function create($station, $track = '')
     global $user;
     $prg = new sotf_Programme();
     $prg->set('station', $station);
     $id = new sotf_Id($station, NULL, $track);
     $id->track = sotf_Programme::getNextTrackId($station, $id->date, $track);
     $prg->set('entry_date', $id->date);
     $prg->set('owner', $user->name);
     while (1) {
         $prg->set('track', $id->track);
         $prg->id = $id->toString();
         if ($prg->save()) {
             // this will also create the required directories via setMetadataFile !!
             debug("created new programme", $prg->id);
             return $prg;
         $id->track = sotf_Programme::getNextTrackId($station, $id->date, $id->track);
 function getStreamInfo($streamData)
     global $config, $db;
     if ($config['httpStreaming']) {
         // no stream info...
     } elseif ($config['tamburineURL']) {
         $rpc = new rpc_Utils();
         //$rpc->debug = true;
         $response = $rpc->callTamburine('getpls', $streamData['pid']);
         if (is_null($response)) {
             logError("no reply from tamburine server");
         } else {
             $offset = $response[2];
             $filename = $response[2 + $offset];
             //debug("response", $response);
             //debug("fname", $filename);
     } elseif ($config['tamburineCMD']) {
         // streaming with tbrcmd
         $cmd = $config['tamburineCMD'] . " getpls " . $streamData['pid'] . " 2>&1";
         exec($cmd, $output, $retval);
         debug("cmd", $cmd);
         //debug("output", $output);
         //debug("retval", $retval);
         foreach ($output as $line) {
             if (preg_match('/\\-\\>(\\/\\S+)\\s*$/', $line, $mm)) {
                 $filename = $mm[1];
     if ($filename) {
         $prg = sotf_Programme::getPrgFromFilename($filename);
         if (is_object($prg)) {
             return array('name' => $prg->get('title'), 'url' => $config['localPrefix'] . "/get.php/" . $prg->id);
         } else {
             return array('name' => $prg);
     } else {
         debug("Could not get stream info");
         // TODO: stop stream!
Beispiel #3
$dirPath = $config['xbmfInDir'];
$dir = dir($dirPath);
while ($entry = $dir->read()) {
    if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
        $currentFile = $dirPath . "/" . $entry;
        if (!is_dir($currentFile)) {
            $XBMF[] = basename($currentFile);
foreach ($XBMF as $xbmfFile) {
    $id = sotf_Programme::importXBMF($config['xbmfInDir'] . "/{$xbmfFile}", $config['publishXbmf']);
    if ($id) {
        debug("CRON", "Imported new XBMF: {$xbmfFile}");
        unlink($config['xbmfInDir'] . "/{$xbmfFile}");
    } else {
        logger("CRON", "Import FAILED for XBMF: {$xbmfFile}");
//******** Expire old programmes
// *** regenerate metadata files??
//******** Update topic counts
//******** Clean caches adn tmp dirs
// remove m3us and pngs from tmpdir
// update subject tree language availability
$page->errorURL = "showStation.php?stationid={$stationid}";
// delete series
$delseries = sotf_Utils::getParameter('delseries');
if ($delseries) {
    $seriesid = sotf_Utils::getParameter('seriesid');
    $series = new sotf_Series($seriesid);
// delete prog
$delprog = sotf_Utils::getParameter('delprog');
$prgid = sotf_Utils::getParameter('prgid');
if ($delprog) {
    $prg = new sotf_Programme($prgid);
// generate output
$smarty->assign('STATION_ID', $stationid);
$smarty->assign('STATION', $st->get('name'));
$smarty->assign('STATION_DATA', $st->getAllWithIcon());
if ($st->isLocal()) {
    $smarty->assign('IS_LOCAL', 1);
$smarty->assign('ROLES', $st->getRoles());
if ($entered) {
    $smarty->assign('ENTERED', $entered);
Beispiel #5
    // check if user has default query
    $advsearch = new sotf_AdvSearch();
    $prefs = $user->getPreferences();
    $defQuery = $prefs->getDefaultQuery();
// show default query or new programmes
$maxItemsIndexPage = $sotfVars->get("maxItemsIndexPage", 10);
if ($defQuery) {
    $smarty->assign("DEF_QUERY", 1);
    debug("default query", $defQuery);
    $query = $advsearch->GetSQLCommand();
    debug("query", $query);
    //get the number of results
    $max = $db->getOne("SELECT count(*) FROM ( {$query} ) as foo ");
    $smarty->assign("DEF_QUERY_MAX", $max);
