Beispiel #1
 public function formatElement()
     $name = $this->getFieldName();
     $qry = 'SELECT ' . $this->labelField . ',' . $name . ' FROM ' . $this->table->getTableName() . ' WHERE 1=1';
     if ($this->whereCondition != '') {
         $qry .= ' AND (' . $this->whereCondition . ')';
     // Im Edit Mode das Feld selbst nicht als Position einfügen
     if ($this->table->isEditMode()) {
         $qry .= ' AND (' . $name . '!=' . $this->getValue() . ')';
     $qry .= ' ORDER BY ' . $name;
     $sql = rex_sql::factory();
     $this->select->addOption(rex_i18n::msg($this->firstOptionMsg), 1);
     $value = 1;
     foreach ($sql as $opt) {
         $value = $opt->getValue($name) + 1;
         $this->select->addOption(rex_i18n::rawMsg($this->optionMsg, $opt->getValue($this->labelField)), $value);
     if (!$this->table->isEditMode()) {
     return parent::formatElement();
Beispiel #2
 foreach ($types as $class) {
     $cronjob = rex_cronjob::factory($class);
     if ($cronjob instanceof rex_cronjob) {
         $cronjobs[$class] = $cronjob;
         $select->addOption($cronjob->getTypeName(), $class);
 if ($func == 'add') {
 $activeType = $field->getValue();
 if ($func != 'add' && !in_array($activeType, $types)) {
     if (!$activeType && !$field->getValue()) {
         $warning = rex_i18n::rawMsg('cronjob_not_found');
     } else {
         $warning = rex_i18n::rawMsg('cronjob_type_not_found', $field->getValue(), $activeType);
     rex_response::sendRedirect(rex_url::currentBackendPage([rex_request('list', 'string') . '_warning' => $warning], false));
 $fieldContainer = $form->addContainerField('parameters');
 $fieldContainer->setAttribute('style', 'display: none');
 $env_js = '';
 $visible = [];
 foreach ($cronjobs as $group => $cronjob) {
     $disabled = [];
     $envs = (array) $cronjob->getEnvironments();
     if (!in_array('frontend', $envs)) {
         $disabled[] = 0;
Beispiel #3

