public function execute() { $type_model = new shopTypeModel(); $types = $type_model->getAll('id'); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $categories = $category_model->getFullTree('id, name, depth', true); $features_model = new shopFeatureModel(); $features = $features_model->getAll('id'); $data = array(); $type_values = array(); foreach ($types as $type_id => $type) { $type_values[] = array($type_id, $type['name']); $data[$type_id]['price'] = array('feature' => 'price'); $data[$type_id]['type_id'] = array('feature' => 'type_id'); $data[$type_id]['tag'] = array('feature' => 'tag'); } $type_features_model = new shopTypeFeaturesModel(); $rows = $type_features_model->getAll(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (isset($features[$row['feature_id']])) { $code = $features[$row['feature_id']]['code']; $data[$row['type_id']][$code] = array('feature' => $code, 'feature_id' => $row['feature_id']); } } $type_upselling_model = new shopTypeUpsellingModel(); $rows = $type_upselling_model->getAll(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $data[$row['type_id']][$row['feature']] = array('feature_id' => $row['feature_id'], 'feature' => $row['feature'], 'cond' => $row['cond'], 'value' => $row['value']); } foreach ($data as &$row) { $row = array_values($row); } unset($row); foreach ($types as &$type) { if ($type['upselling']) { $type['upselling_html'] = self::getConditionHTML($data[$type['id']], $features); } } unset($type); $fids = array(); foreach ($features as $f_key => $f) { $features[$f_key]['selectable'] = (int) $f['selectable']; $features[$f_key]['multiple'] = (int) $f['multiple']; if ($f['selectable']) { $fids[$f['id']] = $f; } } if ($fids) { $fids = $features_model->getValues($fids); foreach ($fids as $feature_id => $f) { foreach ($f['values'] as $value_id => $value) { $features[$feature_id]['values'][] = array($value_id, $value); } } unset($fids); } $features['type_id'] = array('name' => _w('Type'), 'type' => 'varchar', 'selectable' => 1, 'values' => $type_values); $this->view->assign(array('types' => $types, 'categories' => $categories, 'features' => $features, 'data' => $data)); }
private function stepExportCategory(&$current_stage, &$count, &$processed) { static $categories; if (!$categories) { $model = new shopCategoryModel(); if (preg_match('@^category/(\\d+)$@', $this->data['hash'], $matches)) { $categories = array_reverse($model->getPath($matches[1])); if ($category = $model->getById($matches[1])) { $categories[$matches[1]] = $category; } } else { $categories = $model->getFullTree('*', true); } if (count($categories) != $this->data['count'][self::STAGE_CATEGORY]) { throw new waException(sprintf('Invalid category count. Expected %d but get %d', $this->data['count'][self::STAGE_CATEGORY], count($categories))); } if ($current_stage) { $categories = array_slice($categories, $current_stage[self::STAGE_CATEGORY]); } } if ($category = reset($categories)) { $category['name'] = str_repeat('!', $category['depth']) . $category['name']; $this->writer->write($category); array_shift($categories); ++$current_stage[self::STAGE_CATEGORY]; ++$processed[self::STAGE_CATEGORY]; $this->data['map'][self::STAGE_CATEGORY] = intval($category['id']); $this->data['map'][self::STAGE_PRODUCT] = $current_stage[self::STAGE_PRODUCT]; $count[self::STAGE_PRODUCT] += $this->getCollection()->count(); } return $current_stage[self::STAGE_CATEGORY] < $count[self::STAGE_CATEGORY]; }
public function execute() { $product_id = (int) waRequest::get('id'); $product = new shopProduct($product_id); $type_model = new shopTypeModel(); $type = $type_model->getById($product['type_id']); if ($product['cross_selling'] === null) { $product['cross_selling'] = $type['cross_selling'] ? 1 : 0; } if ($product['upselling'] === null) { $product['upselling'] = $type['upselling']; } // if manually if ($product['cross_selling'] == 2 || $product['upselling'] == 2) { $related_model = new shopProductRelatedModel(); $related = $related_model->getAllRelated($product_id); } else { $related = array(); } if ($type['upselling']) { $type_upselling_model = new shopTypeUpsellingModel(); $data = $type_upselling_model->getByType($type['id']); $type['upselling_html'] = shopSettingsRecommendationsAction::getConditionHTML($data); } if ($type['cross_selling'] && substr($type['cross_selling'], 0, 9) == 'category/') { $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $type['category'] = $category_model->getById(substr($type['cross_selling'], 9)); } $this->view->assign(array('type' => $type, 'product' => $product, 'related' => $related)); }