    $res = $db->limitQuery($query, 0, $maxItemsIndexPage);
    $hits = '';
    while (DB_OK === $res->fetchInto($row)) {
        $row['icon'] = sotf_Blob::cacheIcon2($row);
        $hits[] = $row;
    $smarty->assign("NEWS", $hits);
} else {
    // get new programmes
    $smarty->assign('NEWS', sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDay, $maxItemsIndexPage));
// get topics with most content
$smarty->assign('TOPICS', $vocabularies->getTopTopics(5));
Beispiel #6
    } else {
        print "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript1.1\">error();</script>";
    print "success";
} elseif ($name == "caption") {
    $x = new sotf_NodeObject("sotf_other_files", $id);
    $x->set('caption', addslashes($value));
    print "success";
} elseif ($name == "addtree") {
    $vocabularies->addToTopic($id, $value);
    // doesnt work: print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.opener.opener.reload();</script>");
    print "success";
} elseif ($name == "editorpub") {
    $x = new sotf_Programme($id);
    if ($value == 'true') {
    } elseif ($value == 'false') {
    } else {
        print "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript1.1\">error();</script>";
    print "success";
} elseif ($name == "editorflag") {
    $x = new sotf_Object("sotf_user_progs");
    $x->set('user_id', $user->id);
    $x->set('prog_id', $id);
    $x->set('flags', $value);
    if ($x->id) {
Beispiel #7
     print "ARRAY IS NULL";

$k = '';
$k= 0;
//$prog = new sotf_Programme('001pr4');
//$prog->setBlob('icon', $prog->get('icon'));
//echo "Icon saved";
$ids = $db->getCol("select id from sotf_programmes");
while (list(, $id) = each($ids)) {
    $obj = new sotf_Programme($id);
    $icon = $obj->getBlob('icon');
    $obj->saveBlob('icon', $icon);
    echo "<br>icon saved for {$id}";
$ids = $db->getCol("select id from sotf_stations");
while (list(, $id) = each($ids)) {
    $obj = new sotf_Station($id);
    $icon = $obj->getBlob('icon');
    $obj->saveBlob('icon', $icon);
    echo "<br>icon saved for {$id}";
$ids = $db->getCol("select id from sotf_series");
while (list(, $id) = each($ids)) {
    $obj = new sotf_Series($id);
    $icon = $obj->getBlob('icon');
Beispiel #8
 * Authors: András Micsik, Máté Pataki, Tamás Déri 
 *          at MTA SZTAKI DSD,
 * Update Topic Tree by Martin Schmidt, FH St. Poelten
require "";
// may contain long jobs
$smarty->assign('PAGETITLE', $page->getlocalized('AdminPage'));
//$page->errorURL = "admin.php";
checkPerm('node', 'change', 'authorize');
// import XBMF
$xbmfFile = sotf_Utils::getParameter('import_xbmf');
if ($xbmfFile) {
    $file = $config['xbmfInDir'] . "/{$xbmfFile}";
    $id = sotf_Programme::importXBMF($file, $config['publishXbmf'], true);
    if ($id) {
        echo "Import succesful: <a target=\"_opener\" href=\"editMeta.php?id={$id}\">click here</a>";
    } else {
        echo "Import failed";
// update CVS
if (sotf_Utils::getParameter('updatecvs')) {
    die("doesn't work this way, sorry");
    checkPerm('node', 'change');
    header("Content-type: text/plain\n");
Beispiel #9
    $file = $user->getUserDir() . '/' . $fname;
    moveUploadedFile('userfile', $file);
    $prg = new sotf_Programme($prgId);
    if ($main) {
    } else {
// add files
if ($add) {
    $copy = sotf_Utils::getParameter('copy');
    $prg = new sotf_Programme($prgId);
    while (list($k, $fname) = each($_POST)) {
        debug("P", $k);
        if (substr($k, 0, 4) == 'sel_') {
            $file = sotf_Utils::getFileInDir($user->getUserDir(), $fname);
            if ($main) {
                debug("setAudio", "'{$fname}', '{$copy}'");
                $prg->setAudio($file, $copy);
            } else {
                debug("setOtherFile", "'{$fname}', '{$copy}'");
                $prg->setOtherFile($file, $copy);
    if ($main) {
$data['numStations'] = sotf_Station::countAll();
$data['numAudioProgs'] = sotf_Programme::countAll('sound');
//MOD BY Martin Schmidt
$data['numVideoProgs'] = sotf_Programme::countAll('video');
//MOD BY Martin Schmidt
$allStats = sotf_Statistics::networkStats();
$allStats['l_and_d'] = $allStats['listens'] + $allStats['downloads'];
$data['access'] = $allStats;
$audioFileStats = sotf_Programme::getFileStats('sound');
//MOD BY Martin Schmidt
$audioFileStats['size_mb'] = sprintf('%d', $audioFileStats['filesize'] / 1024 / 1024);
