public function index() { $users = $this->users()->map(function ($user) { return api::user($user); }); return response::json(array_values($users->toArray())); }
/** * compile and send the json response. */ public function afterRoute($f3, $params) { $version = (int) $f3->get('GET.version'); if (empty($version)) { $version = $this->version; } if ($version !== $this->version) { $this->failure(4999, 'Unknown API version requested.', 400); } if (empty($this->data['href'])) { $data['href'] = $this->href(); } $data = array('service' => 'API', 'api' => $version, 'time' => time()) + $this->data; // if an OAuthError is set, return that instead of errors array if (!empty($this->OAuthError)) { $data['error'] = $this->OAuthError; } else { if (count($this->errors)) { ksort($this->errors); $data['errors'] = $this->errors; } } $return = $f3->get('GET.return'); switch ($return) { case 'xml': $this->response->xml($data, $this->params); break; default: case 'json': $this->response->json($data, $this->params); } }
public function ajaxCouponData() { $filter = input::get(); if (!$filter['pages']) { $filter['pages'] = 1; } $pageSize = 10; $params = array('page_no' => $pageSize * ($filter['pages'] - 1), 'page_size' => $pageSize, 'fields' => '*', 'user_id' => userAuth::id()); $couponListData = app::get('topm')->rpcCall('', $params, 'buyer'); $count = $couponListData['count']; $couponList = $couponListData['coupons']; //处理翻页数据 $current = $filter['pages'] ? $filter['pages'] : 1; $filter['pages'] = time(); if ($count > 0) { $total = ceil($count / $pageSize); } $pagedata['pagers'] = array('link' => url::action('topm_ctl_member_coupon@couponList', $filter), 'current' => $current, 'total' => $total, 'token' => $filter['pages']); $pagedata['couponList'] = $couponList; $pagedata['count'] = $count; $pagedata['action'] = 'topm_ctl_member_coupon@couponList'; if (input::get('json')) { $data['html'] = view::make('topm/member/coupon/list.html', $pagedata)->render(); $data['pagers'] = $pagedata['pagers']; $data['success'] = true; return response::json($data); exit; } return view::make('topm/member/coupon/list.html', $pagedata); }
public function getProp() { $postCartId = input::get('catId'); try { $userMdlProp = app::get("syscategory")->model('cat_rel_prop'); $propList = $userMdlProp->getList("*", array('cat_id' => $postCartId)); $pagedata = array(); foreach ($propList as $prop) { // code... $propId = $prop["prop_id"]; $propModel = app::get("syscategory")->model('prop_values'); $propValueList = $propModel->getList("*", array('prop_id' => $propId)); foreach ($propValueList as $propvalue) { $pagedata[] = array("prop_value_id" => $propvalue["prop_value_id"], "prop_value" => $propvalue["prop_value"]); } $a = 1; } } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); return $this->splash('error', null, $msg); } catch (\LogicException $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); return $this->splash('error', null, $msg); } $ajaxdata = array('datas' => $pagedata); return response::json($ajaxdata); }
/** * 异步获取数据 图表用 * @param null * @return array */ public function ajaxTrade() { $postData = input::get(); //api的参数 $all = $this->__getParams('graphall', $postData, 'trade'); $datas = app::get('topshop')->rpcCall('', $all, 'seller'); return response::json($datas); }
/** * 根据itemId获取图片 */ public function getItemPic() { $itemId = input::get('itemIds'); $picData = kernel::single('sysitem_item_info')->getItemDefaultPic($itemId); if ($picData[$itemId]['image_default_id']) { $result['url'] = $picData[$itemId]['image_default_id']; } return response::json($result); }
/** * 异步获取数据 图表用 * @param null * @return array */ public function ajaxTrade() { $postData = input::get(); $orderBy = $postData['trade'] . ' ' . 'DESC'; $postData['orderBy'] = $orderBy; $postData['limit'] = 10; $grapParams = $this->__getParams('itemgraphall', $postData, 'item'); $datas = app::get('topshop')->rpcCall('', $grapParams, 'seller'); $ajaxdata = array('dataInfo' => $data, 'datas' => $datas); return response::json($ajaxdata); }
