add == 2) {
             $subscribers = subscribers::getSubscribers(-1, -1, '', $total, 0, '', 1, 1, '');
             $subId = acajoom::convertObjectToIdList($subscribers, 'id');
             if (!empty($subId)) {
                 $erro->ck = queue::updateQueues($subId, '', $listId, $listUpdated->acc_id, $new);
                 if (!$erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8305')) {
                     return false;
         } elseif ($status == '' and $listUpdated->list_type == 2) {
             $queues = queue::getAllOneList($listId);
             $qid = acajoom::convertObjectToIdList($queues, 'qid');
             $erro->ck = queue::updatePublished($qid, $status);
             if (!$erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8306')) {
                 return false;
         } else {
             if (class_exists('auto')) {
                 auto::updateListNb($listUpdated->list_type, $listUpdated->id);
     return true;
function com_install()
    global $database;
    global $_VERSION;
    require_once $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . '/components/com_acajoom/defines.php';
    require_once WPATH_ADMIN . 'config.acajoom.php';
    require_once WPATH_ADMIN . 'admin.acajoom.html.php';
    require_once WPATH_CLASS . 'class.acajoom.php';
    $update = new wupdate();
    $xf = new xonfig();
    $return = '';
    if (!is_writable($GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . $acajoomConfigFile['upload_url'])) {
        @chmod($GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . $acajoomConfigFile['upload_url'], 0777);
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../administrator/components/com_acajoom/images/acajoom_icon.png'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/edit.png',\n\t  name='" . compa::encodeutf(_ACA_MENU_LIST) . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_LIST . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=list'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/users_add.png' ,\n\t  name='" . compa::encodeutf(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS) . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=subscribers'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/messaging_inbox.png' ,\n\t  name='" . compa::encodeutf(_ACA_MENU_NEWSLETTERS) . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_NEWSLETTERS . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listype=1'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/messaging_config.png' ,\n\t  name='" . compa::encodeutf(_ACA_MENU_AUTOS) . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_AUTOS . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listype=2'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/query.png' ,\n\t   name='" . compa::encodeutf(_ACA_MENU_STATS) . "',\n\t   admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_STATS . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=statistics'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/menus.png' ,\n\t   name='" . compa::encodeutf(_ACA_MENU_CONF) . "',\n\t   admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_CONF . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=configuration'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/restore.png' ,\n\t  name='" . compa::encodeutf(_ACA_MENU_UPDATE) . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_UPDATE . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=update'";
    $query[] = "UPDATE #__components\n\t  SET admin_menu_img='../includes/js/ThemeOffice/credits.png' ,\n\t  name='" . compa::encodeutf(_ACA_MENU_ABOUT) . "',\n\t  admin_menu_alt='" . _ACA_MENU_ABOUT . "'\n\t  WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_acajoom&act=about'";
    $q = " SELECT `text` FROM `#__acajoom_xonfig` WHERE `akey` = 'version' ";
    $vers = $database->loadResult();
    $err = $database->getErrorMsg();
    if (!empty($err)) {
        $q = " SELECT `text` FROM `#__acajoom_xonfig` WHERE `key` = 'version' ";
        $vers = $database->loadResult();
        if (!empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.0.6')) {
            ### UPDATE database if before 1.0.7
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_mailings` CHANGE `images` `images` TEXT NOT NULL ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` ADD `footer` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` ADD `notify_id` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_xonfig` DROP INDEX `key` ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_xonfig` CHANGE `key` `akey` VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_xonfig` CHANGE `value` `value` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_global` DROP `listid`  ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_global` DROP INDEX `listid` ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_global` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `mailing_id` ) ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_details` DROP `listid` ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_details` DROP INDEX `listid` ";
            $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_stats_details` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `mailing_id` , `subscriber_id` ) ";
            ### 1.0.9
            $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_mailings` CHANGE `fromname` `fromname` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL  ";
            $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` CHANGE `sendername` `sendername` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL  ";
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.0.8')) {