echo rex_view::title('yform');
$fragment = new rex_fragment();
$fragment->setVar('class', 'info');
$fragment->setVar('title', rex_i18n::msg('yform_description_title'), false);
$fragment->setVar('body', rex_i18n::rawMsg('yform_description_all', false) . rex_yform::showHelp(true, true), false);
echo $fragment->parse('core/page/section.php');
Beispiel #4
 public function init()
     // ----- EXTENSION POINT
     // IDs aller Feldtypen bei denen das Parameter-Feld eingeblendet werden soll
     $field = $this->addReadOnlyField('prefix', $this->metaPrefix);
     $field = $this->addTextField('name');
     $field = $this->addSelectField('priority');
     $select = $field->getSelect();
     $select->addOption(rex_i18n::msg('minfo_field_first_priority'), 1);
     // Im Edit Mode das Feld selbst nicht als Position einf�gen
     $qry = 'SELECT name,priority FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' WHERE `name` LIKE "' . $this->metaPrefix . '%"';
     if ($this->isEditMode()) {
         $qry .= ' AND id != ' . $this->getParam('field_id');
     $qry .= ' ORDER BY priority';
     $sql = rex_sql::factory();
     $value = 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->getRows(); ++$i) {
         $value = $sql->getValue('priority') + 1;
         $select->addOption(rex_i18n::rawMsg('minfo_field_after_priority', $sql->getValue('name')), $value);
     if (!$this->isEditMode()) {
     $field = $this->addTextField('title');
     $gq = rex_sql::factory();
     $gq->setQuery('SELECT dbtype,id FROM ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'metainfo_type');
     $textFields = [];
     foreach ($gq->getArray() as $f) {
         if ($f['dbtype'] == 'text') {
             $textFields[$f['id']] = $f['id'];
     $field = $this->addSelectField('type_id');
     $field->setAttribute('onchange', 'meta_checkConditionalFields(this, new Array(' . implode(',', $typeFields) . '), new Array(' . implode(',', $textFields) . '));');
     $select = $field->getSelect();
     $qry = 'SELECT label,id FROM ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'metainfo_type';
     $notices = '';
     for ($i = 1; $i < REX_METAINFO_FIELD_COUNT; ++$i) {
         if (rex_i18n::hasMsg('minfo_field_params_notice_' . $i)) {
             $notices .= '<span id="metainfo-field-params-notice-' . $i . '" style="display:none">' . rex_i18n::msg('minfo_field_params_notice_' . $i) . '</span>' . "\n";
     $notices .= '
     <script type="text/javascript">
         var needle = new getObj("' . $field->getAttribute('id') . '");
         meta_checkConditionalFields(needle.obj, new Array(' . implode(',', $typeFields) . '), new Array(' . implode(',', $textFields) . '));
     $field = $this->addTextAreaField('params');
     $field = $this->addTextAreaField('attributes');
     $notice = rex_i18n::msg('minfo_field_attributes_notice') . "\n";
     $field = $this->addTextAreaField('callback');
     $notice = rex_i18n::msg('minfo_field_label_notice') . "\n";
     $field = $this->addTextField('default');
     if ('clang_' !== $this->metaPrefix) {
         $attributes = [];
         $attributes['internal::fieldClass'] = 'rex_form_restrictons_element';
         $field = $this->addField('', 'restrictions', null, $attributes);
         $field->setAttribute('size', 10);
         $field->setAttribute('class', 'form-control');
Beispiel #5
 * yform
 * @author jan.kristinus[at]redaxo[dot]org Jan Kristinus
 * @author <a href=""></a>
echo rex_view::title(rex_i18n::msg('yform_email_templates'));
$table = rex::getTablePrefix() . 'yform_email_template';
$bezeichner = rex_i18n::msg('yform_email_template');
$csuchfelder = array('name', 'mail_from', 'mail_subject', 'body');
$func = rex_request('func', 'string', '');
$page = rex_request('page', 'string', '');
$template_id = rex_request('template_id', 'int');
$content = '';
$show_list = true;
if ($func == 'edit' || $func == 'add') {
    echo rex_view::info(rex_i18n::rawMsg('yform_email_info_text'));
    $form_data = [];
    $form_data[] = 'text|name|translate:yform_email_key';