public function execute() { $type = waRequest::get('type', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM); $parent_id = waRequest::get('parent_id', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT); if ($parent_id) { $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $parent = $category_model->getById($parent_id); } $this->template = 'DialogProduct' . ucfirst($type) . 'Create'; $this->view->assign(array('type' => $type, 'parent' => $parent_id ? $parent : array())); if ($type == 'category') { $tag_model = new shopTagModel(); $stuff = '%category_url%'; $frontend_url = wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/category', array('category_url' => $stuff), true); $pos = strrpos($frontend_url, $stuff); $fontend_base_url = $pos !== false ? rtrim(substr($frontend_url, 0, $pos), '/') . '/' : $frontend_url; $feature_model = new shopFeatureModel(); $features = $feature_model->getFeatures('selectable', 1); $features += $feature_model->getFeatures('type', 'boolean'); $features = $feature_model->getValues($features); $this->view->assign(array('cloud' => $tag_model->getCloud(), 'currency' => wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency(), 'frontend_base_url' => $fontend_base_url, 'lang' => substr(wa()->getLocale(), 0, 2), 'features' => $features)); } else { if ($type == 'set') { $this->view->assign('default_count', $this->set_dynamic_default_count); } } }
public function getBreadcrumbs(shopProduct $product, $product_link = false) { if ($product['category_id']) { $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $category = $category_model->getById($product['category_id']); $product['category_url'] = waRequest::param('url_type') == 1 ? $category['url'] : $category['full_url']; if (waRequest::param('url_type') == 2 && !waRequest::param('category_url')) { $this->redirect(wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/product', array('product_url' => $product['url'], 'category_url' => $product['category_url'])), 301); } $breadcrumbs = array(); $path = $category_model->getPath($category['id']); $path = array_reverse($path); $root_category_id = $category['id']; if ($path) { $temp = reset($path); $root_category_id = $temp['id']; } foreach ($path as $row) { $breadcrumbs[] = array('url' => wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/category', array('category_url' => waRequest::param('url_type') == 1 ? $row['url'] : $row['full_url'])), 'name' => $row['name']); } $breadcrumbs[] = array('url' => wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/category', array('category_url' => waRequest::param('url_type') == 1 ? $category['url'] : $category['full_url'])), 'name' => $category['name']); if ($product_link) { $breadcrumbs[] = array('url' => wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/product', array('product_url' => $product['url'], 'category_url' => $product['category_url'])), 'name' => $product['name']); } if ($breadcrumbs) { $this->view->assign('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs); } } else { $root_category_id = null; } $this->view->assign('root_category_id', $root_category_id); }
public function execute() { $parent_id = waRequest::get('parent_id'); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $cats = $category_model->getTree($parent_id, waRequest::get('depth', null, 'int')); $stack = array(); $result = array(); foreach ($cats as $c) { $c['categories'] = array(); // Number of stack items $l = count($stack); // Check if we're dealing with different levels while ($l > 0 && $stack[$l - 1]['depth'] >= $c['depth']) { array_pop($stack); $l--; } // Stack is empty (we are inspecting the root) if ($l == 0) { // Assigning the root node $i = count($result); $result[$i] = $c; $stack[] =& $result[$i]; } else { // Add node to parent $i = count($stack[$l - 1]['categories']); $stack[$l - 1]['categories'][$i] = $c; $stack[] =& $stack[$l - 1]['categories'][$i]; } } $this->response = $result; $this->response['_element'] = 'category'; }
public function execute() { $name = $this->get('name', true); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $this->response = $category_model->getByName($name); $this->response['_element'] = 'category'; }
public function execute() { $data = waRequest::post(); $exclude = array('left_key', 'right_key', 'type', 'full_url'); foreach ($exclude as $k) { if (isset($data[$k])) { unset($data[$k]); } } // check required param name $this->post('name', true); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $parent_id = waRequest::post('parent_id', 0, 'int'); if ($parent_id && !$category_model->getById($parent_id)) { throw new waAPIException('invalid_request', 'Parent category not found', 404); } if ($id = $category_model->add($data, $parent_id)) { // return info of the new category $_GET['id'] = $id; $method = new shopCategoryGetInfoMethod(); $this->response = $method->getResponse(true); } else { throw new waAPIException('server_error', 500); } }
