Beispiel #1
 public static function getUsers()
     $userModel = new self();
     $select = $userModel->select();
     $select->order(array('last_name', 'first_name'));
     return $userModel->fetchAll($select);
Beispiel #2
  * Все таблицы для хранения данных имеют префикс
 protected function _setup()
     $this->_cleanName = $this->_name;
     $this->_name = self::PREFIX_TABLE . $this->_name;
     if (false == array_key_exists($this->_cleanName, self::$setupedTables)) {
         $modelFields = new Modules_Publications_Model_Fields();
         $this->_tableProfile = $modelFields->fetchAllByTableName($this->_cleanName);
         foreach ($this->_tableProfile as $row) {
             if ($row->list_values) {
                 if (false == array_key_exists($row->list_values, self::$linkedData)) {
                     if ('routes' == $row->list_values) {
                         self::$linkedData[$row->list_values] = Modules_Router_Model_Router::getInstance()->getRoutesTreeHash();
                     } else {
                         $model = new self($row->list_values);
                         self::$linkedData[$row->list_values] = $model->fetchAll()->toArray();
                 self::$linkedFieldsTableData[$this->_cleanName . '_' . $row->name] = self::$linkedData[$row->list_values];
         self::$setupedTables[$this->_cleanName] = $this->_tableProfile;
     } else {
         $this->_tableProfile = self::$setupedTables[$this->_cleanName];
 public static function getTypes()
     $Type = new self();
     $Types = $Type->fetchAll(null, "Type");
     if ($Types) {
         return $Types->toArray();
     } else {
         return array();
Beispiel #4
  * Returns the topics table as a domain model.
  * STAGE 3: Choose, create, and optionally update models using business logic.
  * The domain model can be manipulated later by controllers.
  * @return array of topic row set objects indexed by topic id
 public static function getDomainModel()
     if (self::$_domainModel === null) {
         $topicsTable = new self();
         $rowset = $topicsTable->fetchAll(1, 'modification_time');
         foreach ($rowset as $row) {
             self::$_domainModel[$row->topic_id] = $row;
     return self::$_domainModel;
Beispiel #5
  * get multi Options country for google map
 public static function getMapMultiOptions()
     $t = new self();
     $select = $t->select()->where('status= 1')->order('name');
     $result = array();
     $result[''] = '';
     foreach ($t->fetchAll($select) as $item) {
         $result[$item->name] = $item->name;
     return $result;
Beispiel #6
 public static function getPageAlbums($IDPage)
     $Ret = array();
     $A = new self();
     $Albums = $A->fetchAll("IDParent = '{$IDPage}' AND Extension IS NULL", 'Title');
     if ($Albums) {
         foreach ($Albums as $Album) {
             $A = new self();
             $Ret[] = $A->copyFromDb($Album);
     return $Ret;
Beispiel #7
 public static function fetchAllRecords($quiz_id)
     $self = new self();
     $constraints = array(array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "quiz_id", "value" => $quiz_id, "method" => "="));
     $objs = $self->fetchAll($constraints, "=", "AND", $self->default_sort_column, $sort_order);
     $output = array();
     if (!empty($objs)) {
         foreach ($objs as $o) {
             $output[] = $o;
     return $output;
Beispiel #8
 public static function fetchAllRecords($qquestion_id, $response_active = 1)
     $self = new self();
