function article_list($start, $limit, $sort_by = "article_id DESC", $where = "", $article_details = 0) { global $database, $user, $owner; // BEGIN QUERY $article_query = "SELECT se_articles.*, se_articlecats.articlecat_title, count(articlecomment_id) AS total_comments"; // IF NO USER ID SPECIFIED, RETRIEVE USER INFORMATION if($this->user_id == 0) { $article_query .= ", se_users.user_id, se_users.user_username, se_users.user_photo, se_users.user_fname, se_users.user_lname "; } // CONTINUE QUERY $article_query .= " FROM se_articles LEFT JOIN se_articlecats ON se_articles.article_articlecat_id=se_articlecats.articlecat_id LEFT JOIN se_articlecomments ON se_articles.article_id=se_articlecomments.articlecomment_article_id"; // IF NO USER ID SPECIFIED, JOIN TO USER TABLE if($this->user_id == 0) { $article_query .= " LEFT JOIN se_users ON se_articles.article_user_id=se_users.user_id"; } // ADD WHERE IF NECESSARY if($where != "" | $this->user_id != 0) { $article_query .= " WHERE"; } // ENSURE USER ID IS NOT EMPTY if($this->user_id != 0) { $article_query .= " article_user_id='".$this->user_id."'"; } // INSERT AND IF NECESSARY if($this->user_id != 0 & $where != "") { $article_query .= " AND"; } // ADD WHERE CLAUSE, IF NECESSARY if($where != "") { $article_query .= " $where"; } // ADD GROUP BY, ORDER, AND LIMIT CLAUSE $article_query .= " GROUP BY article_id ORDER BY $sort_by LIMIT $start, $limit"; // RUN QUERY $articleentries = $database->database_query($article_query); $rc_tag = new rc_articletag(); // GET BLOG ENTRIES INTO AN ARRAY $article_array = Array(); while($article_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($articleentries)) { // CREATE OBJECT FOR EVENT $article = new rc_article($article_info[user_id]); $article->article_exists = 1; $article->article_info= $article_info; // CONVERT HTML CHARACTERS BACK //$article_body = str_replace("\r\n", "", html_entity_decode($article_info[article_body])); // IF NO USER ID SPECIFIED, CREATE OBJECT FOR AUTHOR if($this->user_id == 0) { $author = new se_user(); $author->user_exists = 1; $author->user_info[user_id] = $article_info[user_id]; $author->user_info[user_username] = $article_info[user_username]; $author->user_info[user_photo] = $article_info[user_photo]; $author->user_info[user_fname] = $article_info[user_fname]; $author->user_info[user_lname] = $article_info[user_lname]; // OTHERWISE, SET AUTHOR TO OWNER/LOGGED-IN USER } elseif($owner->user_exists != 0 & $owner->user_info[user_id] == $article_info[article_user_id]) { $author = $owner; } elseif($user->user_exists != 0 & $user->user_info[user_id] == $article_info[article_user_id]) { $author = $user; } $author->user_displayname(); // SET EVENT ARRAY $article_array[] = Array('article' => $article, 'tags' => $rc_tag->get_object_tags($article_info['article_id']), 'article_author' => $author); } // RETURN ARRAY return $article_array; } // END article_list() METHOD
include "footer.php"; } if(isset($_POST['articlecat_id'])) { $articlecat_id = $_POST['articlecat_id']; } elseif(isset($_GET['articlecat_id'])) { $articlecat_id = $_GET['articlecat_id']; } else { $articlecat_id = ""; } if(isset($_POST['p'])) { $p = $_POST['p']; } elseif(isset($_GET['p'])) { $p = $_GET['p']; } else { $p = 1; } $keyword = rc_toolkit::get_request('keyword'); $f = rc_toolkit::get_request('f'); $tag = rc_toolkit::get_request('tag'); // CREATE ARTICLE OBJECT $now = time(); $current_time = time(); $article = new rc_article(); $rc_tag = new rc_articletag(); $criterias = array( "article_approved = '1'", "article_draft = '0'", "article_search= '1'" ); if ($owner->user_exists) { $criterias[] = "article_user_id = '{$owner->user_info['user_id']}'"; } if (strlen($keyword)) { $criterias[] = "(article_title LIKE '%$keyword%' OR article_body LIKE '%$keyword%')"; } if ($f == 1) { $criterias[] = "article_featured = '1'";