public function execute() { $id = $this->get('id', true); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $category = $category_model->getById($id); if ($category) { $data = waRequest::post(); $exclude = array('left_key', 'right_key', 'type', 'full_url'); foreach ($exclude as $k) { if (isset($data[$k])) { unset($data[$k]); } } if (isset($data['parent_id']) && $category['parent_id'] != $data['parent_id']) { if (!$category_model->getById($data['parent_id'])) { throw new waAPIException('invalid_param', 'Parent category not found', 404); } if (!$category_model->move($id, null, $data['parent_id'])) { throw new waAPIException('server_error', 500); } } if ($category_model->update($id, $data)) { $method = new shopCategoryGetInfoMethod(); $this->response = $method->getResponse(true); } else { throw new waAPIException('server_error', 500); } } else { throw new waAPIException('invalid_param', 'Category not found', 404); } }
public function getRouting($route = array(), $dispatch = false) { $url_type = isset($route['url_type']) ? $route['url_type'] : 0; if (!isset($this->_routes[$url_type]) || $dispatch) { $routes = parent::getRouting($route); if ($routes) { if (isset($routes[$url_type])) { $routes = $routes[$url_type]; } else { $routes = $routes[0]; } } // for URL <category_url>/<product_url>/ if ($dispatch && $url_type == 2) { $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $categories = $category_model->getByRoute(wa()->getRouting()->getDomain(null, true) . '/' . $route['url']); $categories_routes = array(); foreach ($categories as $c) { $categories_routes[$c['full_url'] . '/'] = array('module' => 'frontend', 'action' => 'category', 'category_id' => $c['id']); } $routes = array_merge($categories_routes, $routes); } /** * Extend routing via plugin routes * @event routing * @param array $routes * @return array $routes routes collected for every plugin */ $result = wa()->event(array($this->application, 'routing'), $route); $all_plugins_routes = array(); foreach ($result as $plugin_id => $routing_rules) { if ($routing_rules) { $plugin = str_replace('-plugin', '', $plugin_id); /* if ($url_type == 0) { $routing_rules = $routing_rules[0]; } else { $routing_rules = $routing_rules[1]; } */ foreach ($routing_rules as $url => &$route) { if (!is_array($route)) { list($route_ar['module'], $route_ar['action']) = explode('/', $route); $route = $route_ar; } $route['plugin'] = $plugin; $all_plugins_routes[$url] = $route; } unset($route); } } $routes = array_merge($all_plugins_routes, $routes); if ($dispatch) { return $routes; } $this->_routes[$url_type] = $routes; } return $this->_routes[$url_type]; }
public function createCategory($name) { $url = shopHelper::transliterate($name, false); $url = $this->category_model->suggestUniqueUrl($url); if (empty($name)) { $name = _w('(no-name)'); } return $this->category_model->add(array('name' => $name, 'url' => $url)); }
public function execute() { $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel(); $settings = $app_settings_model->get(array('shop', 'yoss')); if ($settings['status'] === 'on') { $query = waRequest::post('query', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM); $page = waRequest::post('page', 1, 'int'); $result = array(); $result['products'] = array(); $result['product_count'] = 0; $collection = new shopProductsCollection('search/query=' . $query); $product_limit = $settings['product_limit']; if (!$product_limit) { $product_limit = $this->getConfig()->getOption('products_per_page'); } $products = $collection->getProducts('*', ($page - 1) * $product_limit, $product_limit); if ($products) { $brands = array(); $categories = array(); $feature_model = new shopFeatureModel(); $result['searh_all_url'] = wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/search/query=') . '?query=' . $query; foreach ($products as $p) { $brand_feature = $feature_model->getByCode('brand'); $brand = ''; if ($brand_feature) { $feature_value_model = $feature_model->getValuesModel($brand_feature['type']); $product_brands = $feature_value_model->getProductValues($p['id'], $brand_feature['id']); $brands = array(); foreach ($product_brands as $k => $v) { $brand_id = $feature_value_model->getValueId($brand_feature['id'], $v); $brands[] = array('id' => $brand_id, 'brand' => '<a href="' . wa()->getRouteUrl('shop/frontend/brand', array('brand' => str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($v)))) . '">' . $v . '</a>'); } } $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $category = $category_model->getById($p['category_id']); $res_category = ''; if ($category) { $res_category = '<a href="' . wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/category', array('category_url' => $category['full_url'])) . '">' . $category['name'] . '</a>'; } $result['products'][] = array("name" => $p['name'], "url" => $p['frontend_url'], "image" => $p['image_id'] ? "<img src='" . shopImage::getUrl(array("product_id" => $p['id'], "id" => $p['image_id'], "ext" => $p['ext']), "48x48") . "' />" : "", "price" => shop_currency_html($p['price'], true), "brands" => $brands, "category" => $res_category); } $product_model = new shopProductModel(); $product_count = $collection->count(); $result['product_count'] = $product_count; if ($product_count > ($page - 1) * $product_limit + $product_limit) { $result['next_page'] = $page + 1; } else { $result['next_page'] = false; } } $this->response = $result; } else { $this->response = false; } }