     $constraints = array(array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "qquestion_id", "value" => $qquestion_id, "method" => "="), array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "response_active", "value" => $response_active, "method" => "="));
     $objs = $self->fetchAll($constraints, "=", "AND", $sort_col, $sort_order);
     $output = array();
     if (!empty($objs)) {
         foreach ($objs as $o) {
             $output[] = $o;
     return $output;
Beispiel #9
 public static function getNew($IDParent, $lastID)
     $TheChat = new self();
     $Messages = $TheChat->fetchAll("IDParent = '{$IDParent}' AND IDChat > {$lastID} AND Date + INTERVAL 20 MINUTE > NOW()", "Date");
     $Ret = array();
     if ($Messages) {
         foreach ($Messages as $Message) {
             $TheChat = new self();
             $Ret[] = $TheChat->copyFromDb($Message);
     return $Ret;
Beispiel #10
 public static function getPhotosByAlbum($IDAlbum)
     $ThePhoto = new self();
     $Photos = $ThePhoto->fetchAll("IDParent = '{$IDAlbum}' AND Extension IS NOT NULL");
     $Ret = array();
     if ($Photos) {
         foreach ($Photos as $Photo) {
             $ThePhoto = new self();
             $Ret[] = $ThePhoto->copyFromDb($Photo);
     return $Ret;
Beispiel #11
 public static function fetchAllRecords($status = "open")
     $self = new self();
     $constraints = array(array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "status", "value" => $status, "method" => "="));
     $objs = $self->fetchAll($constraints, "=", "AND", $sort_col, $sort_order);
     $output = array();
     if (!empty($objs)) {
         foreach ($objs as $o) {
             $output[] = $o;
     return $output;
Beispiel #12
 public static function fetchAllByDraftID($draft_id = 0)
     $self = new self();
     $constraints = array(array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "draft_id", "value" => $draft_id, "method" => "="));
     $objs = $self->fetchAll($constraints, "=", "AND", $sort_col, $sort_order);
     $output = array();
     if (!empty($objs)) {
         foreach ($objs as $o) {
             $output[] = $o;
     return $output;
 public static function getConversation($IDMessage)
     $TheMessage = new self();
     $Select = $TheMessage->select()->join(array('mm' => 'message'), 'message.IDParent = mm.IDParent', array())->where("mm.IDMessage = '{$IDMessage}'")->order("mm.Date");
     $Messages = $TheMessage->fetchAll($Select);
     $Ret = array();
     if ($Messages) {
         foreach ($Messages as $Message) {
             $TheMessage = new self();
             $Ret[] = $TheMessage->copyFromDb($Message);
     return $Ret;
Beispiel #14
 public function getPosts($Start = 0, $Limit = self::POSTS_LIMIT)
     $TheForum = new self();
     $Posts = $TheForum->fetchAll("IDParent = '" . $this->IDForum . "' AND IsForum = '0'", "DateLastModify", $Limit, $Start);
     $Ret = array();
     if ($Posts) {
         foreach ($Posts as $Post) {
             $TheForum = new Zwe_Forum_Message_Post();
             $Ret[] = $TheForum;
     return $Ret;
Beispiel #15
 public function getComments($Start = 0, $Limit = self::COMMENTS_LIMIT)
     $TheForum = new self();
     $Comments = $TheForum->fetchAll("IDParent = '" . $this->IDForum . "'", "Date", $Limit, $Start);
     $Ret = array();
     if ($Comments) {
         foreach ($Comments as $Comment) {
             $TheForum = new Zwe_Forum_Message_Comment();
             $Ret[] = $TheForum;
     return $Ret;
Beispiel #16
  * Ritorna le news di una determinata pagina.
  * Se non sono presenti ritorna un array vuoto.