//MOD BY Martin Schmidt
$audioFileStats['length_hour'] = sprintf('%d', $audioFileStats['play_length'] / 60 / 60);
//MOD BY Martin Schmidt
//ADDED BY Martin Schmidt
$videoFileStats = sotf_Programme::getFileStats('video');
$videoFileStats['size_mb'] = sprintf('%d', $videoFileStats['filesize'] / 1024 / 1024);
$videoFileStats['length_hour'] = sprintf('%d', $videoFileStats['play_length'] / 60 / 60);
$data['audioFiles'] = $audioFileStats;
$data['videoFiles'] = $videoFileStats;
$data['allFiles']['size_mb'] = $videoFileStats['size_mb'] + $audioFileStats['size_mb'];
$data['allFiles']['length_hour'] = $videoFileStats['length_hour'] + $audioFileStats['length_hour'];
$data['numAllProgs'] = $data['numAudioProgs'] + $data['numVideoProgs'];
$data['numUsers'] = sotf_User::countUsers();
// end $data assignements
// STATIONS assignement
$smarty->assign('STATIONS', sotf_Station::listStationNames());
// search languages assignements for searchbox
$searchLangs = $config['languages'];
Beispiel #11
if (sotf_Utils::getParameter('addprog')) {
    $fname = sotf_Utils::getFileSafeParameter('fname');
    $station = sotf_Utils::getFileSafeParameter('station');
    if (!sotf_Permission::get('upload', $station)) {
        raiseError("no permission to upload to {$station}");
    $newPrg = sotf_Programme::create($station);
$userFtpUrl = str_replace('ftp://', "ftp://{$userid}@", "{$userFTP}{$userid}");
$smarty->assign("USERFTPURL", $userFtpUrl);
$stations = sotf_Permission::listStationsWithPermission('upload');
if (!empty($stations)) {
    $smarty->assign_by_ref("STATIONS", $stations);
$userAudioFiles = new sotf_FileList();
$list = $userAudioFiles->getFileNames();
if (!empty($list)) {
    $smarty->assign_by_ref("USER_AUDIO_FILES", $list);
$myProgs = sotf_Programme::myProgrammes($user->name);
$plist = new sotf_PrgList($myProgs);
// todo sort/filter using sotf_PrgList
$l = $plist->getList();
$smarty->assign_by_ref("MYPROGS", $l);
Beispiel #12

require "";
if ($_REQUEST['select_station']) {
    $page->redirect("listStation.php?station=" . $_POST['station']);
/* defaults for main "index" page   */
define("MAX_ITEMS_IN_INDEX", 10);
$data['numNodes'] = sotf_Node::numNodes();
if ($data['numNodes'] == 0) {
    $data['numNodes'] = 1;
$data['numStations'] = sotf_Station::numStations();
$data['numProgs'] = sotf_Programme::numProgrammes();
$smarty->assign('STATIONS', sotf_Station::listStationNames());
$searchLangs = $languages;
array_unshift($searchLangs, "any_language");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($searchLangs); $i++) {
    $langNames[$i] = $page->getlocalized($searchLangs[$i]);
$smarty->assign('searchLangs', $searchLangs);
$smarty->assign('langNames', $langNames);
$now = getDate();
$yesterday = mktime(0, 0, 0, $now['mon'], $now['mday'] - 2, $now['year']);
$fromDay = date('Y-m-d', $yesterday);
$smarty->assign(array('LOCAL_NEWS' => sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes(true, $fromDay, MAX_ITEMS_IN_INDEX), 'OTHER_NEWS' => sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes(false, $fromDay, MAX_ITEMS_IN_INDEX)));
Beispiel #13
    $playlist = new sotf_Playlist();
    $smarty->assign('PLAYLIST', $playlist->load());
    // check if user has default query
    $advsearch = new sotf_AdvSearch();
    $prefs = $user->getPreferences();
    $defQuery = $prefs->getDefaultQuery();
// show default query instead of new programmes
if ($defQuery) {
    $smarty->assign("DEF_QUERY", 1);
    debug("default query", $defQuery);
    $query = $advsearch->GetSQLCommand();
    debug("query", $query);
    //get the number of results
    $max = $db->getOne("SELECT count(*) FROM ( {$query} ) as foo ");
    $smarty->assign("DEF_QUERY_MAX", $max);
    $res = $db->limitQuery($query, 0, MAX_ITEMS_IN_INDEX);
    $hits = '';
    while (DB_OK === $res->fetchInto($row)) {
        $row['icon'] = sotf_Blob::cacheIcon($row['id']);
        $hits[] = $row;
    $smarty->assign("NEWS", $hits);
} else {
    // get new programmes
    $smarty->assign('NEWS', sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDay, MAX_ITEMS_IN_INDEX));
// get topics with most content
$smarty->assign('TOPICS', $repository->getTopTopics(5));
Beispiel #14
 $properties["description"] = "New programmes at StreamOnTheFly";
