Beispiel #1
 function check_permissions($user, $oid, $password)
     $query = "select v from i_users where k='" . $user . "'";
     $result = mysql_query($query);
     $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
     $uid = $result[0];
     // if we dont have uid we can get this from i_users
     $query = "select v from i_security_cache where k='" . $oid . ":" . $uid . "'";
     $result = mysql_query($query);
     $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
     $permissions = $row[0];
     // read permission is bit "1"
     if (($permissions & 1) == 1) {
         return 1;
     } else {
         $permission_denied = $permissions >> 16;
         if (($permission_denied & 1) == 1) {
             return 0;
         } else {
             $STEAM = new steam_connector(STEAM_SERVER, STEAM_PORT, $user, $password);
             $document = steam_factory::get_object($STEAM->get_id(), (int) $oid, CLASS_OBJECT);
             if ($document->check_access_read($STEAM->get_current_steam_user()) === 1) {
                 return 1;
     return 0;
Beispiel #2
 public function add_contact($contact_id)
     $admin_steam = new steam_connector(STEAM_SERVER, STEAM_PORT, STEAM_ROOT_LOGIN, STEAM_ROOT_PW);
     $contact = steam_factory::get_object($admin_steam->get_id(), $contact_id, CLASS_USER);
     //The user you are sending a request to is immediatly your contact
     $this->add_confirmed_contact($contact_id, $admin_steam);
     //This user have to be confirmed befor he is a also a conntact
     //of the target user
     $contact->add_unconfirmed_contact($this->get_id(), $admin_steam);
 public function createEmployee($login, $password, $email, $firstname, $lastname, $branchID = "", $customerID = "")
     $connector = new steam_connector(STEAM_SERVER, STEAM_PORT, STEAM_ROOT_LOGIN, STEAM_ROOT_PW);
     // Create user
     $activationCode = steam_factory::create_user($connector->get_id(), $login, $password, $email, $lastname, $firstname);
     // Get new user and activate
     $newUser = steam_factory::get_user($connector->get_id(), $login);
     if ($branchID != "" && $branchID != "0") {
         // Add user to branch group
         $branch = new steam_group($connector->get_id(), $branchID);
         // Add user to customer group
         $customer = $branch->get_parent_group();
         $newUser->set_attribute("BRANCH_ID", $branchID);
     } else {
         if ($customerID != "" && $customerID != "0") {
             $customer = new steam_group($connector->get_id(), $customerID);
     // Add user to base group
     $base = steam_factory::get_group($connector->get_id(), BASE_GROUP);
     $newUser->set_attribute(GENERATED_PASSWORD, $password);
     $newUser->set_attribute("USER_LANGUAGE", "german");
     $newUser->set_attribute("OBJ_DESC", "Teilnehmer");
     //hack, adding user to course. remove this
     //steam_factory::get_group($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), "Courses.Goertz.G-01.learners")->add_member($newUser);
     return $activationCode;
Beispiel #4
 if (!$is_buddy) {
     $buddies[] = $contact;
     $user->set_attribute("USER_FAVOURITES", $buddies);
 // Clear buddies from cache
 $cache = get_cache_function($user->get_name(), 86400);
 $cache->drop("lms_steam::user_get_buddies", $user->get_name());
 // Is new contact in the list of contacts to confirm ?
 $toconfirm = $user->get_attribute("USER_CONTACTS_TOCONFIRM");
 if (!is_array($toconfirm)) {
     $toconfirm = array();
 $admin_steam = new steam_connector(STEAM_SERVER, STEAM_PORT, STEAM_ROOT_LOGIN, STEAM_ROOT_PW);
 $acontact = steam_factory::get_object($admin_steam->get_id(), $contact->get_id(), CLASS_USER);
 // set confirmed contacts of contact
 $cc = $acontact->get_attribute("USER_CONTACTS_CONFIRMED");
 if (!is_array($cc)) {
     $cc = array();
 $cc[$user->get_id()] = 1;
 $cc["_OBJECT_KEYS"] = "TRUE";
 $acontact->set_attribute("USER_CONTACTS_CONFIRMED", $cc);
 // set contacts to confirm of contact
 $ctc = $acontact->get_attribute("USER_CONTACTS_TOCONFIRM");
 if (!is_array($ctc)) {
     $ctc = array();
 $found = FALSE;
 foreach ($ctc as $tc) {
Beispiel #5
include_once "../etc/koala.conf.php";
echo "<h1>Prüfe die Konfiguration</h1>";
echo "Gastanmeldung......";
$GLOBALS["STEAM"] = $steam;
$steam_user = $steam->get_current_steam_user();
echo $steam_user->get_name();
echo "<span style=\"color:green;font-size:small\">erfolgreich</span><br />";
if (!$steam || !$steam->get_login_status()) {
    print "No server connection!";
echo "connection data<br />";
echo "server: " . STEAM_SERVER . ":" . STEAM_PORT . "<br />";
echo "PublicGroups: " . steam_factory::groupname_to_object($steam->get_id(), "PublicGroups")->get_id() . "<br />";
echo "PrivGroups: " . steam_factory::groupname_to_object($steam->get_id(), "PrivGroups")->get_id() . "<br />";
echo "Faculties: " . steam_factory::groupname_to_object($steam->get_id(), "Faculties")->get_id() . "<br />";
echo "Courses: " . steam_factory::groupname_to_object($steam->get_id(), "Courses")->get_id() . "<br />";