  * @static
  * @param int $IDPage L'identificativo della pagina di cui si vogliono estrarre le news
  * @param int $Count
  * @param int $Offset
  * @return array
 public static function getPageNews($IDPage, $Count = null, $Offset = null)
     $Ret = array();
     $N = new self();
     $News = $N->fetchAll("IDPage = '{$IDPage}' AND IsComment = '0'", 'Date DESC', $Count, $Offset);
     if ($News) {
         foreach ($News as $New) {
             $N = new self();
             $N->Author = Zwe_Model_User::getUserById($N->IDAuthor);
             $Ret[] = $N;
     return $Ret;
Beispiel #17
 public static function getUsersOnline($Age = 1)
     $TheOnline = new self();
     $Onlines = $TheOnline->fetchAll("Date + INTERVAL {$Age} MINUTE > NOW()", "IDLocation");
     $Ret = array();
     foreach ($Onlines as $Online) {
         $TheOnline = new self();
         $TheOnline->User = App_Model_User::getUserById($Online->IDUser);
         if ($TheOnline->IDLocation) {
             $TheOnline->Location = Mappa_Model_Luogo::get($Online->IDLocation);
         $Ret[] = $TheOnline;
     return $Ret;
 public static function fetchAllRecords($group_id = NULL, $course_id = NULL, $active = 1)
     $self = new self();
     $constraints = array(array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "active", "value" => $active, "method" => "="));
     if (!is_null($group_id)) {
         $constraints[] = array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "cohort", "value" => $group_id, "method" => "=");
     if (!is_null($course_id)) {
         $constraints[] = array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "course_id", "value" => $course_id, "method" => "=");
     $objs = $self->fetchAll($constraints, "=", "AND", $sort_col, $sort_order);
     $output = array();
     if (!empty($objs)) {
         foreach ($objs as $o) {
             $output[] = $o;
     return $output;
 public function addOrUpdateRecordByArray(array $recordData, $tableName = null)
     foreach ($recordData as $columnName => $columnValue) {
         if (is_array($columnValue)) {
             $table = is_null($tableName) ? $this->table : $tableName;
             throw new SuppliedArrayAsColumnValue("Attempting to write an array as the value for column `{$table}`.`{$columnName}`.");
     $tableName = is_null($tableName) ? $this->table : $tableName;
     $TableGateway = new self($this->acl, $tableName, $this->adapter);
     $rowExists = isset($recordData[$TableGateway->primaryKeyFieldName]);
     if ($rowExists) {
         $Update = new Update($tableName);
         $Update->where(array($TableGateway->primaryKeyFieldName => $recordData[$TableGateway->primaryKeyFieldName]));
         Hooks::runHook('postUpdate', array($TableGateway, $recordData, $this->adapter, $this->acl));
     } else {
         $d = $recordData;
         $recordData[$TableGateway->primaryKeyFieldName] = $TableGateway->getLastInsertValue();
         if ($tableName == "directus_files") {
             $Files = new \Directus\Files\Files();
             $ext = pathinfo($recordData['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $thumbnailPath = 'thumbs/THUMB_' . $recordData['name'];
             if ($Files->exists($thumbnailPath)) {
                 $Files->rename($thumbnailPath, 'thumbs/' . $recordData[$this->primaryKeyFieldName] . '.' . $ext);
             $updateArray = array();
             if ($Files->getSettings('file_naming') == 'file_id') {
                 $Files->rename($recordData['name'], str_pad($recordData[$this->primaryKeyFieldName], 11, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.' . $ext);
                 $updateArray['name'] = str_pad($recordData[$this->primaryKeyFieldName], 11, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.' . $ext;
                 $recordData['name'] = $updateArray['name'];
             if (!empty($updateArray)) {
                 $Update = new Update($tableName);
                 $Update->where(array($TableGateway->primaryKeyFieldName => $recordData[$TableGateway->primaryKeyFieldName]));
         Hooks::runHook('postInsert', array($TableGateway, $recordData, $this->adapter, $this->acl));
     $columns = TableSchema::getAllNonAliasTableColumnNames($tableName);
     $recordData = $TableGateway->fetchAll(function ($select) use($recordData, $columns, $TableGateway) {
         $select->where->equalTo($TableGateway->primaryKeyFieldName, $recordData[$TableGateway->primaryKeyFieldName]);
     return $recordData;
Beispiel #20
 public static function fetchAllByCourseID($course_id, $objective_type = NULL)
     $self = new self();
     $params = array("course_id" => $course_id, "active" => "1");
     if (!is_null($objective_type) && ($objective_type == "course" || $objective_type == "event")) {
         $params["objective_type"] = $objective_type;
     return $self->fetchAll($params);
Beispiel #21
  * Returns the rights for the current user of each moduleId-ItemId pair.
  * @param string $moduleId The module ID.
  * @param array  $ids      An array with all the IDs.