    $form_data[] = 'validate|empty|name|Bitte key eintragen';
    $form_data[] = 'text|mail_from|translate:yform_email_from';
    $form_data[] = 'text|mail_from_name|translate:yform_email_from_name';
    $form_data[] = 'text|subject|translate:yform_email_subject';
    $form_data[] = 'textarea|body|translate:yform_email_body';
    $form_data[] = 'textarea|body_html|translate:yform_email_body_html';
    $form_data[] = 'be_medialist|attachments|translate:yform_email_attachments';
    $form_data[] = 'action|showtext|Vielen Dank|||1';
    $yform = rex_yform::factory();
    $yform->setObjectparams('form_action', 'index.php?page=yform/email/index&func=' . $func);
    $yform->setFormData(implode("\n", $form_data));
    if ($func == 'edit') {
        $yform->setObjectparams('submit_btn_label', rex_i18n::msg('yform_save'));
 * Holt ein upgeloadetes File und legt es in den Medienpool
 * Dabei wird kontrolliert ob das File schon vorhanden ist und es
 * wird eventuell angepasst, weiterhin werden die Fileinformationen übergeben.
 * @param array  $FILE
 * @param int    $rex_file_category
 * @param array  $FILEINFOS
 * @param string $userlogin
 * @param bool   $doSubindexing
 * @return array
function rex_mediapool_saveMedia($FILE, $rex_file_category, $FILEINFOS, $userlogin = null, $doSubindexing = true)
    $rex_file_category = (int) $rex_file_category;
    $gc = rex_sql::factory();
    $gc->setQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . rex::getTablePrefix() . 'media_category WHERE id=' . $rex_file_category);
    if ($gc->getRows() != 1) {
        $rex_file_category = 0;
    $isFileUpload = isset($FILE['tmp_name']);
    if ($isFileUpload) {
        $doSubindexing = true;
    $FILENAME = $FILE['name'];
    $FILESIZE = $FILE['size'];
    $FILETYPE = $FILE['type'];
    $NFILENAME = rex_mediapool_filename($FILENAME, $doSubindexing);
    $message = [];
    // ----- alter/neuer filename
    $srcFile = rex_path::media($FILENAME);
    $dstFile = rex_path::media($NFILENAME);
    $success = true;
    if ($isFileUpload) {
        // Fileupload?
        if (!@move_uploaded_file($FILE['tmp_name'], $dstFile)) {
            $message[] = rex_i18n::msg('pool_file_movefailed');
            $success = false;
    } else {
        // Filesync?
        if (!@rename($srcFile, $dstFile)) {
            $message[] = rex_i18n::msg('pool_file_movefailed');
            $success = false;
    if ($success) {
        @chmod($dstFile, rex::getFilePerm());
        // get widht height
        $size = @getimagesize($dstFile);
        if ($FILETYPE == '' && isset($size['mime'])) {
            $FILETYPE = $size['mime'];
        $FILESQL = rex_sql::factory();
        $FILESQL->setTable(rex::getTablePrefix() . 'media');
        $FILESQL->setValue('filetype', $FILETYPE);
        $FILESQL->setValue('title', $FILEINFOS['title']);
        $FILESQL->setValue('filename', $NFILENAME);
        $FILESQL->setValue('originalname', $FILENAME);
        $FILESQL->setValue('filesize', $FILESIZE);
        if ($size) {
            $FILESQL->setValue('width', $size[0]);
            $FILESQL->setValue('height', $size[1]);
        $FILESQL->setValue('category_id', $rex_file_category);
        if ($isFileUpload) {
            $message[] = rex_i18n::msg('pool_file_added');
        if ($NFILENAME != $FILENAME) {
            $message[] = rex_i18n::rawMsg('pool_file_renamed', $FILENAME, $NFILENAME);
    $RETURN['title'] = $FILEINFOS['title'];
    $RETURN['type'] = $FILETYPE;
    $RETURN['msg'] = implode('<br />', $message);
    // Aus BC gruenden hier mit int 1/0
    $RETURN['ok'] = $success ? 1 : 0;
    $RETURN['filename'] = $NFILENAME;
    $RETURN['old_filename'] = $FILENAME;
    if ($size) {
        $RETURN['width'] = $size[0];
        $RETURN['height'] = $size[1];
    // ----- EXTENSION POINT
    if ($success) {
        rex_extension::registerPoint(new rex_extension_point('MEDIA_ADDED', '', $RETURN));
    return $RETURN;
Beispiel #7
    if ($func == 'htaccess') {
        echo rex_view::success($this->i18n('htaccess_hasbeenset'));
$content = '