$comments = $comment->comment_list(0, 10); // CHECK IF USER IS ALLOWED TO COMMENT $allowed_to_comment = 1; if(!($privacy_max & $rc_article->article_info[article_comments])) { $allowed_to_comment = 0; } // SHOW FILES IN THIS ALBUM $articlealbum_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($database->database_query("SELECT articlealbum_id FROM se_articlealbums WHERE articlealbum_article_id='".$rc_article->article_info[article_id]."' LIMIT 1")); $total_files = $rc_article->article_media_total($articlealbum_info[articlealbum_id]); $file_array = $rc_article->article_media_list(0, 5, "RAND()", "(articlemedia_articlealbum_id='$articlealbum_info[articlealbum_id]')"); $rc_article->article_info[article_body] = str_replace("\r\n", "", html_entity_decode($rc_article->article_info[article_body])); $rc_tag = new rc_articletag(); $article_tags = $rc_tag->get_object_tags($article_id); // ASSIGN VARIABLES AND DISPLAY ARTICLE PAGE $smarty->assign('article', $rc_article); $smarty->assign('articleowner_info', $articleowner_info); $smarty->assign('article_category', $article_category); $smarty->assign('parent_category', $parent_category); $smarty->assign('comments', $comments); $smarty->assign('total_comments', $total_comments); $smarty->assign('article_tags', $article_tags); $smarty->assign('is_article_private', $is_article_private); $smarty->assign('allowed_to_comment', $allowed_to_comment); $smarty->assign('files', $file_array); $smarty->assign('total_files', $total_files); include "footer.php";
// CHECK THAT SEARCH IS NOT BLANK if($user->level_info[level_article_search] == 0) { $article_search = 1; } $article_approved = ($user->level_info[level_article_approved] == 0) ? 1 : 0; // IF NO ERROR, SAVE ARTICLE if($is_error == 0) { $article_date_start = ($article_draft == 0) ? time() : 0; if($subarticlecat_id != 0) { $articlecat_id = $subarticlecat_id; } $article_id = $new_article->article_create($article_title, $article_body, $articlecat_id, $article_date_start, $article_draft, $article_approved, $article_search, $article_privacy, $article_comments); if ($article_id > 0) { $rc_tag = new rc_articletag(); $rc_tag->update_object_tags($article_id, $article_tags); } // INSERT ACTION if ($article_approved == 1 and $article_draft == 0) { $article_title_short = $article_title; if(strlen($article_title_short) > 100) { $article_title_short = substr($article_title_short, 0, 97); $article_title_short .= "..."; } $actions->actions_add($user, "newarticle", Array($user->user_info[user_username], $user->user_displayname, $article_id, $article_title_short, date("F j, Y, g:i a",$article_date_start)), Array(), 0, FALSE, "user", $user->user_info[user_id], $article_privacy); } header("Location: user_article_edit.php?article_id=$article_id&justadded=1"); exit(); } }
<? $page = "user_article_edit"; include "header.php"; if($user->level_info[level_article_allow] == 0) { header("Location: user_home.php"); exit(); } if(isset($_POST['article_id'])) { $article_id = $_POST['article_id']; } elseif(isset($_GET['article_id'])) { $article_id = $_GET['article_id']; } else { $article_id = 0; } if(isset($_POST['task'])) { $task = $_POST['task']; } elseif(isset($_GET['task'])) { $task = $_GET['task']; } else { $task = "main"; } if(isset($_POST['justadded'])) { $justadded = $_POST['justadded']; } elseif(isset($_GET['justadded'])) { $justadded = $_GET['justadded']; } else { $justadded = ""; } // INITIALIZE ARTICLE OBJECT $article = new rc_article($user->user_info[user_id], $article_id); $rc_tag = new rc_articletag(); if($article->article_exists == 0) { header("Location: user_article.php"); exit(); } if($article->article_info[article_user_id] != $user->user_info[user_id]) { header("Location: user_article.php"); exit(); } // SET ERROR VARIABLES $is_error = 0; $result = 0; $error_message = ""; // GET PRIVACY SETTINGS $level_article_privacy = unserialize($user->level_info[level_article_privacy]); rsort($level_article_privacy); $level_article_comments = unserialize($user->level_info[level_article_comments]); rsort($level_article_comments); // CHECK FOR ADMIN ALLOWANCE OF PHOTO if($article->articleowner_level_info[level_article_photo] == 0 & ($task == "remove" | $task == "upload")) { $task = "main"; }