  * @return array Array with 'moduleId', 'itemId', 'userId' and all the access key.
 public static function getItemRights($moduleId, $itemIds, $userId)
     $values = array_fill_keys($itemIds, array());
     $where = sprintf('module_id = %d AND user_id = %d AND item_id IN (%s)', (int) $moduleId, (int) $userId, implode(",", $itemIds));
     $obj = new self();
     $rows = $obj->fetchAll($where);
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         // Set the current User
         // Use for an empty rights, if not, will be re-write
         $values[$row->item_id] = $row->access;
     return $values;
Beispiel #22
 public static function searchUser($Search)
     $TheUser = new self();
     $Users = $TheUser->fetchAll("Name LIKE '%{$Search}%' OR Surname LIKE '%{$Search}%'");
     $Ret = array();
     if ($Users) {
         foreach ($Users as $User) {
             $TheUser = new self();
             $Ret[] = $TheUser->copyFromDb($User);
     return $Ret;
 public static function fetchAllMedbiqInstructionalMethods()
     $self = new self();
     return $self->fetchAll(array("active" => 1), "=", "AND", "instructional_method");
Beispiel #24
 public static function deletePage($IDPage)
     $Page = new self();
     $Rows = 0;
     $Children = $Page->fetchAll("IDParent = '{$IDPage}'");
     if ($Children) {
         foreach ($Children as $Child) {
             $Rows += self::deletePage($Child->IDPage);
     return $Page->delete("IDPage = '{$IDPage}'") + $Rows;
 public function addOrUpdateRecordByArray(array $recordData, $tableName = null)
     foreach ($recordData as $columnName => $columnValue) {
         if (is_array($columnValue)) {
             $table = is_null($tableName) ? $this->table : $tableName;
             throw new SuppliedArrayAsColumnValue("Attempting to write an array as the value for column `{$table}`.`{$columnName}`.");
     $tableName = is_null($tableName) ? $this->table : $tableName;
     $rowExists = isset($recordData['id']);
     $TableGateway = new self($this->acl, $tableName, $this->adapter);
     if ($rowExists) {
         $Update = new Update($tableName);
         $Update->where(array('id' => $recordData['id']));
         Hooks::runHook('postUpdate', array($TableGateway, $recordData, $this->adapter, $this->acl));
     } else {
         //If we are adding a new directus_files Item, We need to do that logic
         // @todo: clean up/refactor saving file process
         if ($tableName == "directus_files") {
             $Storage = new \Directus\Files\Storage\Storage();
             //If trying to save to temp, force to default
             if (!isset($recordData['storage_adapter']) || $recordData['storage_adapter'] == '' || $Storage->storageAdaptersByRole['TEMP']['id'] == $recordData['storage_adapter']) {
                 $recordData['storage_adapter'] = $Storage->storageAdaptersByRole['DEFAULT']['id'];
             $StorageAdapters = new DirectusStorageAdaptersTableGateway($this->acl, $this->adapter);
             //If desired Storage Adapter Exists...
