   * Constructor.
   * @param string              $rootDir    The project root directory
   * @param sfEventDispatcher   $dispatcher The event dispatcher
  public function __construct($rootDir = null, sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher = null)
    if (null === self::$active || $this instanceof sfApplicationConfiguration)
      self::$active = $this;

    $this->rootDir = null === $rootDir ? self::guessRootDir() : realpath($rootDir);
    $this->symfonyLibDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..');
    $this->dispatcher = null === $dispatcher ? new sfEventDispatcher() : $dispatcher;

    ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 'off');

    sfConfig::set('sf_symfony_lib_dir', $this->symfonyLibDir);


    // provide forms the dispatcher


  * Constructor.
  * @param string            $rootDir    The project root directory
  * @param sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher The event dispatcher
 public function __construct($rootDir = null, sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher = null)
     if (is_null(sfProjectConfiguration::$active) || $this instanceof sfApplicationConfiguration) {
         sfProjectConfiguration::$active = $this;
     $this->rootDir = is_null($rootDir) ? self::guessRootDir() : realpath($rootDir);
     $this->symfonyLibDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..');
     $this->dispatcher = is_null($dispatcher) ? new sfEventDispatcher() : $dispatcher;
     ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 'off');
     sfConfig::set('sf_symfony_lib_dir', $this->symfonyLibDir);
  * Constructor.
  * @param string              $rootDir    The project root directory
  * @param sfEventDispatcher   $dispatcher The event dispatcher
 public function __construct($rootDir = null, sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher = null)
     if (is_null(sfProjectConfiguration::$active) || $this instanceof sfApplicationConfiguration) {
         sfProjectConfiguration::$active = $this;
     $this->rootDir = is_null($rootDir) ? self::guessRootDir() : realpath($rootDir);
     $this->symfonyLibDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..');
     // initializes autoloading for symfony core classes
     require_once $this->symfonyLibDir . '/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php';
     $this->dispatcher = is_null($dispatcher) ? new sfEventDispatcher() : $dispatcher;
     ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 'off');
     ini_set('register_globals', 'off');
     sfConfig::set('sf_symfony_lib_dir', $this->symfonyLibDir);