Beispiel #1
	webMaster 		-
	managingEditor 	author or contributor
	pubDate 		published (in entry) 	Atom has no feed-level equivalent
	lastBuildDate (in channel) 	updated 	RSS has no item-level equivalent
	category 		category
	generator 		generator
	docs 			-
	cloud 			-
	ttl 			- 						<ttl> is problematic, prefer HTTP 1.1 cache control
	image 			logo 					Atom recommends 2:1 aspect ratio
	- 				icon 					As in favicon.ico
	rating 			-
	textInput 		-
	skipHours 		-
	skipDays 		-
	item 			entry
	author 			author
	- 				contributor
	description 	summary and/or content 	depending on whether full content is provided
	comments 		-
	enclosure 		- 						rel="enclosure" on <link> in Atom
	guid 			id
	source 			- 						rel="via" on <link> in Atom
	- 				source 					Container for feed-level metadata to support aggregation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// call the service
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$service = new rss(array_merge($_GET, $_POST));
echo $service->json();