 $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "";
 $properties["title"] = "StreamOnTheFly";
 $properties["dc:date"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
 // "2002-05-06T00:00:00Z";
 //  If your channel has a logo, before adding any channel items, specify the logo details this way.
 $properties = array();
 $properties["url"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "/static/sotflogosmall.gif";
 $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "";
 $properties["title"] = "StreamOnTheFly logo";
 $properties["description"] = "World wide network of radio archives";
 //  Then add your channel items one by one.
 $newProgs = sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDay, ITEMS_IN_RSS);
 foreach ($newProgs as $prog) {
     $properties = array();
     $properties["description"] = $prog['abstract'];
     $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "/get.php?id=" . $prog['id'];
     $properties["title"] = $prog['title'];
     $properties["dc:date"] = $prog['production_date'];
 //  If your channel has a search page, after adding the channel items, specify a search form details this way.
 $properties = array();
 // The name property if the name of the text input form field
 $properties["name"] = "pattern";
 $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "/search.php?language=any_language";
 $properties["title"] = "Search for:";
 $properties["description"] = "Search in StreamOnTheFly";
Beispiel #15
 $properties = array();
 $properties["description"] = "New programmes at StreamOnTheFly";
 $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "";
 $properties["title"] = "StreamOnTheFly";
 $properties["dc:date"] = getW3CDate();
 //  If your channel has a logo, before adding any channel items, specify the logo details this way.
 $properties = array();
 $properties["url"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "/static/sotflogosmall.gif";
 $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "";
 $properties["title"] = "StreamOnTheFly logo";
 $properties["description"] = "World wide network of radio archives";
 //  Then add your channel items one by one.
 $newProgs = sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDay, $count);
 if (!empty($newProgs)) {
     foreach ($newProgs as $prog) {
         $properties = array();
         $properties["description"] = $prog['abstract'];
         $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "/get.php?id=" . $prog['id'];
         $properties["title"] = $prog['title'];
         $properties["dc:date"] = $prog['production_date'];
 } else {
     $properties = array();
     $properties["description"] = '';
     $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'];
     $properties["title"] = "no new items";
     //$properties["dc:date"]= ;
 /** static: import a programme from the given XBMF archive */
 function importXBMF($fileName, $publish = false, $console = false)
     global $db, $config, $permissions, $repository, $vocabularies;
     $pathToFile = $config['xbmfInDir'] . '/';
     // create temp folder with unique name
     $folderName = uniqid("xbmf");
     if (!mkdir($pathToFile . $folderName)) {
         logError("Could not create dir for XBMF", $pathToFile . $folderName);
         return false;
     // untar contents of file to folder
     $tar = new Archive_Tar($fileName, true);
     // create archive handler
     // enable error reporting
     $result = $tar->extract($pathToFile . $folderName);
     // untar contents
     debug("untar result", $result);
     //parse the xml file
     $metaFile = $pathToFile . $folderName . "/XBMF/Metadata.xml";
     if (!is_file($metaFile)) {
         $metaFile = $pathToFile . $folderName . "/XBMF/metadata.xml";
         if (!is_file($metaFile)) {
             logError("no metadata file found in XBMF!", $folderName);
             return false;
     $myPack = new unpackXML($metaFile);
     if (!$myPack->error) {
         //if the file has been found
         $metadata = $myPack->process();
     if (!$metadata or $myPack->error) {
         //errors during import - stop execution
         sotf_Utils::delete($pathToFile . $folderName);
         echo "<font color=#FF0000><b>The import of {$fileName} did not succeed!</b></font>";
         logError("XML processing failed within this XBMF", $folderName);