public function slideDelete($id) { $result = false; $slide = Slide::where('id', $id); if ($slide) { $slide->delete(); SlideImage::where('slide_id', $id)->delete(); $result = true; } return response::json(array('result' => $result)); }
public function autocomplete($mode) { switch ($mode) { case 'usernames': $result = site()->users()->map(function ($user) { return $user->username(); })->toArray(); break; case 'emails': $result = site()->users()->map(function ($user) { return $user->email(); })->toArray(); break; case 'uris': $result = site()->index()->map(function ($page) { return $page->id(); })->toArray(); // sort results alphabetically sort($result); break; case 'field': $index = get('index', 'siblings'); // siblings, children, template, all $id = get('uri'); $page = page($id); switch ($index) { case 'siblings': case 'children': $pages = $page->{$index}(); break; case 'template': $template = get('template', $page->template()); $pages = site()->index()->filterBy('template', $template); break; case 'pages': case 'all': $pages = site()->index(); break; default: if ($page = site()->page($index)) { $pages = $page->children(); } else { return response::json(array()); } } $result = $pages->pluck(get('field', 'tags'), get('separator', true), true); break; default: return response::error('Invalid autocomplete method'); } return response::json(array_values($result)); }
/** * Handle an incomming request. */ public static function handle($pageId, $lang) { if (r::data('token') != c::get('slack.verify')) { return response::error('Forbidden', 403); } $history = static::api('channels.history', ['channel' => r::data('channel_id')]); if (!empty($history['error'])) { // Something went wrong ... maybe: $msg = ['channel_not_found' => ':lock: Sorry, but this is a private channel']; $err = $history['error']; return response::json(isset($msg[$err]) ? $msg[$err] : $err); } $messages = $history['messages']; if (!empty(r::data('text'))) { $messages = array_values(array_filter($messages, function ($m) { return stristr($m['text'], r::data('text')); })); } if (empty($messages)) { return response::json(":mag: Sorry, I couldn't find the post you're looking for"); } $m = $messages[0]; $a = @$m['attachments'][0]; $img = @$a['image_url']; if (empty($img)) { $img = @$a['thumb_url']; } if (empty($img)) { return response::json(":warning: I'll only publish posts with images"); } $page = site()->visit($pageId, $lang); $dir = $page->root(); $ext = preg_replace('/.+?(\\.\\w+)($|[#?].*)/', '$1', $img); $file = $dir . DS . $m['ts'] . $ext; // Output success message early because of short slackbot timeouts $msg = ':metal: *' . r::data('text', 'last') . '* post is now live' . ' on <' . $page->url() . '>'; echo $msg; flush(); error_log($msg); $user = static::api('', ['user' => $m['user']]); $meta = ['title' => $a['title'], 'date' => date('d.m.Y', $m['ts']), 'description' => @$a['text'], 'linkurl' => $a['from_url'], 'author' => $user['user']['profile']['real_name'], 'avatar' => $m['user'] . '.jpg', 'comment' => static::format(@$m['text']), 'slack' => '1']; data::write($file . '.txt', $meta, 'kd'); // Download the avatar image $avatar = $dir . DS . $meta['avatar']; static::download($user['user']['profile']['image_72'], $avatar); // Download the image static::download($img, $file); // Response has already been sent return false; }
public function setConf() { $shopId = $this->shopId; $confs = input::get(); try { $requestParams = ['shop_id' => $shopId, 'developMode' => $confs['developer'] ? $confs['developer'] : 'PRODUCT']; app::get('topshop')->rpcCall('', $requestParams); $ret = ['result' => '修改成功']; } catch (Exception $e) { $ret = ['result' => $e->getMessage()]; } return response::json($ret); exit; }