             $filesAdapter = $StorageAdapters->fetchOneById($recordData['storage_adapter']);
             //Save Temp Thumbnail name for use after files record save
             // @todo: make file name format sanatize by default
             // same as uniqueName by the adapter
             // replacing space with underscore
             $originalFile = $recordData['file_name'];
             // we do not need it part of our records Data
             $recordData['name'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $recordData['name']);
             $info = pathinfo($recordData['name']);
             if (in_array($info['extension'], $this->imagickExtensions)) {
                 $thumbnailName = "THUMB_" . $info['filename'] . '.jpg';
             } else {
                 $thumbnailName = "THUMB_" . $recordData['name'];
             //If we are using files ID, Dont save until after insert
             if ($Storage->getFilesSettings()['file_naming'] == "file_name") {
                 //Save the file in TEMP Storage Adapter to Designated StorageAdapter
                 $recordData['name'] = $Storage->saveFile($recordData['name'], $recordData['storage_adapter']);
                 // $fileData = $Storage->saveData($recordData['data'], $recordData['name'], $filesAdapter['destination']);
                 // $recordData['name'] = $fileData['name'];
             } else {
                 if ($Storage->getFilesSettings()['file_naming'] == "file_hash") {
                     //Save the file in TEMP Storage Adapter to Designated StorageAdapter
                     $ext = pathinfo($recordData['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                     $fileHashName = md5(microtime() . $recordData['name']);
                     $newName = $Storage->saveFile($recordData['name'], $recordData['storage_adapter'], $fileHashName . '.' . $ext);
                     $updateArray['name'] = $fileHashName . '.' . $ext;
                     $recordData['name'] = $updateArray['name'];
         $d = $recordData;
         $recordData['id'] = $TableGateway->getLastInsertValue();
         if ($tableName == "directus_files") {
             $ext = pathinfo($recordData['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $updateArray = array();
             //If using file_id saving, then update record and set name to id
             if ($Storage->getFilesSettings()['file_naming'] == "file_id") {
                 $newName = $Storage->saveFile($recordData['name'], $recordData['storage_adapter'], str_pad($recordData['id'], 11, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.' . $ext);
                 $updateArray['name'] = str_pad($recordData['id'], 11, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.' . $ext;
                 $recordData['name'] = $updateArray['name'];
             // @todo: do not make this file create twice.
             // file should be copied to temp and then work from there.
             // but is copied on "media" also on "temp" then copied back to "media"
             if (file_exists($filesAdapter['destination'] . $originalFile)) {
                 unlink($filesAdapter['destination'] . $originalFile);
             if (!empty($updateArray)) {
                 $Update = new Update($tableName);
                 $Update->where(array('id' => $recordData['id']));
             //Save Temp Thumbnail to Thumbnail SA using file id: $params['id']
             $tempLocation = $Storage->storageAdaptersByRole['TEMP']['destination'];
             if (file_exists($tempLocation . $thumbnailName)) {
                 $thumbnailDestination = $Storage->storageAdaptersByRole['THUMBNAIL']['destination'];
                 if (in_array($ext, $this->imagickExtensions)) {
                     $ext = 'jpg';
                 $Storage->ThumbnailStorage->acceptFile($tempLocation . $thumbnailName, $recordData['id'] . "." . $ext, $thumbnailDestination);
                 unlink($tempLocation . $thumbnailName);
         Hooks::runHook('postInsert', array($TableGateway, $recordData, $this->adapter, $this->acl));
     $columns = TableSchema::getAllNonAliasTableColumnNames($tableName);
     $recordData = $TableGateway->fetchAll(function ($select) use($recordData, $columns) {
         $select->where->equalTo('id', $recordData['id']);
     return $recordData;
Beispiel #26
 public static function fetchAllUnsold()
     $items = new self();
     return $items->fetchAll('sold <=> NULL');
 public static function fetchAllByEventTypeID($event_type_id = null)
     $self = new self();
     return $self->fetchAll(array("fk_eventtype_id" => $event_type_id));
Beispiel #28
 public static function fetchAllRecords($organisation_id = 1)
     $self = new self();
     $constraints = array(array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "organisation_id", "value" => $organisation_id, "method" => "="), array("mode" => "OR", "key" => "organisation_id", "value" => $organisation_id, "method" => "="));
     $objs = $self->fetchAll($constraints, "=", "AND", $sort_col, $sort_order);
     $output = array();
     if ($objs && @count($objs)) {
         foreach ($objs as $o) {
             $output[] = $o;