            <h3>' . $this->i18n('htaccess_set') . '</h3>
            <p>' . rex_i18n::rawMsg('yrewrite_htaccess_info') . '</p>
            <p><a class="btn btn-primary" href="' . rex_url::currentBackendPage(['func' => 'htaccess']) . '">' . $this->i18n('yrewrite_htaccess_set') . '</a></p>

            <h3>' . $this->i18n('info_headline') . '</h3>
            <p>' . rex_i18n::rawMsg('yrewrite_info_text') . '</p>

            <h3>' . $this->i18n('info_seo') . '</h3>
            <p>' . rex_i18n::rawMsg('yrewrite_info_seo_text') . '

            <br /><br />' . highlight_string('<?php
  $seo = new rex_yrewrite_seo();
  echo $seo->getTitleTag();
  echo $seo->getDescriptionTag();
  echo $seo->getRobotsTag();
  echo $seo->getHreflangTags();

?>', true) . '
$fragment = new rex_fragment();
$fragment->setVar('title', $this->i18n('setup'));
$fragment->setVar('body', $content, false);
echo $fragment->parse('core/page/section.php');
Beispiel #8
    echo $headline;
    $fragment = new rex_fragment();
    $fragment->setVar('title', rex_i18n::msg('setup_606'), false);
    $fragment->setVar('body', $content, false);
    $fragment->setVar('buttons', $buttons, false);
    $content = $fragment->parse('core/page/section.php');
    echo '<form class="rex-js-createadminform" action="' . rex_url::backendController() . '" method="post" autocomplete="off">' . $content . '</form>';
// ---------------------------------- step 7 . thank you . setup false
if ($step == 7) {
    $configFile = rex_path::data('config.yml');
    $config = array_merge(rex_file::getConfig(rex_path::core('default.config.yml')), rex_file::getConfig($configFile));
    $config['setup'] = false;
    if (rex_file::putConfig($configFile, $config)) {
        $errmsg = '';
    } else {
        $errmsg = rex_i18n::msg('setup_701');
    $headline = rex_view::title(rex_i18n::msg('setup_700'));
    $content = '<h3>' . rex_i18n::msg('setup_703') . '</h3>';
    $content .= rex_i18n::rawMsg('setup_704', '<a href="' . rex_url::backendController() . '">', '</a>');
    $content .= '<p>' . rex_i18n::msg('setup_705') . '</p>';
    $buttons = '<a class="btn btn-setup" href="' . rex_url::backendController() . '">' . rex_i18n::msg('setup_706') . '</a>';
    echo $headline;
    $fragment = new rex_fragment();
    $fragment->setVar('heading', rex_i18n::msg('setup_702'), false);
    $fragment->setVar('body', $content, false);
    $fragment->setVar('buttons', $buttons, false);
    echo $fragment->parse('core/page/section.php');
Beispiel #9
            echo rex_view::success('Modul "' . $module_name . '" wurde aktualisiert');
        } else {
            $mi->setValue('name', $yform_module_name);
            $module_id = (int) $mi->getLastId();
            $module_name = $yform_module_name;
            echo rex_view::success('yform Modul wurde angelegt unter "' . $yform_module_name . '"');
    $content .= '<p>' . $this->i18n('install_modul_description') . '<br /><br />';
    if ($module_id > 0) {
        $content .= '<p><a class="btn btn-primary" href="index.php?page=yform/overview&amp;install=1&amp;module_id=' . $module_id . '" class="rex-button">' . $this->i18n('install_update_module', htmlspecialchars($module_name)) . '</a></p>';
    } else {
        $content .= '<p><a class="btn btn-primary" href="index.php?page=yform/overview&amp;install=1" class="rex-button">' . $this->i18n('install_yform_modul', $yform_module_name) . '</a></p>';
    $content .= '</p>';
    $fragment = new rex_fragment();
    $fragment->setVar('title', $this->i18n('install_modul'), false);
    $fragment->setVar('body', $content, false);
    echo $fragment->parse('core/page/section.php');
$content = rex_i18n::rawMsg('yform_description_all', false);
$fragment = new rex_fragment();
$fragment->setVar('title', $this->i18n('description'), false);
$fragment->setVar('body', $content, false);
echo $fragment->parse('core/page/section.php');
$fragment = new rex_fragment();
$fragment->setVar('title', $this->i18n('description_type_heading'), false);
$fragment->setVar('content', rex_yform::showHelp(true, true), false);
echo $fragment->parse('core/page/section.php');
Beispiel #10
 private static function getHelpLinks()
     return [rex_i18n::msg('textile_links'), ['links_intern' => [[rex_i18n::rawMsg('textile_link_internal') . ':redaxo://5'], [rex_i18n::rawMsg('textile_link_internal_anchor') . ':redaxo://7#AGB']], 'links_extern' => [[rex_i18n::rawMsg('textile_link_external') . ':'], [rex_i18n::rawMsg('textile_link_external_anchor') . ':']], 'links_attributes' => [[rex_i18n::rawMsg('textile_link_attr_title') . ':media/test.jpg'], [rex_i18n::rawMsg('textile_link_attr_rel') . ':media/test.jpg'], [rex_i18n::rawMsg('textile_link_attr_title_rel') . ':media/test.jpg']], 'anchor' => [[rex_i18n::rawMsg('textile_link_anchor') . ":\n\np(#Impressum). " . rex_i18n::msg('textile_link_anchor_text')]]]];
$n = [];
$n['label'] = '<label for="autoload_css">' . $this->i18n('config_assets_css') . '</label>';
$n['field'] = '<input type="checkbox" id="autoload_css" name="config[autoload_css]" value="1" ' . ($this->getConfig('autoload_css') ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '>';
$formElements[] = $n;
$n = [];
$n['label'] = '<label for="autoload_js">' . $this->i18n('config_assets_js') . '</label>';
$n['field'] = '<input type="checkbox" id="autoload_js" name="config[autoload_js]" value="1" ' . ($this->getConfig('autoload_js') ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '>';
$formElements[] = $n;
$fragment = new rex_fragment();
$fragment->setVar('elements', $formElements, false);
$assets = $fragment->parse('core/form/checkbox.php');
$formElements = [];
$n = [];
$n['label'] = $this->i18n('config_load_assets');
$n['field'] = $assets;
$n['note'] = rex_i18n::rawMsg('emailobfuscator_config_assets_note', rex_url::backendPage('packages', ['subpage' => 'help', 'package' => $this->getPackageId()]));
$formElements[] = $n;
$fragment = new rex_fragment();
$fragment->setVar('elements', $formElements, false);
$content .= $fragment->parse('core/form/form.php');
$content .= '
/* whitelist */
$content .= '
        <legend>' . $this->i18n('config_whitelist') . '</legend>';
$formElements = [];
$n = [];
$n['label'] = '<label for="emailobfuscator-config-articles">' . $this->i18n('config_articles') . '</label>';
$n['field'] = rex_var_linklist::getWidget(1, 'config[articles]', $this->getConfig('articles'));
$formElements[] = $n;
Beispiel #12

if (rex_request('func', 'string') == 'clearall') {
    echo rex_view::success($this->i18n('deleted'));
$content = rex_i18n::rawMsg('structure_history_info_content');
$content .= '<p><a href="' . rex_url::currentBackendPage(['func' => 'clearall']) . '" class="btn btn-setup">' . $this->i18n('button_delete_history') . '</a></p>';
$fragment = new rex_fragment();
$fragment->setVar('title', $this->i18n('title_info'));
$fragment->setVar('body', $content, false);
echo $fragment->parse('core/page/section.php');
$fragment = new rex_fragment();
$fragment->setVar('title', $this->i18n('todos'));
$fragment->setVar('body', rex_i18n::rawMsg('structure_history_todos_content', true), false);
echo $fragment->parse('core/page/section.php');

/** @var rex_addon $this */
$content = '';
$fragment = new \rex_fragment();
$fragment->setVar('title', $this->i18n('demo_base_description_install_heading'), false);
$fragment->setVar('body', rex_i18n::rawMsg('demo_base_description_install_body', rex_url::backendPage('backup/import/server')), false);
$content = $fragment->parse('core/page/section.php');
echo $content;