/** * 根据父类id获取子类列表 * @return json */ public function getChildrenCatList() { $catId = intval(input::get('cat_id')); if ($catId) { $catList = app::get('toputil')->rpcCall('', array('parent_id' => $catId, 'fields' => 'cat_id,cat_name,child_count')); foreach ($catList as $key => $value) { $newList[$key] = array('value' => $value['cat_id'], 'text' => $value['cat_name'], 'hasChild' => $value['child_count'] > 0 ? true : false); } $data['data']['options'] = $newList; } else { $data = array(); } return response::json($data); }
public function handle($request, Clousure $next) { $routeAs = route::currentRouteName(); $currentPermission = shopAuth::getSellerPermission(); //$currentPermission = false 表示为店主不用判断权限 //获取当前用户的路由权限 if ($currentPermission && !in_array($routeAs, $currentPermission)) { if (request::ajax()) { return response::json(array('error' => true, 'message' => '无操作权限')); } else { return redirect::action('topshop_ctl_index@nopermission'); } } return $next($request); }
public function splash($status = 'success', $url = null, $msg = null, $ajax = false) { $status = $status == 'failed' ? 'error' : $status; //如果需要返回则ajax if ($ajax == true || request::ajax()) { return response::json(array($status => true, 'message' => $msg, 'redirect' => $url)); } if ($url && !$msg) { //如果有url地址但是没有信息输出则直接跳转 return redirect::action($url); } $this->setLayoutFlag('splash'); $pagedata['msg'] = $msg; return $this->page('topm/splash/error.html', $pagedata); }
public function update() { $noticeid = $_POST["notice_id"]; $noticemdl = app::get("sysshop")->model("shop_notice"); $notice = $noticemdl->getRow("*", array("notice_id" => $noticeid)); $notice["is_read"] = true; try { $noticemdl->save($notice); $ajaxdata["result"] = "success"; return response::json($ajaxdata); } catch (Exception $e) { $ajaxdata["result"] = "error"; return response::json($ajaxdata); } }
public static function latest_post() { $cache = kirby()->cache()->get(''); if (!is_null($cache)) { return response::json($cache); } $response = remote::get(url::build(array('scheme' => static::$graph_scheme, 'host' => static::$graph_host, 'fragments' => array(c::get(''), 'posts'), 'query' => array('access_token' => c::get('facebook.accesstoken'), 'limit' => 1)))); if ($response->content) { // parse json string $data = str::parse($response->content)['data'][0]; $return = array('text' => $data['message'], 'picture' => $data['picture'], 'timestamp' => strtotime($data['updated_time']), 'time_formatted' => strftime('%d. %B %G', strtotime($data['updated_time'])), 'link' => $data['link']); // set cache for 10 minutes kirby()->cache()->set('', $return, 10); } else { return false; } return $return; }
public function update_user(userUpdateRequest $request, $id) { $user_data = userRegister::findorfail($id); if ($user_data) { $user_data->fb_id = $request->get('fb_id'); $user_data->full_name = $request->get('full_name'); $user_data->mobile_no = $request->get('mobile_no'); $user_data->email = $request->get('email'); $user_data->dob = $request->get('dob'); $user_data->gender = $request->get('gender'); $user_data->zone = $request->get('zone'); $user_data->district = $request->get('district'); $user_data->location = $request->get('location'); $user_data->save(); $result = response::json(array('result' => 'success'))->header('Content-type', 'application/json'); } else { $result = response::json(array('result' => 'Errors'))->header('Content-type', 'application/json'); } return $result; die; }
/** * 异步获取数据 图表用 * @param null * @return array */ public function ajaxTrade() { $postData = input::get(); //api的参数 $all = $this->__getParams('graphall', $postData, 'trade'); /* $tradetype= $postData['trade']; $sendtype = $postData['sendtype']; $compare = $postData['compare']; if($sendtype=='selecttime') { $filter = array( 'starttime'=>$postData['starttime'], 'endtime'=>$postData['endtime'] ); } if($sendtype=='select') { $filter = array( 'starttime' => $postData['starttime'], ); }*/ $datas = app::get('topshop')->rpcCall('', $all, 'seller'); //echo '<pre>';print_r($datas);exit(); return response::json($datas); /*if($sendtype == 'yesterday' || $sendtype == 'beforday') { $data = $dataInfo['commonday']; } else { $data = $dataInfo; } return response::json($datas);*/ }