         return false;
         //did not succeed
     } else {
         echo "Came In: " . $myPack->encoding . "<br>";
         echo "Went Out: " . $myPack->outencoding . "<br>";
         echo "<pre>";
         echo "</pre>";
         dump($metadata, "METADATA");
         debug("METADATA", $metadata);
     // Select station
     $stId = trim($metadata['stationid']);
     if (is_numeric($stId)) {
         $stId = $newPrg->makeId($config['nodeId'], 'sotf_stations', (int) $stId);
     $station =& $repository->getObject($stId);
     if (!$station) {
         logError("invalid stationid: " . $metadata['stationid']);
         return false;
         // by default I put the programme into the first station
         //$stId = $db->getOne("SELECT id FROM sotf_stations ORDER BY id");
         //$station = &$repository->getObject($stId);
     // select/create programme entry
     if ($metadata['identifier']) {
         $prgId = sotf_Programme::getMapping($station->id, $metadata['identifier'], 'prg');
     if ($prgId) {
         // updating an exisiting programme
         debug("updating existing programme", $prgId);
         $newPrg = new sotf_Programme($prgId);
         if ($station->id != $newPrg->get('station_id')) {
             logError("station provided in metadata is different from the station saved previously!");
             return false;
         //$station = &$repository->getObject($newPrg->get('station_id'));
         $updatingPrg = 1;
     } else {
         // a new programme
         $newPrg = new sotf_Programme();
         $track = $metadata['title'];
         debug("create new programme with track", $track);
         $newPrg->create($station->id, $track);
         sotf_Programme::addMapping($station->id, $metadata['identifier'], 'prg', $newPrg->id);
     $newPrg->set('foreign_id', $metadata['identifier']);
     // select/create series
     if ($metadata['series'] && $metadata['series']['id']) {
         $seriesId = sotf_Programme::getMapping($station->id, $metadata['series']['id'], 'series');
         if (!$seriesId) {
             $series1 = new sotf_Series();
             $series1->set('name', $metadata['series']['title']);
             $series1->set('station_id', $station->id);
             if ($series1->exists()) {
                 $seriesId = $series1->id;
         if ($seriesId) {
             $newPrg->set('series_id', $seriesId);
             $series =& $repository->getObject($seriesId);
         } else {
             $newSeries = 1;
             $series = new sotf_Series();
             $series->set('station_id', $station->id);
         $series->set('name', $metadata['series']['title']);
         $series->set('description', $metadata['series']['description']);
         if ($series->exists()) {
         } else {
             sotf_Programme::addMapping($station->id, $metadata['series']['id'], 'series', $series->id);
     // permissions
     foreach (array($metadata['owner'], $metadata['publishedby']) as $foreignUser) {
         if (is_array($foreignUser)) {
             $userId = sotf_User::getUserid($foreignUser['login']);
             debug("owner/publisher", $foreignUser);
             if ($userId) {
                 if ($permissions->hasPermission($station->id, 'admin', $userId) || $series && $permissions->hasPermission($series->id, 'create', $userId)) {
                     // add permission for user
                     $permissions->addPermission($newPrg->id, $userId, 'admin');
                     $admins[] = $userId;
     // if we did not get permission info, add permissions for all station/series admins
     debug("admins2", $admins);
     if (empty($admins)) {
         if ($series) {
             $admins1 = $permissions->listUsersWithPermission($series->id, 'admin');
         if (!$admins1) {
             $admins1 = $permissions->listUsersWithPermission($station->id, 'admin');
         while (list(, $admin) = each($admins1)) {
             $admins[] = $admin['id'];
             $permissions->addPermission($newPrg->id, $admin['id'], 'admin');
     debug("admins3", $admins);
     // now create permissions
     while (list(, $adminId) = each($admins)) {
         $permissions->addPermission($newPrg->id, $adminId, 'admin');
         if ($newSeries) {
             $permissions->addPermission($series->id, $adminId, 'admin');
