Beispiel #1
  * @covers sBasket::sDeleteArticle
 public function testsDeleteArticle()
     // No id, expect null
     // Random id, expect null
     $this->module->sSYSTEM->sSESSION_ID = uniqid();
     $this->session->offsetSet('sessionId', $this->module->sSYSTEM->sSESSION_ID);
     // Get random article and add it to the basket
     $randomArticle = $this->db->fetchRow('SELECT detail.* FROM s_articles_details detail
         LEFT JOIN s_articles article
           ON = detail.articleID
         LEFT JOIN s_articles_avoid_customergroups avoid
           ON avoid.articleID =
         WHERE = 1
         AND avoid.articleID IS NULL
         AND NOT IN (
           SELECT articleID
           FROM s_articles_avoid_customergroups
           WHERE customergroupID = 1
         AND (article.laststock = 0 OR detail.instock > 0)
         ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1');
     $idOne = $this->module->sAddArticle($randomArticle['ordernumber'], 1);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $this->module->sCountBasket());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $this->module->sCountBasket());
Beispiel #2
  * Delete an article from cart -
  * @param sDelete = id from s_basket identifying the product to delete
  * Forward to cart / confirmation page after success
 public function deleteArticleAction()
     if ($this->Request()->getParam('sDelete')) {
     $this->forward($this->Request()->getParam('sTargetAction', 'index'));
Beispiel #3
  * Ajax delete article action
  * This action is a lightweight way to delete an article by the passed
  * basket item id.
  * This id is expected to get passed by the 'sDelete' parameter.
  * After the article was removed from the basket, the whole cart content will be returned.
 public function ajaxDeleteArticleCartAction()
     $itemId = $this->Request()->getParam('sDelete');
     if ($itemId) {