$t->diag('output functions');
$t->is((string) $activeUser, 'John Doe (active_user)', '->__toString() returns the full name and the username');
$t->is($activeUser->getName(), 'John Doe', '->getName() returns the full name of the user');
// group managment
$t->diag('group managment');
$t->is($activeUser->getGroupNames(), array(), '->getGroupNames() return empty array if no group is set');
try {
    $t->fail('->addGroupByName() does throw an exception if group not exist');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $t->pass('->addGroupByName() does throw an exception if group not exist');
$group = new sfGuardGroup();
$group->name = 'test-group';
$t->is($activeUser->hasGroup('test-group'), false, '->hasGroup() return false if user hasn\'t this group');
try {
    $t->pass('->addGroupByName() does not throw an exception if group exist');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $t->fail('->addGroupByName() does not throw an exception if group exist');
$t->is($activeUser->getGroupNames(), array('test-group'), '->getGroupNames() return array with group names');
$t->is($activeUser->hasGroup('test-group'), true, '->hasGroup() return true if user has this group');
// permission managment
$t->diag('permission managment');
$t->is($activeUser->getPermissionNames(), array(), '->getPermissionNames() return empty array if no permission is set');
try {
    $t->fail('->addPermissionByName() does throw an exception if group not exist');