      * PART 2.2 - Insert all the relevant data from the xml file into the database
     // basic metadata
     $newPrg->set('title', sotf_Programme::normalizeText($metadata['title'], 255));
     $newPrg->set('alternative_title', sotf_Programme::normalizeText($metadata['alternative'], 255));
     $newPrg->set('episode_sequence', 0);
     if (!empty($metadata['episodesequence'])) {
         $epiSeq = sotf_Programme::normalizeText($metadata['episodesequence']);
         if (is_numeric($epiSeq)) {
             $newPrg->set('episode_sequence', (int) $epiSeq);
         } else {
             logError("Bad episode sequence: " . $metadata['episodesequence']);
     $newPrg->set('abstract', sotf_Programme::normalizeText($metadata['description']));
     $newPrg->set('keywords', sotf_Programme::normalizeText($metadata['keywords']));
     $newPrg->set("production_date", date('Y-m-d', strtotime($metadata['created'])));
     $newPrg->set("broadcast_date", date('Y-m-d', strtotime($metadata['issued'])));
     $newPrg->set("modify_date", date('Y-m-d', strtotime($metadata['modified'])));
     $newPrg->set('language', $metadata['language']);
     if ($metadata['language'] == 'ger') {
         $newPrg->set('language', 'deu');
     if ($metadata['language'] == 'English') {
         $newPrg->set('language', 'eng');
     // topic
     if ($metadata['topic']) {
         $vocabularies->addToTopic($newPrg->id, $metadata['topic']);
     // genre
     $genre = trim($metadata['genre']);
     if (is_numeric($genre)) {
         $newPrg->set('genre_id', $genre);
     } else {
         logError("invalid genre id: " . $genre);
     // rights
     $rights = new sotf_NodeObject("sotf_rights");
     $rights->set('prog_id', $newPrg->id);
     $rights->set('rights_text', $metadata['rights']);
     // contacts
     //$role = 21; // Other
     foreach ($metadata['publisher'] as $contact) {
         $role = 23;
         // Publisher
         $id = sotf_Programme::importContact($contact, $role, $newPrg->id, $station->id, $admins);
     foreach ($metadata['creator'] as $contact) {
         $role = 22;
         // Creator
         $id = sotf_Programme::importContact($contact, $role, $newPrg->id, $station->id, $admins);
     if (is_array($metadata['contributor'])) {
         foreach ($metadata['contributor'] as $contact) {
             $role = 24;
             // Contributor
             $id = sotf_Programme::importContact($contact, $role, $newPrg->id, $station->id, $admins);
      * PART 2.1 - Move the audio data to the specified station folder
     // insert audio
     $dirPath = $pathToFile . $folderName . "/XBMF/audio";
     $dir = dir($dirPath);
     while ($entry = $dir->read()) {
         if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
             $currentFile = $dirPath . "/" . $entry;
             if (!is_dir($currentFile)) {
                 if (is_file($currentFile)) {
                     debug("insert audio", $currentFile);
                     $newPrg->setAudio($currentFile, true);
     // insert other files
     $dirPath = $pathToFile . $folderName . "/XBMF/files";
     $dir = dir($dirPath);
     while ($entry = $dir->read()) {
         if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
             $currentFile = $dirPath . "/" . $entry;
             if (!is_dir($currentFile)) {
                 $id = $newPrg->setOtherFile($currentFile, true);
                 debug("insert other", $currentFile);
                 /* by default, no need for this
                 		 if($id) {
                 			$fileInfo = &$repository->getObject($id);
                 			$fileInfo->set('public_access', 't');
     // insert metadata
     if (is_readable($metaFile)) {
         debug("insert meta", $metaFile);
         $target1 = $newPrg->getMetaDir() . '/metadata.xml';
         $target2 = $newPrg->getMetaDir() . '/metadata-in.xml';
         if (!copy($metaFile, $target1)) {
             logError("Could not copy metadata into {$target1}");
         if (!copy($metaFile, $target2)) {
             logError("Could not copy metadata into {$target2}");
     // insert icon
     $logoFile = $pathToFile . $folderName . "/icon.png";
     if (is_readable($logoFile)) {
         debug("insert icon", $logoFile);
     // convert missing formats!
