if (isset($_GET['parent'])) {
            // The isset check is merely a precaution.  This action should
            // ALWAYS be invoked with a parent or id value in the GET.
            $section->parent = $_GET['parent'];
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['parent'])) {
        // The isset check is merely a precaution.  This action should
        // ALWAYS be invoked with a parent or id value in the GET.
        $section->parent = $_GET['parent'];
        $check_id = $section->parent;
if ($check_id != -1 && exponent_permissions_check('manage', exponent_core_makeLocation('navigationmodule', '', $check_id))) {
    $form = section::externalAliasForm($section);
    $form->meta('module', 'navigationmodule');
    $form->meta('action', 'save_externalalias');
    // Create a template for the form's output, to allow the themer to optionally
    // change the form title and caption.  This will help with translation.
    $template = new template('navigationmodule', '_form_editExternalAlias');
    // Assign the customary 'is_edit' flag with the template, so that the view can show different
    // text to the user if they are creating a new alias or editing an existing one.
    $template->assign('is_edit', isset($section->id));
    // Assign the form's rendered HTML output to the tempalte using the
    // conventional name of 'form_html'.
    $template->assign('form_html', $form->toHTML());
} else {
    echo SITE_403_HTML;