/** * 根据父类id获取子类列表 * @return json */ public function getChildrenCatList() { $a = input::get(); $catId = intval(input::get('cat_id')); $shopid = intval(input::get('shopid')); if ($catId) { $catPralist = app::get("syscategory")->model('cat')->getRow("*", array("cat_id" => $catId)); if ($catPralist["cat_name"] == "其他") { $catList = app::get("syscategory")->model('cat')->getList("*", array("parent_id" => $catId, "belong" => $shopid)); foreach ($catList as $key => $value) { $newList[$key] = array('value' => $value['cat_id'], 'text' => $value['cat_name'], 'hasChild' => $value['child_count'] > 0 ? true : false); } } else { $catList = app::get('toputil')->rpcCall('', array('parent_id' => $catId, 'fields' => 'cat_id,cat_name,child_count')); foreach ($catList as $key => $value) { $newList[$key] = array('value' => $value['cat_id'], 'text' => $value['cat_name'], 'hasChild' => $value['child_count'] > 0 ? true : false); } } $data['data']['options'] = $newList; } else { $data = array(); } return response::json($data); }
<?php //return url of next test echo response::json(['url' => $url]);
public function ajaxGetBrand($cat_id) { $params['shop_id'] = $this->shopId; $params['cat_id'] = input::get('cat_id'); $brand = app::get('topshop')->rpcCall('', $params); if (!$brand) { return $this->splash('error', null, '当前类目不支持产品发布,请联系平台开启此权限', true); } return response::json($brand); exit; }
public function ajaxItemShow() { $postdata = input::get(); $pagedata = $this->__getItems($postdata); if (!$pagedata) { $data['error'] = true; return response::json($data); exit; } $data['html'] = view::make('topm/list/itemlist/itemshow.html', $pagedata)->render(); $data['pagers'] = $pagedata['pagers']; $data['success'] = true; return response::json($data); exit; }
function splash($status = 'success', $url = null, $msg = null, $method = 'redirect', $params = array()) { $default = array($status => $msg ? $msg : app::get('desktop')->_('操作成功'), $method => $url); $arr = array_merge($default, $params, array('splash' => true)); response::json($arr)->send(); exit; }
public function searchItem() { $shopId = $this->shopId; $catId = input::get('catId'); $brandId = input::get('brandId'); $keywords = input::get('searchname'); $couponId = input::get('couponId'); if ($brandId) { $searchParams = array('shop_id' => $shopId, 'cat_id' => $catId, 'brand_id' => $brandId, 'search_keywords' => $keywords, 'page_size' => 1000); } else { $searchParams = array('shop_id' => $shopId, 'cat_id' => $catId, 'search_keywords' => $keywords, 'page_size' => 1000); } $searchParams['fields'] = 'item_id,title,image_default_id,price'; $itemsList = app::get('topshop')->rpcCall('', $searchParams); $pagedata['itemsList'] = $itemsList['list']; $pagedata['image_default_id'] = app::get('image')->getConf('image.set'); if ($couponId) { $objMdlCouponItem = app::get('syspromotion')->model('coupon_item'); $notEndItem = $objMdlCouponItem->getList('item_id', array('canuse_end_time|than' => time(), 'coupon_id' => $couponId)); $pagedata['notEndItem'] = array_column($notEndItem, 'item_id'); } else { $pagedata['notEndItem'] = array(); } return response::json($pagedata); }
<?php kirby()->routes([['pattern' => 'locations/json', 'action' => function () { $data = []; foreach (page('locations')->children()->visible() as $city) { $data['cities'][$city->uid()] = ['name' => $city->title()->toString(), 'state' => $city->state()->toString(), 'airports' => (new \collection($city->airports()->yaml()))->pluck('code'), 'lat' => (new \collection($city->location()->split(',')))->first(), 'lng' => (new \collection($city->location()->split(',')))->last(), 'rep' => $city->rep()->toString()]; foreach ($city->airports()->toStructure() as $airport) { $data['locations'][] = ['title' => $airport->name()->toString(), 'airportCode' => $airport->code()->toString(), 'rep' => $city->rep()->toString()]; } } foreach (page('reps')->children()->visible() as $rep) { $data['reps'][$rep->uid()] = ['name' => $rep->title()->toString(), 'email' => $rep->email()->toString(), 'phone' => $rep->phone()->toString()]; } return response::json($data); }]]);