     $audioFiles =& new sotf_FileList();
     $checker =& new sotf_AudioCheck($audioFiles);
     $checker->console = $console;
     // if we don't want progress bars
     $targets = $checker->convertAll($newPrg->id);
     if (is_array($targets)) {
         foreach ($targets as $target) {
      * PART 2.3 - Remove (unlink) the xbmf file and the temp dir
     //publish if needed
     if ($publish) {
     sotf_Utils::delete($pathToFile . $folderName);
     return $newPrg->id;
Beispiel #17
    raiseError("You have no permission to upload to any station");
// delete prog
if (sotf_Utils::getParameter('delprog')) {
    $prgid = sotf_Utils::getParameter('prgid');
    $prg = new sotf_Programme($prgid);
if (sotf_Utils::getParameter('addprog')) {
    $fname = sotf_Utils::getParameter('fname');
    $station = sotf_Utils::getParameter('station');
    checkPerm($station, 'add_prog');
    $newPrg = new sotf_Programme();
    $track = preg_replace('/\\.[^.]*$/', '', $fname);
    debug("create with track", $track);
    $newPrg->create($station, $track);
    $newPrg->setAudio($user->getUserDir() . '/' . $fname);
    $permissions->addPermission($newPrg->id, $user->id, 'admin');
    $page->redirect("editFiles.php?new=1&id=" . $newPrg->getID());
$stationId = sotf_Utils::getParameter('stationid');
if ($stationId) {
    $smarty->assign('SELECTED_STATION', $stationId);
$userFtpUrl = str_replace('ftp://', "ftp://{$user->name}@", $config['userFTP']);
$smarty->assign("USERFTPURL", $userFtpUrl);
Beispiel #18
    while (DB_OK === $res->fetchInto($row)) {
        $row['icon'] = sotf_Blob::cacheIcon2($row);
        $hits[] = $row;
    $smarty->assign("NEWS", $hits);
} else {
    // get new programmes
    if (nodeConfig('payableMode')) {
        $mode = 'free';
    } else {
        $mode = 'all';
    $smarty->assign('NEWS', sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDay, $maxItemsIndexPage, $mode));
if (nodeConfig('payableMode')) {
    $fromDayPremium = date('Y-m-d', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 90);
    $maxItemsPremium = 7;
    $smarty->assign('PREMIUM', sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDayPremium, $maxItemsPremium, 'premium'));
    $smarty->assign('PROMOTED', sotf_Programme::getPromotedProgrammes());
// get topics with most content
$smarty->assign('TOPICS', $vocabularies->getTopTopics(5));
// online counter for statistics
if ($config['counterMode']) {
    $chCounter_status = 'active';
    $chCounter_visible = 0;
    $chCounter_page_title = 'Hauptseite - index.php';
    include $config['counterURL'];
Beispiel #19
    $file = sotf_Utils::getFileInDir($user->getUserDir(), $fname);
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $file);
    $prg = new sotf_Programme($prgId);
    if ($main) {
    } else {
// add files
if ($add) {
    $copy = sotf_Utils::getParameter('copy');
    $prg = new sotf_Programme($prgId);
    while (list($k, $fname) = each($_POST)) {
        debug("P", $k);
        if (substr($k, 0, 4) == 'sel_') {
            if ($main) {
                debug("setAudio", "'{$fname}', '{$copy}'");
                $prg->setAudio($user->getUserDir() . '/' . $fname, $copy);
            } else {
                debug("setOtherFile", "'{$fname}', '{$copy}'");
                $prg->setOtherFile($fname, $copy);
    if ($main) {
Beispiel #20

require "";
$id = sotf_Utils::getParameter('id');
$fileid = sotf_Utils::getParameter('fileid');
if (empty($id)) {
    raiseError("Missing parameters!");
$prg = new sotf_Programme($id);
if (empty($fileid)) {
    // find a file to listen
    $fileid = $prg->selectFileToListen();
    if (!$fileid) {
$file = new sotf_NodeObject("sotf_media_files", $fileid);
if (!$prg->isLocal()) {
    raiseError("Currently you can listen only to programmes of local stations");
if ($prg->get('published') != 't' || $file->get('stream_access') != 't') {
$filepath = $prg->getFilePath($file);
$tmpfile = $tmpdir . "/{$id_}{$fileid}.m3u";
//$name = "$id_$fileid";
$name = "{$id_}" . time();
$url = 'http://' . $iceServer . ':' . $icePort . '/' . $name . "\n";
debug("file", $filepath);
if (!is_file($filepath)) {