function social_count($ads)
    require_once "shareCount.php";
    $obj = new shareCount(get_site_url());
    //website url
    echo '<h2>SOCIAL STATS</h2>';
    echo '<b><img src="' . plugins_url('/images/twitter.png', __FILE__) . '">Twitter:</b> ' . floatNumber($obj->get_tweets());
    //to get tweets
    echo '<br/><img src="' . plugins_url('/images/facebook.png', __FILE__) . '"><b>Facebook:</b> ' . floatNumber($obj->get_fb());
    //to get facebook total count (likes+shares+comments)
    echo '<br/><img src="' . plugins_url('/images/linkedin.png', __FILE__) . '"><b>Linkedin:</b> ' . floatNumber($obj->get_linkedin());
    //to get linkedin shares
    echo '<br/><img src="' . plugins_url('/images/google.png', __FILE__) . '"><b>Google Plus:</b> ' . floatNumber($obj->get_plusones());
    //to get google plusones
    echo '<br/><img src="' . plugins_url('/images/delicious.png', __FILE__) . '"><b>Delicious:</b> ' . floatNumber($obj->get_delicious());
    //to get delicious bookmarks  count
    echo '<br/><img src="' . plugins_url('/images/stumbleupon.png', __FILE__) . '"><b>Stumbleupon:</b> ' . floatNumber($obj->get_stumble());
    //to get Stumbleupon views
    echo '<br/><img src="' . plugins_url('/images/pinterest.png', __FILE__) . '"><b>Pinterest:</b> ' . floatNumber($obj->get_pinterest());
    //to get pinterest pins
Beispiel #2

require "share_count.php";
$count = new shareCount();
echo 'Cache has been ' . (isset($_REQUEST['kill']) ? 'deleted' : 'cleaned') . '.';
    <div class="clear"></div>

    <div class="left"><?php 
_e('BackLinks', 'all_in_one');
    <div class="right"><?php 
echo $backlink;
    <div class="clear"></div>

$obj = new shareCount($web_url);
//Use your website or URL
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <br /><br /><br />

    <div class="title"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;<?php 
_e('Social', 'all_in_one');
    <div class="del"></div>

    <div class="left"><?php 
_e('Tweets', 'all_in_one');
Beispiel #4

extract(shortcode_atts(array('class' => '', 'id' => '', 'css_animation' => '', 'css_animation_delay' => '', 'facebook' => '', 'twitter' => '', 'googleplus' => '', 'pinterest' => ''), $atts));
$animated = $css_animation ? 'animate' : '';
$css_animation_delay = $css_animation ? ' data-delay="' . $css_animation_delay . '"' : '';
$class = setClass(array('md-social-share', $animated, $css_animation, $class));
$id = setId($id);
$share_count = new shareCount("http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}");
$output .= '<div' . $class . $id . $css_animation_delay . '>';
if ($facebook == 'yes') {
    $output .= '<div class="item share-facebook"><a href="#" class="md-social-share-facebook"><i class="icon-facebook"></i><span class="social">Facebook</span></a><span class="count">' . $share_count->get_fb() . '</span></div>';
if ($twitter == 'yes') {
    $output .= '<div class="item share-twitter"><a href="#" class="md-social-share-twitter"><i class="icon-twitter"></i><span class="social">Twitter</span></a><span class="count">' . $share_count->get_tweets() . '</span></div>';
if ($googleplus == 'yes') {
    $output .= '<div class="item share-google"><a href="#" class="md-social-share-google"><i class="icon-google-plus"></i><span class="social">Google+</span></a><span class="count">' . $share_count->get_plusones() . '</span></div>';
if ($pinterest == 'yes') {
    $output .= '<div class="item share-pinterest"><a href="#" class="md-social-share-pinterest"><i class="icon-pinterest"></i><span class="social">Pinterest</span></a><span class="count">' . $share_count->get_pinterest() . '</span></div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
echo $output;
Beispiel #5
function get_share_count($post_id = "")
    if (empty($post_id)) {
        $post_id = get_queried_object_id();
    if (!is_singular('post')) {
        $shareCount = get_post_meta($post_id, 'total_shares', true);
        return $shareCount;
    $new_shares = 0;
    $real_shares_count = 0;
    if (function_exists('curl_version')) {
        $version = curl_version();
        $bitfields = array('CURL_VERSION_IPV6', 'CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE');
        foreach ($bitfields as $feature) {
            if ($version['features'] & constant($feature)) {
                $real_shares = new shareCount(get_permalink($post_id));
                $real_shares_count += $real_shares->get_tweets();
                $real_shares_count += $real_shares->get_fb();
                $real_shares_count += $real_shares->get_linkedin();
                $real_shares_count += $real_shares->get_plusones();
                $real_shares_count += $real_shares->get_pinterest();
    $total_shares = $new_shares + $real_shares_count;
    update_post_meta($post_id, 'total_shares', $total_shares);
    return $total_shares;
Beispiel #6