        $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_mailings` CHANGE `fromname` `fromname` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL  ";
        $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` CHANGE `sendername` `sendername` VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL  ";
        ### upgrade path for new versions
        $xf->insert('wait_for_user', '0', 0);
        $xf->insert('report_site', '', 0);
        $xf->insert('use_sef', '0', 0);
        $xf->insert('send_error', '1', 0);
        $xf->insert('report_error', '1', 0);
        $xf->insert('wait_for_user', '0', 0);
        $xf->insert('show_archive', '1', 0);
        $xf->insert('update_notification', '1', 0);
        $xf->update('send_log_address', '');
        $xf->update('update_url', '');
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.1.0')) {
        $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` ADD `notification` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ";
        $xf->update('listname1', '_ACA_NEWSLETTER');
        $xf->update('listnames1', '_ACA_MENU_NEWSLETTERS');
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.1.4')) {
        $xf->insert('last_sub_update', '', 0);
        $xf->insert('level', '1', 0);
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.3.0')) {
        $xf->insert('show_author', '0', 0);
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.5.5')) {
        $xf->insert('addEmailRedLink', '0', 0);
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.5.5')) {
        $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_subscribers` ADD INDEX `subscribe_date` ( `subscribe_date` )   ";
        $query[] = " ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_queue` CHANGE `subscriber_id` `subscriber_id` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL  ";
    if (empty($err) and !empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.6.4')) {
        $xf->insert('show_jcalpro', '0', 0);
        $xf->insert('redirectconfirm', '', 0);
        $xf->insert('itemidAca', '99', 0);
    $query2 = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `#__acajoom_lists` ";
    $columns = $database->loadResultArray();
    if (!in_array('cat_id', $columns)) {
        $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` CHANGE `choose_time` `cat_id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'";
    if (!in_array('next_date', $columns)) {
        $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` ADD `next_date` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AFTER `notify_id` ";
    if (!in_array('start_date', $columns)) {
        $query[] = "ALTER TABLE `#__acajoom_lists` ADD `start_date` DATE NOT NULL AFTER `next_date`";
    $query[] = 'UPDATE `#__acajoom_lists` SET `acc_level` = 24 WHERE `acc_level` = 0';
    foreach ($acajoomConfigFile as $key => $val) {
        if (!isset($GLOBALS[ACA . $key])) {
            $xf->insert($key, $val, 0);
    if (!empty($vers) and $update->checkVersion($vers, '1.2.2')) {
        $query[] = "UPDATE `#__acajoom_lists` SET `acc_id` = '29' WHERE `acc_id` = '25' ";
    if (!defined('WADMIN')) {
        define('WADMIN', 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_acajoom' . DS);
    if (!defined('WFRONT')) {
        define('WFRONT', 'components' . DS . 'com_acajoom' . DS);
    $file[] = 'templates';
    $file[] = 'templates/default';
    $file[] = 'templates/index.html';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/default.html';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/tpl0_abovefooter.jpg';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/tpl0_powered_by.gif';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/tpl0_spacer.gif';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/tpl0_top_header.jpg';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/tpl0_underban.jpg';
    $file[] = 'templates/default/index.html';
    foreach ($file as $key5 => $ins) {
        if (!file_exists($GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . DS . WFRONT . $ins) && file_exists($GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . DS . WADMIN . $ins)) {
            @rename($GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . DS . WADMIN . $ins, $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . DS . WFRONT . $ins);
    $size = sizeof($query);
    for ($index = 0; $index < $size; $index++) {
    if (empty($vers)) {
    $return .= setupMaiOptions($acajoomConfigFile);
    $return .= installBots();
    $return .= installModule();
    if (acajoom::checkCB()) {
        $return .= installPlugin();
    subscribers::updateSubscribers(true, true);
    require_once WPATH_ADMIN . 'version.php';
    $xf->update('component', $localVersion['component']);
    $xf->update('type', $localVersion['type']);
    $xf->update('version', $localVersion['version']);
    $xf->update('level', $localVersion['level']);
    $message = acajoom::printM('noimage', _ACA_THANKYOU);
    backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_INSTALL, 'install.png', $message, '', '');
    if ($acajoomConfigFile['type'] == 'PRO') {
    } elseif ($acajoomConfigFile['type'] == 'Plus') {
    } else {
    $link = 'index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=start';
    echo '<table style="width: 100%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr>' . '<td style=" width: 140px;">&nbsp;</td><td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: 140px;"><div id="cpanel">';
    backHTML::quickiconButton($link, 'inbox.png', _ACA_GET_STARTED, false, 'admin');
    echo '</div><td></td></td></tr></tbody></table>' . '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
    echo '<br/><br/><br/><br/>';
    echo compa::encodeutf($return);
    return $return;