Beispiel #1
function setup()
    global $settings;
    $exec_start = microtime(true);
    mkdir($settings->data_dir, 0660);
    $db = new PDO("sqlite:{$settings->data_dir}/{$settings->database_filename}");
    sqlite_gateway::exec("create table users (\r\n\tid integer primary key,\r\n\tusername text,\r\n\tpassword_hash text,\r\n\troles int\r\n);", $db);
    sqlite_gateway::exec("insert into users (id, username, password_hash, roles) values (\r\n\t1,\r\n\t'admin',\r\n\t'" . SQLite3::escapeString(password_hash("password", PASSWORD_DEFAULT, ["cost" => $settings->password_hash_cost])) . "',\r\n\t" . (ROLE_USER | ROLE_MODERATOR | ROLE_ADMIN) . "\r\n);", $db);
    sqlite_gateway::exec("create table sessions (\r\n\tid integer primary key,\r\n\tkey text,\r\n\tusername text,\r\n\texpiry_timestamp int\r\n);", $db);
    sqlite_gateway::exec("create table code_snippets (\r\n\tid integer primary key,\r\n\ttimestamp int,\r\n\tauthor text,\r\n\ttitle text,\r\n\tdescription text,\r\n\tcode text,\r\n\tlanguage text,\r\n\ttags text\r\n);", $db);
    // insert test data here
    sqlite_gateway::exec("insert into code_snippets values (?, 1440668479, 'admin', 'test snippet', 'this is a test snippet.', 'function test(x) { console.log(x); }', 'javascript', 'test, function');", $db);
    // todo display a nice welcome page
    return microtime(true) - $exec_start;
Beispiel #2

$exec_start = microtime(true);
if (!defined("WALAFUNT_ENTRY_POINT")) {
    exit("This script isn't meant to be run directly.");
$params = utils::apply_default_params($_GET, ["language" => "all", "tags" => "all", "sort" => "timestamp", "sort_dir" => "asc", "page" => "1"]);
$tags = array_map("trim", explode(",", $params["tags"]));
if ($params["language"] == "all") {
    $params["language"] = "*";
if ($params["tags"] == "all") {
    $params["tags"] = "*";
$offset = ($params["page"] - 1) * $settings->snippets_per_page;
$snippets = sqlite_gateway::query("select * from code_snippets; limit {$settings->snippets_per_page} offset {$offset};");
if ($snippets === false) {
    // Make sure that the return of the query is always iterable
    $snippets = [];
$tag_str = templates::format_tags($tags);
$components = ["{prefix}" => ucwords(($params["tags"] == "*" ? "" : $tags_str . " - ") . ($params["language"] == "*" ? "all snippets" : $params["language"] . " - ")), "{code-snippets-list}" => templates::render_snippets($snippets), "{user-panel}" => templates::render_user_panel(env::$username, env::$role)];
header("x-time-taken: " . (microtime(true) - $exec_start));
echo templates::render_html("main.html", $components);
Beispiel #3
 public static function clean()
     return sqlite_gateway::exec("delete from sessions where expiry_timestamp < " . time() . ";");
Beispiel #4
 public static function get_user($user)
     $safe_user = sqlite_gateway::makesafe($user);
     $result = sqlite_gateway::query("select * from users where username='******';");
     if ($result === false) {
         return false;
     return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);