require "share_count.php";
$count = new shareCount();
// this starts the API server
echo $count->serve();
// use the following to get the shares as object
// $shares = $count->get('');
// print_r($shares);
function sss_kk_calculate()
    $new_shares = 0;
    $real_shares_count = 0;
    if (function_exists('curl_version')) {
        $version = curl_version();
        $bitfields = array('CURL_VERSION_IPV6', 'CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE');
        foreach ($bitfields as $feature) {
            if ($version['features'] & constant($feature)) {
                $real_shares = new shareCount(get_permalink());
                $real_shares_count += $real_shares->get_tweets();
                $real_shares_count += $real_shares->get_fb();
                $real_shares_count += $real_shares->get_linkedin();
                $real_shares_count += $real_shares->get_plusones();
                $real_shares_count += $real_shares->get_pinterest();
    $total_shares = $new_shares + $real_shares_count;
    return $total_shares;
Beispiel #8
 * Kontrola záznamu
if (isset($_SESSION['csfr_token']) && $url != "" && $csfr_token != "" && $csfr_token == $_SESSION['csfr_token']) {
    // Má se zjistit aktuální stav?
    $zjistit = false;
    $id = sha1($url);
    $dbSdileni = $db->modul_sdileni(array("id" => $id))->fetch();
    if (isset($dbSdileni['id'])) {
        $sdileni = array("facebook" => $dbSdileni['pocet_facebook'], "twitter" => $dbSdileni['pocet_twitter'], "google-plus" => $dbSdileni['pocet_google'], "linkedin" => $dbSdileni['pocet_linkedin']);
        if (strtotime($dbSdileni['kontrola']) < strtotime("now - 20 minutes")) {
            $zjistit = true;
    } else {
        $dbSdileni = $db->modul_sdileni->insert(array("id" => $id, "url" => $url));
        $zjistit = true;
    if ($zjistit) {
        require dirname(__FILE__) . "/../app/lib/share-count.php";
        $obj = new shareCount($url);
        $sdileni = array("facebook" => $obj->get_fb(), "twitter" => $obj->get_tweets(), "google-plus" => $obj->get_plusones(), "linkedin" => $obj->get_linkedin());
        $dbSdileni->update(array("pocet_twitter" => $sdileni['twitter'], "pocet_facebook" => $sdileni['facebook'], "pocet_google" => $sdileni['google-plus'], "pocet_linkedin" => $sdileni['linkedin'], "kontrola" => new NotORM_Literal("NOW()")));
        // echo "<br>Delicous:" . $obj->get_delicious(); //to get delicious bookmarks  count
        // echo "<br>Pinterst:" . $obj->get_pinterest(); //to get pinterest pins
} else {
    // $sdileni['stav'] = 'ERR';
// $sdileni['csfr'] = $csfr_token." - ".$_SESSION['csfr_token'];
echo json_encode($sdileni);