function traverse_tree_down(&$mymenu_content, $category_id = '0', $level = '0')
     static $ibg = -1;
     global $db, $module, $mosConfig_live_site;
     $query = "SELECT category_name as cname, category_id as cid, category_child_id as ccid " . "FROM #__{vm}_category as a, #__{vm}_category_xref as b " . "WHERE a.category_publish='Y' AND " . " b.category_parent_id='{$category_id}' AND a.category_id=b.category_child_id " . "ORDER BY category_parent_id, list_order, category_name ASC";
     $categories = $db->record;
     if (!($categories == null)) {
         $i = 1;
         $numCategories = count($categories);
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             $Treeid = $ibg == 0 ? 1 : $ibg;
             $itemid = isset($_REQUEST['Itemid']) ? '&Itemid=' . intval($_REQUEST['Itemid']) : "";
             $mymenu_content .= str_repeat("\t", $level - 1);
             if ($level > 1 && $i == 1) {
                 $mymenu_content .= ",";
             $mymenu_content .= "['" . addslashes($category->cname);
             $mymenu_content .= ps_product_category::products_in_category($category->cid);
             $mymenu_content .= "','" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?option=com_virtuemart&page=product.product_category_form&category_id=' . $category->cid . "'\n ";
             $q = "SELECT #__{vm}_product.product_name,#__{vm}_product.product_id FROM #__{vm}_product, #__{vm}_product_category_xref ";
             $q .= "WHERE #__{vm}_product.product_id=#__{vm}_product_category_xref.product_id ";
             $q .= "AND #__{vm}_product_category_xref.category_id='" . $category->cid . "' ";
             $q .= "ORDER BY #__{vm}_product.product_name";
             $products = $db->record;
             $xx = 1;
             if (count($products) > 0) {
                 $mymenu_content .= ",\n";
             foreach ($products as $product) {
                 // get name and link (just to save space in the code later on)
                 $mymenu_content .= str_repeat("\t", $level) . "['" . addslashes($product->product_name);
                 $url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?option=com_virtuemart&page=product.product_form&product_id=' . $product->product_id;
                 $mymenu_content .= "','" . $url . "']";
                 if ($xx++ < sizeof($products)) {
                     $mymenu_content .= ",\n";
                 } else {
                     $mymenu_content .= "\n";
             /* recurse through the subcategories */
             $this->traverse_tree_down($mymenu_content, $category->ccid, $level);
             $mymenu_content .= str_repeat("\t", $level - 1);
             /* let's see if the loop has reached its end */
             if ($i == sizeof($categories) && $level == 1) {
                 $mymenu_content .= "]\n";
             } else {
                 $mymenu_content .= "],\n";
     } else {
Beispiel #2
 function traverse_tree_down(&$mymenu_content, $category_id = '0', $level = '0')
     static $ibg = -1;
     global $mosConfig_live_site, $sess;
     $db = new ps_DB();
     $query = "SELECT category_name, category_id, category_child_id " . "FROM #__{vm}_category as a, #__{vm}_category_xref as b " . "WHERE a.category_publish='Y' AND " . " b.category_parent_id='{$category_id}' AND a.category_id=b.category_child_id " . "ORDER BY category_parent_id, list_order, category_name ASC";
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         $Treeid = $ibg == 0 ? 1 : $ibg;
         $itemid = '&Itemid=' . $sess->getShopItemid();
         $mymenu_content .= ",\n[null,'" . $db->f("category_name", false);
         $mymenu_content .= ps_product_category::products_in_category($db->f("category_id"));
         $mymenu_content .= "','" . sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=' . $db->f("category_id") . $itemid . "&TreeId={$Treeid}") . "','_self','" . $db->f("category_name", false) . "'\n ";
         /* recurse through the subcategories */
         $this->traverse_tree_down($mymenu_content, $db->f("category_child_id"), $level);
         /* let's see if the loop has reached its end */
         $mymenu_content .= "]";
// so: for the rest of this module track if this menu contains the selected item
// Default value: first node (=baseid), but not selected
$opento = $baseid;
$opento_selected = "false";
// what do you know... the first node was selected
if ($baseid == $openid) {
    $opento_selected = "true";
$target = "";
// create the first node, parent is always -1
$menu_htmlcode .= "{$tree}.add(\"{$baseid}\",\"-1\",\"{$basename}\",\"{$baselink}\",\"\",\"{$target}\");\n";
// process each of the nodes
while ($db->next_record()) {
    // get name and link (just to save space in the code later on)
    $name = htmlentities($db->f("category_name"), ENT_QUOTES, vmGetCharset()) . ps_product_category::products_in_category($db->f("category_id"));
    $url = $sess->url($mm_action_url . "index.php?page=shop.browse&category_id=" . $db->f("category_id"));
    $menu_htmlcode .= "{$tree}.add(\"" . $db->f("category_id") . "\",\"" . $db->f("category_parent_id") . "\",\"{$name}\",\"{$url}\",\"\",\"{$target}\");\n";
    // if this node is the selected node
    if ($db->f("category_id") == $openid) {
        $opento = $openid;
        $opento_selected = "true";
$menu_htmlcode .= "document.write({$tree});\n";
$menu_htmlcode .= $openAll == "true" ? "{$tree}.openAll();\n" : "{$tree}.closeAll();\n";
$menu_htmlcode .= "{$tree}.openTo(\"{$opento}\",\"{$opento_selected}\");\n";
$menu_htmlcode .= "</script>\n";
$menu_htmlcode .= "<noscript>\n";
$menu_htmlcode .= $ps_product_category->get_category_tree($category_id, $class_mainlevel);
$menu_htmlcode .= "</noscript>\n";
  * Creates a link list to subcategories of category $category_id
  * @param int $category_id
  * @param string $css_class The CSS to be applied to the link
  * @return string HTML code
 function get_subcategory($category_id, $css_class = "")
     global $sess;
     $ps_vendor_id = $_SESSION["ps_vendor_id"];
     if ($css_class != "") {
         $class = "class=\"{$css_class}\"";
     } else {
         $class = "";
     $db = new ps_DB();
     $q = "SELECT category_id, category_child_id,category_name FROM #__{vm}_category,#__{vm}_category_xref ";
     $q .= "WHERE #__{vm}_category_xref.category_parent_id='{$category_id}' ";
     $q .= "AND #__{vm}_category.category_id=#__{vm}_category_xref.category_child_id ";
     //$q .= "AND #__{vm}_category.vendor_id='$ps_vendor_id' ";
     $q .= "AND #__{vm}_category.category_publish='Y' ";
     $q .= "ORDER BY #__{vm}_category.list_order, #__{vm}_category.category_name ASC";
     $html = "";
     $nbsp = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         $html .= "<a style=\"display:block;\" class=\"sublevel\" title=\"" . $db->f("category_name") . "\" href=\"";
         $html .= $sess->url(URL . "index.php?page=shop.browse&root={$category_id}&category_id=" . $db->f("category_child_id"));
         $html .= "\" {$class}>{$nbsp}" . $db->f("category_name");
         $html .= ps_product_category::products_in_category($db->f("category_child_id"));
         $html .= "</a>\n";
     return $html;