public function execute() { $id = $this->get('id', true); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $category = $category_model->getById((int) $id); if ($category) { $this->response = $category; } else { throw new waAPIException('invalid_request', 'Category not found', 404); } }
public function execute() { $id = $this->get('id', true); $this->getProduct($id); $category_id = $this->post('category_id', true); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $category = $category_model->getById($category_id); if (!$category) { throw new waAPIException('invalid_param', 'Category not found', 404); } if ($category['type'] == shopCategoryModel::TYPE_DYNAMIC) { throw new waAPIException('invalid_param', 'Category type must be static'); } $category_products_model = new shopCategoryProductsModel(); $this->response = $category_products_model->deleteProducts($category_id, $id); }
public function execute() { $id = $this->get('id', true); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $category = $category_model->getById((int) $id); if ($category) { if ($category['parent_id']) { $parents = $category_model->getPath($category['id']); if (waRequest::get('reverse')) { $parents = array_reverse($parents); } $this->response = array_values($parents); $this->response['_element'] = 'category'; } else { $this->response = array(); } } else { throw new waAPIException('invalid_request', 'Category not found', 404); } }
public function move($type, $id, $before_id, $parent_id) { if ($type == 'category') { $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); if (!$category_model->move($id, $before_id, $parent_id)) { $this->errors = array('Error when move'); } else { if ($parent_id) { $parent = $category_model->getById($parent_id); $this->response['count'] = array('count' => $parent['count'], 'subtree' => $category_model->getTotalProductsCount($parent_id)); } } } else { if ($type == 'set') { $set_model = new shopSetModel(); if (!$set_model->move($id, $before_id)) { $this->errors = array('Error when move'); } } else { throw new waException('Unknown list type: ' . $type); } } }
public function execute() { if (waRequest::param('url_type') == 2) { $product_model = new shopProductModel(); if (waRequest::param('category_url')) { $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $c = $category_model->getByField('full_url', waRequest::param('category_url')); if ($c) { $product = $product_model->getByUrl(waRequest::param('product_url'), $c['id']); if ($product && $product['category_id'] != $c['id']) { $c = $category_model->getById($product['category_id']); if ($c) { $this->redirect(wa()->getRouteUrl('shop/frontend/product', array('category_url' => $c['full_url'], 'product_url' => $product['url']))); } else { $product = null; } } } else { $product = null; } } else { $product = $product_model->getByField('url', waRequest::param('product_url')); } if (!$product) { // try find page $url = waRequest::param('category_url'); $url_parts = explode('/', $url); waRequest::setParam('page_url', waRequest::param('product_url')); waRequest::setParam('product_url', end($url_parts)); $this->executeAction(new shopFrontendProductPageAction()); } else { $this->executeAction(new shopFrontendProductAction($product)); } } else { $this->executeAction(new shopFrontendProductAction()); } }
protected function getUrl($product) { $frontend_urls = array(); $routing = wa()->getRouting(); $domain_routes = $routing->getByApp($this->getAppId()); foreach ($domain_routes as $domain => $routes) { foreach ($routes as $r) { if (!empty($r['private'])) { continue; } if (empty($r['type_id']) || in_array($product->type_id, (array) $r['type_id'])) { $routing->setRoute($r, $domain); $url_params = array('product_url' => $product->url); if ($product->category_id) { if (empty($category_model)) { $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); } $category = $category_model->getById($product->category_id); if ($category) { if (!empty($r['url_type']) && $r['url_type'] == 1) { $url_params['category_url'] = $category['url']; } else { $url_params['category_url'] = $category['full_url']; } } } $frontend_url = $routing->getUrl('/frontend/product', $url_params, true); $pos = strrpos($frontend_url, $product->url); $frontend_urls[] = array('url' => $frontend_url, 'base' => $pos !== false ? rtrim(substr($frontend_url, 0, $pos), '/') . '/' : $frontend_url); } } } return $frontend_urls; }
