Beispiel #1
 function CreateHeatmap($login, $password, $inputImage, $viewType, $viewDistance, $analysisOptions, $outputOptions)
     // define the SOAP client using the url for the service
     //$client = new soapclient('',
     $client = new soapclient('', array('trace' => 1, 'login' => $login, 'password' => $password));
     $param = array('InputImage' => $inputImage, 'ViewType' => $viewType, 'viewDistance' => $viewDistance, 'analysisOptions' => $analysisOptions, 'outputOptions' => $outputOptions);
     $response = array();
     ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 240);
     // PMJ Oct 30 2012 - bump up timeout from 3 minutes to 4 and see what happens
     try {
         $result = $client->ImageAttention($param);
         // passess the results
         if (is_soap_fault($result)) {
             throw new Exception('SOAP heatmap call unsuccessful.');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $response = array('success' => false, 'soap_response' => $client->__getLastResponse(), 'response_headers' => $client->__getLastResponseHeaders());
         return $response;
     $response = array('success' => true, 'image_url' => $result->ImageAttentionResult->OutputImage);
     return $response;