     return $output;
 public function addOrUpdateRecordByArray(array $recordData, $tableName = null)
     foreach ($recordData as $columnName => $columnValue) {
         if (is_array($columnValue)) {
             $table = is_null($tableName) ? $this->table : $tableName;
             throw new SuppliedArrayAsColumnValue("Attempting to write an array as the value for column `{$table}`.`{$columnName}`.");
     $tableName = is_null($tableName) ? $this->table : $tableName;
     $rowExists = isset($recordData['id']);
     $TableGateway = new self($this->acl, $tableName, $this->adapter);
     if ($rowExists) {
         $Update = new Update($tableName);
         $Update->where(array('id' => $recordData['id']));
         Hooks::runHook('postUpdate', array($TableGateway, $recordData, $this->adapter, $this->acl));
     } else {
         //If we are adding a new directus_files Item, We need to do that logic
         if ($tableName == "directus_files") {
             $Storage = new \Directus\Files\Storage\Storage();
             //If trying to save to temp, force to default
             if (!isset($recordData['storage_adapter']) || $recordData['storage_adapter'] == '' || $Storage->storageAdaptersByRole['TEMP']['id'] == $recordData['storage_adapter']) {
                 $recordData['storage_adapter'] = $Storage->storageAdaptersByRole['DEFAULT']['id'];
             //Save Temp Thumbnail name for use after files record save
             $info = pathinfo($recordData['name']);
             if (in_array($info['extension'], $this->imagickExtensions)) {
                 $thumbnailName = "THUMB_" . $info['filename'] . '.jpg';
             } else {
                 $thumbnailName = "THUMB_" . $recordData['name'];
             //If we are using files ID, Dont save until after insert
             if ($Storage->getFilesSettings()['file_file_naming'] != "file_id") {
                 //Save the file in TEMP Storage Adapter to Designated StorageAdapter
                 $recordData['name'] = $Storage->saveFile($recordData['name'], $recordData['storage_adapter']);
         $recordData['id'] = $TableGateway->getLastInsertValue();
         if ($tableName == "directus_files") {
             $ext = pathinfo($recordData['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $updateArray = array();
             //If using file_id saving, then update record and set name to id
             if ($Storage->getFilesSettings()['file_file_naming'] == "file_id") {
                 $newName = $Storage->saveFile($recordData['name'], $recordData['storage_adapter'], str_pad($recordData['id'], 11, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.' . $ext);
                 $updateArray['name'] = str_pad($recordData['id'], 11, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.' . $ext;
                 $recordData['name'] = $updateArray['name'];
             //If we are using file_id titles, then set title to id
             if ($Storage->getFilesSettings()['file_title_naming'] == "file_id") {
                 $updateArray['title'] = str_pad($recordData['id'], 11, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                 $recordData['title'] = $updateArray['title'];
             if (!empty($updateArray)) {
                 $Update = new Update($tableName);
                 $Update->where(array('id' => $recordData['id']));
             //Save Temp Thumbnail to Thumbnail SA using file id: $params['id']
             $tempLocation = $Storage->storageAdaptersByRole['TEMP']['destination'];
             if (file_exists($tempLocation . $thumbnailName)) {
                 $thumbnailDestination = $Storage->storageAdaptersByRole['THUMBNAIL']['destination'];
                 if (in_array($ext, $this->imagickExtensions)) {
                     $ext = 'jpg';
                 $Storage->ThumbnailStorage->acceptFile($tempLocation . $thumbnailName, $recordData['id'] . "." . $ext, $thumbnailDestination);
                 unlink($tempLocation . $thumbnailName);
         Hooks::runHook('postInsert', array($TableGateway, $recordData, $this->adapter, $this->acl));
     $columns = TableSchema::getAllNonAliasTableColumnNames($tableName);
     $recordData = $TableGateway->fetchAll(function ($select) use($recordData, $columns) {
         $select->where->equalTo('id', $recordData['id']);
     return $recordData;
Beispiel #30
 public static function fetchAllRecords($module, $action, $action_field, $proxy_id = NULL)
     $self = new self();
     $constraints = array(array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "module", "value" => $module, "method" => "="), array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "action", "value" => $action, "method" => "="), array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "action_field", "value" => $action_field, "method" => "="));
     if (!is_null($proxy_id)) {
         $constraints[] = array("mode" => "AND", "key" => "proxy_id", "value" => $proxy_id, "method" => "=");
     $objs = $self->fetchAll($constraints, "=", "AND", $sort_col, $sort_order);
     $output = array();
     if (!empty($objs)) {
         foreach ($objs as $o) {
             $output[] = $o;
     return $output;