<?php $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $category_model->recount();
public function execute() { $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $this->view->assign('categories', $category_model->getFullTree('', true)); }
public function categories($id = 0, $depth = null, $tree = false, $params = false, $route = null) { if ($id === true) { $id = 0; $tree = true; } $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); if ($route && !is_array($route)) { $route = explode('/', $route, 2); $route = $this->getRoute($route[0], isset($route[1]) ? $route[1] : null); } if (!$route) { $route = $this->getRoute(); } if (!$route) { return array(); } $cats = $category_model->getTree($id, $depth, false, $route['domain'] . '/' . $route['url']); $url = $this->wa->getRouteUrl('shop/frontend/category', array('category_url' => '%CATEGORY_URL%'), false, $route['domain'], $route['url']); $hidden = array(); foreach ($cats as $c_id => $c) { if ($c['parent_id'] && $c['id'] != $id && !isset($cats[$c['parent_id']])) { unset($cats[$c_id]); } else { $cats[$c_id]['url'] = str_replace('%CATEGORY_URL%', isset($route['url_type']) && $route['url_type'] == 1 ? $c['url'] : $c['full_url'], $url); $cats[$c_id]['name'] = htmlspecialchars($cats[$c_id]['name']); } } if ($id && isset($cats[$id])) { unset($cats[$id]); } if ($params) { $category_params_model = new shopCategoryParamsModel(); $rows = $category_params_model->getByField('category_id', array_keys($cats), true); foreach ($rows as $row) { $cats[$row['category_id']]['params'][$row['name']] = $row['value']; } } if ($tree) { $stack = array(); $result = array(); foreach ($cats as $c) { $c['childs'] = array(); // Number of stack items $l = count($stack); // Check if we're dealing with different levels while ($l > 0 && $stack[$l - 1]['depth'] >= $c['depth']) { array_pop($stack); $l--; } // Stack is empty (we are inspecting the root) if ($l == 0) { // Assigning the root node $i = count($result); $result[$i] = $c; $stack[] =& $result[$i]; } else { // Add node to parent $i = count($stack[$l - 1]['childs']); $stack[$l - 1]['childs'][$i] = $c; $stack[] =& $stack[$l - 1]['childs'][$i]; } } return $result; } else { return $cats; } }
/** * @param $current_stage * @param $count * @param $processed * * @usedby shopYandexmarketPluginRunController::step() */ private function stepCategory(&$current_stage, &$count, &$processed) { static $categories = null; static $model; if ($categories === null) { $model = new shopCategoryModel(); if (empty($this->data['export']['hidden_categories'])) { $categories = $model->getTree(0, null, false, $this->data['domain']); } else { $sql = <<<SQL SELECT c.* FROM shop_category c LEFT JOIN shop_category_routes cr ON ( = cr.category_id) WHERE (cr.route IS NULL) OR (cr.route = s:domain) ORDER BY c.left_key SQL; $categories = $model->query($sql, $this->data)->fetchAll($model->getTableId()); } // экспортируется только список статических категорий, поэтому фильтруем данные foreach ($categories as $id => $category) { if ($category['type'] != shopCategoryModel::TYPE_STATIC) { unset($categories[$id]); } } if ($current_stage) { $categories = array_slice($categories, $current_stage); } } $chunk = 100; while (--$chunk >= 0 && ($category = reset($categories))) { if (empty($category['parent_id']) || isset($this->data['categories'][$category['parent_id']])) { $category_xml = $this->dom->createElement("category", str_replace('&', '&', $category['name'])); $category['id'] = intval($category['id']); $category_xml->setAttribute('id', $category['id']); if ($category['parent_id']) { $category_xml->setAttribute('parentId', $category['parent_id']); } $nodes = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('categories'); $nodes->item(0)->appendChild($category_xml); $this->data['categories'][$category['id']] = $category['id']; if (!empty($category['include_sub_categories']) && $category['right_key'] - $category['left_key'] > 1) { //remap hidden subcategories $descendants = $model->descendants($category['id'], true)->where('type = i:type', array('type' => shopCategoryModel::TYPE_STATIC))->fetchAll('id'); if ($descendants) { $remap = array_fill_keys(array_map('intval', array_keys($descendants)), (int) $category['id']); $this->data['categories'] += $remap; } } ++$processed; } array_shift($categories); ++$current_stage; } }