echo "Prüfe STEAM_PUBLIC_GROUP.......";
if (defined("STEAM_PUBLIC_GROUP") && STEAM_PUBLIC_GROUP != "") {
    //	try {
    //		$steam_public_group = steam_factory::get_object($steam->get_id(), STEAM_PUBLIC_GROUP);
    //	} catch (Exception $e) {
    //		echo "<span style=\"color:red;font-size:small\">STEAM_PUBLIC_GROUP falsch</span><br />";
    //		$steam_public_group = steam_factory::groupname_to_object( $steam->get_id(), "PublicGroups" );
    //		if ($steam_public_group != 0 && $steam_public_group instanceof steam_group) {
    //			echo "STEAM_PUBLIC_GROUP should be: " . $steam_public_group->get_id();
    //		} else {
    //			echo "create a public group e.g. PublicGroups and set id to STEAM_PUBLIC_GROUP in config file";
Beispiel #6
 private function createUnitElearningPreferences()
     //create steam container for unit elearning preferences
     if ($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_login_user_name() != "root") {
         $root_steam = new steam_connector(STEAM_SERVER, STEAM_PORT, STEAM_ROOT_LOGIN, STEAM_ROOT_PW);
         $this->unit_elearning_preferences = steam_factory::create_container($root_steam->get_id(), $this->unit_elearning_preferences_name, $this->workroom);
         $koala_course = new koala_group_course($this->course_group);
     } else {
         $this->unit_elearning_preferences = steam_factory::create_container($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $this->unit_elearning_preferences_name, $this->workroom);
         $koala_course = new koala_group_course($this->course_group);
     //create attributes.xml
     $this->unit_elearning_preferences = steam_factory::path_to_object($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $this->path_to_unit_elearning_preferences);
     if ($this->unit_elearning_preferences === 0) {
         $this->unit_elearning_preferences = steam_factory::path_to_object($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $this->path_to_unit_elearning_preferences);
     if ($this->unit_elearning_preferences === 0) {
         throw new Exception("broke datastructure");
     $attributes_xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<attributes></attributes>");
     $attributes_xml->addChild("OBJ_DESC", "storage for unit_elearning user data");
     $attributes_xml->addChild("OBJ_HIDDEN", "TRUE");
     $attributes_xml->addChild("OBJ_TYPE", "unit_elearning_data");
     steam_factory::create_document($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), "attributes.xml", (string) $attributes_xml->asXML(), "text/xml", $this->unit_elearning_preferences);
Beispiel #7
          <b>koaLA Konvertierungsscript für die Kompatibilität der Erweiterungen</b>
include "../../etc/koala.def.php";
include "../../classes/PHPsTeam/steam_connector.class.php";
$aktsem = isset($_GET["semester"]) ? $_GET["semester"] : STEAM_CURRENT_SEMESTER;
$connector = new steam_connector(STEAM_SERVER, STEAM_PORT, STEAM_ROOT_LOGIN, STEAM_ROOT_PW);
$GLOBALS["STEAM"] = $connector;
$scg = steam_factory::get_object($connector->get_id(), STEAM_COURSES_GROUP, CLASS_GROUP);
$scg = steam_factory::get_object($connector->get_id(), STEAM_COURSES_GROUP, CLASS_GROUP);
$semname = $scg->get_groupname() . "." . $aktsem;
$semester = steam_factory::groupname_to_object($connector->get_id(), $semname);
if (!is_object($semester)) {
    die("Cannot find Group " . $scg->get_groupname() . "." . $aktsem . " for semester " . $aktsem);
$courses = $semester->get_subgroups();
steam_factory::load_attributes($connector->get_id(), $courses, array(OBJ_DESC, OBJ_NAME, "COURSE_UNITS_ENABLED"));
echo "Listing all Courses for Semester " . $aktsem . " (" . $semname . ")";
echo "<table><tr><td>Kurs</td><td>COURSE_UNITS_ENABLED</td><td>UNITS_DOCPOOL_ENABLED</td><td>Konvertiert</td></tr><tr>";
foreach ($courses as $course) {
    if (is_object($course)) {
        echo "<tr><td>" . $course->get_name() . " (" . $course->get_attribute(OBJ_DESC) . ")</td><td>" . $course->get_attribute("COURSE_UNITS_ENABLED") . "</td><td>" . $course->get_attribute("UNITS_DOCPOOL_ENABLED") . "</td><td>";
        if ($course->get_attribute("COURSE_UNITS_ENABLED") === "TRUE" && $course->get_attribute("UNITS_DOCPOOL_ENABLED") !== "TRUE") {
            if (isset($_GET["write"]) && $_GET["write"] == "true") {
Beispiel #8
function get_document_data($login, $password, $identifier, $identifier_type, $width = false, $height = false)
    $STEAM = new steam_connector(STEAM_SERVER, STEAM_PORT, $login, $password);
    if ($identifier_type === "name") {
        $document = $STEAM->predefined_command($STEAM->get_module("icons"), "get_icon_by_name", array((string) $identifier), 0);
    } else {
        if ($identifier_type === "id") {
            $document = steam_factory::get_object($STEAM->get_id(), (int) $identifier);
    // If user is not logged in, open login dialog. If user is logged in
    // and not guest, then display "Access denied" message.