/* Custom Panel Stylesheet --------------------------------------- Define a custom stylesheet to load in to the panel. See: */ c::set('panel.stylesheet', 'assets/css/panel.css'); /* Kirby Configuration --------------------------------------- By default you don't have to configure anything to make Kirby work. For more fine-grained configuration please check out and */ // Routes // c::set('routes', array(array('pattern' => '(:any)', 'method' => 'ALL', 'action' => function ($path) { if (!r::ajax()) { header::notfound(); return site()->visit($path); } $page = page($path); $has_api_method = method_exists($page, 'api'); return response::json(array('has_api_method' => $has_api_method)); }), array('pattern' => 'get/users.json', 'method' => 'ALL', 'action' => function () { // if(!r::ajax()) { // return header::forbidden(); // } // $users = site()->users()->toArray(); // $r = array_combine($users,site()->users()->toArray()); // format for kirby select field return response::json(array("first" => 'Rafe', "middle" => 'Jackson', "last" => 'Goldberg')); })));
public function ajaxTradeShow() { $postdata = input::get(); $pagedata = $this->__getTrade($postdata); $data['html'] = view::make('topm/member/trade/listitem.html', $pagedata)->render(); $data['pagers'] = $pagedata['pagers']; $data['success'] = true; return response::json($data); exit; }
/** * Generate the controller response. * * @param string $msg Optional message to send with the response. * @param integer $code Response code to send. * @param array $data Data to return. * * @return Response */ protected function response($msg, $code, $data) { if (!r::is('ajax')) { return $this->redirect('back', $data); } $response = array('status' => 'error', 'data' => $data, 'code' => $code, 'message' => $msg); return response::json($response, $code); }
/** * @brief 会员地址编辑 * * @return html */ public function ajaxAddrUpdate() { $params['addr_id'] = input::get('addr_id'); $params['user_id'] = userAuth::id(); $addrInfo = app::get('topc')->rpcCall('', $params); list($regions, $region_id) = explode(':', $addrInfo['area']); $addrInfo['area'] = $regions; $addrInfo['region_id'] = str_replace('/', ',', $region_id); return response::json($addrInfo); }
kirby()->hook('panel.file.sort', function ($file) use($gitHelper) { $gitHelper->kirbyChange('sort(file): ' . $file->page()->uri() . '/' . $file->filename()); }); kirby()->hook('panel.file.delete', function ($file) use($gitHelper) { $gitHelper->kirbyChange('delete(file): ' . $file->page()->uri() . '/' . $file->filename()); }); if (c::get('gcapc-cron-hooks-enabled', true)) { kirby()->routes(array(array('pattern' => 'gcapc/(:any)', 'action' => function ($gitCommand) use($gitHelper) { switch ($gitCommand) { case "push": try { $gitHelper->push(); echo response::json(array("status" => "success", "data" => null, "message" => "successfully pulled the content folder")); } catch (Exception $e) { echo response::json(array("status" => "error", "data" => null, "message" => $e->getMessage())); } break; case "pull": try { $gitHelper->pull(); echo response::json(array("status" => "success", "data" => null, "message" => "successfully pushed the content folder")); } catch (Exception $e) { echo response::json(array("status" => "error", "data" => null, "message" => $e->getMessage())); } break; } }))); } if (c::get('gcapc-panel-widget', true)) { $kirby->set('widget', 'git-commit-and-push-content', __DIR__ . DS . 'widgets' . DS . 'git-commit-and-push-content'); }