public function execute() { $product = new shopProduct(waRequest::get('id', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT)); if (!$product->id) { if (waRequest::get('id') == 'new') { $product->name = ''; $product->id = 'new'; $product->status = 1; } else { throw new waException("Product not found", 404); } } $counters = array('reviews' => 0, 'images' => 0, 'pages' => 0, 'services' => 0); $sidebar_counters = array(); $config = $this->getConfig(); /** * @var shopConfig $config */ #load product types $type_model = new shopTypeModel(); $product_types = $type_model->getTypes(true); $product_types_count = count($product_types); if (intval($product->id)) { # 1 fill extra product data # 1.1 fill product reviews $product_reviews_model = new shopProductReviewsModel(); $product['reviews'] = $product_reviews_model->getReviews($product->id, 0, $config->getOption('reviews_per_page_product'), 'datetime DESC', array('is_new' => true)); $counters['reviews'] = $product_reviews_model->count($product->id); $sidebar_counters['reviews'] = array('new' => $product_reviews_model->countNew()); $counters['images'] = count($product['images']); $product_pages_model = new shopProductPagesModel(); $counters['pages'] = $product_pages_model->count($product->id); $product_services_model = new shopProductServicesModel(); $counters['services'] = $product_services_model->countServices($product->id); $product_stocks_log_model = new shopProductStocksLogModel(); $counters['stocks_log'] = $product_stocks_log_model->countByField('product_id', $product->id); $this->view->assign('edit_rights', $product->checkRights()); } else { $counters += array_fill_keys(array('images', 'services', 'pages', 'reviews'), 0); $product['images'] = array(); reset($product_types); $product->type_id = 0; if ($product_types_count) { if (!$product_types) { throw new waRightsException(_w("Access denied")); } else { reset($product_types); $product->type_id = key($product_types); } } elseif (!$product->checkRights()) { throw new waRightsException(_w("Access denied")); } $this->view->assign('edit_rights', true); $product['skus'] = array('-1' => array('id' => -1, 'sku' => '', 'available' => 1, 'name' => '', 'price' => 0.0, 'purchase_price' => 0.0, 'count' => null, 'stock' => array(), 'virtual' => 0)); $product->currency = $config->getCurrency(); } $this->assignReportsData($product); $stock_model = new shopStockModel(); $taxes_mode = new shopTaxModel(); $this->view->assign('stocks', $stock_model->getAll('id')); $this->view->assign(array('use_product_currency' => wa()->getSetting('use_product_currency'), 'currencies' => $this->getCurrencies(), 'primary_currency' => $config->getCurrency(), 'taxes' => $taxes_mode->getAll())); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $categories = $category_model->getFullTree('id, name, depth, url, full_url, parent_id', true); $frontend_urls = array(); if (intval($product->id)) { $routing = wa()->getRouting(); $domain_routes = $routing->getByApp($this->getAppId()); foreach ($domain_routes as $domain => $routes) { foreach ($routes as $r) { if (!empty($r['private'])) { continue; } if (empty($r['type_id']) || in_array($product->type_id, (array) $r['type_id'])) { $routing->setRoute($r, $domain); $params = array('product_url' => $product->url); if ($product->category_id && isset($categories[$product->category_id])) { if (!empty($r['url_type']) && $r['url_type'] == 1) { $params['category_url'] = $categories[$product->category_id]['url']; } else { $params['category_url'] = $categories[$product->category_id]['full_url']; } } $frontend_url = $routing->getUrl('/frontend/product', $params, true); $frontend_urls[] = array('url' => $frontend_url); } } } } else { $frontend_urls[] = array('url' => wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/product', array('product_url' => '%product_url%'), true)); } $stuff = intval($product->id) ? $product->url : '%product_url%'; foreach ($frontend_urls as &$frontend_url) { $pos = strrpos($frontend_url['url'], $stuff); $frontend_url['base'] = $pos !== false ? rtrim(substr($frontend_url['url'], 0, $pos), '/') . '/' : $frontend_url['url']; } unset($frontend_url); $product_model = new shopProductModel(); $this->view->assign('storefront_map', $product_model->getStorefrontMap($product->id)); /** * Backend product profile page * UI hook allow extends product profile page * @event backend_product * @param shopProduct $entry * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['title_suffix'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['action_button'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['toolbar_section'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['image_li'] html output */ $this->view->assign('backend_product', wa()->event('backend_product', $product)); /** * @event backend_product_edit */ $this->view->assign('backend_product_edit', wa()->event('backend_product_edit', $product)); $this->view->assign('categories', $categories); $this->view->assign('counters', $counters); $this->view->assign('product', $product); $this->view->assign('current_author', shopProductReviewsModel::getAuthorInfo(wa()->getUser()->getId())); $this->view->assign('reply_allowed', true); $this->view->assign('review_allowed', true); $this->view->assign('sidebar_counters', $sidebar_counters); $this->view->assign('lang', substr(wa()->getLocale(), 0, 2)); $this->view->assign('frontend_urls', $frontend_urls); $tag_model = new shopTagModel(); $this->view->assign('popular_tags', $tag_model->popularTags()); $counts = array(); // Selectable features $features_selectable = $product->features_selectable; if (is_array($features_selectable)) { foreach ($features_selectable as $f) { if ($f['selected']) { $counts[] = $f['selected']; } } } $feature_model = new shopTypeFeaturesModel(); $features_selectable_types = $feature_model->getSkuTypeSelectableTypes(); foreach ($product_types as $type_id => &$type) { $type['sku_type'] = empty($features_selectable_types[$type_id]) ? shopProductModel::SKU_TYPE_FLAT : shopProductModel::SKU_TYPE_SELECTABLE; } $this->view->assign('features', $features_selectable); $this->view->assign('duble', '???'); $this->view->assign('features_counts', $counts); #load product types $this->view->assign('product_types', $product_types); $this->view->assign('sidebar_width', $config->getSidebarWidth()); }
private function getCategorySettings($id) { $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $category_params_model = new shopCategoryParamsModel(); $settings = $category_model->getById($id); if (!$settings) { return array(); } /** * @event backend_category_dialog * @param array $category * @return array[string][string] $return[%plugin_id%] html output for dialog */ $this->view->assign('event_dialog', wa()->event('backend_category_dialog', $settings)); $category_routes_model = new shopCategoryRoutesModel(); $settings['routes'] = $category_routes_model->getRoutes($id); $settings['frontend_urls'] = array(); foreach ($category_model->getFrontendUrls($id) as $frontend_url) { $pos = strrpos($frontend_url, $settings['url']); $settings['frontend_urls'][] = array('url' => $frontend_url, 'base' => $pos !== false ? rtrim(substr($frontend_url, 0, $pos), '/') . '/' : ''); } $settings['params'] = $category_params_model->get($id); if (isset($settings['params']['enable_sorting'])) { $settings['enable_sorting'] = 1; unset($settings['params']['enable_sorting']); } else { $settings['enable_sorting'] = 0; } $feature_model = new shopFeatureModel(); $selectable_and_boolean_features = $feature_model->select('*')->where("(selectable=1 OR type='boolean' OR type='double' OR type LIKE 'dimension\\.%' OR type LIKE 'range\\.%') AND parent_id IS NULL")->fetchAll('id'); if ($settings['type'] == shopCategoryModel::TYPE_DYNAMIC) { if ($settings['conditions']) { $settings['conditions'] = shopProductsCollection::parseConditions($settings['conditions']); } else { $settings['conditions'] = array(); } $tag_model = new shopTagModel(); $cloud = $tag_model->getCloud('name'); if (!empty($settings['conditions']['tag'][1])) { foreach ($settings['conditions']['tag'][1] as $tag_name) { $cloud[$tag_name]['checked'] = true; } } $settings['cloud'] = $cloud; // extract conditions for features foreach ($settings['conditions'] as $name => $value) { if (substr($name, -9) === '.value_id') { unset($settings['conditions'][$name]); $settings['conditions']['feature'][substr($name, 0, -9)] = $value; } } $settings['custom_conditions'] = $this->extractCustomConditions($settings['conditions']); $settings['features'] = $selectable_and_boolean_features; $settings['features'] = $feature_model->getValues($settings['features']); } $filter = $settings['filter'] !== null ? explode(',', $settings['filter']) : null; $feature_filter = array(); $features['price'] = array('id' => 'price', 'name' => 'Price'); $features += $selectable_and_boolean_features; if (!empty($filter)) { foreach ($filter as $feature_id) { $feature_id = trim($feature_id); if (isset($features[$feature_id])) { $feature_filter[$feature_id] = $features[$feature_id]; $feature_filter[$feature_id]['checked'] = true; unset($features[$feature_id]); } } } $settings['allow_filter'] = (bool) $filter; $settings['filter'] = $feature_filter + $features; return $settings; }
public function setData(shopProduct $product, $data) { $data = array_unique(array_map('intval', $data)); $key = array_search(0, $data, true); if ($key !== false) { unset($data[$key]); } $category_ids = array_keys($this->getByField('product_id', $product->id, 'category_id')); if ($obsolete = array_diff($category_ids, $data)) { $this->deleteByField(array('product_id' => $product->id, 'category_id' => $obsolete)); // correct counter $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $category_model->recount($obsolete); } if ($added = array_diff($data, $category_ids)) { $this->add($product->id, $added); } //$product_model = new shopProductModel(); //$product_model->correctMainCategory($product->id); if ($data) { $product->category_id = reset($data); } else { $product->category_id = null; } $product_model = new shopProductModel(); $product_model->updateById($product->id, array('category_id' => $product->category_id)); return $data; }