    if (!$document->check_access_read($STEAM->get_current_steam_user())) {
        if ($login == 'guest') {
            throw new Exception("Access denied. Please login.", E_USER_AUTHORIZATION);
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Access denied.", E_USER_RIGHTS);
    if (!is_object($document)) {
        return array("content" => array());
    // array is considered to be an error
    $document->get_attributes(array("OBJ_NAME", "DOC_MIME_TYPE", "DOC_LAST_MODIFIED"), TRUE);
    if (!$width && !$height) {
        //$tnr_content = $document->get_content(TRUE);  // workaround: get data from sTeam webinterface
        $tnr_contentsize = $document->get_content_size(TRUE);
    } else {
        $tnr_imagecontent = $document->get_thumbnail_data($width, $height, 0, TRUE);
    $result = $STEAM->buffer_flush();
    if (isset($tnr_imagecontent)) {
        // handle thumbnail data
        $data["mimetype"] = $result[$tnr_imagecontent]["mimetype"];
        $data["lastmodified"] = $result[$tnr_imagecontent]["timestamp"];
        $data["name"] = $result[$tnr_imagecontent]["name"];
        $data["content"] = $result[$tnr_imagecontent]["content"];
        $data["contentsize"] = $result[$tnr_imagecontent]["contentsize"];
    } else {
        if ($identifier_type === "id") {
            $data["mimetype"] = $document->get_attribute("DOC_MIME_TYPE");
            $data["lastmodified"] = $document->get_attribute("DOC_LAST_MODIFIED");
            $data["name"] = $document->get_name();
            $data["contentsize"] = $result[$tnr_contentsize];
            //$data["content"]     = $result[$tnr_content];  // workaround: get data from sTeam webinterface
            // workaround: get content from sTeam webinterface, because
            //$data["content"] = $document->get_content();
            //   results in *huge* memory overheads (a 15 MB download fails with 60 MB scrip memory limit!
            if (defined("LOG_DEBUGLOG")) {
                $time1 = microtime(TRUE);
                logging::write_log(LOG_DEBUGLOG, "get_document::get_document_data(" . $login . ", *****" . ", " . $identifier . ", " . $identifier_type . ", false, false)\t " . $login . " \t" . $identifier . " \t" . $document->get_name() . " \t" . $data["contentsize"] . " Bytes \t... ");
            $https_port = (int) $STEAM->get_config_value("https_port");
            if ($https_port == 443 || $https_port == 0) {
                $https_port = "";
            } else {
                $https_port = ":" . (string) $https_port;
            $ch = curl_init("https://" . STEAM_SERVER . $https_port . "/scripts/get.pike?object=" . $identifier);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, TRUE);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 120);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $login . ":" . $password);
            $data["content"] = curl_exec($ch);
            if (defined("LOG_DEBUGLOG")) {
                logging::append_log(LOG_DEBUGLOG, " \t" . round((microtime(TRUE) - $time1) * 1000) . " ms");
        } else {
            $data = array("content" => array());
            // array is considered an error
    return $data;
Beispiel #9
            output("Wrote config to " . $config_path . "\n");
} catch (Exception $e) {
    output("Error while accessing the open-sTeam backend " . STEAM_SERVER . ":" . STEAM_PORT . " as '" . STEAM_ROOT_LOGIN . "'.\n");
    output($e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString() . "\n");
// check koala_icons package on open-sTeam server:
output("\nChecking koala_support package ...\n");
$koala_support = $STEAM->get_module("package:koala_support");
if (is_object($koala_support)) {
    $koala_support_installed_version = $STEAM->predefined_command($koala_support, "get_version", array(), 0);
$opensteam = new steam_connector("", 1900, "guest", "guest");
$koala_support_folder = steam_factory::get_object_by_name($opensteam->get_id(), "/home/web.steamware/Packages/koala_support/download");
$koala_support_server_version = "0_0";
foreach ($koala_support_folder->get_inventory() as $item) {
    $match = array();
    if (preg_match("#koala_support-([0-9]+_[0-9]+)\\.spm#", $item->get_name(), $match) <= 0) {
    if (isset($match[1]) && is_string($match[1]) && !empty($match[1])) {
        $match[1] = str_replace("_", ".", $match[1]);
        if (strcmp($match[1], $koala_support_server_version)) {
            $koala_support_spm = $item;
            $koala_support_server_version = $match[1];
if (!isset($koala_support_installed_version)) {