//selected values
//box 1
$smarty->assign("SQLfields", $advsearch->GetSQLfields());
//name of all possibble columns
$smarty->assign("SQLfieldDefault", key($advsearch->GetSQLfields()));
//set default selected to the first element
//box 2
$smarty->assign("OrderFields", $advsearch->getOrderFields());
//name of all possibble columns
$smarty->assign("sort1", $advsearch->GetSort1());
//current sort 1
$smarty->assign("sort2", $advsearch->GetSort2());
//current sort 2
$smarty->assign("dir1", $advsearch->getDir1());
//current sort dir 1
$smarty->assign("dir2", $advsearch->getDir2());
//current sort dir 2
if ($portal_http == "") {
    $portal_http = NULL;
if (isset($portal_http)) {
    if (substr($portal_http, 0, 7) != "http://") {
        $portal_http = "http://" . $portal_http;
    $smarty->assign("old_upload", $portal_http);
    //save given URL (next time no nedd to write it again)
    $portal_http_new = str_replace("/portal.php/", "/portal_upload.php/", $portal_http);
    //replace portal.php name with the php file responsible for upload
    if (strstr($portal_http_new, "/portal_upload.php/")) {
        $file = @fopen($portal_http_new, "r");