public function execute($n = 1) { $routes = $this->getRoutes(); $this->app_id = wa()->getApp(); $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $product_model = new shopProductModel(); $page_model = new shopPageModel(); $count = 0; foreach ($routes as $route) { $this->routing->setRoute($route); $domain = $this->routing->getDomain(null, true); $route_url = $domain . '/' . $this->routing->getRoute('url'); if ($n == 1) { // categories $sql = "SELECT,c.parent_id,c.left_key,c.url,c.full_url,c.create_datetime,c.edit_datetime\n FROM shop_category c\n LEFT JOIN shop_category_routes cr ON = cr.category_id\n WHERE c.status = 1 AND (cr.route IS NULL OR cr.route = '" . $category_model->escape($route_url) . "')\n ORDER BY c.left_key"; $categories = $category_model->query($sql)->fetchAll('id'); $category_url = $this->routing->getUrl($this->app_id . '/frontend/category', array('category_url' => '%CATEGORY_URL%'), true); foreach ($categories as $c_id => $c) { if ($c['parent_id'] && !isset($categories[$c['parent_id']])) { unset($categories[$c_id]); continue; } if (isset($route['url_type']) && $route['url_type'] == 1) { $url = $c['url']; } else { $url = $c['full_url']; } $this->addUrl(str_replace('%CATEGORY_URL%', $url, $category_url), $c['edit_datetime'] ? $c['edit_datetime'] : $c['create_datetime'], self::CHANGE_WEEKLY, 0.6); } $main_url = $this->getUrl(''); // pages $sql = "SELECT full_url, url, create_datetime, update_datetime FROM " . $page_model->getTableName() . ' WHERE status = 1 AND domain = s:domain AND route = s:route'; $pages = $page_model->query($sql, array('domain' => $domain, 'route' => $route['url']))->fetchAll(); foreach ($pages as $p) { $this->addUrl($main_url . $p['full_url'], $p['update_datetime'] ? $p['update_datetime'] : $p['create_datetime'], self::CHANGE_MONTHLY, 0.6); } /** * @event sitemap * @param array $route * @return array $urls */ $plugin_urls = wa()->event(array($this->app_id, 'sitemap'), $route); if ($plugin_urls) { foreach ($plugin_urls as $urls) { foreach ($urls as $url) { $this->addUrl($url['loc'], ifset($url['lastmod'], time()), ifset($url['changefreq']), ifset($url['priority'])); } } } // main page $this->addUrl($main_url, time(), self::CHANGE_DAILY, 1); } // products $c = $this->countProductsByRoute($route); if ($count + $c <= ($n - 1) * $this->limit) { $count += $c; continue; } else { if ($count >= ($n - 1) * $this->limit) { $offset = 0; } else { $offset = ($n - 1) * $this->limit - $count; } $count += $offset; $limit = min($this->limit, $n * $this->limit - $count); } $sql = "SELECT p.url, p.create_datetime, p.edit_datetime"; if (isset($route['url_type']) && $route['url_type'] == 2) { $sql .= ', c.full_url category_url'; } $sql .= " FROM " . $product_model->getTableName() . ' p'; if (isset($route['url_type']) && $route['url_type'] == 2) { $sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . $category_model->getTableName() . " c ON p.category_id ="; } $sql .= ' WHERE p.status = 1'; if (!empty($route['type_id'])) { $sql .= ' AND p.type_id IN (i:type_id)'; } $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $limit; $products = $product_model->query($sql, $route); $count += $products->count(); $product_url = $this->routing->getUrl($this->app_id . '/frontend/product', array('product_url' => '%PRODUCT_URL%', 'category_url' => '%CATEGORY_URL%'), true); foreach ($products as $p) { if (!empty($p['category_url'])) { $url = str_replace(array('%PRODUCT_URL%', '%CATEGORY_URL%'), array($p['url'], $p['category_url']), $product_url); } else { $url = str_replace(array('%PRODUCT_URL%', '/%CATEGORY_URL%'), array($p['url'], ''), $product_url); } $this->addUrl($url, $p['edit_datetime'] ? $p['edit_datetime'] : $p['create_datetime'], self::CHANGE_MONTHLY, 0.8); } if ($count >= $n * $this->limit) { break; } } }
public function categoriesAction() { $model = new shopCategoryModel(); $model->repair(); echo "OK"; }
<?php $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); foreach ($category_model->select('id, conditions')->where('type = 1')->fetchAll('id') as $item) { $conditions = preg_replace('/\\brate\\b/', 'rating', $item['conditions']); if ($conditions != $item['conditions']) { $category_model->updateById($item['id'], array('conditions' => $conditions)); } }
<?php $category_model = new shopCategoryModel(); $category_model->repair();